
70's Sweet Married Life

Tang Li, a modern female physician, was disheartened to discover that she had been transported four decades into the past, an era marked by scarcity in both sustenance and clothing. Not only that, but she also became an unattractive and overweight married woman! To add on, she had to contend with her demanding and vexing in-laws, who seemed to be a constant drain on her patience. Tang Li's heart grew weary from dealing with their demands and she yearned to escape, but her husband, a reserved and aloof man, displayed unexpected warmth and consideration towards her, making it difficult for her to muster the resolve to leave. "Darling, let's head home and get some rest," he gently suggested. After a pause, Tang Li agreed, "...Alright. "PS: (This article is 1v1, sweet pet, the heroine has space, welcome to the pit~)

floatingclouds · สมัยใหม่
117 Chs

Chapter - 5 - Drowning

However, from Tang Li's point of view, this Xiao ru was not a fairy at all. She didn't regard the original owner as a friend, but used the original owner as a cow to work for herself. 

As soon as she started work, Xiao ru asked the original owner to help her with the work while she would be lazy and slip away to rest. In the end, the work points were still counted on her.

In order to help her the original owner did not finish her own work and earned less work points. When she went back, her mother-in-law would beat and scold her, but Xiao ru didn't care at all. 

The pigweed that is usually fed to pigs is also cut by the original owner, and one portion of it is given to her, which saves Xiao ru a lot of work. 

Xiao ru would only say a few words of comfort to the original owner. Even though she could see that the original owner was about to pass out from hunger she would be reluctant to even offer her a piece of steamed bun.

Saying in front of everyone that she wants to take her to see a doctor, is just to show how good of a person she is. Xiao Ru knows that she doesn't have any money. After going to the medical office, Xiao Ru will never pay for it.

In the end, she won't be able to pay for the medicine and the matter will reach her evil mother-in-law, who in turn will beat her again. It would be a vicious cycle for herself.

"Thank you, no need. I'm going over there to dig wild vegetables, so you should go and wash your clothes." Tang Li gave Xiao Ru a cold look, then smiled at others, waved her hand, and turned around leaving with the hoe on her shoulders.

"Why do I feel that Li is a bit different today." Staring at her back, one of them said in wonder. 

"It's a little different!" Xiao Ru's heart trembled when Tang Li looked at her just now. She felt guilty and scared, and felt that Tang Li understood her thoughts just now.

Those sharp eyes that seem to see everything, how could it be Tang Li's! 

Xiao Ru stared at the fat figure that was walking away, and after staring at her for a long time, she couldn't calm down. She had a bad feeling.

Tang Li quickly forgot about Xiao Ru, she was now focused on finding herbs and to her dismay she found a herb with a faint smell after searching for a long time. This grass is supposed be such a common herbal medicine that could be found in large batches everywhere but it has become a uncommon herb in this village.

She couldn't help but suspect that someone had picked up all the herbs. She continued to search up and down the banks of the river, and finally she found a few herbs near the bend of the river. Tang Li's excited eyes lit up, and she quickly walked over and stretched out her hand to grab the herb. 

When digging out the herbs, she didn't pay attention to where she was stepping and slipped, falling into the water. 

Tang Li was frightened to death. The water near the shore was not too deep, but she was heavy and the more she struggled the deeper she sank.

Tang Li knew how to swim, but now she has a fever and her limbs are weak. She struggled for a long time to come up but not only did she fail to swim ashore, but her legs started to cramp making her sink down.

"Help, help!" Tang Li flailed her hands and called for help with all her might. 

However, there was no one on the shore, and no one heard her cry for help. She felt her body sinking in despair, and her breathing became more and more difficult... 

Just when she felt that she was going to die, a pair of strong arms hugged her fat body and dragged her out from the bottom of the water. The air re-entered her lungs.

She was coughing and panting, trembling with excitement. She finally came back alive.

"Thank you, thank you." Tang Li looked at the man who saved her, and saw that the man had thick eyebrows, a wheat complexion, and a resolute face, which gave people the impression of being mature, stable, and serious. 

But at this moment, the drops of water slipped from his face, across his chin, and then to his Adam's apple, adding a touch of sexiness to his handsome masculinity. 

She took another look, then silently looked away. 

However, his face was one she didn't remember seeing in the original owner's memories. She thought that he was not from their the village. 

Listening to her thanking him, the man hummed without looking at her, and focused on swimming towards the shore. After dragging her ashore, he wiped the water on his face. 

Afterwards, he took out two towels from the bag he had thrown on the shore just now, and threw one to her. After thinking about it, he threw his coat to her as well, letting her cover her wet body. 

Tang Li took the towel he threw to her. She looked at the military brown green bag in his hand and the uniform he was wearing. She had a flash of inspiration.

She looked at the man, and asked tentatively, "Are you Yi Minghuan?" 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

floatingcloudscreators' thoughts