
First chapter.

Monday. I hate mondays...I just woke ip when I heard my mom shouting to wake up. I growled and covered my head with my blanket.When she called me the third time I finally got out of my bed and started dresing up.

- How was your sleep?

She asked

- Just give me breakfast okay?

- Moody much.

She gave me two pancakes. I looked up. "shoot, im late!" I finished eating and rushed to take my backpack.It was my first day at new school. I didn't want to be late. My friend was in that school. I smiled just thinking about her. She is my best friend. Mira. She is very kind. We met in kindergarden.

- Have fun! Love you!

- Yeah... You too...

I was the "adopted one" in my family. I hated it. In my old school everyone made fun of me because I was adopted. I was happy to have Mira by my side. But when she moved to another school no one was there to help me. I got out.