
A Billionaire in his late forties Falls in love with a young lady

Brianna Bennett is a witty fun girl who likes to party and socialize. She gets a job at Empire Groups Michael Craine is a billionaire who has worked hard to get to where he is now. Brianna begins to work for Michael. Because of their differences, they find it difficult to get along but as time goes on, everything changes between them. Michael falls in love with Brianna and he finds it difficult to accept and express it

Daoist6K4Szg · แฟนตาซี
65 Chs

I Really Appreciate You


Brianna was silent throughout the drive to her house. She was about to get out of the car when I stopped her.

"Baby are you alright" I asked

She didn't reply and her head was down

"Baby girl please talk to me. Why are you silent" I asked

"Mr Craine why are you pretending like you don't know what is going on? Your children didn't like the fact that you introduced me as your girlfriend. I could read from their faces. Only two or three of them were alright with it" she said

I looked at her for a while. I went closer to her, held her chin and brought her face closer to me. I kissed her on the lips.

"Baby girl when I decided to be in a relationship with you, I didn't want a relationship where I will hide you from the world. You accepted to be with me despite our age difference and I really appreciate you for that. I want you to be part of me for the rest of my life even if we get married or not. My children are part of me even though they are not mine biologically. They have their place in my life and so do you. After Ivana's rude behaviour towards you in my office, I made a decision to introduce you to them officially. I don't care about their behaviour. All I know is that they should learn how to live with the fact you are in my life and you are very important to me. If they don't accept you, it means they never really loved me and I will learn to live with that but I don't think I will be able to live without you. Even though our relationship is just some months old, my love keeps growing stronger. I love you so much" I said to her

She had tears in her eyes. I went closer again and held her face. I kissed her tears and her eyes

"I love you too Daddy. I won't be able to live without you" she said

I smiled and kissed her on the lips. I pushed her deep in to my mouth. We kissed for a while and I let her go.

"I will see you tomorrow. I hope you are done packing" I said and asked

"Yes daddy" she replied cheerfully

I leaned closer to her ears

"Don't forget to pack something sexy" I whispered

She giggled

"Daddy don't worry, everything I have packed is for me to complete my mission" she said

I realised that she was being naughty

"What mission" I asked

"You said it's been years since you had sex right" she asked

I nodded

"So get ready to have lots of sex this vacation" she said and winked at me

She got out without waiting for me to reply. I called her out but she didn't bother looking back or returning to me. She kept walking seductively and even though it was night time. I saw her nice shaped ass shaking while she walked. I felt my dick getting hard.

"Oh my goodness this girl will be the end of me" I said to myself

My phone beeped. I took it out and it was a message from Brianna

"You saw me shaking my ass didn't you? Well for your information Mr Craine I was wearing an underwear so imagine how my ass will shake when I am not wearing anything under my dress" I read

"Oh Brianna" I said to myself

I breathe in hard

"You are making my dick really hard baby girl" I replied back to her

I drove home slowly because the image of Brianna not wearing panties kept running through my mind. For the first time I regretted sending her home.

I felt my dick really hard. I quickly went to my room and took a cold shower the thought of bending her over and fucking her from behind kept running through my mind. My cock grew harder and harder. I couldn't take it anymore I stroked it till I released and got an orgasm. For the first time in years, u couldn't control my sexual desire. After what just happened, I know there is no way I will be able to my sexual desires.

"Oh Brianna be ready because you and I will be having a lot of fun in bed" I said to myself

I left the washroom and saw Daniel sitting on my couch.

"Boy what are you doing here" I asked him

"How did your masturbating go" he asked

"What" I asked

I was shocked

"How did you know" I asked

"I saw you when you were coming. I didn't understand why you were rushing. Ivana called you but you didn't stop. I thought something was wrong so I decided to come and check on you. When I came you were not here so I decided to go to the washroom. I got closer to the door and heard you moaning" he said

I felt embarrassed and I think he noticed

"Mike don't be embarrassed. It's been a while for you. You know what sometimes I wonder how you have been able to control yourself. Miss Bennett is really sexy and hot. With what I saw today, you will be a brand-new person after being intimate with her" he said teasingly

"Fool" I said and laughed

I went to my closet and picked up some clothes and other things I will be needing. Daniel helped me pack them in to a travelling bag.

"Boss please lock up your room and your office. Please change your codes before leaving" he said

I nodded

After packing he left. I picked up my phone and saw a message from Brianna. I opened it

It was a picture of her taking a shower. Even though it didn't show any of her private parts, I was turned on. It was a picture of her wet hair and face.

"Imagine the rest of my body daddy" I read

"Oh my goodness this girl is driving me crazy" I said to myself

"Baby please stop doing this to me" I replied to her.

I turned my phone off and slept.


I saw Mr Craine looking at my ass so I decided to walk seductively. I sent him a message and his reply made me happy. I was happy that I could turn him on easily. Even though I didn't know the size of his dick, I imagine it and started touching myself. I was really horny that I opened my legs and started rubbing my clitoris. I began mourning loudly. I started fingering myself. I imagine his cock deep inside me. I started mourning loudly. I was going crazy with excitement. I continued till I came really hard.

For the first time I masturbated. It felt so good.

"Oh Mr Craine I want you so much" I said to myself

I went to take a shower and decided to be naughty again. I took a picture of myself without my private parts and sent it to him. I was happy regarding his reply.

"Mr Craine, you have to ease my sexual tension else I might go crazy" I said to myself

I slept off after a while.

The next day, I arrived at the office and went straight to Mr Craine's office.

"Good morning Daddy. How is the most beautiful man in the world doing" I said with a smile

"Brianna you are naughty ( I giggled) for the first time in so many years I was my dick was so hard that I couldn't control it" he said

I gasped

"Daddy!" I shouted

"What" he asked astonishingly

"You should have called me. I would have come to you" I said

I secretly opened my first three buttons because his head was down. I walked closer to him and bent down a bit. He raised his head and saw my breasts.

"Brianna you are so naughty" he said

I giggled and went closer to him

"Daddy do you like what you see" I asked

He didn't answer. He just kept staring at my breasts and cleavage. He got up and pushed me against the wall. He kissed me aggressively. He slapped my ass three times and everyone of them made me wet.

"Go home and get ready I will be picking you up shortly" he said

I nodded

I walked to the door.

"Bri" he called me

I stopped and turned around

"I want to see you acting according to your words" he said

I stood there confused.

"Daddy what do you mean" I asked

"I want to see how naughty you can be" he said

I chuckled

"Mr Michael Craine, are you challenging me" I asked

He nodded

I bit my lower lip

"Challenge accepted but you will have to be naughty with me throughout the journey and I promise you that you will let me move in with you after our trip" I said

"Are you that good sexually" he asked

U felt sad suddenly I remember Harry always saying that I wasn't good sexually and I will too timid

"I don't know honestly. Harry always told me I wasn't good and I was inexperienced" I said

I looked down

I felt him walking up to me

"Baby girl relationship is not all about sex so don't worry" he said

"Daddy what if I don't satisfy you sexually" I asked

He laughed

"Actually dear I am also worried about the same thing. What if I don't satisfy you" he said

I kept my eyes on him. He kissed my forehead

"We will try our best to satisfy each other" he said

I kissed him.

"Who will be with us on our trip" I asked

"It will be only us, the pilots and one lady who will be serving us" he said

"Alright daddy get ready" I said and bit my lower lip

"Now I regret challenging you. What are you up to" he said

I turned around and intentionally collided my backside with his thigh. I moved my eyes and saw him looking at my ass. I smiled and went out.

I didn't know I had this gust of seduction in me.

"I can't believe I am seducing Mr Craine" I said to myself

I went home and made some final arrangements for my trip. I have was so excited.

An hour later, I heard a car horn. I quickly went to check and it was Mr Craine. I realised that he was alone. A naughty idea crossed my mind. I took off my panties and quickly placed them in my bag. I took my travelling bag and went out. He came out of the car and took my bag and placed it in the car. He opened the door to the front seat for me. I intentionally went closer to him again and made sure my backside touched his body. I saw a surprise look on his face and that means he realised what that meant.