
7 Reasons why I shouldn't be a gangster

That's a piece of pie!" The new recruit says. But the big boss counters him. "Actually no, even the square root of pi is endless. 1.77245385091."

Long_dr3am · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Chapter seven

"After that Summer break, Benjiro... something about him changed." Itsuki quietly stated as the rest of the group were drunk off their minds and some we're sleeping on the living rooms carpeted floor.

Hideyoshi snorts.

Ryoto chuckles.

Only the three of them we're still sober each of them has a glass of bourbon in their hands.

The sleep over party turns into a drinking contest amongst all of the ground zero division members. Recklessly drinking out their minds as Hideyoshi got to know all of their names after a little introduction a few hours ago.

"After you told me about that argument Ryoto. All I could think perhaps that explains the Summer last year." Itsuki adds.

"How did your best friend changed then?" Ryoto asked.

Itsuki runs a hand on his hair. "I can't explain it but...."

Hideyoshi looks at Itsuki who stops from talking and looking at the carpet instead his hands turning into fist. "Just say it Itsuki."

Itsuki looks into Hideyoshi's eyes.

Benjiro showed up on Itsuki's apartment looking as if a ghost, the man was pale. Benjiro asked to stay over and Itsuki didn't mind, giving much space and probably comfort for his best friend somehow. The latter took a shower. Itsuki announced ashe placed his spare clothes on the guest bed he has but he can't help it for it was too quiet. He didn't even heard a yeah or yes yelling from the bathroom to respond of his announcement of leaving him to borrow his spare clothes. Itsuki knocks the bathroom door yet no reply. It got him even more worried. He pushes the door not caring to destroy the door knob in the process. What he saw shocked and scared the daylights out of him. The bathtub was filled by water and inside of it was Benjiro bare naked not breathing. He turns to the near counter he saw pills and the medicine container indicates sleeping pills. He dragged out his best friend's body out the tub as he started to do chest compressions. A few seconds passed. Benjiro coughs, breathing, gasping for air. Itsuki grabs Benjiro by the shoulders. "If you want to die! don't die here!" He screams.

Benjiro began to cry, it caught Itsuki off guard. He removes his hold on his best friend's shoulders. Itsuki furrowed his brows and took a sit beside Benjiro instead. He patted Benjiro's back softly. "Bro, what happened?"

Benjiro stops from crying as he turns to Itsuki. "I-I let her,.... we didn't have a choice..., I didn't have a choice." Benjiro sighs. "Without me, her father will kill her."

Itsuki furrowed his brows. "You don't make any sense bro."

"I fuck someone." Benjiro admitted. "Because I was forced not because I want too."

Itsuki widen his eyes.

"She needed my help, she begged for it Itsuki, for her life. I complied." Benjiro chuckles darkly. "I did it and Otou-san knew." He paused. "Her father and Otou-san was at the other room. They planned it all." He sighs. "I couldn't deny her, I don't want her to die. She's just a year younger than me. A woman who was forced for her father's greed."

Itsuki can't believe what he was hearing but one thing stood out in his mind and so he speaks up. "And if you die, will it solve anything?"

Benjiro sighs. "No."

"What now then?"

Benjiro closes his eyes as Itsuki stops from patting his back. "I won't die."

Silence took over the apartment even with some casual snores from the few bunch who were sleeping.

"Where's the woman?" Ryoto asked.

"She's in London, pregnant." Itsuki answered.

Hideyoshi's eyes widen.

"Is it Benjiro's child?" Ryoto further inquiries.

"Yes, a paternity test proves it." Itsuki responded.

"Her family?" Ryoto adds.

"Winthrop, the billionaires who owns banks across Europe. She's the youngest daughter who was a little rebellious and took architecture than accountancy and so she was pushed to bed Benjiro. If she successfully pop out Benjiro's child then they will soon get married as promised from what has been sealed as a deal before." Itsuki stated.

"Why are you just telling this now?" Hideyoshi asked.

Itsuki sighs. "Benjiro will die a martyr, in keeping it all to himself."

Hideyoshi furrowed his brows. "What else do you know-"

"I can't tell you more, just don't hate him too much. He had faced a lot of demons for your sake. Your old man isn't a saint may I remind you." Itsuki stated.

"How long is she pregnant?" Ryoto asks.

"Six months."

"What is Benjiro's plan?"

"Proceed as what was dealed. He promised the woman to help her." Itsuki tells him.

Hideyoshi chuckles. "Onii-san surely is a fool."

Itsuki sighs. "This is why I didn't want him to be our boss anyway."

"Ben have you come up a name for him?" Her smooth voice asked through the video call.

Benjiro sighs shaking his head. "I don't have one yet, Marie."

"The doctor will visit me again tomorrow my brother Jillian will be here to accompany me, anyway Father was looking forward for your men on his next shipment next month." She adds.

Benjiro nods his head as he took a sit on the couch. He just came back home from the office, alone in the house. Although outside numerous guardsmen we're ready in his defense.

"You should take care of yourself, Ben." She stated.

"I do."

She softly chuckles. "All right."

"Marie, take care." He says.

A small smile appears on her lips. "Always do." She paused. "I'm sleepy now, I'll call you back tomorrow, all right?"


Hideyoshi came back home by the afternoon. It surprises Hideyoshi to find living room disarray the flat screen television was shattered glasses and the other furnitures we're littered everywhere as if an earthquake havoc happened specifically only in this area. His heart beat quickens. He fastened his steps to push in and enter his elder brother's room. Secretary Watoshi was there, along with a doctor. His brother was unconscious on the bed. Naoya was there looking worried for his brother.

Ryoto and Itsuki we're both panting, catching their breathes as they stand behind Hideyoshi, wearing furrowed brows.

"What happened?" Hideyoshi asked.

The secretary looks at Hideyoshi as if he was about to cry. "Miss Marie died an hour ago. It was a vehicular accident."

Hideyoshi couldn't speak.

Itsuki's hand turns into fist. "Who did it-"

"It was purely an accident sir, her brothers had made a thorough investigation about it." Secretary Watoshi stated.

Ryoto sighs. "What else did her family say?"

"They want Sir Benjiro to be there for the funeral and also for him to give a name for his unborn child." Watoshi paused. "Her father wants to announce also their secret engagement for at least to make face for the unborn child in their family that have died." Watoshi's phone rings. He excuses himself to pick up the corporate calls, leaving along with the doctor as the rest of the men stayed in the room.

Naoya was the first one to break the silence. "I tried to stop him but he trashed the living room boss."

Hideyoshi nods. "It's doesn't matter. I'm relieved you weren't able to stop him."

Naoya sighs. "Sir Benjiro was having a anxiety attack after luckily Secretary Watoshi followed us back here."

"Still good work Naoya." Hideyoshi adds.

"Boss..., I never knew...Sir Benjiro had a child... and ... her.., I-"

"Naoya, my brother doesn't need anyone's pity right now." Hideyoshi cuts him off.

Naoya nods his head solemnly.

Slowly Benjiro's eye flutters open. "Oshi?" He asks.

Hideyoshi slowly took steps towards the bed as Benjiro sits right up on it, he looks at everyone present in the room before focusing his eyes back on his younger brother.

Hideyoshi gave him a short smile. "Onii-san, you feeling better?"

Benjiro kept his mouth shut. He can't stop himself, slowly tears fell down his eyes. Shocking everyone present in the room. He looks down his lap where the white blanket covers him. His shoulders shaking as small sobs escapes from his lips.

Hideyoshi took a sit beside him. "Let it out. Onii-san."

That was all Benjiro needed as he cries his heart out. Not caring how broken he looked anymore.

Naoya turns his back as he still stands in the room. This was his form of giving respect to his leader.

Itsuki sighs as he took a sit on the couch looking away from the bed, Ryoto took a sit beside him and did the opposite his eyes glued at the broken man. "Cry today but never again, asshole." Ryoto hissed.

Hideyoshi shakes his head. "Don't mind him, Onii-san."

A week has passed after the funeral. The secret engagement between families we're announced the unborn child was buried beside his mother behind the family's big mansion at Scotland along with their old ancestors. As it was an ancestral home. The unborn child was given a name and declared was a part of the family. Louis Aiden Winthrop Sanders was his name. The Winthrop family kept their business relations still with Benjiro even the unfortunate event occurred as what the head og the Winthrop family says it is a form of some sorts of compensation as they weren't careful enough to keep their end of the deal since providing an heir as what was dealed by Benjiro's father has been unsuccessful. Strange as it seems for Hideyoshi but he didn't expect Marie's brother's we're that kind to his elder brother.

Life goes on and moves back as the usual now that they are back in Japan. Even when a week has passed it bothered Hideyoshi how his brother acted immediately fine after all of that.

Secretary Watoshi then calls his attention back again for he stopped from signing the papers he was supposed to sign.

Hideyoshi sighs. "I want to know more about her."

Secretary Watoshi furrowed his brows. "What-"

"Marie Winthrop." Hideyoshi cuts him off.

The secretary nods. "She never asked, Sir Benjiro gives things to her. She calls sir Benjiro a day before her doctor visits her. Sir Benjiro visits her to London every two months and stays with her for two days. She knows her place. She knows what she can and not have. Sir Benjiro never said any dislike about her. Somehow from what I see to it, The two had became friends, sir."

Hideyoshi narrowed his eyes. "Then is he really fine now?"

"I'm not sure sir, Sir Benjiro does his own job well as he always does but he seems to be more stricter whenever he calls for Ryoto-sama." Secretary Watoshi honestly answered.

Hideyoshi sighs. "Ryoto's still at London investigating that woman's death."

"I know sir, his not convinced." Secretary Watoshi also sighs. "Miss Marie's brother's loved their sister so much as I've known they even hated the situation their only sister has been in with Sir Benjiro but they could do nothing about it since they weren't at London that time where their father planned and your father sir had insinuated." Secretary Watoshi sighs. "I was there sir, that day. I had accompanied your father when they we're talking with Mr. Winthrop."

Hideyoshi stood up from his seat and placed a hand on Secretary Watoshi's shoulder. He saw the secretary's hand turning into fist. "It's not your fault. No one could've stop it, even if I would've been informed back then... what could I do against, Otou-san."

"My belly is showing." Marie chuckles as she shares an afternoon tea in their mansion with Benjiro.

Benjiro gave her a small smile. "He sure is growing fast."

Marie nods her head. "He is, what should we name him, Ben?"

Benjiro shrugs. "I can't think of a name yet."

Marie pouts but then her eyes glows as she beam a smile. "How about Louis?!" She paused. "I like that name.... because it sounds cool like you do." She laughs.

Benjiro couldn't help but smile back. "Where do you wanna go after we get married and have our child?"

Her blue eyes shines. "I wanna travel the world then work as I'm an architecture graduate. I'm sure you won't mind taking me in to work on some of your buildings in Japan." She smiled. "I'll take care of our son while doing all that so you can still do your thing and earn more money for us."

Benjiro softly laughs.

Marie laughs along.

"Marie, I'm so... sorry." Benjiro sighs remembering her as he was drinking his coffee in his office.