

Bang! Bang! When I hear the gunshots, I don’t run away I run towards them. My feet move fast against the marble floors. I almost trip and fall trying to get to them faster because they don’t care about killing people to find me but I won’t be able to live with myself if anyone dies because of me. I did this because I've got a whole school to protect and I know who is here. My enemy. My mind swirls with all the possibilities of how this could possibly go down either with my freedom and others death or my death and everyone’s freedom.

I see my brother running and screaming my name looking for me. I just have to do the right thing and not worry about the one person I love. I am surrounded in minutes but I'm no undertrained idiot trying to play hero. I know who I am dealing with so I attack him even though I have tons of guns pointing at me and encircling me. None of them shoot because they need my alive. I realize my two possibilities aren’t the only ones there’s one more. Everyone’s freedom and my captivity.

I get ahold of his gun and I point it at him. I say, "Let everyone in this school go and I'll come with you willingly." I show my confidence for the first time, sadly, he knows how weak I really am. He smirks and says, "You think I'm stupid." He tries to make himself more powerful but the power isn’t in his hands right now, its in mine. I give him this look that says try me. He mutters with his arms folded, "Fine."

I continue to hold the gun until he says, "EVERYONE OUT!" I make sure everyone leaves and I say, "Why am I being taken again?" My overconfidence annoying him but he’s putting up with it right now since I’m the one with the upper-hand."I think you still need training and I think it's hilarious you thought you could escape,"he says with amusement. He smiles evilly as he looks at me, freezing in place. I hand him the gun like I promised not like I could do much else. He smiles even brighter when he has the gun in-hand and the control rightly restored.

"So let's go then,"he says laughing as he looks at my terrified expression. The girl who hates me comes into view in seconds. She stumbles around clearly delirious. I am staring in horror, they are about to shoot her. I grab the gun before they can shoot. I glare at him. My circumstantial confidence comes back and I walk closer to him menacingly.

I aim at the man and I say, "Don't try to hurt anyone or else I WILL hurt you!" He looks at me in horror and says, "Wow you've become a monster. So tell me something have you got any friends or only enemies?" He looks at me like I’m a masterpiece and I just feel sick to my stomach. Have I really become what he wants me to become? I roll my eyes and I shout, "GET OUT OF HERE GIRL BEFORE YOU DIE AND I WONT BE RESPONSIBLE!" She scurries off in a hurry. She trips and falls along the way causing the guys to chuckle in intervals.

I hand the gun over to the man who is and always will be the reason why I'm not able to be normal and I walk along with him to my future. I am pushed-and-pulled this-way and that-way. I sigh as I follow like an obedient little girl who’s life is being controlled by her evil parent who has nothing but hate for her even though he wanted her and took her from everything she’s ever known.


I am look around for her and terror takes over me as I realize I can't find her, my sister. The person I'm supposed to protect is missing and it’s all my fault because I wasn’t around her all day and so she was too far away to grasp, to pull along with me.

I run home to my parents after the school is cleared because she is nowhere to be found and I’m starting to panic. I shout into the house, "MOM! DAD! SIS IS MISSING! THEY CHECKED THE WHOLE SCHOOL! WHOEVER CAME TOOK HER!"

My parents arrive at the bottom of the stairs just in time before I start hyperventilating. I start to feel dizzy, my throat is closing up and darkness starts to creep into my vision. My sister’s gone and it's all my fault. My sister’s gone and it's all my fault.

I know what is coming. I start having a panic attack. My parents rush me to hospital but I can’t breath at all, my lungs are closing up. The world around me is leaving me and I’m finally leaving it.

I wake up the next morning knowing my sister isn’t there and that I almost died because of that but, sadly, I’m still here. I haven’t had a panic attack in a long time until yesterday. The day I lost my sister. The day I realize I might never see her ever again. I sob profusely at this realization. I realize her parents don’t even know she’s alive, found and that, now, she’s lost again.

I’ve only had panic attacks for important people because I loved them so much. I don't think I'll be able to live without her but yet that must be how her family felt and we didn't even feel that bad we just let them believe she’s dead and gone, missing and never to be found. Now, she is really gone and I don’t even know if I’ll be able to hold her again, kiss her cheek, tease her and walk her to school. I stare at the white hospital walls as I recall the lovely memories we made that might’ve been our last goodbye. I might never see her beautiful eyes again and say a proper goodbye because that’s just not how the world works. The world doesn’t care if you loved that person and they fixed your world. The world cares about leaving you hurt and broken to the end of time.