
A butterfly flap

_When a butterfly flaps its wings, it causes a disaster opposite the globe_ Follow through the journey of Dave as he unfolds the mystery behind his death with his friends and a tragic genius detective, as they unfolds the true face of the underworld. ______________ _____ ______________ This is my first try in novelbiz so I may be lacking but I mean to keep going, I request humble support from all those who are willing to give me a chance. PS. I have other plans.... we can unfold it together hehe..

ZhourongHephaestus · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

Utter Humiliation

I walked towards the post in golie outfit so as to decrease the chance of getting bruises from there exclusive target which is me.

"Hey, you waste of space move to the front." Side Character A commands.

'Whats his problem with me? Dont you see I ahve enough on my plate from your boss.'

"Tch..." I complied to the request? nah... to the gaze of Mr.Bossman who is glaring daggers at me now.



And the gam...target practice begins.


'That hit me at the same place as before very accurate a always ha John. As expected of an alpha stud huh..' I smiled self depricatively.

"What are you smiling like a MF. Did something funny happened here, or are you faulty from birth?" Insulting my parents is something what I can't handle even if it's a bully.

So I fought back. "Well I am looking at a joke."

'Yeah I know its not much, but I am not much a good fellow in the counter department.'

What then greeted me was a world of pain while listening to the insults thrown at me while cursing my parents.

Though at that time more worried was my slipping sanity I had due to the pain.

'Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?'

As I looked to my one and only friend who is standing still without knowing what to do and showing me a face of extreme guilt.

Yeah, I know she being threatened with her family by that fu*kr using his family influence as a underground top dogs.

But at the time of pain what I thought was the faces of people snickering and enjoying my pain and I could only see her as someone who didn't want to help me just like the rest of the bunch, which by the way was more humiliating for me at that time.

"Why is she not atleast calling the police, why can't you call your aunt, why? WHY...."

The world started loosing color for me as I see John coming for a strike, what was more amazing is the fact that I could see it the phenomenon where the world slows down for him and everything except 'that' remained black,n'white for me. The only thought I had was...

"Is that a butterfly?"

'Why the fuck am seeing this... Am I going to di..'

Well that was the last thing I thought before blacking out due to shock from the hit I just received.


I opened my eyes only to see an unfamiliar ceiling, don't worry I didn't die it's that yeah this is a garbage disposal area.

'Today was a baaaaaaad day. Urffggh still paining ha?Hmmm' I was walking towards were I keep my cycle to go home and rest since I was pretty sure it's evening as the sky is getting darker. What greeted me was a crying Sona who is frantically asking everyone she come across were I was.

'Sigh... I am pretty sure she saw me looking at her blaming her while I was having my little breakdown, aaargghh... now I cant face her let she cool down.' As I see the car her family owns arrives at the front gate of the school as it's late and she didn't arrive home.

Seeing as she will be safe for now and loosing the little motivation to calm his friend gone Dave started to walk toward the school back door with his cycle and starts cycling towards his 'destination', while monologing something to forget the pains.


I hope all who reads this to support me, since I seriously needs some pressure and motivation.

Also, I think I am starting to love this.

If there is a problem in any sentence please use the para comments to alert me. I believe after this chapter the story is going to enter into the plot if calculations are correct. If that is the I am also having the amusement how it's gonna go.

As they say writer himself is the first reader right


"Creation is hard, cheer me up!"

Hyaaaaaa..... I always wanted to try that.

ZhourongHephaestuscreators' thoughts