

She was specially and carefully craved in the rightful places to befit me and me alone.

Sunny_star_999 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The blue eyed

"Hey what are you doing?

I quickly turned and hid the fruit knife I wanted to use to slash my wrist in my pocket, And made a run to the bush nearby.

I stop when I have covered a reasonable distance and looked back over my shoulder to see if I was been followed by the person that called out earlier but I didn't see anything.

"Phew that was so close" I said while turning. But the shock I got when I turned nearly sent my poor soul to heaven.

"Ahhhhhhhh" I shrieked and tried to head butt the person that scared the living daylights out of me.

"Awww" I yelled when I felt my head hitting a rock chest.

I looked up to see what hit me instead of the other way round only to see a blue eyed guy smiling sheepishly.

"who are you? I asked in a slightly hoarse voice while rubbing the invisible bump on my head.

"your faraway neighbor" the blue eyed boy causally introduced himself with a hand in his pocket.

"Ok so why are you here? I asked him.

"I was just passing by and trying to get done fresh air and saw you trying to end your life with that poor fruit knife beside that beautiful and fresh stream.

"Uhh" I was shocked because I thought I was careful when hiding the knife in my pocket.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me" he said why placing his hand on his chest.

"I wasn't going to do anything, I was just toying with the knife since I was bored and there's no secret for you to keep for me so scram". I hissed at him trying to put up a very angry face to make what I was saying believable.

Already pissed off that he interrupted my peaceful moment .

"Oh really ?he asked with a raised brow.


He came over and sat on the grass and patted the space beside him for me to sit. I look at him to see if he had grown two heads or probably two extra coIored eye.

"Can you come over for a bit? he pleaded .

I went and reluctantly sat beside him.

We sat there for a while without saying anything. So I decided to break the thick silence.

"Umm so "

"What's your name? he cut in.

"Samatha" I begrudgingly told him after a moment of few seconds.



"Can I call you Sam"

"No"I replied firmly

hello thanks for reading my novel,I promise to make this novel very interesting to your satisfaction.

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