
Chapter 26: Going to town

I looked over Symin and Purah's attempt at making ice cream, they didn't cool the mixture properly, and the vanilla extract wasn't made correctly. The vanilla extract not being made properly was probably my fault, after all it was a little project I made on the side and I hadn't gotten around to properly replicating it with Hylian ingredients, but oh well.

We ate the more edible ones and disposed of the rest, after that I looked around to see what ingredients we had left from their little experiment, I'd have to buy some more courser honey, fresh milk, cane sugar and eggs.

I noted down what we needed on a notebook and went to read from where I left off, after I walked back over to the library and picked up the book. 'Legends of Hyrule', this book had caused me a headache from all the thinking I'd done about the possible timelines I could be a part of. After I finished the book, which I was previously a little over two thirds into before I was interrupted by Symin while I was mumbling to myself, I got up and calculated how long it would take for me to go to town and get back.

I would take roughly 35 minutes to get to town because of my recent raise in stamina, it would probably take 10-15 minutes to get all the groceries from the stores overall it wouldn't take that long. "I'll ask Purah and Symin if they need anything." I said to myself before hyping myself up for the journey.

"Hey guys, I'm going to go buy some ingredients, since you used up a large portion of them, do you guys need anything?" I asked once I walked over to the duo that were sitting at the lab table, Purah sipping from a cup.

"Can you get some more of these tea leaves? They're pretty good." Purah asked.

"Can you see if they have any spices in store?" Symin asked looking up from a journal that was in his hand.

"Sure, I can do that. I'm going out now, so see you both later." I said while going up to my room to get dressed in more appropriate garb. After changing and grabbing the blue flame, I walked out the front door and started the trek down the hill.

On the way down I greeted the neighbors, while I call them neighbors, they live halfway down the hill, but hey they live the closest. They were a ranch, that dealt with Hateno cows and Highland sheep. The owner Dantz has a minigame about hunting deer, while a child that works at the ranch as a shepherd, gives a quest to kill some monsters that would kidnap some of the sheep that group together to hunt animals.

"Oh hey, Joseph, are you going shopping?" Asked the young shepherd that was sitting against a tree next to path next to an old man.

"Yeah, I cooked a bit too much food and wasted some ingredients." I answered the child, "So how have you been, Koyin, Tokk?" I questioned the child before turning towards the old man, Tokk, he turned his head towards me and nodded through his squinting eyes.

"Oh, you know spending some time with the old man," she said before continuing, "Please don't tell Dantz I haven't been working." The second part was said in a slightly flustered matter.

"I don't know, should I?" I said jokingly, before noticing that the child was thinking I was serious, "I'm joking, anyway how are the cattle, acting rowdy?"

"No, they have been acting pretty tame recently, they got spooked a while ago by what they thought were monsters, but it was just a fox. Why was there a fox? Well, we still have no idea, must've been separated from its burrow." She stopped to get breath back, "We think that it was because of the recent blood moon."

"Neat, well I have to go, can't take too long, now can I." I said before debarking back on my walk down the hill. I was getting closer to the town now and it could be seen, a paved path was slowly appearing before me. I looked up at the sky, it was still early in the morning, roughly 10 o'clock in the morning, I had enough time to look around in town maybe eat some nice street food.

I made it to the gate to the town, and waited at the gate for a few minutes before being let in. I immediately went to the general store and purchased the necessary ingredients. Then I went on a small trek to find a few different types of tea leaves and spice

After storing it all into my inventory, I walked over to the weapon store and purchased 10 more arrows and asked if they sold crossbows.

"Do you sell crossbows?" I asked at the counter to the Hylian attendant at the desk.

"Master Damien usually doesn't make crossbows as it isn't his strong suit." The attendant said. "I'll have to make time to ask him. He usually doesn't leave the forge due to him being a Goron, you know, with them being able to stand at an active volcano and feel only slightly warm."

I looked at him in surprise, you usually don't see that many Gorons in Hateno, strangely, even though it is quite close to Death Mountain, they usually don't come in these parts, probably on account of there being less minerals to mine. That and the fact that we don't have that many gems or mines nearby that could possibly catch their interest. I didn't even suspect that the town weaponsmith was a black smith, but now that I have thought about it, it makes sense that he would be more suited for this type of work.

"Will you be able to ask him about my request anytime this week? I should be back in 2 days." I said making my question known. The attendant slightly frowned in annoyance, before he sighed and told me to visit in a couple days and it may be finished. I sighed and said, "okay, thank you." I said before buying a knight steel sword.

I started the trek back home, and looked at the sky and smiled as I saw the clouds billowing through the sky.

But yeah, I'm back again. Whenever I look at this I always frown at my release speed, but I take so long because if there was a skill for procrastinating, mine would be at least 70.

After that horrid mouthful of a comment, I'm happy to inform you that I'm planning to update once every weekend, unless I get too busy with assignments.

So yeah, hope you enjoyed, leave a comment if you want. And have a good day.

Air_Agatecreators' thoughts