
A Book Can't Be Judged By The Cover

Sasajima Hajime is considered to be the delinquent of their class, with his below-average grades, absences, and his knack for getting himself into trouble. The class's overall reputation went downhill because of him and to patch things up in a desperate manner, their homeroom teacher assigned Kikuchi Megumi, the top student in their class, to watch over him and try to help him. But little did she know that Sasajima Hajime's front is more than meets the eye. Disclaimer— photo is not mine but all edits are. If anyone knows who owns the photo please feel free to reach out to me, thanks ^-^ Tags: Romcom, School, Tragedy, Slice of Life, Drama WSA 2022 Candidate

DaisukiDayoSenpai · สมจริง
160 Chs

Hospital Visit

The next day came and Hajime immediately felt the soreness on his body. Although the pain in his head, stomach, and lower back had abated a little, he still felt the uncomfortable pain inside, causing him to wince or flinch every time he moved. Nevertheless, this was one of the rare times when he'd get to sit back and relax so he tried to enjoy every second of it. There was no way he could ignore such a blessing. After all, it wasn't every day he get to have a good night's rest, not to mention three meals a day. It's been more than a year since he last lived such an extravagant life.

After a year of all that moving around, this was also the first time Hajime got to relax— lounging on a soft bed, stuffing himself with food, and enjoying the cold winds from the air conditioning blowing on his face. He smiled.

His eyes slowly closed as the cold wind lulled him to sleep. That's the only thing he did at the hospital, eat and sleep like a pig for slaughter. Of course, he worked harder compared to a wallowing pig so he deserved all the rest he could get.



"Come in," Hajime responded before even knowing who was behind the door. 'Of course, it would be the doctor checking up on me. Now that I think about it, I still don't know his name... I mean, is Ed really his name? That's what's written on his name tag.'

"Excuse me,"

Hajime immediately got up from his bed in surprise after hearing the voice behind the door. It wasn't his doctor!

It was Akamine-sensei.

"Are you doing all right?" Akamine-sensei awkwardly bowed before entering. And after taking a step inside, she just stood there, fidgeting while twirling the locks of her hair. Was this her first time visiting someone in the hospital? It seemed that way. She was trembling, and her voice sounded a little shaky as if she was speaking in front of a crowd of people. Even Hajime felt second-and embarrassment watching her.

"Sensei?" Hajime asked. By now, he didn't feel that uneasy anymore. Of course, who would feel uneasy after witnessing such a pitiable sight? Instead, Hajime raised his hand, still having difficulty with his shoulder, and pointed at one of the chairs where Akamine-sensei could sit.

"Here's a, um, a gift? Ah, that's right, a get-well gift." Akamine-sensei muttered, placing the basket of fruits she brought with her on the table. The basket was a normal one you could buy right outside the hospital and for a moment, Akamine-sensei thought that Hajime would feel disappointed that she could only afford such a gift. Little did she know that Hajime has a low standard when it comes to appeasing him. A basket of fruits is already more than enough for him since he'd never received a gift in the past year (except for that shady hamburger given to him by an anonymous someone).

"So," Akamine-sensei's expression instantly changed as she cleared her throat. "What exactly happened?"

"What... happened?" Hajime repeated. For a moment, he forgot that he was severely beaten up by a group of five college students. The only thing in his mind right now was breakfast, which would be given less than an hour from now.

"Yes, you were found unconscious by the school entrance with five other students who don't go to our school. Their school had already contacted us since those college students wanted a meeting with um... with your... y-y-your parents." Akamine-sensei pursed her lips, expecting Hajime to react strongly after she brought it up. After all, the first time she mentioned the word 'parents' in front of Hajime, he got up and left without uttering another word. It was obvious he was displeased after hearing such a thing.

"My parents? I'm sorry, sensei, but I'm afraid they can't attend the meeting. Just tell them I'll be attending by myself, alone." Hajime straightly responded.

"Is there a reason why they cannot attend? And if there is, can you tell me?"

"Look, sensei. I'm sure you're already aware that there's a reason. And also, sensei, if I could, I'd have told you what the reason is if it were that easy... I'm sorry, sensei." Hajime calmly explained. As much as he hated leaving his kindhearted teacher in the dark, he didn't want her involved in his life more than she already is.

'I've survived for a year just by myself. I don't need anyone's help.' He said to himself.

"I see, if that's the case, then I'll try to cancel the meeting. But I don't think they'll agree to that. If your parents can't come, Hajime, then you at least should attend." Akamine-sensei continued. "I heard the testimony from the other college students, telling me that you were the one who attacked them first. But I heard from a student in our school that such wasn't the case."

"Sensei, I didn't— " Hajime tersely spoke up, but Akamine-sensei just glared at him, making him bite his lips as he stopped defending himself. What good would it do if he can't prove it?

"I want to believe that as well." Akamine-sensei heaved a sigh. "But you know how your reputation is in school, Sasajima Hajime. Just this quarter alone, you've been sent to the principal's office a total of six times for causing trouble. Even if you didn't cause it, you still have that kind of reputation. And how would you explain their injuries? Hajime, if you really want to clear your name, then attend the meeting. I'll do what I can to help you."

"And if what you're saying is really the truth, then it will eventually come out. You don't have to worry about them twisting the stories to fit their narration. Also, we have cameras all over the school. There's a good chance that the entire thing was caught on camera." Akamine-sensei continued.

Hajime nodded. Even though every part of his being wanted no part in the meeting, there was no way he could ditch it. If he did, then he wouldn't hear the end of it from Akamine-sensei. And what's worse, his name and reputation in school would even worsen, giving the bullies more leeway to cause more trouble for him. He didn't want that, especially when he's already got a lot on his plate

But then again, the least he could worry about is his reputation in school. He would, of course, do what he can to remove the taint in his name. Nevertheless, if he can't do anything about it, then he wouldn't go to great lengths to fix it. It would just be a waste of his precious time— time that could be spent on more significant things.

"I'll hold you by your word, Hajime. The meeting's two days from now, as soon as all of you are discharged from the hospital." After glancing in both directions sideways, Akamine-sensei once again cleared her throat before she stood up. "I'll be on my way, please take care of yourself, Hajime. Don't hesitate to give me a call if you need anything."

Hajime nodded, his face didn't tilt towards the door but his eyes slowly followed Akamine-sensei's figure walking out of the door. Only when Akamine-sensei had already closed the door did Hajime sigh in relief, glad that the inconvenient social encounter with his teacher is finally over.


The next day went by much quicker than the second, but Hajime savored every moment of it. Not only did he feel rejuvenated, but he also felt as if he had been reborn in this world. For as long as he could remember, his body had always been sluggish no matter what he did. But after getting a three-day rest, his body felt brand-new, as if his soul was transferred over to another healthy body instead of his past one.

Hajime took one last glance towards the local hospital before stretching. He was finally discharged and his leisurely life was over. That didn't distract him from reality, however, and he immediately headed back home.

The cloudless skies were already showing hints of purple and grey as twilight came. A slight breeze sent chills down Hajime's spine, reminding him of the air conditioning right by his hospital room. Another day, another start of survival. The heaven that is the hospital is finally over, and Hajime once again had to experience his failure of a life.

'Meeting tomorrow, huh,' He thought to himself, just when a single leaf fluttered about in front of him. He tried to catch it, but the leaf was blown smoothly from his grasp, just like the hope he once had all those months ago before despair finally rooted deep within.

Food in the hospital really tastes better when you don't have food at home

— Sasajime Hajime 2022 xD

Thank you all so much for the support! Please share this with everyone and I hope you enjoy reading!

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