
I found you

"Atok! Where did you keep the albums?"

"In the cabinet at the living room." Reply Mak Saodah from the kitchen.

Udin lift a few albums in order to find what he wants.

"There you are!" Udin look at the albums smiling because it's one of his favourite things in the world.

He look one by one at all those photos. There's a photo of his mother hugging him. A photo of them at the playground. All those photos were from the times since his mother pregnant with him.

He look so serious with his frowned. Sometimes he scratch his head.

"Why did she doesn't look like one of this photos?"

Surely his mother face becomes blurry in his mind. It's seven years ago, and further more he's only a kid at that times. But why the photos doesn't resembles the women in his dream last night?


"You missed them a lot didn't you?" Asked Pak Samad.

"I am." Said Udin.

"But why your face look like you are confused Udin?"

"Tok did people's face changed when they aged?"

"Yes but you still can recognised them. "Answer Pak Samad.

"I don't know."

"I dream of mother last night, but I think she's a different person."

"Not this person at all".

"Don't think to much Udin. You just a small kid at that time. Maybe that's the reason she look different in your dream." Reply Pak Samad.

"I know their faces Tok! I always look at this album." "I even watched their videos when I miss them so much." "Didn't you think it's weird to dream different face of mother?" Said Udin a little bit frustrated and puzzle by all the thing that's been happening to him lately.

Udin at Hakimi house that afternoon.. They are sitting on a bench under the rambutan gula batu tree.

"Zul face look funny!" Said Udin

"Wait till you see Ahmad face!"

They are laughing looking at the photos from their outing last month.

They went to a water fall near the Tok Nenek Mountain side.

"Give me that camera!"

Udin link that camera to his laptop to download a few photos. At one picture he enlarge it to see it better.

He want to edit that photo.

Before he crop that photo he notice there is a man standing near the ridge looking at them. He enlarge that corner to see that man face.

"Didn't he look like Aeril Zafril?"

"Who?" Ask Hakimi.

"This one." Amin who just arrived mention about that man in the photos.

That man standing on the ridge near to the waterfall.

"The actor?" Asked Hakimi.

"I don't think it's the actor." Reply Udin.

"But he look really like him." Amin still want to argue about it.

"Nope! It's not Aeril Zafril bro. It's just local people here." Elaborate Udin to his friends.

"How are you so sure about it?" Amin asked him back.

"If it's him sure there's news on his social media or in the entertainment news." Hakimi backed Udin.

"I've met him myself last week." Udin tell them.

"Who? The actor?"asked Amin.

"Of course not the actor!" Said Udin.

"He's from next village."

"Which village?" Asked Amin.

"I don't know Amin" "Why are you so curious?" Asked Udin back.

"If he's a doppelganger of Aeril Zafril why not?" Answer Amin happily.

"Guys I don't understand the way of your conversation." Said Hakimi.

"What's there to understand? "After all I just want to boost my Instagram account." "As simple as that bro!" Elaborate Amin.

"Using Adam?" Asked Udin.

"So his name is Adam!" "Cool!" "When can I meet him?" Asked Amin eagerly to Udin.

Hakimi just shaking his head showing his disagreement with Amin behaviour.

"I don't know Amin." Reply Udin.

"Where did you meet him?"Amin still interested with Adam.

"Near my grandfather's orchard."

"What's he doing there?"

"I don't know"

"How old is he?"

"I don't know!" They forgotten about the topic when Hakimi's mother call them for tea.

Udin still remember how he really excited for that program.

Udin nearly didn't make it. His grandmother didn't agree for him to join that activity.

He hope he can be closer to his classmates from this outing. He's still a shy boy that take times to know a new person.

The kids in his class come from different primary schools. So he met quite a lot of new friends.

"Why I can't go Tok?" Udin feel frustrated. This is his first class activity for his high school.

"It's a dangerous place for small kid like you."

"I'm not that small Tok!" "See I'm already 165 cm."

"I can swim too." "Our homeroom teacher will be there to monitor us."

"It's not rainy season now."

"You think one teacher is enough to monitor 35 pupils?"

"And young man don't try to be smart with me."

Udin already at the verge of crying. He has to convinced his grandmother in order to go. Udin sit on the front staircase of the house looking at that consent letter.

"What is that Udin?" Sitting by his side Pak Samad holding his shoulder and smile to him.

"What's the matter with my favourite man?" "Why are you looking gloomy?" Asked Pak Samad.

"Tok this is the consent letter for an outing to the waterfall next weekend."

"I told Atok about it. But she didn't give me permission to go." Reply Udin sad.

"So do you really want to go?"

"Yes sir!" "Please let me go." Udin begged his grandfather.

"I will signed that letter if you promise me that you will always be careful at the outing." Said Pak Samad.

On the night of the outing Udin sleep early. He was very tired from the activities. To him it was a fun day. He's happy he could joined it.

But in Adam family's that night it was both occasion for them. A happy and a sad one too.

His mother couldn't stop crying when she heard the news.

"I found him mother." "He's still alive."