
A Boy in the great game(dropped)

A unique presprective on the game of thrones from an extremely powerful eternal child with ice powers to be exact good luck reading

greatcheesemaster · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
82 Chs

Frostvale Land Consortium Part 4

As Liam's eyes snapped open to the sound of a bloodcurdling scream, his heart raced with a mixture of fear and confusion. Startled from his sleep, he quickly sat up in bed, his mind racing as he tried to discern the source of the chilling cry.

With trembling hands, Liam reached for his smartphone, the soft glow of the screen illuminating the darkness of his room as he frantically searched for any sign of danger. But as he listened intently, the night fell silent once more, the only sound the pounding of his own heart echoing in his ears.

Unable to shake the feeling of unease that gripped him, Liam knew he couldn't ignore the scream. With a sense of dread gnawing at his insides, he resolved to seek out his father for answers, his footsteps echoing softly in the silent corridors of the estate as he made his way to Victor's room.

Knocking tentatively on the door, Liam waited anxiously for his father's response, the seconds ticking by like an eternity as he prayed for reassurance. Finally, the door creaked open, revealing Victor's shadowy figure standing in the dim light of the hallway.

"What's wrong, son?" Victor asked, his voice tinged with irritation as he peered at Liam through the crack in the door.

Breathless and shaken, Liam struggled to find the words to convey the terror that still lingered in his mind. "I-I heard a scream," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper as he searched his father's face for any sign of concern.

Victor's expression remained impassive, his features cloaked in shadow as he regarded his son with a hint of annoyance. "It's nothing, Liam," he replied curtly, his tone dismissive as he brushed off his son's concerns with a wave of his hand. "Go back to bed. Everything is under control."

Reluctantly, Liam nodded, though the gnawing sense of unease still lingered in the pit of his stomach. With a final glance over his shoulder, he turned and made his way back to his room, the echo of his footsteps fading into the silence of the night.

Meanwhile, behind closed doors, Victor stepped back into his room, the soft click of the door sealing off the outside world as he turned his attention to the figure bound and gagged before him. With a cruel smile playing at the corners of his lips, he raised a hand, signaling to the silent figures that loomed in the shadows.

As the robotic servants sprang into action, their mechanical movements betraying no hint of emotion, Victor watched with cold detachment as they administered their punishment. The crack of the whip echoed through the room, accompanied by muffled cries of pain from the helpless figure before him.

With each lash, Victor's smile widened, his satisfaction growing with each agonized whimper that escaped his victim's lips. And when the punishment was finally complete, when the screams had faded into choked sobs, Victor raised a hand once more, signaling for silence.

With a silent nod, the robots obeyed, their movements swift and precise as they moved to carry out their master's final command. And as the room fell silent once more, the only sound the soft hum of machinery, Victor raised his weapon, his hand steady as he took aim at his helpless victim.

With a single pull of the trigger, the silence was shattered by the sharp crack of gunfire, the sound echoing through the room as the life drained from Rebecca's eyes. And as her body slumped to the ground, a pool of blood spreading beneath her, Victor felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him, his cruel grin never faltering as he gazed upon his handiwork.

In that moment, as the echoes of the gunshot faded into the night, Victor knew that his secrets were safe, his power absolute. And as he stepped over the lifeless body of his victim, he felt no remorse, no regret, only the cold satisfaction of a man who knew he was untouchable.