
Chapter 10:The shop:Lobby

After gazing and appreciating the last Painting, I Opened up the Door besides it and Entered.

And as i entered i was greeted Upon by a Tree sapling, with bioluminescent leaves that glows with diffirent Colors, from the primary Colors to the Tertiary Colors.

And for some reason, After i entered the room, I Inhaled upon the most Freshest Air there is, and it made me relax a lot. and Even the headache that still persisted as i woke up today was cured upon inhaling the Air.

And with its looks and ability there's only one tree i could think of that would do that...

"The World Tree ..." I muttered marveling upon the tiny tree sapling .

"That explains it....and if the info i got on that guidebook is right, World Tree would bear fruit upon nearing maturity, which would turn into a celibi that would become it's Guardian untill it reaches maturity, and If the Tree had enough Essence, it would produce an Avatar which is Xerneas." After saying that, i stopped for a moment before i remembered another related thing.

"Wait...If the World Tree exist, Doesn't that mean that the Cocoon of Death Exist as well?? And if Both the World Tree and Cocoon of Death exist then...The Crystal of Order should not be far as well." I then looked left and right trying to find the two, but i cant seem to see them in the Lobby.

"Maybe its Outside of the shop, somewhere in this Pocket Dimension... Whew, Thankfully I binded the Shop in this Pocket dimension, Because if i did choose to Bind it outside then the world wold go into chaos if the Cocoon of Death and Crystal of Order is ever found." I breathed a sigh of relief after realizing that. Still, it was a bit worrying..

*Sigh*"I'll just leave it to the future me to look for the Crystal and Cocoon"

Deciding to pass on that responsibility to the future me, I continued gazing upon the shop's lobby.

Same with outside,and the tunnel room, the room's paint is just plain white, although the furniture is already coloured, same as the room before.

The room has 4 normal wooden doors, leading to different room, but well explore them later.

Now, other than the four doors there are 2 Entrances Up ahead, the two having a symbol of a PokeBall with different colours

them being red and blue, embedded into their glass door.

The red and blue PokeBall already hinted that the two rooms must be the Poke-Center and Poke-Mart respectively.

I then thought about which room to enter first before deciding to enter the Poke-Center a split second later, because the Poke-Mart would most probably be just a room full of empty shelves and Stands Currently.

Done thinking my next course of action, I walked towards the Glass Door that has a red PokeBall Symbol on it.


The Door parted as i entered, I then gazed around the room and nodded my head in appreciation and nostalgia as the room really looked like the real Poke-Center from the games.

The Poke-Center is not that huge compared to the anime, its just enough to fit the counter where the nurse Joy should wait upon the customer and a few tables and chairs for the customers to sit upon, and a stairway that leads up towards a balcony with a series of doors

Next to the Counter, is another Sliding Glass door, only this time the symbol is of a red cross, signifying that beyond that door is where the pokemon would be healed.

I decided to enter through the glass door, ignoring the rooms above it, which would probably lead to rooms the Nurses could use to rest upon

I was greeted upon rows of doors as i entered, all of them being just Normal wooden doors, There are 11 doors, 5 on the left, 5 on the right, and then another door opposite of the entrance.

I opened one of the doors and just as i thought, it was a patient room, complete with the necessary items to monitor the patient's needs.

I'm guessing that the other nine rooms looks just like this. Why only nine?

Well because the door i am now facing upon has a sign that says "Healing Machines" which im guessing is the machines used to heal in the games.

*Huff*"Hopefully theres a free healing machine.."I said in anticipation and nervousness as i pulled open the door.

A light blinded me for a few seconds before i regained my vision and saw a singular silver colored machine in the room, it has Six slots that seems to be for Pokeballs.

*whew*"Thankfully there is one, else this area would be useless till i buy it from the System Poke-Mall" I said after a sigh of relief.

Done checking the most important item in the Poke-Center, i walked back towards the lobby.

"Yosh! Time to enter the Poke-Mart!"I exclaimed as i walked towards the Sliding door with the blue PokeBall symbol.

And just as I've guessed it was just 4 empty standing shelves, 2 wall shelves,and a counter faving the front of the door.

The standing Shelves has four platforms and each has a sign above them that has the words: "Poke-Feeds","Potions","Pokeballs", and "Vitamins", Respectively.

And as for the wall shelves, the two are protected by a glass cover, and also has a sign that reads as "Pokedex" and "Evo-Items" though once again, all shelves are empty.

I decided to walk towards One of the standing shelves to see what material the shelves are made of.

"Hmmm, so its made using Cement and later covered with plastic to make it look neat, Its also Connected to the floor so theres no risk of it falling down" I muttered, after i touched the shelf.

With my curiosity satisfied, i was gonna leave the standing shelf and look towards the counter when a System window popped up out of nowhere, and what was written in it surprised me.



 [ReStock The Potion Shelf?]

Health Potions:

Potion:5 System Points SP

Super potion:10 SP

Hyper potion:50 SP

Super potion:100 SP

Max potion:500 SP


Status Healing Potions:


Low:10 SP

Med:50 SP

High:100 SP

Max:500 SP


Low:10 SP

Med:50 SP

High:100 SP

Max:500 SP

*Burn Heal:

Low:10 SP

Med:50 SP

High:100 SP

Max:500 Sp

*Ice heal:

Low:10 SP

Med:50 SP

High:100 SP

Max:500 SP

*Paralyze Heal:

Low:10 SP

Med:50 SP

High:100 SP

Max:500 SP

Full heal:

Low:50 SP

Med:250 SP

High:500 SP





"Ohhh! so i can Re-Stock the items here! I thought i needed to manually buy them at the Poke-Mall...Thank God!" I exclaimed in relief as it looks like i wont have to frequently go to the Poke-mall to tock up on the items i would sell here.

"I wish i the Poke-Mall weren't actually a Friggin Real mall!" *Sigh* I exclaimed before sighing, I mean can you blame me?

The system Poke-Mall is literally a Big-Ass mall, and i need to navigate there myself and find what i need, Plus! Im the only one that can go inside the mall, so its scary and eerie, its like im in the back-rooms..

"Oh how i wish, that i could just open a System Window and just scrol or search to find the items i need.."


[The Host's Recommendations was successfully sent to the Admin]




[The Admin accepted the host's Recommendations]



[Successfully Changed the Poke-Mall Format]



[Admin left a message for host: I'll accept your request this time...Since "He" said so, So i complied.]

"What in the.."I was speechless, So there was that function too?

and that message....Who is "He"?

Is "He" the one who i met in that dream?

Too many questions, but too little answers.

I'll just leave that to the future me..

for now, lets check out the new Poke-Mall..





[Shop Status]

[Farm Status]



[World Travel]





Huh, the gacha is still locked..Oh well, nothing i can do about it *shrug*

I then tapped into the [Poke-Mall] and instead of an [Enter] Button appearing, Another System Window appeared.



 What Items are you looking for?



____________________________________________ Admin note: Because "He" asked so, I accepted your request. Although with a condition that ill change how the Mall suply is handled.

So now, you can only buy items that i approved to be displayed.

I'll only allow the System to display all the items again when i think you are worthy.

That is all.

-Admin of Supply.



"Huh,So in exchange for an easy, i mean easier access i could only buy what the Admin of Supply approves...

I mean, that doesn't really change anything, because i cant really buy the things i want.

Im broke..In terms of System Points..Haha" I said before chuckling at the end.

After having that chuckle at the end, i continued trying out the new Poke-Mall.

I tried searching for "Pokemon Eggs" Then a System window popped up next to the search bar and in it are list of Pokemon Eggs that i could buy.


 [Pokemon Eggs]

*Mystery egg

*Catterpie Egg

*Weedle Egg

*Zigzagoon Egg

*Magikarp Egg

*Feebas Egg

*Charmander Egg

*togedemaru Egg

*Houndour Egg

*Meowth egg




*Abra Egg


*Sneasel Egg


In total there are 20 eggs on the list, most of them are not that impressive, but there are five eggs that caught my eyes.

Those eggs being Mystery,Charmander,Abra,Togedemaru, and Sneasel.

The first one, Mystery egg caught my attention because of its info, that being.


 [Mystery Egg]

 Who's that Pokemon?!?

Info:The Mystery egg would hatch into a random pokemon from a common Caterpie to a Pseudo legendary Hatchling like Dratini or Beldum..

Cost: Depends on the Egg potential you buy.







Note:The bought eggs would need to be incubated either in the daycare or a Store Bought Incubator for it to be hatched.

Recommend Zone:Neutral

Hatching time:

5 mins(Daycare)

1 week(Incubator)

Current Stock:







Basically this egg is a Gacha...You never know what you'll get...wait.. this is perfect!

I will sell common and Uncommon Mystery eggs for 15 and 70 system points respectively and then charge them based on the pokemon they get, and if they decide to not buy the hatched Pokemon, I can just keep them and put them inside my Poke-farm.

Though first I'll make some kind of membership where they would need to pay system points monthly!

And as for the perks..

Tier one Members which Costs 50 SP will get.

1.They wouldnt have to pay if they want to heal their pokemon.

2.They can use the Daycare to hatch eggs three times a day for free!(Only for Neutral Area)

3.The members are the only people that can buy eggs that is guaranteed specific pokemon! Like a torchic egg and Rookidee egg.

And as for those that's not a member...The eggs would be priced the same, but! They wont have acces to the Daycare, and if they choose to buy an incubator, it costs 50 SP in the shop, But ill sell it for 100 SP!

So its either Buying a Membership for 50 SP to use the Daycare 3 times daily for free or buy an Incubator that Costs double the membership price which also makes the eggs hatch much much slower than using the Daycare.

And if they did, Buy the membership and hatch it in the Shop's daycare, I can still Charge them for whatever pokemon they got! Though it would depend on the pokemon.

And if they cant afford it or decided they dont want the hatched pokemon, I can just keep them and free them at the Poke-Farm, where they would breed once at the proper age and bring in more eggs!!!

As the idea got more feasible and feasible i couldnt hold back praising myself.

"Im a genius!! WAHAHAHAHA- Cough! Cough!" My laugh echoed throughout the quiet Poke-mart, but my cough as well echoed at the end.

*cough* Ignore that...Whoever is watching me, Admins perhaps? Gods? or Beings outside the fourth wall?

Anyways, thats basically the plan, and i would basically profit a lot with it. Wether they buy the Incubators or buy the shop membership.

and even if people do buy the incubators and get something good, like pseudo legendaries which would reach Expert rank despite having common potential.

I wont still make a loss! because they would bound to come back and become Customers since they would need to buy Food for their pokemon and potions if they dont want to heal in the pokemon center.

plus! if they want their pokemon to get stronger quickly, they would need to buy items that i sell for that!

Like dragon scales for any dragon type to consume and other strengthening items.

Then there are PokeBall, Which is needed if they want to catch their pokemon...Hmmm.

I guess i can give one to the Members for free each time they hatch and buy Pokemon.

Wait...Another idea! I would make 3 levels of membership, and to upgrade the membership a member needs to have hatched certain amount of eggs.

*Low class/Tier 1:50 SP

*Mid Class/Tier 2:100 SP + You need to have hatched at least 10 eggs.

*High Class/Tier 3: Invite only/Hatch 100 eggs, which would make them eligible to participate in an auction where very rarely a High ranked membership card will be auctioned.

and as for the perks for middle class(Tier 2) and high class(Tier 3)

For Tier 2:

*They would get the same perks as tier one, only this time they can trade the 3 daily uses of the Neutral Area of the daycare to exchange for 1 time use of the specialized area of their own choosing to hatch and egg. like the Volcano Area, Beach Area, Grassy Area, etc.

*They would also get acces to buy a higher Potential Mystery Eggs, which is Rare.

*Access to Egg auctions that would rarely have epic potential pokemon eggs.

*They would also get a free greatball whenever they hatch an egg in the shop.

For Tier 3:

*Same perks as Tier 1 and 2. But they have free 3 slots of access to the Specialized elemental Area to hatch the eggs they brought.

*The Pokemon they hatch from the Epic eggs they buy will be free.

*Acces to buy Epic Potential Mystery eggs will be given.

*Get a free Ultra ball every 3 hatching of eggs.

*Will have access to a private Auction that would happen very rarely (Date decided by me) which would always guaranteed to have a legendary potential Mystery egg Auctioned off.




Although it would take a pretty long time for me to implement the Membership System, except for the Tier one, its better to have it all planned and written now.

Now, where were we? Oh yes! the four other eggs that caught my interest.

Charmander, Abra,Togeddemaru, and sneasel.

I mean, do i really have to explain it, with Charmander? The literal mascot of Pokemon Red, the first ever Pokemon game and also one of the most known pokemon there is?

and aside from Charmander's popularity, its final evolution, Charizard is a Powerhouse! Even if it only has common potential it would still reach the early stage of Expert rank at max if trained and developed properly.

Plus thats only for the Base Charizard, if it mega evolved it can even reach Peak expert in power!

and speaking of mega evolution, I'll try and check that up later, hopefully the Poke-Mall has an item or manual that could make the Evolution permanent, because if the info on mega evolution that i saw in the games are right, then it would really be sad, since it said that whenever Pokemon mega evolve they experience a great pain, because mega evolution basically reverts their genes into ancient once by force, and its not stable, thats why it's just a temporary evolution..

*cough* Moving on, For abra same with Charizard its final evolution Alakazam is one heck of a powerhouse, It also has a mega evolution, plus Psychic type Pokemon was always much rarer than fire types, Hell there was even a random dude in the anime who got a friggin heatran.

And psychic Pokemon are also huge help in case you're in danger..You can just Ask Abra or any psychic Pokemon to use teleportation and *bam!* you're now safe from the danger.

Kadabra and Alakazam are also one of the smartest Pokemon in existence with an outstanding IQ. of 5,000.

Alakazam is also one of the strongest Non-Legendary psychic pokemon, only below to the Pseudo-legend Metagross.

Then Togedemaru, Honestly, the only reason why togedemaru caught my interest is because its some kind of a hedgehog, and hedgehog's are one of my most favorite animals ever, I still remember that hedgehog when i was 8, I wonder if it enjoyed its life before dying? as Hedgehogs commonly have a maximum of 7 years of lifespan.

I tried searching for it when we went back to that inn for vacations but, I couldnt see it.

and for some reason the old man who owned the place seemed sadder 2 years after we meet for the first time..

Hopefully the old man is fine, Maybe i should visit the inn one of these days?

*sigh* lets worry about that later.

Moving on, for Sneasel, Apart from the same reason why togedemaru caught my eye, because its a Cat and Weasel combined and all, It also has the potential to be a powerhouse, as its evolution form Weavile, and Sneasler.

Weavile being Ice/Dark Type and Sneasler which is evolved from Hisuian Sneasel is a Fighting/Poison type pokemon.

Weavile, being part Dark type could be trained to be a strong and speedy assassin.

While sneasler because of its Fighting/Poison typing, would be a lethal Powerhouse at Close range fights.

Thats practically the reasons why the five caught my eyes..The other eggs are just common pokemon that could be found anywhere like Bidoof,Zigzagoon,pidgey, pidoves, etc... You get the idea.

Dont get me wrong, Every species of Pokemon could be a powerhouse if it has high potential.

heck i would literally forsake a Bagon with a Rare potential for a Bidoof that has myth Potential, because sooner or later that Bidoof could literally just flick its paws and the Rare Potential Salamence would be launched into outers space.

hell! the Bidoof with Mythical Potential could even Reach divinity if lucky! though it could only reach Ascended rank at best.

Moving on!

The available stock for the four eggs are:




















The stocks are random though, and it would change every 24 hours..So i might get only Common Potential eggs or hell i could probably get an exceed egg, which i would most likely not buy because i cant afford it.

oh and did i mention that the price of the Pokemon specific eggs are a lot more expensive than the mystery egg?

Heck! Even a common caterpie egg is 2 times more expensive than a common mystery egg.


Aight! Were done with the Pokemon egg lets now check if Mega-Stones are in stocks..