
A Certain Chaotic Wild Horse

Ranma Saotome from Ranma 1/2 was reincarnated in a crossover anime world as Kamijou Touma!? What will happen to him in a new world as a character that have a luck that sometimes much more worse than his old chaotic life?( A lot of character from many animes will appear here) *Story will be a bit different from original source material *And Touma in this novel will not heroic but a bit lazy and love a good fight. Support me in Patreon.com/Raylight25

Raylight25 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
104 Chs

Chapter 70 - Touma vs Accelerator 1

"Yo biri-biri, sorry I'm a bit late," Touma said, smiling at Mikoto.

When Mikoto saw Touma, tears streamed down Mikoto's cheeks. Previously she had bravely accepted that she would soon die at Accelerator's hands, while imagining Touma's face. But just before Accelerator could kill her, the boy she liked so much saving her, like a prince on a white horse that saving a princess.

Of course, what Touma did made Mikoto's heart beat very fast and her face turned bright red, so she couldn't say anything to reply Touma's words.

"You!" Shouted Accelerator who broke out in a cold sweat slightly when he saw Touma. Someone he knows is very strong. "Why do you dare block my ascension to Level six!"

"The person you're trying to kill is one of my friends you know, who will be a new resident at the dorm I'm currently staying at," Touma said while still holding Accelerator's hand. "There's no way I'm going to let someone precious to me just die in front of me."

Touma kicked Accelerator in the stomach with a kick that was not too hard, and was not strengthened with Ki. But it was strong enough to cause Accelerator's internal organs to suffer slight damage.

Accelerator body was pushed about five meters back, and when it stopped his body was falling down to the ground. Accelerator spat out a bit of blood from within his body as his internal organs were damaged by Touma's kick.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Shouted Accelerator who looked very angry because it had been a long time since someone had injured him so badly. "I'll kill you! I'll kill you! You'll definitely die in my hands you bastard!"

Accelerator kicked the sand under his feet, and the sand suddenly shot towards Touma at high speed in large quantities.


Accelerator's attacks may look terrifying and difficult for normal Espers or humans to dodge. But Touma was neither a normal Esper nor an ordinary human, so in front of Touma, Accelerator's sand attack was not something that was difficult to dodge.

Touma moved very quickly and appeared behind Accelerator, and he then punched Accelerator's body with his right hand which immediately destroyed the AIM field protecting Accelerator's body, of course Touma restrained himself.

Because a full-powered fist from Touma's right hand could have killed Accelerator in an instant.

"Ooohok!" Once again Accelerator spat out blood, due to Touma's right fist breaking through the AIM field redirection barrier that could reverse any attack aimed at Accelerator.

"Damn it! There should be no physical attacks that can hurt me in this world! But you not only once injured me with physical attacks but two times! How could that be! How did you break through my defenses!"

"I'm not stupid enough to tell you why I was able to break through your supposedly invincible defense," Touma said walking towards Accelerator who was still sitting on the ground because of Touma's attack. "And you are not as strong as the rumors say, Level Five First Rank Esper, Accelerator. As your senior, I am disappointed by your weaker-than- ordinary-human physique and your brutal and inelegant battle tactics."

"Shut up!" Accelerator said as he wiped the blood off his cheek. "And what do you mean you're my senior! I never remember seeing you at my school!"

"I am the prototype of all the Level Five Espers in Academy City on a modern era, I am the first Level Five Esper in this city, I am Number Zero of Level Five with the Empathy Mimicry ability, the Gemstone ability I was born with that I can use to imitate Esper abilities. No matter what an Esper's abilities are, it's like a chameleon that can change the color of its body to protect itself. That's how my abilities as an Esper work."


When Accelerator as well as Mikoto heard Touma's words. They were extremely surprised because all this time the Number Zero of the Level Five Esper had only been regarded as mere rumors and legends, as according to legend circulated in Academy City he or she who is the number Zero never showing himself or herself.

Number Zero Level Five is a mysterious Esper who has more than one ability, and now there is a man who claims that he is Number Zero Level Five which until now has only been considered as a rumor of course Accelerator and Mikoto are both shocked and hard to believe what they just heard.

"You admit that you are a Level Five Number Zero that only exists in legends and rumours, I once hacked into the forbidden database of Academy City because I was curious about an Esper who was said to be much stronger than me but I never found any data regarding Number Zero from. Level Five," Accelerator said through grinding his teeth.

"In other words what you said was a lie!"

Accelerator shot towards Touma at a greater speed than when he had shot at Mikoto.

But even though Accelerator's speed might be higher than before, for Touma who was used to fighting enemies moving faster than Accelerator without even using Ki to strengthen his body Accelerator's speed was like slow motion.

Accelerator intended to kick Touma using his right leg which he strengthened with Vector Control. So the kick will have a very strong destructive power.

But right before Accelerator's kick could hit Touma's body, he already grabbed Accelerator's ankle with his right hand and Touma threw Accelerator to the ground so that once again Accelerator received a gash on his body. If it wasn't for Accelerator's strong durability, Accelerator might have passed out a long time ago.


"It's up to you if you don't want to believe what you said number one," Touma said who took out a metal coin from his trouser pocket and his left hand holding the coin began to see sparks of electricity. "Because my only purpose in coming here was to help biri-biri and defeat you!"

Touma shot the metal coin at Accelerator the same way Mikoto did. In other words he was using Mikoto's Rail Gun technique, but with a higher level of technique because Touma fired the coins using the Chinese coin shooting technique he learned in his past as Ranma from Ke Lun. The name of the technique is Rakasen.

Accelerator who had just stood back up was once again taken aback by what Touma was doing. But he wasn't worried because he knew the Rail Gun wouldn't be able to penetrate his AIM Field.


"He's copying my 'Rail Gun', and shooting coins at a speed that I can't even see with my eyes!" Mikoto said with cold sweat running down her face. "Apparently he really is a Level Five Zero Esper, who has more than one ability."


"Touma-chii, taking a long time even though he only picked up Misaka-chan," Kirika said who was ready to go to school right after she finished breakfast. "Is Touma-chii having trouble?"

"Maybe more precisely Misaka-san is having problems and Touma-san should help Misaka-san to deal with that problem," Shizuka said who looked worried. "I hope Touma-san can quickly solve the problem experienced by Misaka-san, because otherwise he will be late for school."

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