
80,000 years

80,000 years of experience, y/n was a living immortal. She had seen everything around her evolve, a deity in the cultivation arts, a god. Even more powerful than a god to say, just by lifting her finger, she is able to slash a planet into half, a hand will destroy a range of planets. She can be considered as the mother of all source of magic, anything is possible for her to conjure. The power of a mage, a sorceress, a necromancer, ancient Greek mythology, Korean folk tales and a Dao cultivator. The universe had 9 soul mates destined for her, but for so many millennia, they never showed. She set off to her trip outside the realms to find her mates and accidentally encountered a stronger being, she found herself drowning into the abyss and lost conscious for 500 years. But a voice was heard and the next thing she knew, she was on Earth. "What the-" "...Where am I..?" "Uhm.. school..?" "Are you feeling alright y/n..?" "Wait. what planet is.. where-" "And what year is this? how old am I?" "..2019..? ..15?? Are seriously okay y/n?" "15?!?" {this story is for entertainment purposes only. Any events, folklore and characters are all fictional. } {cusses are included. Please read at your own risk.}

bangtannifics · คนดัง
7 Chs

Ch. 3

A few hours had passed, and we're preparing to land. Once I got out of the plane, I was greeted with a warm and pleasant weather. The wind is extremely gentle, it was a light and subtle morning. It's currently 10:30 a.m and before I take another step forward, one of old man Li's guards escort me to the hotel.

So this is what they call, luxury..

Chandeliers hanging from the ceilings as far as I can see, diamond coated vessels. A fountain was placed right in the center of the lobby, towering each other for almost 4 meters tall in height. Gold linings traced the titanium white pillars like vines, vintage paintings covered the hallways and even one from an original copy of Leonardo Da Vinci's late artworks. Part of the place was somewhat modern yet I still get vintage and classy vibes, very pleasing to the eye.

There were a few number of people walking around with a glass of wine in their hands, wearing extravagant clothing, some were effortless and fancy, yet some were too overly dressed. Sheesh, I wonder if that will be my life in the future, definitely won't happen. Although exquisite kind of luxury I do find likeing, but too overly lavish lifestyle doesn't suit me at all.

The people who old man Li sent, helped me with the check in and got my card. I insert my key card and proceed to enter my designated room and oh my lord it definitely suits my liking to modern facilities now. Now this..

A spacious place with a queen sized bed and a long and wide glass wall window facing the city view. Is what I do take a deep liking of.

Imagine the view at night, with the city lights on..

It's currently 11:00 in the morning, should I explore the whole Britain..? And I heard that there's an event going on in London.. Well, let's just take a small tour of Oxford first..

Time skip

The next day, I wore a turtle neck, a fitting denim jeans, a vintage blazer and a beret to go with it. Simple yet fashionable I would say, did I gain a mortal's fashion sense this quick? I'm genuinely proud.

I've arrived at Oxford University and I've got to say, the campus is huge but I'll be able to find my way, hopefully. The old man was really capable to be able to convince them to change the course for me that is. I only have to take 4 tests and as required to present a new discovery of my own. The hard part is taken care of already, so I'll have no problem afterwards. Plus, the old man had sent someone to give me an ID card while I was in the hotel. And frankly, the accommodations were top notch. I had a bath when I've arrived last night and it was as if I was floating in the starry sky in my moonlight forest, yes, it's mine to begin with. I own lots of plots of land since I won a fight between me and foxy, and that's how we eventually met. Well, I would like to have one of those bathtubs and showers too..

I was about to enter the campus but the guards had me blocked. "Who are you, do you have a identification pass on entering Oxford?" The other man scoffed, "Get lost, we don't invite those who seek attention." If they were my sect's guards, I would've cripple them long ago.

I smiled, "Is that your way of treating a guest?" They slightly flinched. "D-Don't be ridiculous, you lot can't possibly be a guest-" I showed him my ID and the expression on their face was written all over.

They. Fucked. Up. That kind of face that mortals make, they do have such funny expressions. Feelings.. I've experienced every hardship, everything has it's price. But feelings of a true mortal, I've yet to gain experience from it.. Because mortals have one thing that I have yet to possess, love.

"A-An Honored guest! The one the principal personally invited!" They bowed, "we're sorry for our imprudence Ma'am!"

"It's fine," I smiled. "I would like to see how you'll hold on to your seat." They immediately gulped dry, sweating like a literal waterfall.

I was about to enter the campus but, "L-Lady Rustichel!" One of the guards panic.

What now.

I turned my head and a classic black Rolls-Royce Phantom pulled up in the middle of the entrance gate. A lady stepped out of the vehicle wearing the most British-like attire I've ever seen. The images in my head from the internet I just got the information from, I basically just sucked the web dry from my house's computer. A Gucci scarf, Balenciaga handbag and a Rolex watch and I'm guessing she's from a wealthy family too, just like old man Li. Hah, I'm 'guessing'.

But something's off about her overall aura.. It disgusts me.

I just ignored the unnecessary attention and matters that I shouldn't involve myself in, but she had thought otherwise. "Hey you." I sighed, then turned my body halfheartedly facing her.

"Anything I may assist you with?" I showed a bored expression. "Who are you to use your tone like that to me?!" Looks like she could not hold her composed self and hide her emotion well.

Such a hot-headed person. Beats being a noble Lady with status I guess.

I've been living for more than 80,000 years already and small, trivial matters does not bother nor interest me. You could say I've gotten used to the worldly matters, I've gotten so used to it until nothing could really anger me to my limits, but it doesn't hurt to have a little fun once in a while right?

"Oh did I?" I smirked, "Is that a way a composed Lady like yourself speak?"

Her anger slowly build up until it finally explode, "YOU! HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!?!" Then she suddenly laughed like a maniac, "Oh! you must be here for the entrance exam! Well best of luck, my daughter is on the top of her class just so you know." I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh really?" I said it brimming with irony.

"Of course! She's the most talented lady in the entire campus! And a true noble lady with her stunning looks which she took after me, I'm afraid you won't be able to match her skills, not to mention to be on par with her. You're way out of my daughter's league." Then it's my turn to laugh, "You sure are confident about that, Lady Rustichel."

"But.." She suddenly turn her head and look at me, confused.

"Are you not afraid that you may have offended someone you shouldn't?" I tilted my head and smiled at her mockingly.

"HA! I should say that the other way around!"

"Aren't you afraid I'll ruin your entire family?" She repeatedly shoved me by the shoulder, pushing me back everytime she finishes a sentence. She stopped and smirked but mine was even wider, which made her even more confused.

I grabbed her hand forcefully and threw it to the side.

People like her.. Acting all high and mighty with that little status of hers.. And that arrogant, bitchy look she's giving me.. She's lucky that she met me now, if she had met the old me, I would've rip her face off right on the spot. I guess I shall teach her a small lesson she'll never forget, it won't be a problem right?

"Haha.. People like you, why should I be afraid." I chuckled and she seem confused. "Because you're the one that should be afraid." My eyes found hers and lock contact, with a glance, my iris manifested a sharp glow of orange and slowly dimmed. No one had seen it, but I made sure she did. A slight pressure bestowed on her, making her to stumble back slightly. Before she knew, she had caught a glimpse of my world.

Confused and as terrified as she is, I turned around and before I enter the campus, "Just so you know, I'm not here for the exam."

"I'm here for my PhD. And you can ask the two guards there, my qualifications on being here."

I'm not the type to let myself meddle in these troublesome matters but letting go a unmoral mortal, is not my manner teaching a lesson is an exception.

I made my way to the campus, leaving her collapsed on the floor hyperventilating and in complete shock. The two guards tried to help her up, "L-Lady Rustichel!"

..At least they tried.

I take my own sweet time and explore the campus. It's really huge, well, I need to get to the examination hall in an hour but I have to meet the principal's office first. I guess I have to ask someone for directions, or just use my divine sight.. But the thing is, I'm lazy. Ever since I've got to Earth, to this body, I've became lazier. But not as bad as laying on the sofa like a couch potato, I just feel lazy sometimes and that's a spoken fact, oh well. No one's ever perfect. Not to mention even gods and goddesses have their flaws.

Anyway, I reached the principal's office and knock on the door before entering. I was being greeted by an old man, "Ah, you must be Miss Y/n's assistant, please be welcomed." He looked side to side, left to right. "Where may Miss Y/n be?"

"I'm afraid you're mistaken sir, as of I am the one you're looking for." He blinked several times before apologizing. "I'm truly sorry for the misunderstanding."

"Please have a seat, Miss Y/n."

"You sure are talented Miss Y/n, and let me reconfirm that you're taking 4 PhDs of both medical and chemical Science?" I nodded, His mind is thinking otherwise..

"She's the one that old man recommended? She's just too young for it! I bet she barely knows any related to science or even near medical skills with that age.."

I glanced at him. "I know I may seem young but I'm more knowledgeable than you think." I leaned back to my chair while crossing my arms.

"This isn't a subject to play a fool of yourself." He said sternly. "I know." I looked back at him.

"Well then, we shall see how you'll do." He kept a straight face while I smirk, "We shall indeed."

Time skip after the test

I take a look at the examiners, they were eyeing me up and down. "What's wrong?" I asked while I slightly tilted my head to the side.

They looked at each other confused, "a-are you sure you're the one who took the test, young lady?"

"Is there anyone else who sat and did the test in front of you?" I smiled.

"I-It's a miracle! A true blessing from god!" One of the examiners shout happily, "you're a genius! A-A-A prodigy! You also made a truly amazing discovery! You yourself could've won a Nobel Prize, but why use it in your test..?" All I did was make a longevity pill, it restores one's strength after a battle of life and death, even increase it to another 100 percent of one's aptitude as a new synergy and it's a saint grade low rank pill..

"Simply because I didn't want to." I smiled, "now, who says all the young people are unable to achieve such accomplishments, Mr. principal?" I turned around to see him already staring at me shocked.

He gulped. "Y-You are truly a walking miracle.."

"Let's talk about it outside, hmm?" I muse, he agreed.

We take our time and stroll in the park near the campus, he then asked, "what sorcery did this young lady do on the test?" I just smiled.

"How should I address you, Miss Y/n or Dr. Y/n?" He chuckled and I smiled. "I'd prefer the latter."

And then he brought forward another question. "If you don't mind if I ask, what might be the age of this young lady?

I halt, "You really want to know?" He nod and I answered, "15."


His jaw dropped, hands shaking and eyes widen to the maximum, "fif-fif-fifteen?!?"

He laugh, "that's a really good one." I chuckled. "Wait, r-really?"

"What good will come from lying?"

He sighed, "young lady, where did you come from.. And which school do you attend to be this terrifyingly, vastly knowledgeable?"

"The knowledge I possess, did not obtain from school. As of where I'm from, I'm from a small town in Korea." I smiled.

"Ah, Korea.. Then did you learn it from a tutor?"

I shake my head and mumbled, "the knowledge I possess far surpasses your tiny world. It comes from the depths of the universe, so on and so forth."


"Let's say I came across countless miracles."

"And I'm afraid you'll be terrified if I request more PhDs today, Harold." I suddenly said and he gulped, "who in the world possibly gave birth to such a terrifying existence.. That in her future achievements will shake the world.. You're really god's favorite, child."

My knowledge far exceeds your knowledge in your world.. But that doesn't mean I still can't learn more. Besides all logic and mystical beings, science, linguistics and cultivation, there are many of the mortal ways I need to learn from this world.

I simply smile as an answer. Then, out of the blue, he asked a question.

"How about this," I listen closer. "Would you like a position in our University? Like a professor? "

I thought about it for a while, "Is there anything that doesn't satisfy you young lady?"

"No, not that."

"Please feel free to state any condition you have." I grin.


That was exactly what I was waiting for. Although I didn't really want to, I have no options left. In order to earn money I need a decent job. Even if I can just get money easily by making pills or even just start my own business, I need a proper job to present to mom..

"The salary will be £80,000 per month, but it's still negotiable." I nod, "the thing is, I'll only be able to teach online or only come to teach physically once a week, is that okay?"

"Sure, how about once a week." He smiled. "I'll take on all classes, and it'll only take.. 2 hours."

"Okay then-"

"A-All classes you say?" I nodded, "But nothing comes for free, am I right Sir?"

"Yes yes, what would your request be?" I smiled and raised my index finger.

"A hundred thousand?"

"I can't possibly ask for a million can't I?" I jest, "Haha that's the spirit! Alright then, anything else you would like to add?" I thought for a while.

"About the schedule, I'll arrange it and inform you once I've done it." He nod and I said, "And here's my contact, we'll be in touch by then. If there's anything you have problem with, feel free to contact me anytime." I gave him my number, "I need my certificate and badge by the way."

"Oh yes yes, I'll get it for you." After he went to get my certificate I was told to stay put and wait for a few minutes.

I stare at the sky, "God's favorite child huh.."

I'm still puzzled on why that mysterious voice sent me here in the first place, what's the sole purpose and why did he do it.. Was it out of pure luck or was it just a coincidence?

Well, on the bright side, things are really progressing fairly quick, even faster than scheduled.

But.. I always get this weird and faint impatient feeling lingering around me, as if I am getting closer to something fairly, oddly familiar every time the feeling increases, it's getting more and more overwhelming by the minute.

Time skip

I got my certificate and badge, I bid my goodbyes to the principal and decided to take my time to stroll around the city of London. And on how I got to London this quickly, I teleported. Simple and convenient isn't it?

A double decker bus colored in crimson red passed by me, tourists taking pictures on top of the roof of the bus. The number of cafes that are filled with people, are surprisingly astonishing.

I walked pass an alley and caught a whiff, of killing intent.

I murderous aura leaked, the corner of my eye glanced at the dark alley. Nothing.

There were a few traces of the use of Qi lingering around but I didn't pay too much attention but a sudden shriek came from in front. It was the bus.

"HELP!!" The bus was almost toppling over the other cars, it was floating 3 meters off the ground. The cars were stuck in the traffic and some were desperately trying to get away from it. The passengers are panicking, each one of them were shouting, the ones inside the bus had already got off and the ones on top are stuck. Everyone around are getting their phones to record the incident, not bothering to call the police. Though police won't be any of help because this is clearly the work of a cultivator.

It was as if.. someone was using their Qi to manipulate the flow of the bus.

Qi manipulation, the basic training needed to breakthrough the first realm, Qi refining. But the person using it now, is clearly unskilled.

With the wave of my hand the bus slowly lowered and touched the ground. Measly tricks.

Everyone hurriedly come down from the bus hugging one another. And many are surrounding the area flooding them with questions. I tucked my hands into my pockets and stare at the sky with a blank expression,

"Come out."

Ripples of my energy waves scanned the whole city, the only ones who are able to see it is me and the culprit. I smirk as my eyes turn blue like sapphire.

"Found you."

My voice was enough to cause him to force him out of his own will. A portal had appeared beside me and I reached my arm into it and pulled the culprit out. No one had see it since they were too busy comforting the passengers and gathering far away from where I was. My eyes went back to normal. He looks Korean, he was suffering from my voice alone and he looks young, mid-twenties perhaps, but it's not the time to be dillydallying.

"So, care to explain?" I spoke in Korean, he was still in my grasp, shocked that I spoke Korean but still not uttering a word.

"Then maybe this will make you talk." I raised my overwhelming aura to the maximum. He is currently struggling while turning purple and I threw him to the ground, not too hard but enough to make him stumble.

"I-I won't tell shit-" I grab him by the neck once more, "oh you're going to." And teleport to the middle of the ocean, hovering just right above it.

"How about now?" He struggled and I sense a fearful aura now. "Not gonna budge aren't ya?"

I teleport to the peak of Mount Everest, "Now?" He was hyperventilating due to the lack of oxygen. "Come on, don't make a fuss over a small lack of oxygen, you're a cultivator. This won't affect you even the slightest."

Now we are in the sky, 80,000 feet above the ground, clouds brushed my hair and shoulders. I could see the city from far away, they look like small dots from the distance. "How about now?" He looks even more terrified at the sight we're floating in the midst of air. "Come on, I don't have all day, or do you want me to bring you to space-"

"OKAY OKAY I'LL SPEAK!" A smirk appeared on my face, I teleported us back to where we were in the first place. I let go of him, "You should've say that the first time around."

"Don't try anything funny, you know what I'm capable of." I crossed my arms, he slowly nod.

"Okay, why did you do it?" I said sternly, "I-I didn't intentionally do it on my own will.." He avoided eye contact with me.

"Oh? So you were hired to." He nod.

"Who hired you. And why?"

He fidgeted his fingers, "It's okay, if you're afraid you'll be caught, as long as I'm here, they won't even lay a single hair strand on you." I smiled.

He hesitated for a while, "Mr. Park Kyung-soo. CEO of Chowon entertainment.."

"Do you know what was his purpose behind it?" He shook his head. "O-Oh wait, I think I heard they mention about a lesson taught to a trainee named.. Jungho?" I hummed as a response, not looking at him.

"C-Can I go now?"

"No." I thought for a while until he asked a question.

"U-Uhm may I ask, why and how do you have this monstrous amount of aura..? It's impossible for humans to have that terrifying amount of aura, and I can't fully comprehend the Qi inside you either. All I can sense from you is the purest form of Qi inside your body.." I chuckled, "Well, you're not wrong, what you saw was just a portion of it though. What do you think?"

"My master once told me that if there's an aura that is able to put an enormous amount of pressure to restrict movements, especially if it's almost inhuman.. N-No way.."

"A-Are you-"

"I'm Y/n." I smiled and he hesitated for a while, "..E-Ethan.."

"What a foreign name for a Korean, it has a ring to it."

"And to answer your question," My eyes glowed in a indescribable multi-color hue, that shone brightly and it dissipated within a second.

Each color of my eye has it's unique purpose or emotion. If they glow in multiple colors, it's either to prove my identity as a deity or an instinct for destruction and chaos that will soon be brought upon the area I occupy.

I'm the only one in the entity of the universe that is able to change the color of my eyes, since I have both the abilities of a cultivator and a spirit animal, and probably every possible power in the universe.. But let's not brag about that.

"You won't know what it means but don't go around and speak of me, or you'll know the consequences."

"And If your boss asks, just say your plan proceeded smoothly." He nod and we part ways.

Why I let him go you ask? It's because he's not a bad person to say, he was just following orders. And I left a soul tracing incantation on him, in a form of a small contract. I won't entirely lose track of him, until he gets close to the CEO, the contract will be transferred to him and will cause him an enormous amount of pain from time to time. That's his punishment, I'm going easy on him since it will be the last time he will ever lay his finger on someone ever again.

Cultivators are really present on Earth, although the Qi foundation here is poor, and the Qi in the atmosphere is thin.. This world is really full of surprises, it's always one after another..

Ah.. It's been so long since I've felt like this.. A small warm up made me feel quite energized. I didn't suffer from a backlash, that's a good sign. Feels great after a while of resting.

Not bad for a first encounter, Ethan.

I walked to where my feet takes me until I reach a small café, not crowded but peaceful. I bet the cafe was emptied because of the incident, and I'm responsible for it.. I pout, and I chose a place that was near the glass window to settle and a waitress in her early twenties, came to take my order. She gave me a menu and I said without looking at it.

"I heard this place was famous for their almond latte." I smiled while I turn my head to look at her. "Well, you're definitely right on that Miss, then an almond latte?" She showed me a genuine smile.

"That would be much appreciated." We both laugh, "May I ask this young Miss where you're from?"

"Korea, and you?"

"I was born and raised here." She smiled, "okay then, I'll send your order to the kitchen, I'll be back with your order in a jiffy."

I hummed as a response, what a nice girl.. To think that her smiley and cheerful personality would make me smile, she's younger than me and yet she's filled with so much positive energy, her aura just gives off so much hope and joy.

I look out the window and the nice young waitress brought my order along with a cake which left me confused. "I don't recall ordering a cake?"

"It's on the house." She winked at me and was about to go back to the counter but I held her hand, "care to accompany me for an afternoon chat?"

She hesitated for a while, "there's not many customers, so why not join me?" I smiled, "A few minutes won't hurt." We both laugh at our formalities.

We talked for a while and she went back to the counter, I got to know her a bit as well.

Hah.. She really is a kind mortal, after her.. Sigh, I still remembered the little girl that would follow me around, tugging the hem of my skirt with those innocent doe eyes, pleading at me to make her a sword. And in return, she gave me this..

I took out a small crystallized orb that is about the size of a fist, contains a baby-blue flower. And I still have it, I preserved it since then..

I look out the window at the blue, clear sky, I hope she's in a better place, spreading joy wherever she may go.. I felt my heart slightly tucked, sigh.. memories are memories Y/n.

I take a sip at my latte, alcohol is great but this might be something I would like in the day, I'm not saying it's better than alcohol though..

The television in the café turned to the news channel. "Breaking news, reported that the bus in Wembley, London, had suffered from a large casualty from an unknown force that sent it floating in thin air. There were no damage inflicted, we do not know how and why. Some say this it was just an illusion that people there had witnessed. There were no recordings of such a phenomenon, police are still investigating-"

Oh, the news got out. I take a sip of my latte, Luckily they didn't see me there.

"Witnesses had reported another incident that a UFO was spotted floating approximately 60,000 feet above ground at 12:06 p.m." I choked on my drink.

Shit. But it was 80,000 feet though..

It's fine, it was bound to happen anyways. I'll just wipe their memories if things get worse. I have to be more careful in the future.

I sat there for almost hours until a group of girls came in. They were chit-chatting the whole time, they've ordered and settled down, "have you seen the news?"

"Yeah! I can't believe when I heard it on the news for the first time! I thought it was some prank or something, they did it last time!"

"I know right, it's hard to believe that there was a UFO spotted just around this area." I choked once again but this time I ridiculously choked on air. I was lucky that they didn't hear it.

"But still, I hope it won't affect the concert.." She sulked but she quickly changed the topic, "anyway! eat up girls, we need our energy for the concert later!"

A concert you say? Hmm.. I'm curious to see whose concert they're talking about.

I listened in their conversation, and it was full of names I've never heard before but it's feels somewhat familiar.. I know I've never heard of them before, but their names sounds peculiarly familiar to me..

And so much squealing that my ears can't bare the consequences of hearing loss, just because of the sounds they make. Seriously, how could a person possibly make those sounds? Even listening to a low level beast such as a sonic midnight bat will be better than listening to those unreal squeals, I rather have the sonic midnight bat as my pet. Those sounds will haunt me in my sleep, sigh..

I'll just follow them after they're done. All the talk they had made my curiosity grow even more.

"Oh no we're late!" After they paid they storm out the café. I too, paid and follow them from behind, discreetly, hiding my presence and blending into the crowd.

I did not notice before, but as I walk deeper down the streets, more people started to gather together. The street lamp posts hanged with banners of 7 faces, and I assume they are the group that are going to perform tonight. Wait, they look familiar..

Ah yes, BTS.. the group that gave the previous me, hope. A reason to live and love herself, myself. The previous me, said it was unrequited love, and I now can see why. Really.

So these were the people who convinced you to live on, little Y/n. Through their motivational, healing music, and their love and time given to their devoted fans. I see why you fell in love with them, very inspiring indeed.

I should really repay their unconditional help and care that they have given to you when you needed it the most, little Y/n.. Even if they didn't know that they had helped a once empty soul.

I shake off the thoughts I had and proceeded to walk to the destination. Slowly, more and more people are starting to head over to one direction, Wembley stadium. There were too many people crowding the place so I camouflaged myself, I lowered my aura as well. I now have the presence of a mortal, no one will see nor suspect me, well, just in case that there is a cultivator among them, that is. You won't know, this world is full of surprises. And as you can see so far, I've encountered two.

There were loads of people, waiting right outside the entrance. There were small pop-up stalls that sell merchandise, and I suppose it's the group's merchandise, I like the light sticks, not gonna lie. They look nice, don't judge me, it's in a shape of a bomb so naturally I'll like it.

The sky was almost setting and the entrance had opened. People were lining one by one, almost pushing each other forcefully to get in. Well, I was the first one to get in fortunately, I used blinking steps and slip pass the crowd and security.

Well, they won't notice me anyways.

I reached the very front of the stage and I was still camouflaged until the sky was dark enough to reveal myself before anyone reaches here.

people are swarming in the stadium occupying the seats and the space below the stage, where I am currently at.

A few hours later, the performance started.

Music started as the first impact to get the fans riled up. The stage was lit on fire, bursting with flames, two enormously balloon jaguars had inflated as the music starts.

There they are, the 7 people that the little Y/n had longed for. They were dancing ever so passionately, with dreams big enough to strive, for their own happiness and to heal from their previous hardships. I can tell each of them has their own story to tell, each from different backgrounds and their life turning tale.

The crowd were chanting their names in unison even before they appeared on stage. Are they in a cult or something? Are they gathering their chant to cast spells, like seriously, they are LOUD. But the fans, aren't that bad at all, they are also kind people, protecting the boys from hate and criticism of the antis and haters. I could see why the fans really support them too, they are handsome, it's worth to brag about to be honest.

I know their names, I've somehow recalled them in my memories of this body. One by one they begin touring the stage until they came to my side, I became the center of their attention.

They locked contact with me several times in a row, the fans are getting crazy and one of them tap me on the shoulder. "Hey-"

"Forget." This is getting annoying.

They instantly return back to normal, I noticed they take turns to come over to my side at times. The fans were crazily shaking their light sticks while screaming their names in my ear, I still remain unfazed.

I on the other hand, did not own a light stick and just stand there watching the performance without uttering a word. I can see why they took turns to look at me.

I was not a die-hard fan, but I came to see them. But little Y/n once liked them, so I thought why not come here to support them once in my life at least. Seeing them is nice, they are actually kind just by me looking at their souls, they're pure with a kind and warm heart. Even in their previous lives, they were those few mortals that are truly worthy of god's praise.

Their music is their way to express their true feelings, sorrow, depression, anger, acceptance. Through their music they expressed their feelings to the fans all across the globe no matter the race or language barriers, because they are no boundaries that limits them. Helping the youths of this modern society face depression, anxiety and social issues just through their music.

Then a soothing music had made their way to my ears, a very calming one. And I realized, it was a solo performance.

And then he appeared on stage, Jimin. The performance started when he was trapped in a bubble, singing in the most melodious, pacify voice. I was mesmerized by his swift yet soft-edged movements and the music made it even more graceful. His voice, it was almost the sound of an angel that descended the sky, singing in the lone, distant forest where no one will ever find. Like his eyes alone had seen through my soul,

He suddenly spot me from the crowd and didn't realize that we were locked in contact. Our eyes met, his eyes showed hope and.. Longing? It was full of care and this feeling, I did not experience in my lifetime, love. His eyes.. Clearly showed love, but why? Then, his eyes glimmered, barely noticeable but so did mine. A weird feeling had build up in my chest.


Foxy suddenly said in my conscious, I stood there frozen. "W-What..?"

"Foxy, he's.. my mate..?"

"Yes Master, so are the others."

"My.. mates.."

Suddenly, a tear escaped my eye, followed by overflowing streams of tears. My hands are trembling and Jimin seem worried. I shake my head and mouthed 'I'm fine' and smiled.

"Don't act rash, Master."

"I know." tears filled my eyes once again. "It's been so long since I shed a tear, right foxy?"

"Indeed, Master."

"Even the strong could let their emotions loose sometimes."


"And master..?


"You seem more.. human now."

"Oh..? Is it now.."

"I'm glad all your suffering alone, the pain master had accumulated for so many years, can finally be suppressed.."

"Who knew that the great notorious, merciless deity of the universe.. Can also be just like every other human.."

"Yes..Yes indeed.."

After waiting for so many millenniums.. I've been waiting for my mates to show, even if I found 7 or even if only one showed up.. I don't mind.. I finally found you, I can finally claim you all, my loves.. I finally found you all..

The fans seem confused at the situation, Jimin is still looking at me then the other members wanted to come to stage to fetch him. But then suddenly, murderous aura.

I smell a dense killing intent from a eight meter radius to my right.