
7 Spirits Overgod! - Douluo Dalu Fanfic

Author: I don't own Douluo Dalu. I'm just a huge fan of Tang jia san shao's stories that couldn't suppress the urge to write this. I will also incorporate many elements from other stories, webtoons, mangas, animes and games into this story after all this is just for fun........XD A young soldier sick and tired of endless fighting and killing. His only escape from this reality were his favorite stories, animes, mangas and games. When he finally had enough and decided to retire, he found himself betrayed by his superiors. Now lying in a pool of his own blood due to his superior's cunning plot, the young soldier swore that if he was given a second chance he would choose to live a quiet and peaceful life away from all the fighting and killing. Now reborn as Dai Xingchen the third prince of Star Luo Empire in one of his favorite novels, will he be able to keep his pledge and avoid conflict? Or will he accept the gifts he was given and become an existence beyond the Gods?!

Lord_Killen_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

The First Lightning Tribulation!

Seeing Dai Xingchen had avoided his claw, the spirit king couldn't help but be surprised. He then caught a glimpse of Dai Xingchen's sharingan eyes and got a bit spooked. He then backed away to get some distance from the boy.

In the spirit king's opinion the boy had done too many miraculous things during his fight with the pair of Spirit Ancestors. As such even though the Spirit King was confident that he could kill Dai Xingchen, he still wanted to stay on his guard just in case Dai Xingchen does something unexpected again.

At this moment Dai Xingchen was somewhat startled with what he was seeing as he stared at the Spirit King.

Dai Xingchen muttered: "I-I can see a blue colored energy all around his body. What's he about to do?"

Daisy: "What you're seeing is probably his spirit power my lord's chosen.... The primordial pearl had just bestowed you the sharingan."

"What?!" After hearing Daisy's words Dai Xingchen couldn't help but be startled as he turned towards the nearby window. There he saw his reflection. His right eye was red with one tomoe while as his left eye was also red with two tomoes.

After a moment, Dai Xingchen shook his head and quickly turned his head back towards the Spirit King. Although he was somewhat surprised that he suddenly gained the sharingan, he still knew this wasn't the time to mull over it.

"Hmph!" Snorted the spirit king as he removed his cloak. By this point Dai Xingchen had gotten a good look at the spirit king's true appearance. He was a short old man with a semi bald hairstyle.

His entire body was covered in grey fur while as whiskers could be seen on his face. Behind him was what looked like a grey colored cat tail.

The spirit king then sneered as he gazed at the Zangetsu Blade in Dai Xingchen's hands and said: "I never thought that I would have the honor of killing a Spirit Master possessing the Legendary Twin Martial Souls... You have truly surprised me boy."

Hearing his words Dai Xingchen couldn't help but bite his lower lip. Right now he had exhausted most of his Mysterious Energy and his Spirit Power was also very much running low. From Dai Xingchen's estimate he could probably only use one more spirit skill and that was it. Against a spirit king that was definitely not gonna cut it.

Right now he only had one thing left he could use..... Yin Seal: Release! The technique that would release the stored spirit power within his Strength of a Hundred Seal!

However Dai Xingchen was actually quite unwilling to use this trump card of his so soon. Must know that even though his Strength of a Hundred Seal already had somewhat of an ample amount of spirit power stored inside it, it's still wasn't quite a lot. He wasn't sure that even if he used it he would be able to win against the spirit king in front of him. However right now he had no other choice, it was the only thing left he could do.

Dai Xingchen thought: "I originally wanted to build up the spirit power stored inside the Strength of a Hundred Seal to a level where I would be able to easily use the Creation Rebirth Jutsu almost anytime that I needed to, but now it seems I would have to delay that plan if I wish to have a chance against this Spirit King!"

As Dai Xingchen was about to use the Yin Seal: Release, he suddenly heard a manly voice sound from his mind.

???: "Young Man do wish for my help?"

Dai Xingchen: "Eh?"

But before he could ask who it was, the spirit king suddenly unleashed a large amount of pressure as five spirit rings rose from below him. (3 Yellow, 2 Purple)

Seeing this Dai Xingchen immediately took a stance with his Zangetsu Blade. The reason why he chose to stick with his Zangetsu Blade was because the energy required for the Zangetsu Blade's spirit skills were much less compared to the Lion Sin of Pride's.

Daisy: "My lord's chosen from what I can see, it seems his Martial Soul is the Grey Furred Rampant Cat. It is a beast spirit known for having great speed but terrible physical defense. As such I conclude that this spirit king is most likely an Agility Attack Type Spirit Master."

"Thanks for the info Daisy." Muttered Dai Xingchen as he continued to withstand the spirit king's pressure.

Seeing this the Spirit King couldn't help but say: "How impressive... To think you could still withstand my spiritual pressure despite having used up most of your spirit power during your fight with those two idiots."

Dai Xingchen: "Is that how you refer to your dead comrades?"

Spirit King: "Comrades? Haha!... Boy why do you think I just sat back and watched when you killed them? It's because in my eyes they were nothing more than trash. Trash that were gonna get a share of the reward I will be gaining once you die. To be honest I would've still killed them myself if they didn't die by your hand."

Dai Xingchen held his stance with his Zangetsu Blade as he said: "Since you seem to be in a talking mood right now, care to tell me who wants me dead?"

Spirit King: "Well I guess there's no harm in telling a person who's about to die. It's one of those old elders in the Zhu family. The old fogy seemed to be dissatisfied with your engagement with one of their juniors? I don't know I didn't ask about the details. Anyway brat now it's time for you to DIE!"


The spirit king's second spirit ring then lit up.

The Spirit King: "2nd Ring Spirit Skill - Grey Cat Decoys!"

Suddenly over a dozen people with the same appearance as the Spirit King appeared around him. They then scattered at quick speeds and surrounded Dai Xingchen at all sides.

Seeing this Dai Xingchen couldn't help but be shocked: "Are those all clones?!"

Daisy: "No my lord's chosen, from what I can tell they seem to be something akin to illusory projections. In short their not real."

Hearing Daisy's words, Dai Xingchen immediately focused his sharingan eyes as he tried to find the original. After a few seconds he finally spotted one which was covered in a blue colored aura.

Dai Xingchen thought: "Good my sharingan can tell which one of them is the real one."

After a moment the over a dozen illusory projections suddenly lunged towards Dai Xingchen.

Seeing this Dai Xingchen decided to stay still and not move. He didn't wish to waste energy and stamina dodging the attacks of these illusory projections. And as expected none of these illusory projections claws actually touched his body. Their claws seem to just simply pass through his body instead.

Rather than minding these illusory projections, Dai Xingchen made sure to take short glimpses at the real one instead, waiting for when he would make his move.

It was at this moment that the Spirit King finally charged towards Dai Xingchen and thrusted his claw towards the boy's heart. However Dai Xingchen had completely anticipated it and with his sharingan eyes he could judge when to dodge at the last possible moment with his Phantom Flicker Movement.


Dai Xingchen suddenly vanished in a blur just as the spirit king's claw was about to make contact with his chest.

Seeing this the Spirit King was startled as he thought: "He could tell I was the real one?!"

When Dai Xingchen got some distance from the Spirit King, he immediately hid behind one of the buildings as he muttered: "Damn I need to activate Yin Seal: Release asap!"

It was at this moment that he suddenly heard the manly voice sound in his head once again.

???: "Young man I can sense that you are unwilling to use that technique of yours. So how about I give you some assistance instead?"

By this point Dai Xingchen couldn't help but ask: "Who's talking?"

Daisy: "It seems to be the soul that is part of your Lion Sin of Pride my lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen: "You mean...."

Escanor: "Indeed it is I... The one who stands at the pinnacle of all races.... The one and only Lion's Sin of Pride Escanor!"

Dai Xingchen: "You want to help me? But how?.... You're just a soul now though."

Escanor: "Haha... Young man do you know who you're talking to? I am he that stands above all beings. Whether alive or dead, with flesh or just a soul nothing could ever change that fact!"

Dai Xingchen: "Alright... So how exactly do you plan on helping me?"

Escanor: "Listen to my words well young man...."

As Dai Xingchen continued to listen to Escanor's words, his sharingan eyes suddenly noticed a blur coming towards him.

Dai Xingchen: "He found me!"

He then used the phantom flicker movement to get away from the spirit king as fast as he could. However the spirit king was just too fast. When the spirit king caught up, he immediately used his 1st ring spirit skill which made his claws suddenly turn completely red.

"Take this brat! 1st Ring Spirit Skill - Grey Cat Killing Claws!" Shouted the Spirit King as he swung his pair of red claws towards Dai Xingchen.

"No choice!" Thought Dai Xingchen as he raised his Zangetsu Blade to block the spirit king's left claw. He then activated it's third innate spirit skill.

Blue patterns then suddenly started appearing on Dai Xingchen's right arm. This was the Zangetsu Blade's third innate spirit skill... Blut Vene!

Dai Xingchen then quickly used his right arm to block the spirit king's right claw.


When the spirit king's red claws hit the Zangetsu Blade and Dai Xingchen's right arm, Dai Xingchen was immediately sent flying.

When Dai Xingchen landed on the ground he saw terrible looking claw marks on the Zangetsu Blade as well as on his right arm. By this point Dai Xingchen could be considered to be running on fumes. Although he still had energy to use his Martial Souls, he no longer had energy to use any of his innate spirit skills.

The Spirit King then slowly walked towards him and said: "Impressive... Truly impressive. To think you still had enough strength to block my first ring spirit skill."

Escanor: "Young man did you understand my words just now?"

"Yeah I know what to do." Said Dai Xingchen as he took back his Zangetsu Blade and activated his Lion Sin of Pride.

Seeing this the spirit king sneered: "Oh so you're switching to that other martial soul of yours? Well you'll find that even that is useless against a spirit king like me boy."

Unbeknownst to the spirit king, Dai Xingchen was actually not listening to his words. At this moment Dai Xinchen simply relaxed his breathing and closed his eyes. He wanted to sense it. That thing that Escanor said he temporarily gave him.

Seeing that Dai Xingchen had closed his eyes the Spirit King said: "Oh it seems you've accepted your fate. Well then let me deliver your soul to the land of the dead boy!"

He then rushed towards Dai Xingchen with his maximum speed.

Raising his right claw, the spirit king shouted: "3rd Ring Spirit Skill - Grey Cat Deadly Stab!"

The spirit king's right claw then turned into a red energy blade which he then thrusted towards the left side of Dai Xingchen's chest.

But before the Spirit King's red energy blade could pierce through Dai Xingchen's chest.....


Dai Xingchen suddenly caught the Spirit King's red energy blade with his barehand.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Shouted the Spirit King as his eyes grew wide with shock. But before he could recover from his shock, Dai Xingchen suddenly delivered a swift kick to his stomach.


"Oof!" The spirit king was then forced back by several steps.

By this point Dai Xingchen's sharingan eyes could now be seen to be shining with blazing orange light. What's more the orange fur around his arms, shoulders and neck now seemed to be suddenly covered in thin orange flames.

Seeing this change, the spirit king couldn't help but have a sense of foreboding as he muttered: "What the hell is this boy doing now."

It was at this moment that Dai Xingchen suddenly spoke: "You know what your biggest mistake was?"

Spirit King: "Mistake?"

Dai Xingchen then pointed towards the direction of the sun and continued his words: "You didn't kill me before high noon."


Dai Xingchen's entire body was suddenly enveloped by an orange pillar of light emanating scorching heat, as his innate spirit ring rose from below him.

"Kuh!" The Spirit King was then sent flying from the pressure unleashed by the orange pillar of light.

Escanor then spoke: "Young man take note that this isn't the true 'The One' but instead an altered version of it that I've temporarily added to the thing that you call an Innate Spirit Ring. After all your puny and weak small body still cannot handle the great and almighty power of I Escanor."

Daisy: "I believe what mister Escanor is trying to say is that for fear that your body might not be able to withstand the full power of 'The One' he had bestowed you a version that would boost your power only to a level where you could easily overwhelm the spirit king you're fighting right now my lord's chosen."

Escanor: "Young man know that even though this isn't the true 'The One' it still follows it's limitations. Meaning it will only last for one minute, so you better finish off this overgrown grey furball within that amount of time. Do not waste the power that the Great Escanor has temporarily given you haha."

When the orange light pillar vanished, Dai Xingchen's entire body could now be seen to have completely changed. His body didn't just grow taller now, it seemed to have also matured. In short Dai Xingchen's body had now changed to that of the body of a boy in his mid-teens. His arms and legs now also seem to have muscles in them. But the most eye-catching thing was the fact that he was completely covered in a thick orange colored aura of extremely overbearing heat.

When the spirit king got up and saw Dai Xingchen's transformation, he couldn't help but mutter: "What the hell is this boy?!"

Dai Xingchen stared at the spirit king and said with a smirk: "Well then dirty looking little kitty, what are you waiting for? I'll stand right here and won't move. Let's see if you can entertain me."

"Tch! Arrogant brat!"Said the spirit king as he once again charged towards Dai Xingchen.

Spirit King: "I don't care what kind of brat you are, I'm ending you right now!"

His fourth spirit ring then lit up!

Spirit King: "4th Ring Spirit Skill - Shadow Grey Cat!"

Suddenly the shadow of a building behind Dai Xingchen transformed into a large ethereal grey furred cat.

The spirit king then thrusted his red energy blade towards Dai Xingchen's chest while as the large ethereal grey furred cat swung it's large claw towards Dai Xingchen's head from behind him.

Seeing this Dai Xingchen just simply said: "How laughable."

He then quickly caught the ethereal cat's claw with his right hand and swatted away the spirit king with his left hand.

"Puff!" The spirit king was once again sent flying as he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Dai Xinghen then executed a nonchalant kick towards the ethereal cat.....


The ethereal cat turned to grey smoke and disappeared.

Dai Xingchen then turned towards the spirit king who was now kneeling on the ground and said: "How disappointing... Is this really the extent of a spirit king's power? Or are you just really that weak?"

Once again standing up, the spirit king had now been completely enraged by Dai Xingchen's words.

He then once again lunged towards Dai Xingchen as he shouted: "Brat I'll make you die for your arrogance! 5th Ring Spirit Skill - Grey Cat Three Hundred Swipes!"

His 5th spirit then lit up.

Dai Xingchen then thought: "Alright let's see what your fifth spirit skill can do."

As the spirit king swung his red energy blade at Dai Xingchen, the red energy blade suddenly seemed to have multiplied into hundreds. The hundreds of red energy blades then struck Dai Xingchen at the same time.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

This was the spirit king's 5th spirit skill, an ability that allowed him to attack his enemies three hundred times within a short period of time.

Knowing that all of the energy blades had landed on Dai Xingchen's body, the spirit king couldn't help but sneer as he was confident that he had finally killed the boy.

When the smoke cleared, Dai Xingchen emerged unscathed and said: "My goodness I guess this is the feeling of experiencing hundreds of mosquito bites."

He then turned to the spirit king and smirked: "Are you sure your martial soul is really a grey furred cat not a mosquito?"

"I-Impossible impossible i-impossible impossible... This isn't possible!" Muttered the Spirit King as he constantly backed away from Dai Xingchen in fear.

"HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY SURVIVE THAT?!" Shouted the spirit king.

Dai XIngchen: "Isn't the answer obvious? It's simply because you are... just too weak."

Hearing his words the spirit king's pupils shrank as he finally understood he was fighting an enemy that was far beyond him.

Realizing this he immediately turned around and ran away as fast as he could.

Seeing this Dai Xingchen simply muttered: "You wish to run?"

Dai Xingchen then turned into an orange blur and appeared in front of the spirit king.

"Now who decided that?" Said Dai Xingchen as he threw a tennis ball sized cruel sun towards the spirit king's face.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" Shouted the spirit king as his head was about to collide with the tennis ball sized cruel sun.


The spirit king's entire head had been incinerated into ashes.

Seeing that the enemy was finally dead, Dai Xingchen's body immediately returned to it's original form.


"Ugh!" His body then fell to the ground due to sheer exhaustion and loss of energy.

Now lying on the ground Dai Xingchen muttered: "Ugh... I can't... move my body...anymore."

Escanor: "Well done young man. You had truly delivered judgement to that sinful assassin who had wished to take the life of a child for the sake of money."

Daisy: "My lord's chosen your body right now gravely needs rest and time to recover! This 'Pseudo The One' like transformation had pushed your body beyond it's limits."

As Dai Xingchen was about to lose consciousness, he suddenly heard a voice coming towards him.


"Grandpa.... Hei...." Muttered Dai Xingchen as he finally lost consciousness.


When Dai Xingchen opened his eyes he suddenly found himself atop an orange mountain. He immediately knew that his consciousness had once again entered his spiritual sea.

When he turned his attention towards his front, his jaw almost immediately dropped to the ground. Because in front of him was a large luxurious looking tavern with the words 'My Sweet Gluttony' hanging above it.

"Why is this tavern in my spiritual sea?!" Dai Xingchen thought.

After a moment of thinking, Dai Xingchen decided to go inside the tavern. When he opened the door and entered the tavern, he suddenly saw a weak looking man with a mustache and spectacles behind the counter..... It was Night Escanor.

Night Escanor: "Oh so you're here! Come come young man, come and sit down. I'm sure you could use quite a bit of rest after that battle you just had."

"Oh... uh... um... Yes thank you." Said Dai Xingchen as he still hadn't recovered from seeing Night Escanor running a tavern in his spiritual sea.

Dai Xingchen then took a seat in front of the counter. He then took a look around the luxurious looking bar and saw several large portraits of Merlin from 'The Seven Deadly Sins' attached to the tavern's walls.

Dai Xingchen then thought as he felt cold sweat run down the back of his head: "Although I'm not really surprised since it's Escanor, but still...."

Night Escanor then said: "Normally I'd offer you alcohol but since you're still very young, would you like juice instead?"

Dai Xingchen: "Oh..uh..um.. Sure."

After seeing Night Escanor place a glass of orange juice in front of him, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but ask: "So.. um.. How is it possible that you were able to make this tavern here in my spiritual sea?"

Night Escanor: "Oh well it's actually quite simple young man. You see since this is your mental realm, anything you think of or imagine manifests here. And since my soul had fused with the thing you call a 'Martial Soul' I am considered as an extension of you. Thus allows me to manifest objects here using my own thoughts as well."

Dai Xingchen: "I see..."

Dai Xingchen then closed his eyes and imagined his pistol from his previous life.


With a flash of light a shiny silver pistol suddenly appeared in his hand. Examining the pistol in his hand, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but say: "It really is the same pistol from my memories."

It was at this moment that the tavern's door opened and two people suddenly walked in.

Night Escanor: "Oh well if it isn't my two regulars."

When Dai Xingchen turned around and saw who these people were, he couldn't help but be surprised once again.

One of the two people was a middle-aged man wearing an amorphous black overcoat and brown-tinted, semi-transparent wraparound sunglasses. The other person on the other hand was wearing a white outfit while his face seem to have been covered by a terrifying looking black mask with two long forward-pointing horns.

"These are... Aren't these the two halves of Zangetsu? Wait did Escanor just say their regulars?" Thought Dai Xingchen.

But before Dai Xingchen could comment on what he was seeing, his entire body suddenly started becoming ethereal which startled him.

Night Escanor: "Oh it seems you're waking up now. Well then till next time Young Man."

With a flash of white light, Dai Xingchen's consciousness had vanished from his spiritual sea.


When Dai Xingchen opened his eyes once again he found himself lying on a grassy field with a small blanket over his body.

"How did I get here?" Muttered Dai Xingchen.

When Dai Xingchen sat up, he saw Grandpa Hei roasting some meat attached to wooden sticks on a bonfire.

Seeing that he had sat up, Grandpa Hei couldn't help but say: "So you're up. Are you ok?"

Dai Xingchen: "Yeah I'm fine Grandpa Hei."

Grandpa Hei nodded: "That's good."

Dai Xingchen: "..."

Grandpa Hei: "..."

Dai Xingchen: "Grandpa Hei I...."

But before he could continue his words, Grandpa Hei waved his hand signalling him to stop.

Granpa Hei: "Whatever you wish to say, we can talk about it later."

He then walked towards Dai Xingchen and gave him a hug then said: "For now I'm just relieved you're alright child."

Returning the old man's hug Dai Xingchen said: "I'm fine Grandpa Hei... Just tired."

When the two separated, Grandpa Hei took one of the wooden sticks with roasted meat and tossed it to Dai Xingchen then said: "Here eat up!"

After seeing Dai Xingchen catch the wooden stick with roasted meat, Grandpa Hei said: "We'll talk once you're done eating."

Hearing his words Dai Xingchen simply nodded and began eating the meat on the stick.


Half an hour later after Dai Xingchen had finished eating, Grandpa Hei asked: "Now can you tell me what happened child? How about starting with the details regarding as to how there were several dead bodies near you when I found you unconscious. Since I also found dozens of those weird looking weapons you forged close to the bodies I'm guessing you got into a fight with them?"

Dai Xingchen: "Before that.... Could you tell me where we are Grandpa Hei? Also... how did you find me?"

Grandpa Hei: "We're in a grassy field close to the forest where the Zhu family's villa is located. As for how I found you... several of Star Luo's scouts reported that they could sense several spirit power fluctuations from a location near the forest where the Zhu family's villa was located... I got worried that it might be something that involved you and so I came in person.... In this case it seems my instincts were correct."

Hearing Grand Hei's words Dai Xingchen simply nodded and said: "Alright... Well I guess I should start with the fact that both the guards and the carriage driver that were accompanying me were actually assassins."

"What?!" Hearing his words Grandpa Hei couldn't help but be startled.

Dai Xingchen then began to tell Grandpa Hei the whole story about how he ended fighting the assassins and that one of them stated that he was hired by an elder of the Zhu family. However Dai Xingchen decided to leave out the details regarding the assassin's spirit ranks and as to how he managed to kill them.

As he listened to Dai Xingchen's story, Grandpa Hei simply nodded. Although he could naturally tell that Dai Xingchen was hiding some of the details regarding his fight with the assassins, he had decided not to pry if the boy was still not ready to tell him. After all he had long realized that Dai Xingchen was hiding many secrets.

When Dai Xingchen finished his story.....


Grandpa Hei crushed a rock with his hand out of rage.

"So there was actually someone within the Zhu family who was dissatisfied about this matter? Well I'll make sure to pay this person a visit soon. I'll also be informing his Majesty and the Empress about this as well." Said Grandpa Hei in a cold tone.

"But before that..." Said Grandpa Hei as he turned towards Dai Xingchen.

Dai Xingchen: "What is it Grandpa Hei?"

Grandpa Hei then sat down beside him and said: "Child tell me... What do you wish to do now?"

Dai Xingchen: "What do I wish to do now?"

Grandpa Hei nodded: "Do you wish to go to the Zhu family's villa like what was originally planned or.... do you wish to leave Star Luo?"

Hearing his words Dai Xingchen couldn't help but be surprised: "Grandpa Hei you...."

Grandpa Hei smiled: "Child I raised you. As such I am naturally well aware of what it is you truly desire."

Dai Xingchen then had his head down and said: "But... if I go, I'll be leaving behind my family... and my friends... my brothers.... and Zhuling."

Grandpa Hei: "If you miss them then just come back. I didn't say anything about you leaving Star Luo for good."

"Eh?" Muttered Dai Xingchen as he looked up towards Grandpa Hei.

Grandpa Hei then continued to smile and say: "Go and explore the continent as much as you want until you can get it out of your system. When you're sick of it, then just come home."

Dai Xingchen: "I can... do that?"

Hearing his words Grandpa Hei laughed: "Of course you can child. I must say for a boy as intelligent as you, I can't believe you didn't realize this. Don't forget you are no longer Star Luo's third prince. This means that you are no longer bound by any responsibilities regarding the imperial family. Anyway I am simply suggesting this. The final decision is still up to you."

Dai Xingchen: "I... can I think about it?"

Grandpa Hei nodded: "Alright you can decide in the morning. For now it is time for us to sleep."

In truth Grandpa actually had a reason as to why he was encouraging Dai Xingchen to leave Star Luo and pursue his desire to explore the world.

The fact is this assassination attempt on Dai Xingchen's life had truly scared his old heart! He had been around Star Luo's circle of nobles long enough to know that such things were not uncommon.

Simply put among Star Luo's nobility, one noble could have another assassinated due to the most pettiest of reasons. And now that Dai Xingchen's fiance Zhu Zhuling had awakened with innate full spirit power and a superior variation martial soul, Grandpa Hei estimated that the boy will definitely be targeted by many young nobles out of jealousy.

Originally he had thought that it would take some time for something like this to happen, which made him believe that he had enough time to make preparations to ensure the boy's safety. But now that a Zhu family elder had personally sent assassins, Grandpa Hei had decided that it might be best for Dai Xingchen to sever ties with Star Luo for awhile.


When morning came Grandpa Hei stood in front of Dai Xingchen and asked: "Well child have you decided?"

Dai Xingchen then smiled and said: "I thought about it last night and I think I understand why you suddenly suggested this Grandpa Hei."

Hearing Dai Xingchen's words, Grandpa Hei couldn't help but raise his eyebrow but before he could say anything, Dai Xingchen suddenly gave him a hug and said: "Thank you Grandpa Hei.... I know you just want me to be safe."

Grandpa Hei then sighed as he patted the boy's head and said: "Since you understand child, could you tell me what you've decided."

Dai Xingchen then separated from Grandpa Hei and thought for a moment.

Dai Xingchen then turned to Grandpa Hei and said with a determined tone: "I will leave.... However I will return as soon as I'm confident that I can guarantee my own safety here in Star Luo. What do you think Grandpa Hei?"

Grandpa Hei nodded and said: "Alright since that's what you've decided I'll support you child. After all with your current intelligence and ability to protect yourself, I can rest assured that you can at least keep yourself safe."

Grandpa then took out a pen and papers from his robe and said: "Here child... I think it would be best for you to leave some letters for His Majesty and the others."

Taking the pen and papers, Dai Xingchen smiled and nodded.


After finishing the letters, Dai Xingchen immediately handed them to Grandpa Hei.

Dai Xingchen: "I hope they won't be too sad once they read these letters."

Grandpa Hei: "They'll understand child."

Grandpa Hei then took out a card from his robe and handed it to Dai Xinchen: "Here child."

Taking the card from Grandpa Hei's hand, Dai Xingchen immediately read what was written on it.

Dai Xingchen: "Titan's Milk Bar?"

He then turned to Grandpa Hei and asked: "Grandpa Hei what is this?"

Grandpa Hei then took out a letter from his robe and explained: "Child although I know that you have a certain level of ability to protect yourself judging from the fact that you could kill those assassins, I still think it would be best if you were to stay in a place where I could feel relieved that you will be safe. Near the border of Heaven Dou Empire there is a bar run by the adopted daughter of a sworn brother of mine. The exact address of that bar is written on the card."

Grandpa Hei then handed Dai Xingchen the letter and continued his words: "Once you get to that bar, show the people there the card and they will let you in. Once you get in the bar immediately look for a man by the name of Diqui Juren and hand him this letter. He will definitely take you in."

Dai Xingchen: "But Grandpa Hei won't I trouble the people there?"

Grandpa Hei smiled and said: "Not at all in fact my sworn brother's adopted daughter also happens to be your mother's sworn sister. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to take you in."

"That reminds me..." Said Grandpa Hei as he knelt down in front of Dai Xingchen and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders.

Grandpa Hei: "Child if by some chance you meet your Mother during your travels. Tell her... Tell her I miss her."

Hearing Grandpa Hei's words, Dai Xingchen simply smiled and nodded.

Seeing Dai Xingchen's reaction, Grandpa Hei said: "You... You don't seem to be surprised. Could it be.... You knew?"

Dai Xingchen thought for a moment then decided to give an excuse: "I didn't know but.... I guess I just sensed it.... That mother was definitely still alive!"

Grandpa Hei: "I see.... Well I guess it must be due to some mysterious bond between Mother and Child?"

After talking with Grandpa Hei for a few more hours, the time finally came for Dai Xingchen to leave.

At this moment Dai Xingchen could be seen wearing a blue cloak with a blue hood over his head. Dai Xingchen decided to wear this in the slim chance that someone would recognize him as the former third prince.

Placing his hands over Dai Xingchen's shoulders once again, Grandpa Hei said: "Child make sure to take good care of yourself and no matter what always remember that your safety is of the utmost importance!"

Wiping the tear off the side of his cheek, Dai Xingchen nodded and replied: "I'll remember Grandpa Hei."

Grandpa Hei nodded back and said: "Good then go now child."

After taking one more look at Grandpa Hei, Dai Xingchen finally turned around and started walking away.

After about a dozen steps Dai Xingchen turned around and started waving towards Granpa Hei as he continued walking away.

Seeing this Grandpa Hei responded with a smile as he began waving to the boy as well.

When Grandpa Hei could no longer see the boy's silhouette, he took a deep breath and said to himself: "This is for the best."

He then turned into a blur and disappeared.

As for Dai Xingchen he was now looking up at the blue sky as he continued to walk forward.

After taking a deep breath Dai Xingchen asked: "Any suggestions on where we should go first Daisy?"

Daisy: "I believe for now it would be best for you to find a place where you can breakthrough Spirit Rank 10 my lord's chosen."

Taking out and looking at the map that Grandpa Hei gave him, Dai Xingchen said: "We seem to be close to a place near a large lake. I guess we could go there for my breakthrough. That way I can also take a bath right after."

After saying that Dai Xingchen immediately used his Phantom Flicker Movement and rushed towards the direction of the lake.


Half an hour later Dai Xingchen could be seen to be meditating beside a large lake under the sunlight.


His body then shined for a half a second.

Dai Xingchen then muttered: "I've achieved Spirit Rank 10."

Rumble.. Rumble.. Rumble..

Dark clouds started appearing and covered the blue sky.

Seeing this Dai Xingchen couldn't help but mutter: "Wasn't it sunny just a second ago?"

Daisy: "Now that you've achieved spirit rank 10, it is time for you to undergo your Lightning Tribulation my lord's chosen."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen couldn't help but be startled: "Wait what?! I don't remember spirit masters having to undergo a lightning tribulation upon achieving spirit rank 10?!"

Daisy: "It is mainly due to the fact that you've awakened Ultra Supreme Martial Souls my lord's chosen. Since you're martial souls have the potential to surpass the gods, it is only natural that the Douluo Plane's planar laws will try to suppress you. And this suppression comes in the form of these lightning tribulations which you will experience every ten ranks."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen couldn't help but facepalm as he asked: "And you failed to mention this to me before why exactly?"

Daisy: "Mainly because the first lightning tribulation isn't really a big deal to the current you my lord's chosen. Simply put this first lightning tribulation can be withstood by an ordinary rank 30 spirit master. As such with your Super Soldier Physique coupled with your Lion Sin of Pride Martial Soul, it should be quite easy for you to pass this lightning tribulation my lord's chosen."

Staring at the ominous black clouds, Dai Xingchen couldn't help but ask: "Are you sure it'll be easy Daisy?"

Daisy: "Positive my lord's chosen."

Hearing her words Dai Xingchen nodded and entered his Lion Sin of Pride from. He then smirked as he continued to stare at the dark clouds and said: "Let's see if this lightning tribulation is enough to scratch the itch on my back."

Rumble.. Bang!

As if having heard his remark a yellow lightning bolt suddenly descended from the sky and hit Dai Xingchen directly.

When the smoke cleared, Dai Xingchen simply wiped the dust off his shoulder and said: "That's it? I know of ant bites that hurt more than this."

Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang! Rumble.. Bang!

As if having been angered by his words, the ominous dark clouds suddenly unleashed a barrage of yellow lightning bolts towards him.

After a few seconds, Dai Xingchen simply yawned as the yellow lightning bolts continued to strike him nonstop.

Suddenly he felt a strange feeling around his chest. To be precise around the area of his birthmark.

He frowned and muttered: "What's going on?"

Daisy: "I'm sealing some of the tribulation lightning inside the primordial pagoda my lord's chosen."

Dai Xingchen: "Why?"

Daisy: "Tribulation lightning is a precious and unique type of energy my lord's chosen. There will definitely come a day when we will have many uses for it."

Hearing her words Dai Xingchen simply nodded as he continued to relaxedly withstand the barrage of yellow lightning bolts.

After about five minutes, the barrage of yellow lightning bolts stopped and the ominous dark clouds slowly started to dissipate.

Dai Xingchen: "That's it?"

He then sighed and said: "Well that was disappointing."

He then noticed something.

Turning towards the direction of the sun, Dai Xingchen muttered: "It's high noon huh."

His innate spirit ring then rose from below him, and that's when he knew.

Dai Xingchen sighed: "It really was temporary huh. And here I thought I could use it as another trump card."

Daisy: "My lord's chosen that 'Pseudo The One' ability is something that I'm sure mister Escanor will once again bestow you once your body becomes strong enough to withstand it's overbearing power. In fact I believe once your Super Soldier Physique reaches a level that can rival a titled Douluo's physique, he might even bestow you the true 'The One'."

Hearing Daisy's words Dai Xingchen simply nodded as he deactivated his Lion Sin of Pride.

Dai Xingchen then asked: "So when am I supposed to undergo the next trial of destiny Daisy?"

Daisy: "By my estimate in a few days my lord's chosen."

Hearing this Dai Xingchen's expression turned serious as he nodded and thought: "Better prepare for it well then."

He then quickly removed his clothes and jumped into the lake to take a bath.


At Night....

Zhu Zhuling could be seen wiping the tear by the side of her cheek. She had just finished reading Dai Xingchen's letter.

In truth Zhu Zhuling wasn't actually upset that Dai Xingchen decided to leave and explore the world, instead she was actually just disappointed that he didn't decide to take her with him.

In her mind she believed that the reason he chose not to take her with him, was due to her weak constitution.

Zhu Zhuling: "I need to get stronger so that Xingchen won't leave me behind anymore once he comes back. That way I can always stay by his side."

She then turned her head towards an open window and said in a serious tone: "No... I won't wait for him to return... Instead I will be the one to go to him!"

She then walked towards the open window and said: "I need to cultivate... So that I can be strong enough to go to his side."

Zhu Zhuling then sat down cross legged in front of the open window and began cultivating.

Suddenly the moonlight from outside the window began to enter her room and surround her body. The crescent moon shaped mark on her forehead also started flashing with white light. A yellow spirit ring then rose from below her. And it was then that something bizarre began to occur.

Her yellow spirit ring then began to absorb the moonlight around her body like a vacuum. After a few minutes of constantly absorbing moonlight, her yellow spirit ring then started flashing with purple light.