
70's Sweet Married Life

Tang Li, a modern female physician, was disheartened to discover that she had been transported four decades into the past, an era marked by scarcity in both sustenance and clothing. Not only that, but she also became an unattractive and overweight married woman! To add on, she had to contend with her demanding and vexing in-laws, who seemed to be a constant drain on her patience. Tang Li's heart grew weary from dealing with their demands and she yearned to escape, but her husband, a reserved and aloof man, displayed unexpected warmth and consideration towards her, making it difficult for her to muster the resolve to leave. "Darling, let's head home and get some rest," he gently suggested. After a pause, Tang Li agreed, "...Alright. "PS: (This article is 1v1, sweet pet, the heroine has space, welcome to the pit~)

floatingclouds · สมัยใหม่
117 Chs

Chapter - 92 - Bring Su Cheng Back

On one side of the village, there was an atmosphere of warmth and laughter as Tang Li and her companions gathered for lunch. Their meal was filled with camaraderie, making it evident that they enjoyed each other's company.

In stark contrast, the household of Yi Wanjing and Gu Xiulan was shrouded in a dark cloud of discontent and frequent scolding.

Amid this tension, Father Yi adopted a defensive posture, cowering in a corner of the house, hoping to avoid the brunt of his wife and son's anger.

His main concern was becoming the target of their frustrations.

"That wretched girl has spread so many lies about us, it's as if she thinks I'm already six feet under! I swear, I'll give her a piece of my mind!"

In the midst of the commotion, Gu Xiulan's pent-up frustrations boiled over. She believed that Tang Li had slandered her son, and her resolve to settle accounts with her had reached its peak. 

Struggling to rise from her bed, Gu Xiulan had been battling a fever for the entire day, but today, it had finally subsided somewhat.

However, upon hearing the rumors circulating in the village, her anger flared once again, causing her condition to deteriorate.

In her attempt to get out of bed, her legs wobbled, and she was unable to stand without support. She was rendered immobile by the turmoil of her emotions.

"Mother! Look at you now! You can't even move and you want to go settle accounts with her!"

Yi Wanjing, her son, though equally incensed, attempted to reason with her. Recognizing the formidable challenge that Tang Li presented, he urged caution.

"Mother, dealing with Tang Li, that wretched woman is no small matter. Confronting her will not yield any positive results. Let's leave her be for now. I'll head to Moshan Village this afternoon and bring Su Cheng back."

Gu Xiulan nodded in agreement, her resolve wavering. "Yes, let's bring our daughter-in-law back first. You can't expect to have a child by yourself. We'll see if she dares to criticize my son once she returns. See if I don't tear her a new one if she tries!"

No matter how angry he was, Yi Wanjing's anger subsided when the pangs of hunger began to gnaw at him. He rushed out of the room, yelling at his father to prepare a meal.

"Damn old man, hurry up and cook! Are you trying to starve me to death?"

Trembling with fear, Father Yi stood up from his corner and mumbled, "I..I..I'll do it right away."

Yi Wanjing headed to the main room to fetch the steamed buns but found that their food supply had dwindled to a single serving. He frowned impatiently.

Their predicament became apparent, especially with Gu Xiulan's illness and Father Yi's inability to prepare meals. Their best option was to bring Su Cheng back from her family's home.

'He had to get Su cheng back from her natal's home anyhow!'

As Tang Li and her companions finished their lunch, Uncle Wang returned to his own home. They tidied up, and Tang Li took a short rest before returning to the fields for work.

On the other hand, Yi Minghuan was preoccupied with finding the village captain and inquiring about joining the local guard. This left Tang Li with little time for personal matters, including her budding feelings for Yi Minghuan.

Yi Minghuan was also busy looking for the captain, asking about going to the guards, before Tang Li went out. 

Tang Li locked the main door room, picked up her hoe while complaining in her heart:

"Its really a hustling life! If it's not work, it's daily house work or its studying. Even if she wants to build feelings with her husband, she doesn't have the time or leisure."

Upon her arrival at the fields in the afternoon, Tang Li received word that Yi Wanjing had not returned to work. Instead, he had gone to retrieve his wife.

Tang Li didn't express any opinions, quietly focusing on her work. In the meantime, the other daughters-in-law giggled and gossiped, speculating on whether Yi Wanjing would succeed in bringing Su Cheng back.

As Tang Li listened to their chatter, she couldn't help but contemplate the situation. She saw that if Su Cheng wanted to strengthen her standing in that family She shouldn't come back from her natal home with Yi Wanjing

Regardless of whether Yi Wanjing is sick or not, we must take this opportunity to treat Su Cheng well. 

As the sun set behind the western hills, Tang Li learned from the villagers that Yi Wanjing had really not been able to bring Su Cheng back from her maternal home, even after taking a half day.

Instead, he had summoned his elder sister, Yi Hua, to return from her own home to assist with caring for Gu Xiulan.

The news of Yi Hua's return prompted gossip among the other daughters-in-law in the team. As they caught sight of Tang Li, they couldn't help but gossip about her.

"Tang Li, your mother-in-law is unwell, and Wanjing's wife is absent. Yet, rather than asking for your help, he's called your elder sister back from afar. It's as if he's trying to humiliate you!"

Tang Li really wanted to laugh at their face!

She didn't aim to save face or assert her authority by slapping their face. She realized that she was no saint, but she still believed in her ability to rise above the challenges and cruelty imposed by Gu Xiulan and others.

'They had to look forward!'

In the end, the eyes of the village were upon her, and with her elder sister's return, she had to step forward and show her mettle as well as face.

Crying, I didn't see any messages or comments, or votes, I doubted n times every day that no one read it... 

Creation is hard, Pls cheer me up!

floatingcloudscreators' thoughts