
Introduction to life struggles

I am in deep sorrow, talking of my past always brings bad memories,I was once a happy child until my parents dissapeared into the world of non living.my father died in the year 2007 due to his kindness act of giving his friend a piece of land to build a home since he had none,his friend goes by the name (kainga) he later turned out to be an animal and wanted my father to give a lion share of the land he had,(of which he later succeeded and took everything we had )since my father could not accept that ,he went ahead and gave false accusations stating that samwel (my father) is a trouble maker and has attempted to kill him,later on my father was arrested and was prisoned for so long ( I really can't approximate duration since I was a child),he contradicted Tuberculosis (TB) while in prison and after suffering for some years,he died in the year 2007.My mother was now a widow at a early age ,no land to depend on,no job since she depended on our father for survival, raising us became a hard task . Mockeries was on her neck from the neighbors, family and friends .she couldn't withstand the depression she went through in the hands of the family members,she decided to take her life in the year 2012,we were now left behind to struggle,I,my brother and my sister.Our grandma who is the mother to our late mother decided to raise us . She was too old to take care of us ,really struggled raising us bearing in mind she has no job but a small land which she could not harvest even half a sac of maize.well wishers and some of the family members decided to take part in raising us.We were distributed to the family members,I was taken by my aunt,my brother by my auncle and my sister by another struggling auntie,life became a little bit better though humiliation is real,no one can take good care of you like your own mother,by the time of our distribution I was in class eight,my brother in class four and my sister in class 3.whenever I thought of joining a boarding secondary school I could say it's impossible but God can really open doors,I passed in my Kenya certificate of primary education and I couldn't believe,I joined my dream secondary school with the help of our member of parliament ( MP)from our area who gave me so many bursaries and 20,0000cheque every term to support my education in maua girls secondary.Well wishers and some family members helped in raising money for the shopping among other requirements,I completed my Kenya certificate of secondary education in the year 2019 and I scored a B, later on I joined a public University in Kenya (Moi University) where I am taking barchelors degree in education combination being Mathematics and Geography,my brother is now in form three and very bright,my sister is in form two,I hope one day we will change the situation back at home.I thank God for the far, let this story inspire someone,this is my real story.Thank you for taking your time to read