
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · ไซไฟ
289 Chs

Important Asset

– Stand Gang's Room, Site-17 - 4:50 AM –

The gang were pretty much enjoying themselves. Rodeo and Michelle were playing Call of Duty Cold war on the PS5 while sitting on the couch, Miguel was testing out his swings with his shadow spear, Evan was lying on the bed and playing Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild on the Nintendo Switch, Jeff was sitting on a chair next to his desk and playing Half life on the gaming PC and CPU with a keyboard and mouse. Carlos was just casually sitting on the floor and observing the team while Kreig was doing 1000 push ups, squats and set ups while had his bulbs off as usual. 

"So Evan, do you have a switch back at home or a console?" Miguel asked while training himself.

"No, I have a PS4 console but I did play the switch with one of my friends who had it. So yeah I basically know how a Nintendo switch works." He said while still playing.

"I see. Good thing the Foundation gave us an Xbox as well since I tend to play all games on an Xbox console back at home. No judging."

"Uh huh. I can respect that."

"Pack a punch the gun. We need more firepower." Rodeo said in another area alongside Michelle.

"Got it."

Currently, Rodeo and Michelle were playing Call of Duty Cold war zombies while wearing gaming headphones. The map was Firebase Z and they were in Round 21 with two other players as well.... who claim themselves to be cosmic beings of some sort. But Rodeo and Michelle just shook it off thinking they were just messing with them.

If only they knew. 


In another location, or in another universe, multiverse, or maybe in a different story, from this space, countless bubble-like objects floated in the void that seemed to be worlds were visible. 

But amongst the many, there was one peculiar minuscule world floating in space, that seemed to have more energy fluctuation than the rest of the lower worlds.

It was Mysthia. 

(A/N: This is a reference from my favorite novel "Death Guns in Another World", written by Nickaido)

And no, we aren't going to focus what's in that world, outside of it, two individuals could be seen playing Call of Duty Cold war zombies on PS5 within the void while sitting on a couch and in the same game lobby with Michelle and Rodeo, while wearing their own gaming headphones.

Their features couldn't be seen as a rainbow light obstructed it, one wore a white robe while the other wore a black robe, whatever they are, they are quite powerful. Behind them was a table with a chess board on it. Though it's their favorite game, they decided to try out this strange and interesting game made by the humans on that one low-level world.

And not gonna lie, it's so much more fun than playing chess.

"Hey Rodeo! I'm down. A big horde and two mimics just wrecked me. Need assistance." The being in white robe requested.

[Alright I'm coming. Just crawl towards my direction just to make it a little bit easy for me.]

"On it."

[I got a shotgun that packs a punch. Heading back to you guys through the portal.] Michelle said to the rest.

[Well you took your sweet time.] The being in black robe said.

[Hey, it's not easy to pack a shotgun when you've got an entire horde of zombies and a fucking mangler on my tail, it takes time!] Michelle yelled angrily.

"Jeez girl. Chill."

"Ignore her. She can be an insulting type sometimes." The being in white robe said.


[Rightttt. Oh shit, Mimic! Ok it's dead.] Rodeo said after killing it.

"You don't have to yell when you see a mimic." The being in black robe said.

[Sorry. When they disguise themselves as item drops and then surprise you unexpectedly, it kinda scares you.]

"Say that to Dead Space. Scariest game of all time in my books." The being in white robe said.

[I'll go with Resident Evil 7. Slasher movie vibes are just everywhere in that game.] Michelle claims.

"So true." The being in black robe nodded.

As the four continued to play, the game started lagging a bit. 

[Uhhhhh are you guys lagging or are we lagging?] Rodeo asked.

"Both of us are!" 

Due to said lag, they're characters were teleported left and right, giving the zombies an opportunity to surround them and kill them easily. Ending the match at the round 21. 

"OH COME ON!" Both beings in robes yelled in frustration.


"GODDAMN GLITCHY SERVERS!" At the same time, Rodeo and Michelle yelled in anger and annoyance.

They both sighed in annoyance and frustration. Even these cosmic beings as well.

[I hate it when this happens.] The being in black robes through the voice chat said.

"Same." Michelle agreed.

Looking at the circular clock on the wall, Rodeo saw it was now 4:55 AM. 

"Hey guys, we got some work to do so let's play again on Friday."

[Sure man. See you later.]


After saying their goodbyes, the two disconnected from the game lobby. 

Looking at Michelle, Rodeo said, "Ok, Michelle. Training today."

"What sort of training?"


"Hey Rodeo, just a reminder. Don't break the gym. Me and you already did that once in Site-19." Evan warned Rodeo.

His words caused the Stand gang to look at both Rodeo and Evan.

"You two wrecked... a gym?" Michelle asked.

"Welllll... yes." Rodeo smiled wryly. "But luckily we didn't break any gym equipment."

"Yeah but we almost pissed off Emma, but they let the situation slide for now at least." Evan said.

"I'm concerned."

"Don't worry , Michelle. We're not gonna break anything. I assure you."

Michelle sighed, "Alright."

"Alright then. Head for the gym. I'll be with you shortly."

Michelle nods and she leaves the room. Rodeo approached Miguel and then both walked to the corner of the room and started discussing the mole problem. 

"Any new leads last night?"

"Not much, mi amigo. Carson and Gustav stayed at the site for some time and then left. Nothing suspicious happened and I found nothing suspicious in their chats on the phone or with others. But still those two are my prime suspects."

Rodeo sighs, "Alright. Just continue watching the two and if something bad happens, let me and Amelia know."

"Si." Miguel nodded and asked, "Do you think the Chaos Insurgency is up to something new?"

"Not sure, Miguel. But if they are then we'll be ready for them."


In the underground parking lot, we go back to Green and Amelia that have finally arrived at the site. Once Green parks the car, both of them exit it with Green locks it while Amelia carries the jar which had the instance of SCP-1136 in it. Both of them headed for the elevator, entered it and started heading for the upper floors. 

While in the elevator, Green then asks Amelia, "Amelia, can I ask you something?"

"Yes you may."

"I've... noticed some nights you've been whispering in your sleep and you would tear up. Are you having nightmares?"

Amelia looked away and looked down for a moment before replying sadly, "....I never really had these nightmares before. They started happening pretty much after the fight in Site-19 ended. They were not too serious, but it always involved my past. My childhood, I tried to change myself and forget it but everytime I do one good thing, more stuff related to my past starts showing up or bad things start happening."

"Amelia, you should tell me about stuff like this. I'm here for you."

Amelia looked at Green and smiled, "I know Thomas, but-"

Green cuts her words off as he gently holds her face with both of his hands, "Nothing is going to happen. We just need to be there for each other when that bad thing happens, alright?"

"Alright. You know, Thomas, I really want to see a future for us. But in this world of Scps, it's kind of a hard thing to do."

"Yeah, but at least we get to stay with each other in case the world blows up on our face." Green said sarcastically.

Amelia chuckled, "Of course."

They then stared into each other's eyes and gave each other a gentle kiss....

Although the timing was really bad when the elevator doors opened and of all people, Evan was standing in front of them. 




Everyone was silent for just a moment.

".....What... the fu-"

Widening their eyes when they spot Evan caught them right handed, they immediately break away from the kiss and look away from each other with a red blush on their cheeks. While the gecko on the jar had visible confusion on his face. Not understanding what just happened. 

Evan smirked, "Oh ho! Seems like you two are getting along pretttttty well without anyone noticing. Nice!" He gave the two a wink and a thumbs up.

"Not a word of this to anyone, Evan." Green said deeply.

"Or we will break your legs.... permanently." Amelia added.

"Yes sir and ma'am." Evan nodded calmly before looking at what Amelia was holding, "So what's with the gecko?"

"It's an Scp."

Observing the gecko, Evan saw nothing weird about it. 

"Seems like a normal house gecko to me."

"Define normal." Green said.

"This Scp can shift gravity if it gets frightened or startled." Amelia explained.

"Gravity, huh? Hmm..." Evan placed his fingers on his chin and went deep in thought.

"Something on your mind, Evan?" Green asked.

"Nah. I was thinking about something related to gravity but now it's gone. Anyways, you two do you, and I'll do me. Later." Evan waved his hand at the two and started walking down the hallway leaving the two behind. The two exit the elevator, watching Evan heading down the hallway. 

"You think he'll keep his mouth shut." Green asked.

"Oh he will. But if he doesn't..." Amelia let out a deep frown, "I'll really break his legs."

"Let's hope we don't have to though"

Deciding to forget it for now, the two head for one of the labs to contain this instance of Scp-1136. 


In the vents, a tiny desk engineer was square dancing along the vents.


A piece of paper suddenly flew past above him and went down the vents before it made a right turn along the vents. 


The piece of paper kept flying along the vent, as it stopped next to a rectangular closed vent gate, the humanoid head and arms came out the paper and saw through the vents gate a small slit and saw Zolgamax Jones office. It seems like Jones was talking with someone on the laptop via video cam. 

[What do we have here?] A deep voice sounded on the monitor.

"So Scp-999 is being transferred here?" Jones asked. The ones he was talking to on the laptop's video cam was the O5 council. He couldn't see their faces, but only their silhouettes. 

[Yes Director Jones. Do you have a problem with it?] Another O5 member asked deeply.

"No, but given the fact that the Chaos Insurgency are pulling more moves and that this site's containment breaches has increased lately while that the arrow is here as well. I have concerns whether we should bring it here since there is a possibility of an attack happening from a rival organization or.... from enemy Stands. And we know how that went down in Site-19."

[Your concerns are reasonable Jones, but it's policy to shift Scps from one site to another and if something were to happen to Site-17. Just deploy Rodeo and his gang.]

Another O5 member declared, [Regarding Rodeo and his gang, me and the council have been thinking about making a new MTF group. Specifically for capturing Scps and Stands.] 

"Is that so?"

[Yes, and while I'm not happy that Rodeo and Miguel pulled a reckless stunt and escaped Site-19 to capture Spy's faction and the arrow. Their recklessness did work out in the end.]

"I know sir. But.... they lack military skills if we put Krieg out of the equation, since he is more experienced with... said skills."

[Then we shall train them, it's as simple as that. Now we will give you the decision regarding Rodeo's MTF squad by tomorrow morning. Also Scp-999 should arrive at the site by 8:00 AM and remember that it is an important asset against 'him'.] 

Hearing the word 'him', it caused Jones to sweat and gulped in nervousness by hearing the topic about him, and knowing what or who the O5 member was mentioning.

He continued, [And along with Cory, he was able to seal the 'King' with it last time. You know what might happen if we lose it.] The O5 member, the Founder himself said to Jones, in a threatening tone.

"I'm well aware sir." Jones nodded.

[Good. And make sure that Scp-999 is with Dr. Collingwood at all times.]

"I will." Jones said as he watched O5-1 nods and the video feed disconnected itself. 

Back to the vents, the humanoid in the paper hears the entire conversation and thinks about what he had heard.

'So the arrow is here and they plan to make an MTF out of humans who have become a Stand, huh? Better report this to the boss.'

The humanoid pulls out a phone and sends a text message to the boss.


Somewhere in Scotland, the boss was sitting casually on a chair reading a book regarding the Goods and Bads about society inner workings until his phone buzzed. He checked his phone and saw a text message. 

[Piece_of_Thin_Purple_Shit: One of the Stand Arrows is on site-17 in America, and two Scp Foundation people named Dr. Amelia Buck and Agent Thomas Green have a close range Stands. What's the plan then?]

The boss then sends a text message which says this:

[Future_Supreme_Leader: For now, keep an eye on them and give me info on Site-17's entities and the Stands there. Also scan for weaknesses or possible entry points in the site's structure and relay that info to me. And don't get caught.]

The boss waited for a few seconds till he had received another message and this is what it says. 

[Piece_of_Thin_Purple_Shit: Ok boss. I'll let you know soon.]

"Hmmm. So the foundation has two Stand users, huh? We might have competition soon, especially with the other organizations involved." He muttered, which an aura of pink energy emitted from his body, lightening the darkness in the room for just a second.


– Miami International Airport, Miami, Florida, America - 6:00 AM –

A cargo plane lands on the runway and heads for one of the plane hangars to unload the cargo. Inside this cargo plane was the fighting genius and pillar man, Wamuu. 

Wamuu, who was inside the plane, saw one of the doors opening and quickly hid inside a big rectangular wooden box through a small hole on the box by dislocating his entire body. Wamuu was now inside the box and it seems the box had a Victorian era statue in it. Seemed very expensive. 

"These humans really like to buy expensive items to show off their status." He mumbled to himself.

Hearing some noises and feeling the box that he was in was moving. Wamuu looked through the hole and saw that the sun was out. While outside, the cargo workers were loading the box that he was in into a truck. The workers loaded the truck into the truck and the large vehicle closed its backdoors and drived out of the airport heading for a warehouse. 


– Warehouse, Miami, Florida- 6:28 AM –

When the truck arrived at the warehouse, the workers unloaded the box from the truck and placed it on a cargo trolley. The workers moved the box into the warehouse and kept it with the rest of the cargo that came from the airport. Wamuu looked from the hole and saw most of the workers had left or were not looking in his direction. 

"Now's my chance."

Dislocating his entire body, Wamuu came out of the box through the small hole and quickly activated his wind suit, becoming invisible and exited the warehouse without anyone noticing. 

When he reached outside, he saw there were not many shadows to hide in and some were far from him, seeing that his windsuit won't stay on for another couple of seconds, he needed to act quickly. But then he sees a manhole cover, he quickly heads for it, opens it and enters the sewers before his wind suit deactivates just in time.

As he looked around, there was pretty much no one present.

'For now these sewers are the best place for hiding from the sun. Even with my windsuit, it's still risky to go outside due to limited shading to hide in. I need to know which state I am in and start my search.'

As he thought of it, Wamuu walks down the tunnel and starts his search for his masters and Santana. If fate is on his side, then perhaps he just might find them.