
(part 1) A chance to fly and travel back in time to when we were younger?

as i looked around for help all i saw was group of people everywhere as i stood there lonely and confused i asked this girl my age to where the classroom was?

it turned out we go to every class togther and we would sit together then these group of people came sat with us first we didn't know one another,some knew each other but that was ok at that momet i knew as my 9th grade year would be fun and great memories with them

i was kinda shy person so starting a conversation was not that difficult but not easy i was about to say hi when they all said hi to all together next i knew i was laughting and talking with them they seem pretty cool and nice people

at that time i knew no -one but them but later on i got to know all my teachers and made some friends i would always cover my face so no-one would no it was me i just didn't find the confidence to do so i knew i was scared but ever friday i showed my face obviously the pizza was so great and how could I eat the pizza with my face covered all th classmate 9th grades girls my friends saw my face but they said "oh my God you're so pretty I'm about to die" i though first was kind of kind of embarrassing but hey can't stop them so let the comment come in

i would play baskeball i am pro at it

soccer don't get me started i better then a pro but all this and all other sports.

but have you ever had a moment where you met this person and you know that their your soulmate cause thats what happened to me it looked like time and space stopped itself the minute i meet them I knew beyond love its called eternal love probelm was I am afraid to talk to boys like someone talks to me and next i freeze,Didn't know what to say and blow my chance there

that is what happens to me so i knew i got to step up my game but failed

miracle is he talked to me how you you ask?

that is story another time

but keep me updated to what you think of my story so far? how do you think he talked to me? comment me below and let me know

thanks for reading until next time for part two.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Fardowso_abdullahicreators' thoughts