

I remained motionless in my office, still seated and engrossed in thought. A knock on the door jerks me back to reality. I turn my gaze to the door, blink twice then sigh.

"come in." I say, stretching in my seat.

Seconds later, the door was pushed open by a hand. A head peeked in. I looked up, and instantly recognised the glossy black hair. His eyes locked with mine before he blinked.

It was Hayden.

"it's important." He said quickly, before I could kick him out. I rolled my eyes, "what is it?" I asked. Nearly losing my patience.

"there's someone here to see you. He claims to be your relative." He said carefully walking in and shutting the door behind him. I didn't look up this time. "my relative in what terms?" I asked, swirling in my seat.

"he didn't say." A short pause. "but he did tell me his name." he said so quietly, it was almost a whisper.

"so?" I ask arcing a brow. "what is his name?" I asked Hayden.

"his name is Liam." He said, it was only then that I stilled and finally looked up from my desk.

"Liam?" I asked, my golden blonde hair sliding off a shoulder. "yes, why?" He asked.

"tell him I'm busy. He should meet me next time, but with a fixed time for meeting." I said.

"you mean, he should fix a time schedule?" Hayden asked. It did sound awkwardly ridiculous, when you put it that way....

"yes." I said, turning my back to him. I was currently facing the opposite direction.

"alright." he said with a sigh before leaving.

What was Liam doing here?

Thirty minutes later, I decided to step out of my office for some fresh air. Here, I felt suffocated. The aura here constantly reminding me of my position and the authority I wielded.

I am the CEO, and these people don't miss a chance to remind me of that fact.

I stepped out of my office, only to see nurses assigned to each ward. Moving in a helter skelter motion. I sighed as I made my way out the hospital.

I began leaving on foot. It's not like I don't have a car, I do. It's just, walking reminds me of how real my life is, and the people around me.I paused, inhaling the nice scent of the fresh renewal of spring. My eyes were still shut when a voice interrupted my peace.

I felt a presence behind me, and the familiar scent said as much.

"still determined after so long, hmm?" I asked, my back still backing the unknown figure. I slipped my hands into the pockets of my coat.

"You got that part right." a male calm voice said from behind me. "And you still haven't changed a bit, from the last time I saw you." He said, taking a stand beside me. I opened my eyes, but didn't turn to side.

"well, bad luck for you. I'm in no mood for familiar faces." I said, making my way down the streets with him following behind. I ignored him and made my way down the restaurant down the street. I had to walk past my coffee shop if I didn't want to have nightmares everyday from now on.

I slipped inside, and took a seat closer to the window. Which was nearest to the door.

A waiter placed the coffee I had ordered Infront of me, and his as well. I took a sip from my coffee not bothering to look at him.

"so what do I owe this meeting of your Liam? Because I know you never pester me unless you want something." I said, before lifting my head.

Liam had this amused look on his face, like he always does. "well, good to know your brain still works perfectly." He said, gently placing his cup down. "I'll take that as a compliment." I said, sipping from my cup.

Liam let out a soft laugh. Which slowly died down moment later. "if you were to make a partnership, would you do it?" He asked, his curly blonde hair covering his eyes partially as he leaned forward.

" I see." I said, placing my empty cup down. "I would, but there's a problem." I said with a gesture. "I'm a doctor, and a surgeon at that. I don't deal with business shares and all that." I said, calmly getting to my feet.

"and even if I was a business woman." I said placing my pay on the table. "I wouldn't partner with people like you." I said. "so would you quit pestering me?" I asked, before walking out the restaurant.

On stepping out, the cool air of the street hit me before the scent. How I loved spring, it always manages to calm me down in situations like this.

I thought as I made my way up the street and to my hospital.