

Chapter 436 Tracy

Lieutenant General of Disease, Tracy?

Hearing this somewhat familiar yet unfamiliar name, Angel stopped again.

She recalled a little and remembered that this was after "Vice Admiral Hurricane" Qilingos died in Backlund, he took over the fleet, and changed his name from "Disease Girl" to "Vice Admiral Disease", becoming one of the seven pirate generals. famous pirate.

Since she had just become a general, her bounty amount was even less than that of the "Lieutenant General Iceberg" who had a good reputation and rarely harmed innocent people during robberies. It was only 25000 pounds. Of course, this was equivalent to five full "Fire Flames". Nice, after the price increase.

Most importantly, she had heard this name during the battle to hunt "Iron" Maiviti. At that time, one of Maiviti's men mistook her for "Tracy", probably because of her The "disease" ability displayed at that time.

Therefore, there is a high probability that this pirate general is the Sequence 5 "Pain" Witch... This is also in line with the average strength of a "pirate general".

She was somewhat interested and continued to listen to the conversation of several passengers, but it seemed that because the topic involved female pirate generals, the focus of the conversation quickly diverged and went in a direction that even Angel had not expected.

"I heard that this pirate general is extremely beautiful. Not only the crew members on her flagship 'Black Death' but also on other ships are in love with her. Even many of her enemies actively beg to die just to see her before they die. She is kind to her, but these people often get seriously ill inexplicably in front of her, and die in pain without even having a chance to kiss her."

The abilities of "pleasure" and "pain"... Angel nodded secretly, further confirming the other party's potion path.

"Why would such a powerful pirate come near Bayam? Our ship won't be robbed by her, right?"

"It would be good if that's the case. I've long wanted to see if she looks like the rumors... But it's a pity that Bayam's naval garrison should have driven away the 'Black Death' that came with a single ship. Moreover, Bayam is the capital of the colony, and no pirates will risk the threat of coastal defense guns to approach. She may just be looking for something nearby."

After hearing that everyone's conversation began to turn to which legendary treasure "Vice Admiral Disease" was looking for, Angel left the deck without interest and quickly found his own first-class suite in the upper cabin.

The cabins here are much simpler than those on the White Onyx. Even the first-class cabin is just a simple combination of living room, bedroom, and bathroom. However, the "Blue Mountain Rose" is a short trip between Zhongji Island and Bayam. The voyage of the ship was only three days, so Angel didn't care much about the living environment.

This is true even for first-class cabins, let alone the second- and third-class cabins below. When Angel bought the ticket, he learned that the simplest third-class cabin is an eight-person room with bunk beds, a shared bathroom, and no dining room. To accommodate all passengers, dining can only be done in batches.

But the ship is still full of passengers traveling between the two places, especially the route from Bayam to Zhongcheng Island. Countless young people with dreams and hard work to collect travel expenses set out from the Rhoside Islands and passed by Zhongcheng Island. Catch a ship to Balam in the southern continent, dreaming of becoming rich overnight in the colony there.

"Isn't that the case for me...Isn't it just to save money on buying the main ingredients for potions? Isn't looking for the 'Gazeer' just to save money on buying the main ingredients for potions? This is also a mentality of fantasizing about getting rich..."

Analyzing his psychology of venturing to Middle-range Island, Angel smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, but thinking about the money he finally saved, even with the unpaid money from Audrey and "Eye of Wisdom" Essinger, he couldn't buy it. Picking up a potion ingredient, the faint smile on his face quickly disappeared.

Moreover, even if there really is a "Gazeer" near Zhongcheng Island, this kind of extraordinary creature that can reverse divination and travel between the spirit world and reality may not be easy to deal with. Considering the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 5, the price is only 8000 pounds. Around 4 pounds, and the main material of the Sequence 5 potion must exceed ten thousand pounds. The difficulty of obtaining it is divided according to the price. I am afraid that this kind of creature will not be easier to deal with than the Sequence Extraordinary...

While taking out the clothes and items from his suitcase and putting them away in categories, Angel sighed, as if all the cash in his pocket had been thrown into a bottomless pit called "Sequence 4".

Just as she was using the clothes hanger in the bedroom closet to hang up her change of clothes, a black shadow suddenly flashed out of the closet, and a black cat much larger than an ordinary domestic cat jumped out and stepped on Angel's shoulder first. Then he fell onto the soft bed and rolled to a stop.

Next time I have to remind it not to appear from the shadows, otherwise I will not be able to help but regard it as an enemy and chop it with a knife...

Angel cursed and looked at the black cat from the spiritual world, Ms. Wensa, who had contracted with him to become a messenger. It stretched its limbs and made a "meow" sound that was indistinguishable of gender, and then slowly crawled over from the bed.

"Who asked you to send a message?"

She asked doubtfully. The only people who knew how to summon her messenger were Mr. Klein and Azik who were at the contract signing site at the time, and there was no place to hide the message on the black cat.

"The young one, he said: Be careful on the road. Vice Admiral Disease's ship recently appeared in the west of Bayam. If you are attacked by the other party, you can try to seek help from Mr. Azik. In addition, I asked Wensa Madam, after I summon it, it can remember my location, and you can ask it to send me messages at any time."

After imitating Klein's tone and saying the entire message, the black cat Wensa turned around gracefully, swayed his tail, jumped up from the bed, got into the water ripples that suddenly appeared in the air, and disappeared without a trace. .

The messenger is really convenient, but the party sending the letter still needs to set up a summoning ceremony, which is not conducive to communication in emergencies... Angel sighed with emotion, looking at the position of Wensa entering the spirit world, and began to think about how to resemble Azik's copper whistle. In that way, the ritual of summoning the messenger is solidified on an item, thus replacing the troublesome summoning ritual.

Moreover, recalling the actions of Wen Sa appearing and disappearing just now, she always felt a little familiar. It was the sense of déjà vu brought to her by the magic medicine in her body, as if...

"Could it be that Wensa was a cat that took the 'Assassin' potion before going to the spirit world?"

Angel frowned and muttered to himself.


After placing his belongings, Angel casually walked around the crowded and lively steamship and found that compared to the wonderful journey he spent on the White Onyx, the first-class cabin on the Blue Mountain Rose was An exclusive restaurant that only offers a fixed menu or a small entertainment room will make her solo sea trip boring.

So she quickly returned to her suite, sat down by the window facing the sea, took out a textbook on the ancient Fusak language, and began to study with concentration. After being slightly shocked by the multi-lingual black cat Wensa, she came up with the idea of ​​learning another language. She had a certain foundation and was very useful in communicating with spiritual creatures. Ancient Fusac became First choice.

Unfortunately, some things cannot be achieved with hard work. Angel, who was wandering in the ocean of knowledge, quickly drowned and pushed the book away dizzily. His mind was full of various things that he had memorized by rote with the memory of an extraordinary person. This vocabulary almost turned her thinking into a mess.

Fortunately, I also spent a boring afternoon and memorized a lot of words...

Looking at the fading sunlight outside the window, Angel put on the ring of madness, left the room in the appearance of "Eileen Watson" that was unknown at sea, went to the restaurant, and chose grilled beef short ribs from the not-so-excessive menu. and fruit salad, and then spent the after-dinner time outside the window as the setting sun turned to crimson moonlight, listening to the surrounding passengers' critical comments about the pirates' "Four Kings" and "Seven Generals."

Slowly walking back to the first-class cabin, Angel was about to open the door to the suite when suddenly a not-so-strong danger warning appeared in his inner spirituality and the magic mirror placed next to him.

The danger on the ship... could it be that my "good luck" pistol has started to work again?

She thought a little worriedly.

During her days with Klein, she had almost forgotten about this magical item with extremely unstable negative effects. At this time, she remembered the experience of frequently damaging mercenary carriages in Backlund, and she couldn't help but stop.

It wasn't until the spiritual warning completely dissipated that she took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

The porthole near the sea was tightly closed, and there were no candles lit in the room. It was pitch black at this time, but Angel's dark vision still allowed her to easily spot a crouching figure in the corner of the living room.

This strange woman wearing a hood, a cloak clinging to her body, and a little wet all over her body seemed to have just climbed aboard the Blue Mountain Rose from the sea. A pair of green gem-like eyes stared at Angel at the door, reminding the latter of Miss Justice of the Tarot Club.

But the sharp dagger she held in her hand destroyed this imagination. Audrey would not break into someone else's house so rudely and hide in the corner with a weapon...

Angel commented in his heart, pretending to be unconscious and walked into the living room, reaching out to light the candle on the candlestick.

The moment the candle light was lit and the door closed behind him, the figure in the corner jumped out like lightning. The dagger stabbed at Angel with the dazzling light reflecting the candle light, and stopped steadily in front of her neck.

During this process, the hood on the woman's head flipped back due to the rapid sprint. Her gorgeous red hair seemed to be stained with blood. The skin on her face had a healthy color from the sun, but it was still delicate and beautiful. Her green eyes were With a trace of murderous intent, he looked at Angel coldly.

"Don't act rashly. I saw your luggage. There are pistol bullets and tools for making spells. You are also an extraordinary person. You should know that there are many ways to kill you before you call for help."

Her voice was hoarse, as if she was a little tired from not eating or drinking for a long time, but her words were still full of threats.

But Angel just felt like laughing when she heard that. The dagger in front of her neck was already entangled with invisible threads. Even if the red-haired lady tried to move forward even one centimeter, she would find that the dagger was no longer under her control.

If she hadn't wanted to see what this hidden stranger was planning to do, with just a move of her fingers, the silk threads that had spread all over the room when she stepped into the living room could make him lose all ability to move.

"Okay, okay, what are you going to do?"

Her tone was panicked, like a fledgling Extraordinary who became helpless under the threat of a sharp weapon.

"It's very simple. I'll stay in your room for a few days. You ask room service to deliver three meals a day. Don't leave my sight. I'll let you go as soon as the ship docks."

Speaking of meals, the red-haired lady licked her dry lips involuntarily.

She sounds like a stowaway who got on the Blue Mountain Rose... But she is wet and has the salty smell of sea water, more like a fish-man who climbed onto the ship from the sea...

When she thought of fish-men, she thought of delicious grilled fish steaks and cheek meat. Angel also wanted to lick her lips, but the actor's professional ethics stopped her from making such dramatic moves.

"I listen to you. Please put down the dagger first. I'm a little scared..."

He made an expression that was about to cry, and even used the charm ability of "joy". Even with the ordinary face provided by the "ring of madness", Angel successfully made the red-haired lady put down the dagger hesitantly.

"Well, as long as you quietly obey the orders, I'm not some murderous pirate." She put the dagger back into the sheath on her waist, and took off her cloak that was still dripping, revealing the wet and tight skin underneath. "Now, it's time to fulfill your duty and ask room service to bring dinner for two people."

She sat on the sofa by the window regardless of the wetness on her body, with a winner's smile on her face.

"You don't have to pretend like this. If you dare to carry a gun with you, are you so afraid of a dagger? By the way, I haven't asked your name yet, 'poor' lady." Feeling that she has the overall situation in hand, the red-haired woman There was a touch of sarcasm in his tone, "As for me, you can call me Elaine."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 437 Elaine's Story

Elaine... sounds like a name from Intis. Of course, this is hard to say. Many people in the Loen Kingdom have followed suit and come up with names with exotic pronunciations... Angel nodded lightly in response:

"Call me Angelica."

Elaine on the sofa seems to be confident in her own strength. She has put away the dagger and even assumed a comfortable posture. Her slender legs are very tempting under the moist and close-fitting long skirt.

She doesn't even look like a stowaway... She is even wearing a dress that is difficult to move around. Could she be a passenger on a nearby shipwreck?

Angel's curiosity became more and more intense and he asked:

"Miss Elaine, why did you come to my room like this? If you accidentally fell into the water due to a shipwreck and came to this ship, you can ask the captain to arrange a room. I believe he will be happy to help. "

Rescuing people in distress is a customary behavior for every regular ship sailing on the five seas. After all, no one knows whether he will be the next unlucky person.

"I'm not a passenger who fell into the water... Well, you can't say I'm not, I escaped from a pirate ship." The red-haired Elaine's face showed distress at first, and then became angry, "Why are you asking so much? There should be room service on the passenger ship. I told you, double dinner, don't force me to do anything."

She pressed the dagger sheath on her waist threateningly, exuding a sense of menace that did not belong to ordinary people.

No... It's more like a provocation. She can't be the "Hunter" path, right? There seem to be too many hunters recently... The corners of Angel's mouth twitched involuntarily, thinking of the various things he encountered before leaving Bayam. hunter.

Moreover, Elaine said that she was a victim escaping from the clutches of pirates, which did not constitute a reason for her to avoid the captain and other sailors. It is also the obligation of various ships to rescue survivors who were attacked by pirates, unless she herself was on a wanted order. character, afraid of being recognized.

But there is no such wanted notice for a red-haired woman in my memory, unless she is a small character worth only a few hundred pounds... Angel thought for a moment and replied with a smile:

"Sorry, there is no room service on this ship. If you want to eat, you can only go to the restaurant. It may still be open, but you can either go by yourself or I can buy it for you."

Obviously she did not expect such a result, Elaine's beautiful lips parted, showing an expression of surprise.

Seeing that he had gradually taken the initiative in the conversation, Angel continued to suggest:

"Whether you escaped from pirates or were a castaway on an ordinary ship, I have no intention of reporting you to the captain. Why don't we all have more trust and less suspicion? I don't mind having one more resident in the suite, and you can chat too." From my own experience, I know a few writers, and I treat them as helping them source materials."

She was really interested in what happened to the red-haired Elaine, especially on a boring sea voyage. It might not be a bad thing to have a chat partner, so she brought some "instruction" in her words. strength.

As for writers... Angel knows quite a few, such as the Nighthawks from Tingen City, the white-haired Sika, and Forsi from Backlund, but this is completely an excuse at this time.

"Okay, I just said that breaking into your room was just to find a place to stay."

Perhaps this Elaine's nature was not bad. She hesitated for a moment and actually agreed to Angel's proposal.

She sat up slightly and lowered her raised feet.

"I come from the Republic of Intis, and my father was a low-income local nobleman. He inherited a lot of wealth, but he was addicted to wine, gambling, and had many mistresses, and he soon went bankrupt.

"In order to repay the debt he owed, I accepted the funding from my family and became a Beyonder. I came to the sea to help them do some shipping business, transporting coal and steel from Tillis to Sevia in Feneport. Then transport the special products there back to Intis. This coastal route is safe and reliable, but the competition is fierce. I don't know how many years it will take to pay off my father's debt. I can only try to run the route between the north and south continents, starting from the west. Lang transported some valuable spices and specialties back to the northern continent, but unfortunately he was robbed by pirates before he could get familiar with the waterway.

"The family's ship was robbed, and I was taken away by them. Two days ago, I found an opportunity, jumped off the ship with my sampan in my arms, and escaped from them. I drifted on the sea for two whole days before I met this person. A passenger ship, I climbed up using the rope that was not completely closed."

After wandering at sea for two days, if he were an ordinary person, he would have died in the low temperature at night, or lost the ability to ask for help due to lack of fresh water... Angel looked at the other party's beautiful but haggard face, dry lips and eyelids, He sighed secretly and took out a coin from his pocket.

She wants to divine whether the other person is lying.

Sympathy is sympathy, but the basic procedures still need to be done.

Seeing Angel tossing the coin, Elaine chuckled and asked:

"Soothsayer? You carry a gun and don't panic when you see me. You can't be an intelligence officer of Intis."

"No, I am from Loen."

Looking at the falling coins, Angel confirmed that the other party was not lying, but there might be something to hide.

Of course, it's normal to hide part of your experience from someone you meet for the first time. If Elaine told everything without any scruples, it would make Angel a little suspicious.

Besides, judging from her sneak attack skills with a dagger just now, she might just be a Sequence 8 or 7 Beyonder with a quite simple personality. Maybe she doesn't have any secrets to dig out...

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say. It's your turn to fulfill your promise." After licking her dry mouth, Elaine's words once again contained a hint of threat, "I need to borrow one of your dresses. Then you take me to the dining room. As long as you don't try to escape or call for help, I allow you to sleep on the sofa in the living room at night."

Looking at the one-bedroom suite, Elaine said with a smile.

Okay, I'm sure you are on the "Hunter" path... Angel suppressed the unknown fire that suddenly arose in his heart, and decided to reposition the dignity and status of the two people in this living room before meeting the other party's request. Without seeing any movement from her, the invisible threads that had been laid out all around instantly gathered around Elaine, binding the red-haired lady who had just stood up from the sofa after feeling something.


In an instant, only her mouth and eyes could move in Elaine's body. She glared at Angel and blurted out a piece of Intis language with unknown meaning, but you could tell from the tone that it was not a friendly communication word.

The long red dress on her body was tighter with silk threads, and it showed off her moderately firm breasts and slender waist.


The red dress seemed to be burning from the inside, with pieces of golden flames gushing out. The flames licked the invisible threads around it and burned them with difficulty. The owner of the flames exerted force on his hands, as if he was about to break free.

With a smile on his lips, Angel watched Elaine's useless struggle. More silk threads around her were wrapped in thin ice, and they continued to stretch towards her side to replace those parts that were burned by the flames.

If it were Sequence 6, her silk thread might not be so effective against the "Hunter" who can control flames in Sequence 7, the "Arsonist", but after being promoted to a sequence second only to the demigod, this witch can already Use frost to greatly strengthen the strength of the silk thread, enough to resist the flames ignited by the opponent in a hurry.

"When you reach Sequence 5, you may have the opportunity to burn all these threads."

She mocked in a calm tone, enjoying the look of despair on Elaine's face for a moment, successfully leveraging the slow digestion of the potion in her body.

"No, no..." The red-haired lady closed her eyes tightly, and the flames beside her disappeared as if they were extinguished by sea water. The red dress was not damaged at all, "Tracy? Why are you doing this... No, she can't change. Face, are you her accomplice?"


Angel has heard this name several times today and knows that this pirate general appeared near Bayam yesterday and seemed to be looking for something until he was expelled by the navy. Could it be...

She slightly relaxed the control of the silk thread, allowing Elaine to move her limbs a little, but the latter had given up all struggle and knelt on the ground after losing support. Her eyes opened and her green eyes looked at Angel blankly.

"Why do you suspect that I am Tracy?"

Seeing that the hunter lady gave up her resistance, Angel asked softly. She roughly determined what happened based on the other party's reaction, but she still needed to confirm it.

"I knew how she could really let me go... The woman who taught me how to escape must have arranged it, as did this ship, and so did you. Send me back, but don't expect me to give in..."

Elaine seemed not to hear the question and muttered to herself.

Why did she look so damaged? What happened to Lieutenant General Disease? Angel was speechless and had to take off the "Crazy Ring" on his finger to reveal his true appearance.

"I'm not 'Tracy', and I have nothing to do with her," she explained, looking around and realizing that she had no means to prove her identity. "I'll let you go first, but if you set the house on fire again, Just don't blame me for being rude."

She removed the invisible thread and watched as Elaine's eyes gradually returned to clarity, and her expression turned to confusion.

"Are you really not from the Black Death?"

"I am also a Sequence 5. Do you think a ship will have two captains?"

"That's right... I'm sorry, I just ran away several times but was caught by her, so I had a bit of a psychological shadow..."

Angel's explanation based on strength actually convinced Elaine. She got up from the ground and sat back on the sofa with some exhaustion. Her long red hair hung down on her face and shoulders. Her chest kept rising and falling between breaths, which was different from the previous threat. Angel's heroic appearance showed a huge contrast.

"You didn't lie just now, but you concealed a lot of things. Now let's talk about it in detail. Why did 'Vice Admiral Disease' have to take you back to the ship several times?"

After waiting for a moment, after Elaine's breathing stabilized, Angel asked.

This time she had absolute dominance, so she did not use the leading questions just now, but went straight to the point and asked about the key points.

"My family is indeed in Intis, but it is not some low-class nobles, but a member of the former royal family, the Sauron family." As if giving up the fight, Elaine sighed softly and looked at Angel with blank eyes. , adding about his life history, "After my father went bankrupt due to addiction to drinking and sex, the family leaders approached me and promised to pay off my family's debts, provided that I accepted their arrangement and became a 'hunter'."

She raised her right hand lightly, and a bright flame emerged from the tip of her index finger, once again demonstrating her potion path.

 Thanks to the leader of "The Spiritual Di Ruyan" for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 438 Pirates, see pirates again

Sauron family?

Angel was somewhat familiar with this name. She quickly recalled the evil spirit in Backlund who claimed to have died in the Fourth Age. One of the three bloods needed to help it escape was from the descendants of Sauron!

I remember that the Sauron family is a noble of Intis and masters the magic potion of the "Hunter" path. This is consistent with what Elaine said... Angel thought about it, nodded, and motioned for the other party to continue.

"The story of how I came to the sea to trade is consistent with what I just said, but the person who attacked my ship and kidnapped me was not an ordinary pirate, but Tracy, who was just the 'Sick Girl' at the time. She only had one ship at the time, but My own strength is about the same as it is now. I only had Sequence 8 at that time, and together with the other sailors on the ship, I couldn't do anything to her...

"She didn't kill indiscriminately. She only robbed the cargo and even left enough food and water for the crew. The price was my surrender..."

Speaking of this, a trace of hatred or nostalgia appeared on Elaine's face.

"So, what's the situation between you and her now?"

Angel continued to ask.

"What happened? She forced me!" Elaine almost jumped up from the sofa as if her tail was stepped on, her red hair flying, "First she threatened me with the freedom of the crew, then with my own life, and finally she said she would let her My family knows everything... My father's debt has not been paid off, so I can't die... And I think, anyway, she is a woman anyway, and she can't really do anything to me..."

She weakly fell back on the sofa and covered her red face.

I just want to ask why you have been locked up on the boat... And it's hard for me to believe that your expression and reaction are forced, Ms. Elaine... Angel smiled secretly, wondering whether all of this was "illness" "Will" do it for the sake of acting, to make others suffer.

"Tell me about Lieutenant General Tracy, everything about her."

Seeing Elaine covering her face in despair and not moving for a long time, Angel could only give a verbal reminder.

"Like you, she can control enemies with invisible threads, and is good at curses, frost, and black flames..."

Elaine sniffed, rubbed her face to let the blush fade away, and then introduced Tracy's fighting style.

It is indeed the Witch of Pain. Of course, the Sequence 4 Despair can also use all abilities, but it is unlikely that she is a demigod, otherwise she would not be ranked among the ranks of pirate generals, and the bounty is pitifully low... ...After Angel finished listening, he continued to ask:

"Where are her helpers? First mate, second mate, bosun? What magical items do they have on them?"

"She...she has a diamond-encrusted bracelet that can provide powerful defense, making it difficult for ordinary attacks to threaten her." Angel's series of questions surprised Elaine. She hesitated, and finally said what happened to Tracy. "As for the other members, I don't know much about it. When she robbed my ship, she only had a small pirate ship, and she was surrounded by fierce pirates, but she had never seen an extraordinary person. Later she became a 'Pirate General'" , let alone let me come into contact with the battle and be stained with blood, she said, just leave everything to her..."

What kind of romantic novel hero... Could this Tracy have really fallen in love with Elaine? She was too involved in the role? But she is also a woman, at least for now.

Or maybe Tracy, who was promoted from a male assassin, still retains her original sexual orientation and prefers women to men, so she is reluctant to leave Elaine, and even plays the role of hiding in the golden house, chasing her away from her...

Angel cursed, suddenly thinking of his experience in this world, and his face began to heat up.

Am I too happy-go-lucky in comparison?

However, according to the theory of modern medicine, body hormones are the reason that affects orientation, and, and... other witches are like this, Servilia, Laura, Triss... No, Triss is a little different...

Her mind was a little confused and her eyes were out of focus, which made the red-haired Elaine full of confusion. She didn't know why her answer made this beautiful woman who was Sequence 5 like Tracy look dull.

"So, when you asked about Tracy, were you trying to deal with her?"

After a moment, Elaine asked cautiously, with a hint of worry in her tone that she didn't even notice.

"Well, of course not. I'm not interested in a life-and-death fight between people of the same rank." Angel was awakened by her, coughed slightly, and continued, "And I know your worries. Do you think other people on the ship will react after seeing you?" I will sell you to Tracy in exchange for payment, but I am a pirate hunter and will not help her. You can stay with me for a few days until you go ashore."

"But the premise is to identify who is the real owner. For example, you sleep in the living room."

Angel's answer left Elaine stunned.

Could it be that he had aroused the dissatisfaction of this powerful extraordinary person because he just said that he should sleep in the living room?

Thinking of the disparity in strength between the two parties, she wisely decided not to mention the matter again and obediently regarded the living room as her temporary home.

Seeing that Elaine had no objection, Angel took out a small glass bottle from the suitcase in the bedroom and handed it to her.

"Take a vial of your own blood."

The first purpose is to serve as a final deterrent to prevent this hunter with rich escape experience from running away again; the second purpose is naturally to leave some blood of "direct descendants of the Sauron family", although it will not be used to rescue the suspicious person. evil spirits, but be prepared.

Moreover, you may not be their direct descendant. After all, the family in the Fourth Age has existed so far, and the bloodline should have faded long ago, and they themselves may not be able to tell the difference...

Watching the red-haired Elaine Soren take out the dagger without saying a word, cut a wound on her hand decisively, and fill it with a whole bottle of dark red blood. Angel took it with satisfaction and tied it with frost and silk thread. In a simple ritual, this bottle of blood was sealed.

"You have been with Tracy for so long. You should know the role of blood in the hands of a witch. I can use it to track you and even kill you. You'd better give up the idea of ​​resisting and escaping. Well, as long as you Just obey your orders quietly, I'm not some murderous pirate."

Angel repeated what the other person said when they first met, and carefully put the glass bottle away.

"She has never done this before..."

Elaine puffed up her mouth and said softly.

"That's because she likes you, and I, um... am more normal." Halfway through his words, Angel felt something was wrong. He paused for a moment before continuing, "I'll help you get some food. You're here, don't Feel free to move around."

It ended up being a fuss for a long time, and in the end I went to help her solve the dinner problem. What was the difference between this and the beginning... Angel put on the "Crazy Ring" again, went to the first-class restaurant, and ordered two simple dinners. With a glass of low-alcohol fruit wine fermented from Bayam's local fruits, I returned to my suite with the dinner plate in hand.

Elaine was still sitting on the sofa in the living room, seemingly giving up all active actions and just waiting passively, which made Angel wonder whether the short battle just now had too much impact on her. Smelling the fragrant Fenebaud pasta, cheese-baked chicken and roasted mushrooms, she turned her eyes here, swallowed involuntarily, and a trace of expectation appeared in her eyes.

"Change into some clean clothes, wear one of mine, and then come over and have dinner."

Looking at this unlucky woman, Angel also lost his mind to continue teasing and bullying her, taking the opportunity to digest the potion, and ordered in a low voice.

After Elaine changed out of her soaked clothes and put on the spare clothes in Angel's luggage, she sat at the table and started to devour the two dinners. Angel sat in the corner, thinking about how to deal with this member of the Sauron family. female.

The aristocratic system of Intis has nothing to do with her, and naturally she will not send back this poor person who finally escaped from the clutches of the pirates. Then she can only wait for her to go home by herself after landing... But "Lieutenant General Illness" "Obviously he attaches great importance to Elaine, and even personally commanded the flagship "Black Death" to come near Bayam, risking being surrounded by the Navy and the Church of Storms to find her whereabouts. She may not be able to successfully return to the Northern Continent...

"What are your plans next?"

Seeing that Elaine had finished most of the food, she slowed down her eating speed and asked smoothly.

"Of course I'm going home. I've been missing for a few months. I wonder if my father will be worried... Well, I'm afraid he won't even care about my whereabouts, but I still have to pay off the debt so that the family can have a chance to get rid of the current situation. fate."

Elaine's eyes were a little straight and she answered slowly.

If it weren't for the red noodle sauce hanging on the corner of her mouth, her speech coupled with her somewhat heroic face should have fascinated many people, well, including "Lieutenant General Disease"...

"Then when you get to Zhongcheng Island, you can find a boat to go back to. I heard that Tracy's 'Black Death' has arrived nearby, so be careful."

Angel still reminded her to prevent this poor man who had been captured several times from being "caught" again.

"Of course, I will never be...wait, to the Middle Island? Isn't this 'Blue Mountain Rose' going to Bayam? I have seen it on my own ship!"

Elaine took a sip of fruit wine and replied, but suddenly she was stunned.

"It does go back and forth between Bayam and Zhongcheng Island, but now it's going to the other side." Angel said with a smile on his lips again, "If you don't want to be a stowaway again, or find someone in another suite, Passengers who are not so friendly can find a way for me to be generous and donate some travel expenses to you."


The fork in the red-haired lady's hand fell into the dinner plate, making a crisp sound.


Since last night's complete defeat in actions and words, Elaine has become much more honest. She borrowed Angel's women's wide-brimmed hat, tied up her iconic red hair, covered it with the hat, and tried to leave the suite. to the dining room and deck.

Soon, the timid red-haired lady discovered that no one paid attention to her uninvited guest. Even if they looked at her, they only appreciated the beautiful woman's kind gaze, rather than treating her as a commodity that could be sold to the pirate general.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that "Vice Admiral Sickness" is unable to issue a wanted warrant. If Angel appears on this ship in his true form, it may not take long for the observant passengers to recognize him, although they may not dare to look at the 6000-pound item. The Extraordinary who was able to kill the Bishop of the Church of Storms did it, but he still had the courage to report it to the Church immediately after getting off the ship and share part of the bounty.

Therefore, Angel always wore the "Crazy Ring" when he went out, showing off his round face with freckles and medium black hair that only appeared in Backlund, which puzzled Elaine who was following him.

"I'm really curious as to why you use magical items to hide your appearance. If I had your appearance, I would definitely want everyone to know it."

Sitting by the window with a sea view, Elaine whispered while carefully cutting the steak into small strips.

"Your appearance has already brought you Tracey's attention. Don't you still know the consequences of exposing yourself casually outside? Besides, I have a small misunderstanding with the Church of Storms. Moderate disguise is not good for the two of us. It's all a good thing."

Angel chuckled and replied. She had already finished the lunch in front of her and looked out the window at the boundless sea, trying to observe the islands near the water antenna.

The Blue Mountain Rose had now sailed halfway through its voyage, and some small rocks and islands began to appear around it. She always felt that the "Gazeer" might be hiding among them, and she wanted to find clues through visual inspection.

Of course, these efforts have yielded nothing. I am afraid that only by reaching Zhongcheng Island and asking the local residents can we gain anything.


Angel was looking away in disappointment when he suddenly noticed a black sail appearing on the sea far away, gradually getting larger and closer at a speed visible to the naked eye.

That is?

She squinted her eyes to identify it carefully, and soon discovered that under the sail was a completely black ship with a beautiful streamline shape. There were two rows of holes on the side of the ship. There was no doubt that there were powerful naval guns inside.

"Do you recognize that ship?"

Angel asked quietly after poking the shoulder of Elaine who was working hard and asking her to look out the window.

Hunter Path also had excellent eyesight. Elaine quickly spotted the rapidly approaching black ship, and her face turned pale.

"Smaller than the Black Death, it should be the 'Citybreaker', the fastest warship in Tracy's fleet. It is on the interception route!"


A long whistle sounded overhead, and the "Blue Mountain Rose" sounded the alarm, confirming Elaine's guess.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 439 Siren's Stab

As the whistle sounded, there was a brief panic in the restaurant. Passengers stopped their knives and forks and looked around with confusion on their faces.

It was normal for them not to think of pirates immediately. Unlike the pursuit of fast and cheap cargo routes, passenger ships usually choose safe sea areas that have been cleaned by the Navy and the Church of Storms. As long as they do not deviate from the course, they rarely encounter unsightly encounters. pirate plunder.

Unfortunately, this "City Breaker" seemed to have another purpose. It spread its sails against the wind and turned its sails sideways, diagonally cutting the direction of the Blue Mountain Rose at an extremely high speed. According to the current speed, it would take at most half an hour. Can block the front of this passenger ship.

In contrast, the Blue Mountain Rose was traveling completely against the wind. As a new steamship, it could only reach less than three-quarters of the 16-knot speed it could run. The steering would go deep into an area with unknown sea conditions. At this moment, it was in a dilemma.

The "city breaker" chose to appear at this time, which must have gone through the most detailed calculations and careful consideration.

——The above analysis comes from Ms. Elaine, who is proficient in navigation. Angel knows nothing about it.

As the whistle gradually subsided, a burly man came to the restaurant with several gun-wielding sailors. He introduced himself as the second officer of the ship, announced the pirate attack to everyone, and asked everyone to return to their cabins. , lock the door and wait quietly.

He did not propose that armed passengers join the sailors' queue to resist, and no passengers took the initiative to do so. Since Nast, the King of the Five Seas, formulated the "industry rules", most pirates only rob property and do not hurt anyone. , hiding in the cabin will only result in most of the valuable belongings being robbed, leaving only one life, but dying in the resistance will be a wasted death.

Angel and Elaine followed the crowd back to the cabin without saying a word, came to the suite, and locked the door to the living room.

Looking through the porthole at the "City Breaker" that was nearly twice as big as before, Angel glanced at Elaine, who looked a little pale next to him, and asked:

"Do you think they just grabbed a passing passenger ship, or did they have a clear goal and come to find you?"

"I don't know. In the past, I was caught back several times before I could escape far."

The latter shook his head, his tone a little uncertain.

"Then judging from the worst-case scenario, how far is the range of their naval guns? Will they fire at the farthest distance?"

Angel narrowed his eyes and stared closely at the city breaker, and found that its side muzzles had all been opened, and cast iron cannons were pushed out one after another. There were a total of 40 cannons on one side, which was worthy of a battleship under the command of a pirate general.

"The worst case scenario... wouldn't it be that I was captured by them? How could they fire cannons and sink the ship?"

Elaine asked rhetorically.

"The worst-case scenario is of course that your love rival takes advantage of this 'failed robbery' and sends you and the entire ship to the bottom of the sea." Angel chuckled and teased, "Could it be that 'Vice Admiral Disease' is in her team?" No suitors within?"

"Love rival? The captain of the 'City Breaker' is Lucky William. He is not liked by the captain... No, no, there is no love rival!"

After subconsciously retorting, Elaine reacted and her face turned red again.

"Hmph, don't you know very well which captains are under Tracy's command? You didn't want to tell me before because you were afraid that I would be disadvantageous to her?" Angel snorted coldly and looked Elaine up and down, "By the way, you are carrying Is it something Tracy gave you? She may very well use it to track your location."

"I'm a 'hunter'. How could I not take anti-tracking measures? I didn't bring any jewelry. I also threw that red skirt out of the cabin last night."

retorted the red-haired woman.

"But they still tracked you... Maybe there are other methods, such as divination. But it wasn't Tracy who came here, maybe it was just a coincidence... You said, I will hang you out of the porthole so that their lookout hands can see , will you be afraid of getting closer because of this?"

"They will only be more excited to capture this ship. The captain who captured me last time was rewarded by Tracy with a full thousand pounds. William has Sequence 7, and he will not let go of this opportunity."

Elaine also had a grimace on her face and squeezed to the window to look at the "city breaker" who was getting closer and closer. After a moment, she gritted her teeth as if she had made up her mind.

"You ask the captain for a small boat, let me take it and stay where I am, and then you go quickly. If William catches me, I will be busy telling Tracy that I will not chase this boat anymore. Otherwise, wait until Black Death "The Blue Mountain Rose" and other ships surrounded me, and even if I were handed over, the Blue Mountain Rose would not be able to survive."

This is a good idea... Just like using "Vice Admiral Iceberg" behind "Fire" Daniz to scare away the Red Skull Pirates, throwing Elaine where she is may be able to stop the City Breaker. This is also A form of "battle avoidance doll"... If it were me two weeks ago, I would probably choose this method, but now...

Angel chuckled lightly and pushed the porthole outward, letting the sea breeze that passed quickly due to the headwind flow into the living room, making Elaine's long skirt rustle.

"Oh, it's a good thing I lent you my skirt. I'm wearing this set of clothes that is convenient for movement. Otherwise, I would have to change clothes before moving." As he said this, Angel pulled the rose necklace out of his shirt and let the ruby ​​glow. The faint blue light switched to the soul of "Wind Blessed One", "Wait here, if I haven't come back in half an hour, you can go find the captain yourself and do as you just said."

As she spoke, she activated "Ocean Affinity", and pieces of beautiful phantom scales grew on the skin of her face, hands and feet, and fish gills appeared on her cheeks, making her speak in an awkward tone.

"You...you don't want to take the initiative to attack the 'City Breaker', right?"

Seeing the changes in Angel, how could Elaine not understand what was going to happen next?

"This is not an attack, it's just... a withdrawal of money. By the way, how much is the reward for that lucky William?" Taking off the frenzy ring, revealing the face of "Angelica" worth 6000 pounds, Angel said in a tone of voice He asked calmly, as if he was asking what was for dinner today.

"He has boasted that he has 2800 pounds, but I have never seen a wanted order..."

Elaine replied subconsciously, and then, looking at the beautiful and charming Angel in front of her, who looked a bit like the legendary siren, she disappeared and disappeared.

A moment later, a "plop" sound came from the sea below the porthole.


After jumping into the sea, Angel quickly grasped the direction with the help of "Ocean Affinity" and used his hands and feet to swim towards the location of the "City Breaker".

This is the second time she has swam in the sea in the form of a "Siren" wearing magic scales. The last time was near the White Agate in Bansi Port. Due to exhaustion of physical strength and spirituality, she did not test this ability for a long time. She was full of energy and rushed forward like an arrow through the water. The icy water seemed to be separated by invisible force, allowing her to move forward with almost no resistance. The speed was far faster than the ship, reaching more than three times that of the Blue Mountain Rose sailing at full speed.

In terms of speed, it was about 50 knots. It was almost like flying underwater... Angel looked at the deep sea bottom below and felt the cold water passing by. The Blue Mountain Rose behind him quickly moved away. In front of him was the Blue Mountain Rose. The bottom of the completely black Citybreaker is getting bigger and bigger.

In less than five minutes, Angel swam near the pirate ship. In order to avoid being discovered by the pirates on the deck, she continued to swim deeper, then circled the bottom of the ship and turned to sail in the same direction as the city breaker. Only then did she gradually Returning to the water, he jumped up using the speed of the upward thrust, pressed against the side of the ship, and inserted the dagger turned into a knight's bracelet into the wooden bulkhead tightly, fixing himself on it.

The noisy conversations of the pirates could be heard on the deck overhead, as well as the increasingly high-pitched shouts as the target approached. No one seemed to notice that there was an extra intruder on the ship.

Angel looked around, found the nearest porthole, used his dagger to nimbly climb nearby, reached out to open the window, and got in.

Behind the window is a small room, with six hammocks hanging in a mess, wooden barrels and wooden boxes scattered on the ground as tables and chairs, and a few short candles have long been extinguished.

"Everyone... should be on the deck and ready to engage in battle."

She thought about it, removed the phantom scales on her body, returned to her human appearance, gently opened the door, and looked into the corridor outside.

It's also deserted here.

Even if most people are on deck, a fully staffed ship should still have a lot of backup personnel...unless they set sail in a hurry and don't even have enough sailors. This possibility is not low. Perhaps "Vice Admiral Disease" learned of Elaine's whereabouts from some channel and notified the nearest ship to intercept, so it seemed to be in a hurry.

Angel pushed open the doors of several rooms and found that no one was there. He simply used his "disease" ability to quickly spread the invisible germs to all cabins and the deck above.

"It's a pirate ship anyway, so there's no need to worry about hurting innocent people..."

She held the "Good Luck" revolver in one hand and her other hand was free, ready to summon the knight bracelet at any time, and walked slowly towards the stairs leading upward.

Going up layer by layer, until the two sides of the layer below the deck were transparent and filled with cast-iron cannons, Angel saw the pirates on the ship.

Some of them were lying on the aisle, some were holding cannonballs, kneeling on the ground and breathing heavily, and some were lying on the muzzle of the cannon, with their heads facing outside, trying to take a few breaths of fresh air.

But without exception, these pirates were all seriously ill, their limbs were weak, their eyes were straight, and they were about to fall into coma.

This is the reason why Angel controlled the intensity of the "disease". Otherwise, in the two minutes since she came up from below, these ordinary pirates who were not extraordinary people in the cabin would have already had their hearts stopped and died of the disease, just like... heavy fog. Those poor people in the haze.

Looking at the eyes staring at him, showing panic, fear or hatred, Angel felt a surge of complicated emotions in his heart.

This was the first time she had used "disease" to kill enemies on a large scale. This somewhat miserable scene had already made her feel uncomfortable. She could not imagine what kind of mentality "Lady Desperate" Panatia had in order to be able to do so without any problems. He has no scruples in unleashing a large-scale poisonous mist that can kill more than 100,000 people.

However, this method is really helpful for acting. I can already feel the magic medicine in my body being digested quickly... She pursed her lips, put aside this terrible thought, stepped on the wooden stairs, pushed open the partition, and came On deck.

Because of the baffles, the "disease" below did not reach the deck immediately. The pirates who were shouting and crowded on the side of the ship, looking at the Blue Mountain Rose not far away, only had some stuffy noses and fever, but did not have any symptoms. The first thing he realized was that he was sick and about to collapse.

Only "Lucky William", the captain of the City Breaker who was standing on the bridge and looking at the target with a monocular, turned his head as if he had some realization, and his somewhat cloudy eyes met Angel's. sight.

The next second, his expression changed drastically, he threw away the telescope and shouted:


The sharp shouts dispersed the somewhat jubilant atmosphere on the deck. Dozens of pirates first looked at their captain, and then followed his gaze to Angel. They were stunned for a moment as they looked at this beautiful woman who suddenly appeared on the deck. .

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 440 Pain and Disaster

At this time, Angel's clothes were soaked and clinging to his body. His pale golden hair was dripping with sea water. His appearance, enhanced by many potions, was displayed in front of many pirates, but it was like a siren singing the praises of death. People are afraid.

She walked slowly up the stairs from the lower deck, which meant... the companions left behind below had either been killed by her, or had been routed, and there was no time to even sound the alarm...


Following Captain William's roar, the pirates who were getting closer subconsciously raised their weapons that were originally intended to be aimed at the Blue Mountain Rose in the distance. They screamed and emboldened themselves and rushed towards Angel.

Those in the distance were more sober-minded. Some were protecting their companions in front of them, taking out single-shot fire guns and secretly aiming at them. Some were pushing others to cheer up the pirates who dared to step forward.

"Bang bang—"

Several dense gunshots rang out, and Angel Miaoman was no longer visible in the thick smoke.

"She's up there!"

William's first mate Jason "Button", a man who was completely opposite to his nickname, a two-meter-tall tall man frowned and looked at the roaring sail above his head. Under the cover of the dazzling sunlight, Angel used the pull of invisible threads to Falling as fast as lightning, the "Sword of Dawn" in his hand pulled out a snow-white blade and slashed at Jason.

At the critical moment, "Lucky William" next to Jason once again used the alertness and luck he always relied on to survive naval battles. He kicked away the first mate who was almost twice his weight, and used the reaction force himself. Jump to the other side.

The next second, Angel's heavy chop hit the spot where they were standing, punching a large hole directly below in the thick fir deck. The entire "City Breaker" stern side trembled because of this force. There was an overwhelming crunching sound, and debris flew across the deck.

Behind her, many pirates who were slightly confused because they lost their target have been eroded by invisible germs pouring out from below, and have begun to show various symptoms that affect the battle. The weak ones have begun to feel dizzy and cough, and the strong sailors have begun to suffer from dizziness and coughing. He was also breathing heavily, and his steps were no longer steady.

From the moment he stepped onto the deck, Angel's real target was only the extraordinary captain "Lucky William". As for the other pirates, he only needed to wait for one minute before they were completely incapable of fighting due to the disease.

Of course, she did not completely ignore the pirates behind her with swords and muskets. A few invisible threads quickly wrapped around her, selected some lucky pirates, tied them up, and let them pull each other, instantly approaching her with the remaining strength and courage. Those people were rolled together, causing them to stagger while colliding and holding each other back.


As one of the captains under Lieutenant General Disease, William's eyes widened as he recognized Angel's potion sequence. The urge to resist that had just surged in his heart was instantly extinguished like a flame in the storm. He just took out the potion in his hand. He threw the exaggerated double-barreled musket in front of him and ran towards the side of the ship at an extremely fast pace.

He is well aware of the power of "pain" and knows that he may only have less than a minute to move. If he cannot escape the scope of the disease and waits for various serious illnesses to occur, his end will not be worse than those who dare to touch Tracy's head. How much better are eggs.

Dodge one of her attacks on me, jump off the side of the ship in three seconds, and fall into the water in another three seconds. At the speed of the "City Breaker", even if I stay afloat, I can still leave the "Disease" in twenty seconds. The range... William's brain was calculating his escape route with machine-like precision.

He stepped on the rag that was thrown on the deck and slipped down. Fortunately, he avoided a sharp ice spike flying quickly behind him. He was stagnant in the sudden burst of cold air, allowing another puff of black flames to escape. Flying close to the forehead.

Very good, the luck I accumulated has come into play again... With a smile on his face, he climbed up on his hands and feet and climbed onto the side of the ship. He looked sideways and looked behind him, preparing to jump off and escape from the "city breaker".

At this moment, a black shadow flashed before his eyes, drawing an elegant arc and falling into his escape route-the blue sea.

It was "Button" Jason's head with eyes wide open, the corner of his mouth torn, and a wisp of blood.

He is a "fighter". I can't beat him in a head-on battle... As soon as this thought flashed through William's mind, his limbs were touched by the silk thread extending from behind, and were wrapped around several times in an instant, stretching into the shape of a cross. Suspended above the side of the ship.

His last bit of luck still failed to allow him to avoid the opponent's attack.


Putting away the "Good Luck" revolver that had not made a sound due to two consecutive stink bombs, Angel curiously looked at "Lucky William" hanging in the air and understood the origin of his nickname.

This guy should be an Extraordinary of the "Monster" path. Just like the Extraordinary property of making a good luck revolver, it can bring you luck... He avoided several of my attacks and should have used up all his luck... …Of course, the "Good Luck" revolver also brought me a lot of bad luck. The superimposed effect of the two was so powerful that it almost allowed him to escape the attack of the Sequence 5 Beyonders.

Angel chuckled lightly and looked back at the pirates lying on the ground behind the deck. These guys, who were only slightly stronger than ordinary people, had lost their fighting power due to the all-pervasive disease. Just like the seriously ill patients on the deck below, they only There was no room to breathe, and he couldn't even pick up his weapon.

"No, don't kill me. This is Vice Admiral Disease Tracy's ship. She is also a member of the Witch Sect..."

William's trembling voice came.

The Witch Sect... Sure enough, being able to be promoted to Sequence 5, Tracy is inseparable from this secret sect that has mastered the "Assassin" path potion... Angel thought of what Edwina said, every "Pirate General" There are stronger forces behind them, and it seems that "Lieutenant General Disease" is no exception.

"You attacked the passenger ship I was on first. Is this what Tracy meant?"

She asked in a pretended serious tone with a hint of anger.

"No, no, it's all a misunderstanding," William hurriedly denied, "I just followed the order to intercept the passenger ship and search for a young woman. I had absolutely no intention of offending you!" It seems that "Vice Admiral Disease" did pass through someone. Elaine's position was locked in this way, and her so-called anti-tracking ability was not even half of her provocation ability... Angel glanced at the "Blue Mountain Rose" that was still getting closer due to the headwind, and his heart moved. A playful smile appeared on his lips:

"Are you looking for a red-haired lady named Elaine? She is indeed on that passenger ship."

Seeing a hopeful smile suddenly appear on William's face, Angel added:

"But don't expect to find her. Go back and tell your general that she...is already mine."

"Okay, okay, I will convey it to you..."

William's face changed several times, and finally stayed on a disappointed, but with a slightly relaxed expression, and replied in a low voice, seeming to have given up on capturing Elaine.

This should be able to make the other party suffer and digest part of the potion... but the effect seems not strong enough, because capturing Elaine is only his mission, not his real wish?

Seeing the ever-changing expression on the pirate captain's face, Angel thought, and used silk threads to lift him from the side of the ship back to the deck, and tied him tightly to the rudder, which had begun to deflect because no one was in control, while he moved toward the other side. Walk sideways.

He stepped on the fender of the ship's side and made a move to jump off the "City Breaker". Angel suddenly turned his head and looked at William who was secretly glancing at him, waiting for his evil star to leave. He chuckled and said:

"By the way, Elaine just said that there seems to be a reward of 2800 pounds for 'Lucky William'?"

She retracted her stepped foot, her eyes brightened, and walked back to the center of the deck, her right hand on the holster on her waist.

"No, that's it, that's what I was bragging about! I did have a lot of bounties before I got involved with Tracy, but after a pirate who looked very similar to me was captured to collect the bounty, the bounty was cleared. !" William looked puzzled at first, then quickly reacted and explained in panic, "Now that 'Lieutenant General Disease' won't let us kill people indiscriminately, we don't have any rewards. Really, ask them..."

He looked around and saw the headless "Button" Jason lying in a pool of blood. The other pirates were either unable to respond or pretended to be unable to respond. No one paid attention to the situation here.

This man must be so lucky. He was able to clear out the bounty because someone who looked similar to him was caught... No, maybe some adventurers who took credit for taking the reward did it on purpose... Angel secretly smiled, nodded.

"I see, then there is no point in killing you..."

She left the handle of the gun with her right hand, patted her head lightly, and looked as if she had remembered something.

"...But since I have left so many of your men to bring messages to Tracy, there is no point in leaving you alive!"

Tufts of black flames emerged in the air and concentrated on the rudder along the thread, igniting William's mood that instantly fell to the bottom, with anger and despair on his face.

The black flames that can burn the physical and spiritual bodies at the same time obtained sufficient fuel, and a flame wave of more than two meters high shot up, burning fiercely on the speeding "City Breaker", mixed with William's words from high to low, The cry finally stopped.

From the charred corpse, wisps of spiritual light gradually separated out and turned into a thumb-sized light yellow crystal. This is the extraordinary characteristic of "Lucky William" that is likely to belong to the "Monster" pathway sequence 7.

Do most sailors and pirates who call themselves "lucky" encounter bad luck?

Thinking of the "lucky Nicks" in Bayam, Angel chuckled and picked up the extraordinary characteristics and put them in his pocket. Together with the characteristics extracted from the burly pirate before, Angel regarded them as his harvest from hunting pirates today.

From the beginning to the end, no one of the pirates lying on the first deck dared to move. Even if they coughed in pain, they suppressed their voices for fear of being heard by the witch.

Feeling the fearful glances on the deck and the scrutinizing gazes from the Blue Mountain Rose in the distance, Angel confirmed that the digestion of the "pain" potion in his body had made considerable progress.

"It makes people fall from full of hope to the bottom of despair... This kind of acting method is worthy of being a 'witch'..."

She sighed secretly and came to the side of the ship again. This time she was really ready to leave.

But before you jump in the water, maybe try...

Taking out the "disaster" charm from his pocket that he had never had the chance to use since it was made, Angel turned back to look at the pirates who were following "Lucky William" and whose hands might have been stained with blood. He hesitated for a moment and began to move towards this piece of engraved stone. The dark red iron pieces with complex runes are imbued with spirituality.


She murmured, and the spirituality in her body instantly accelerated to transfer into the talisman. It was not until nearly half of the spirituality disappeared that the iron piece began to give out a cold touch, which gave her a sense of danger.

Bounce the talisman forward like a coin and let it spin and fall to the deck. Angel quickly jumped off the side of the ship, changed an elegant posture in the air, and fell into the water with a splash as the magic scales appeared on his skin.

Behind her, a dangerous aura surged that made her feel fearful and trembling. Before that, there were only Megoose in Tingen City who was pregnant with the heir of the "True Creator", and Backlund before he was severely injured by the "Sword of the Goddess". Lanruth made her feel similar.

Emerging from the water, Angel silently looked back at the "City Breaker". This giant ship, which was showing off its might a few minutes ago and rapidly approaching the Blue Mountain Rose, had now silently turned into countless scattered wood fragments. Every piece of it is riddled with holes, as if it has been decayed for hundreds of years, falling like rain on the sea.

The yelling pirates fell into the water one after another, and a few who were still in a coma bubbled and sank to the bottom of the sea, but most of them climbed onto the rotten debris and scattered wooden boxes and wine barrels, regardless of the Symptoms, he paddled his feet in the water and tried his best to stay away from the stunned Angel, as if he was the most terrifying evil god in the world.

Is this the power of "disaster"?

(End of this chapter)