
Strong Bond

"SIS WAKE UP!"he shouts at me and I didn't flinch. I groan as I turn to face him. "What do you want monkey? Isn't it the weekend?"I ask hopefully as I stare at his face that is enlarging every few seconds. "Nope it's school,"he says nervously. "What's wrong you don't sound happy?"I ask curiously as I notice his nervousness. It’s unlike him to be anything but happy. "That's because I'm not but I'm not telling why," he says teasingly as he pulls my blanket off me and pulls me out of the bed. This is how I effectively knock my head on the floor. I roll my eyes and get off the floor. I make my way to the bathroom and I push my white teeth. In that man’s house, I would spend countless hours brushing so I wouldn’t have to come out and face the world.

We eat breakfast in silence but usually me and my brother are making all the noise in the world at the table till we are told to shut up. Just for your information, no I haven't forgotten my real brother Drake but I'm trying to focus on the positive so don't judge me ok. Life is hard as it is so I don’t need to add being guilty to that ever growing list of unhappiness. Timothy quietly takes his plate and puts it into the sink. He motions for me to get up so we can go. I stare at him bewildered. Am I not important to be spoken to anymore? My foster parents stare at the two of us with confusion.

Timothy drives me to school and he holds my hand as usual. Even though he told the kids in school I'm his sister they still don't believe it and Bailey thinks it's funny. Today I have Biology it's the worst period when you are learning about body parts. Yikes. Anyways after that I had trigonometry and algebra after each other, finally at lunch I get to see my friends. My brother has gone to do an errand quickly and his "girlfriend" wouldn't stop giving me death glares. I seriously wish I could slap her sometimes but I don’t have the courage to do that when she isn’t physically hurting me. Anyways after that I notice a crowd is forming and people are staring at me. Then I notice my brother being pushed against the lockers and I guess it is a man who wants money but I did the worst thing, get involved. My brother shouts for me to stay away because he has a gun.

Adrenaline kicks in and I kick his butt until I have the gun pointing in the other direction and he is in shock and I say, "Forget about his debt or the next time I see you here I'll kill you." And everyone gasps as he runs away and my brother stares at me in utter disbelief. I quickly shove the gun into his hand. "Hurry up and hide it teachers are on their way,"I say speed-talking. He snaps out of his trance and does what I told him to do. The teachers walk past us unfazed by the large group that is dispersing.Timothy just stares at me in shock even though he knows my life story.

After school we have to walk home because his parents aren’t able to leave home and so he asked me, "What on earth happened back there?" He looks surprised. "Training, I guess, isn't a bad thing,"I say but then think about the way it was done and completely disagree with my words. He says, "I'm going to tell mom and dad." Like a child he starts giggling. Before I could stop him he starts running home and he says, "Lets hope with all that training you can keep up with me." I laugh but I don’t beat him home so he starts rambling to them about what I did. Surprisingly, they aren’t angry with either of us they are actually impressed with me and compliment me, I am stunned. They laugh at my reaction to their reaction as I believe most parents would be upset and ground their kids for this kind of behaviour. I didn't get what was funny but whatever, anyways life can always go from hunky dory to disaster. And I knew my disaster was coming. Life will never let me just have a good time and life with people like this. I seem to deserve only bad things and so I am waiting for the thief in the night to come. I am keeping on the watch.