
Chapter 27

I walked through the front door, and that's when I noticed Purah and Symin working at the guidance stone, I watched silently before walking over and talking to them.

"So, Symin, Purah, what are you guys doing?" I asked as I stood next to them.

"Hm, oh Joseph, you're back. We are working on the guidance stone, we're doing the monthly checkup, so that we can start doing our experiments again. We're quite far behind on our research since we have had to take care of you since you arrived." Symin said cheerfully before continuing, "And Purah said she had a few ideas to work on, so we decided now would be as good a time as any to get back to work."

"Neat, well I'm gonna go put away the food. Have fun." I said before walking towards the kitchen. After putting the various things away, I decided to ask what type of rune is used in the fridge.

"Hey guys, I was wondering what type of rune does the fridge use?" I asked when I thought they weren't distracted with work.

"The fridge uses a dumbed down version of the stasis rune, its tweaked in a way that stops the growth of bacteria, fungi and other harmful things on the stuff put inside, that and a few other neat little tricks it's pretty useless for anything other than storing things." Symin said as he turned to face me, "The rune was inspected in closer details when the Sheikah slate was unearthed over 100 years ago, and we were able to replicate it in smaller complexity. The same thing is in your inventory."

I nodded in response to that little tidbit, before asking, "So what are you working on right now?"

"We're trying to see if we can replicate and reverse the technology used in the shrine of awakening. We briefly got to research the details used in the shrine to keep the user the same age while healing them, but we didn't get to do any huge experiments on it to gather any complicated information." Purah said while not looking away from her work, "basically, the idea I told you we had a while ago, we're taking it for another test drive, mainly on account of my sister and I probably not being able to live to when Link awakens. In the past we did a small amount of research and a few experiments and we're working with those results as the base of our current experiments."

(AN: Man is that paragraph long)

I looked at them as they get back to working on the guidance stone, they pulled out a small plate, one that looks strangely like the Sheikah slate and placed it into the stone. As Purah took the plate out and pressed the only button on it after aiming it at an apple, the plate glowed briefly before it stopped glowing.

"Damn it, it broke again Symin, let's look over the plate design." Purah cursed as she chucked the plate to the side, then she got up and went to sit at the main table, with Symin following her. "We're going to need more Luminous stone, write it down, now let's revise the design…" After that I left and didn't listen to the rest of their experiment.

I went upstairs to unpack my stuff, after taking off my exploring gear and placing the blue flame in a small makeshift holder, I took a step outside and stare as the clouds rolled past. After getting my fill, 10 minutes, I walked downstairs and decided I should read a book, after a few minutes ruminating over what type of book I should read I decided to read about Blupees and the area surrounding Kakariko village.

(AN: info dump ahead)

I picked out three small books, one for Kakariko village and its history, one for the surrounding areas of Kakariko and the mountains next to the village, and the final book is about Blupees and several theories about them and their possible origins. After placing them down on the main table, I pick up the first book.

After half an hour, I had been pretty informed about the general history by the book. The basic history of the Kakariko Village was interesting, besides originally being a town made entirely from the Sheikah clan as a foothold for the Sheikah people who sought isolation and safety. This was 10000 years before the Era of burning fields, back after the Princess and the hero with the sword to seal the darkness sealed Ganon. This is when the king at the time started to have the obsessive thought that the Sheikah clan will betray him and easily wipe him and the kingdom of Hyrule out.

This is also when the Sheikah clan split; into the Yiga clan and the Sheikah clan. With the former choosing to side with Ganon, while the latter chose to live a life of isolation and safety, this is when the town of Kakariko was formed. The people of Kakariko chose the valley that it resides in today to live the life that the people, the persecuted who seek safety and to be away from the people who struck down them, people who helped them.

The valley they chose had a fairy fountain, who pretty much became the town guardian.

The second book contained information on the fairy fountain and the shrine on the hillside next to the village. As well as the information on the siting of Blupees in the area. And rumors about a strange platform that has a sphere-shaped hole in it. That and a few small legends about the surroundings, one about the shrine and a few smaller nonsensical tidbits.

The book about Blupees was mostly just random jabs in different directions most of which weren't followed by logical evidence, it made me wonder if most of the rupees in Hyrule came from Blupees, as Blupees collect rupees, and they drop rupees as a defense mechanism to distract hunters and predators.

(AN: Tried to make it informative)

I looked up after my book binge, then I noticed that it was almost time for dinner and went to help. After a quick meal I went to bed after doing a little bit of meditation.

I thought I'd try to flesh out the world in advance. But yeah, info dumps, am i right or am i right lads.

If you spot anything out of order, tell me, if my grammar is bad, correct me. But most importantly, if you enjoyed it, be happy.

Yeah, have a good day and see you next week.

Air_Agatecreators' thoughts