
Chapter 11: Permanent Mega and Ditto!

*thump* "Ahhh, This is the best! This couch is much softer than the one in the living room, Plus with this fresh Air thanks to the world tree sapling, i cant help but feel sleepy." I said in comfort as i felt the softness of the couch i am sitting upon back in the lobby Area.

Yup! I decided to move here because my thighs are metaphorically tired from standing too much.

Now where was I? *Yawn* God im feeling sleepy again...Maybe i should take a nap? I mean we have all the time that we need since i already set the time in the Poke-farm to be 10X faster than the outside world.

"So it's decided! I'll go sleep!" After Stating those words, I laid down on the sofa before the land of dream slowly took me away...



An hour later.

*Yawwn* I yawned as i woke up from one of the best, no, the best sleep and decision i made currently.

"Mhm...that was the best sleep i ever had"

I praised myself before Deciding to finish what i was doing before

" Yosh! Now that my battery is fully charged, Its time to continue what i was doing back then..Which is...Oh yea! Checking wether Mega Stones are available and if theres a way for the Mega evolution to be possible."

I once again, opened up the poke-mall tab in  the system and searched "Mega Evolution" in the search bar, which showed me 6 items.


                      [Mega Evolution]

*Mega Evolution (Book)

*Guide to Mega Evolution (Book)

*Gene Stabilizer

*Key Stone

*Mysterious Tablet

*Reversion Liquid.


Sadly, there was no mega-stones, Nevertheless, the items on the list are all intriguing if i must say.

Especially the "Gene stabilizer","Mysterious Tablet", and "Reversion Liquid".

I tried checking out the 3 items information and this is what i got.


                     [Gene Stabilizer]

A substance that was created in one of the more advanced Pokemon world.

Its effects are:

if ingested by a Pokemon,It stabilize their genes, thus making them unchangeable.



It was made by a Genius scientist as an alternative, to make permanent mega evolution available to humanity.

Although the serum worked, the serum was not a perfect alternative and has its drawbacks compared to the all natural Permanent Mega evolution.

those drawbacks being that the Pokemon will loose the Ability to use "Reversion"

which makes them weaker than a Permanent Natural Mega Evolved Pokemon.



Price:69,690 SP


Turns out there are ways to get Permanent Mega evolution, and this serum is one of them.

Though there are drawbacks, Like how its weaker than a natural Pokemon who naturally got a permanent mega evolution.

Its still better than the temporary one, which would inflict pain upon the Pokemon.

Plus! with this second item the drawbacks would be gone!


               [Reversion Liquid]

A liquid that would make the Pokemon who that ingested it enter the "Reversion stage", In exchange for an upgrade for their potential.

It was made by the same scientist who created the "Gene Stabilizer" in his later years after he discovered the reason why the Wild Pokemon who mega evolved naturally was stronger than their artificial counterpart, which was how the Wild Pokemon enter in a "Reversion Stage".


Price:55,555 SP


????? Note:Reversion Will basically make the Pokemon become a baby version of themselves, NOT previous evolution like Charizard - Charmander, But Charizard - Baby Charizard.. Because once a pokemon mega evolved permanently they would loose the gene allows Evolution.

And Pokemon can only Enter the Reversion stage Once!

Its basically Arceus' Gift of Chance for those Pokemon who was unfortunately born with a bad potential, and the Stronger they were before they Entered the Reversion Stage, the higher their potential would be enhanced.

Every Pokemon are capable of Reversion Once they reached the minimum strength needed for the Reversion, which is Expert.

Whoops! I might have given you too much clue... I'll stop and go now.

This is a one-time thing Okay?

So don't tell other admins.




"Okay now thats strange, do Admin's really watch me from time to time? Hopefully not..Right?"


Let's Continue. Basically the reversion liquid fixes the problem of those pokemon who got Permanent Mega evolution through artificial means, whom lost the ability to enter Reversion naturally.

anyways, lets continue on the last item.


                [Mysterious Tablet]

An Ancient tablet that holds the methods of natural mega evolution.





Thats basically it, and the price is expensive as well, so i wont be able to afford this for a loong time...

Its too bad, there wasn't a Single Stock of Mega stones, there is a keystone but it would be useless without the Mega stones.

and as for the two books about mega evolution...Im tempted to buy them but i dont have a lot of SP to buy it, i would rather use my SP to refill the shop than to buy that.

Hell i haven't even got a starter yet, so it would be a long time till i buy these.

And speaking of getting a starter....

"Inventory" I muttered..



[????? Trial Ground]

[Random Pokemon Starter]

[Shop Renovation Ticket]



[Rottom-Phone (Uniqe)]



[Full Bottle(Pure)]

System points:1100


I stared at my current System points, and sigh.."It will be a long time till i make my idea a reality"

I would need to sell a lot of pokemon, because the exchange ratio for money to system points is 100:1 and thats in U.C or United Credits, the sole currency all around the world.

I mean, Even though i forgot most of my memories in my past life, i could still remember stuff like Currency, and others, because its shown in most anime, Novels, and Manga, and other shows that ive seen, even news, basically i only forgot all the things related to my past-personal life .

But I'll talk about all of that later my audiences, Admins perhaps?. Right now,

its time to get my starter Pokemon!

I tapped on the [Random Pokemon Starter],

and a System winow popped up.


   [Recieve the Random Pokemon Starter?]

                      [Yes]    [No]


"Yes Please!" I exclaimed as i tapped on the [Yes] button.

And just as i tapped the [Yes] button, a blinding light greeted me which forced me to close my eyes— thankfully the light subsided a second later, and as my eyes opened, i was greeted with a plain blue egg.

"????..I thought i would receive an already hatched egg...maybe a PokeBall which contains my Starter?"I asked, a little confused but shrugged my shoulder after because it kinda fits with how the Shop would move on..

"Hm? Theres also a PokeBall?" I wondered as i looked towards the new item in my inventory. "MiMic Ball?, I'll check that out later! for now, lets see what Pokemon we got! shall we?"

"Appraisal."I used appraisal on the egg in my hand.


                      [?????? Egg]


           [Recommended Area:Neutral]

            [Hatching time:68 seconds]

               Info:Hatch it to know!



*twitch* *Sigh*

"Another Admin again?, Well im not that mad, since this is a gift from them and all."I said after heaving a sigh.

"To the daycare we go!"I exclaimed as i stood up and walked towards one of the lobby doors that leads toward the Daycare.

As i walked towards the the neutral area, i kept checking the empty areas in the daycare to check how much i need to unlock each zones.. And oh boy, its expensive as hell, the lowest is 10k SP for Ice, while a whooping 200k SP for the dragon Area, as the highest, and Psychic got the second place with 169K SP.

Ah! Ive arrived at last at the neutral zone,

now lets just put the egg in one of the nest-

here we go!

"And were done! Now, to wait for 66 second"

I muttered. I then started a countdown in my mind.












"One." As i uttered the number 1.

The egg suddenly shined, it was not a blinding light like before, instead it's a soothing shine this time.

The egg stopped shining a few second later and then it started to crack..

*crack* *crack*

The crack slowly but surely filled the whole egg, then a few second later, the egg broke,

and revealed a blue slime like Pokemon.

"It...It.. Can't Be!"I muttered in disbelief, seeing this blue Pokemon which statted to crawl towards me after noticing my existence.

The Pokemon isn't round like a slime per see, its body lookes like a spit out gum instead, with two black beady eyes and a derpy, smiling face.

Yes! The Pokemon that hatched srom the egg, and would become my partner is a Ditto! And not just any Ditto.

"Ditto....and Shiny to boot?" 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!' I screamed in happiness inside my head as i stare at the cute and adorable Baby Ditto..

I crouched down and Offered my hand towards him, hoping for him to standon it.

Which he did!!!

My arms were shuddering as i lifted him with my palm, before i started walking out the Daycare, slowly and steadily back towarss the lobby.

"Dittoo?" Ditto said as he looked around in the new environment.

meanwhile, I was grinning like a fool as i carried Ditto towards the couch that i slept in before..

Why wouldn't i be? Ditto is probably one of my most favourite Pokemon in the anime.

I mean they just look cute with that derpy face of theirs, and They can Shape-shift!

Though i wish its this little guy can also shape shift as normal animals and not just pokemon.

As soon as i reached the sofa, i sat down snd put ditto on the couch besides me..

I then stared at him, and he stared at me back.

"Ditto?"It said as he looked at me with a smile.

'C-cute!!'I muttered in my head.

*cough*"Hello bud! My name is Zeke, and I'll be your partner starting today! So take care of me kay?" I introduced myself, smiling as i did.

"Di-tto~"Ditto replied with stars in his eyes, before it started to walk/crawl? towards me, and seeing him do that, made me pick him up and just hug him softly which Ditto responded with a hug as well, before saying. "Ditto~!".

Such Bliss! Having your own pokemon is the best! I can totally understand why Ash loved Pikachu soo much!

It feels as if a bond just formed between us even if we haven't really met each other that long.



A minute later, Ditto who was just born not too long ago is already developing! It can now walk well, and even jump!

And right now Ditto is drinking Moomoo milk that ive purchased from the Poke-mall with 1SP using a straw.

"How is it?" I asked him, which he responded with "Ditto-Ditto!"

"Glad you like it!"I said, full of smile..Before looking back on Ditto's Status using appraisal.



Age:2 minutes.



*Ability: Limber(Maxed),Imposter(Max), Protean(5%)

*Talent: Perfect Copy(3%)

*Potential: Epic/Violet

*Rank: Beginner-Baby










Novice: Transformation,Tackle






The stats is the same as i have imagined, though there are a few surprises, One being Ditto having Protean ability which has the ability to alter a Pokemon's Typing depending on the move used.

and paired with the second thing i am surprised of, Ditto would become Broken in terms of strength in the future, The thing i was surprised about is the existence of talents which was completely unheard in the anime and games.

Still its a welcomed surprise for me! Especially since Ditto's Talent is Awsome!


Perfect Copy: Perfectly Copies the Pokemon/Animals Ditto Transforms into, From Typing, Appearance, Moves, and even Stats when trained fully.

Though Ditto will also act, the same as the Pokemon/animal he transforms into, Just like a perfect imposter.

Ditto will have the ability to Copy Moves easily from other pokemon, especially for the Pokemon he transformed into.

Previously Copied Pokemon will be remembered, which would allow Ditto to turn into the previous Copied pokemon even without it nearby as a reference.

Currently, With Ditto's Proficiency in his Talent he can only Copy The Target's appearance and typing perfectly, Ditto can also currently copy 4 of the target's Pokemon Move Temporarily.


Can only copy a pokemon perfectly, in the same Rank.


Isnt that pretty Broken?!? I mean sure right now its not that developed yet, but in the future if its fully developed Ditto can just transform into a, lets say Aggron! And he would literally copy everything from that Aggron! From its weight,Armor,Streng, hell even its Stats and Moves! Albeit Temporarily.

Still! Isnt that great!

"Ditto is Amazing!!"I Exclaimed which got Ditto's Attention, and he looked towards me, and tilted his head, and said "To~?".

Seeing him like that just makes me wanna cuddle him, but i persevered and held myself back before saying "Its nothin, I was just thinking how lucky i am to have you as my first Pokemon partner"

It earned me another "Ditto~" from him, before he went back to drink his moomoo milk.


AN:This gonna be the last chapter...Imma need to stack some more for a while...Like 7-10 chaps or so, before I post again..

Don't forget to leave some reviews on what you think of the book! Would really appreciate it if you do!

Power stones are also always welcome!

that's all! See ya later!