
7 Reasons why I shouldn't be a gangster

That's a piece of pie!" The new recruit says. But the big boss counters him. "Actually no, even the square root of pi is endless. 1.77245385091."

Long_dr3am · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Chapter one

"You said your college friends with our boss but how come your too weak?" Josh scratches the back of his head, Josh the vice captain working under Okemia the captain of the fifth ground.

Itsuki catches his breath as he was the last one to finish the ten laps running across the field as the first round of exercise in the morning routine of the mob life.

"Don't be so hard on him, Josh."  Okemia sighs. "It's just his first day."

Josh shakes his head. "I'm not going to give him a special treatment."

Okemia chuckles. "I didn't said you should."

Josh huffs as he crosses his arms on his chest. "Itsuki you need to work harder if you want to enter this organization." He narrowed his eyes at Itsuki who slowly stood straight.

A slow clap was heard echoing across the field as the man walk leisurely towards them and stopping as he stand face to face with Itsuki. "Pleasure to meet you, I am Hideyoshi. Benjiro's Otōto (younger brother in Japanese) ."

The strong charisma oozes of menace matching it with his blue expensive looking suit and leather shoes. Itsuki rose a brow not really knowing how to reply at the younger looking face who's got a few similar features as his friend.

Hideyoshi beams a small smile. "My Onii-san (Older brother in Japanese)  in a meeting with some shareholders for a few hours anyway he told me to check up on his friend."

Itsuki scratches the back of his neck, laughing awkwardly. "I'm struggling but I'm learning. You can tell it to Ben."

Hideyoshi nodded. "Very well." Hideyoshi paused. "Oh, right. I hope you don't mind me talking without formalities to you-"

Itsuki waves his hands. "I'm cool, no need for it. Totally got it!" He says pointing himself. "Basically I'm Mr. Newbie."

Hideyoshi smiles. "I like your attitude. Your optimistic views, well definitely get you to places."

Itsuki nods along.

Itsuki's phone rings on his jogging pants front pocket he again awkwardly laughs it off. "Excuse me your brother's calling." Itsuki holds up his phone with Benjiro's name flashing on the screen.

Hideyoshi nods. "Take it, put it on speaker."

Itsuki does as told as he then answered while everyone's hearing sharpened to hear how the boss will have a conversation with his college friend.

"Itsuki, you still alive?" Benjiro's casually asks without any emotions through the line.

Itsuki answered as Hideyoshi gives him a nod. "Bro, I am." He again awkwardly laughs it off.

"Good, stay alive man." Benjiro tells him. "After my meeting here. I'll visit you there. (older sister in Japanese) Onē-san Nancy told me Jamie's dental appointment later and you should fetch him since Onē-san will be working overtime."

"Why would she told you-"

"You weren't answering your phone that's why your elder sister called me to inform you about your niece dental schedule." Benjiro cuts him off.

"All right. Tell me all the details later bro, I need to train. Bye." Itsuki cuts this conversation short since Hideyoshi is eyeing him up narrowly.

He ends the call not even letting the other line said his goodbye.

"You have a sister and a niece?" Hideyoshi asks out loud.

Itsuki's heart pounds nervously. "Yes..., um sir?"

"Your sister can call my Onii-san freely to pass messages to you?"


"My Onii-san is attending a meeting and yet he called you for that." Hideyoshi smirks. "Interesting."

"We'll my Onē-san sees your Onii-san as if his part of our family too. He is like a Otōto for her too, like I too. Ben is such a good guy that my family sees him as a good influence for me to graduate back at uni. Ben just so smart to ace all his subjects in uni-"

"I get it." Hideyoshi cuts him off as the rest of the mob members finds this new information about their boss interesting. "But I didn't get why he never mentioned you nor your family to me."

Itsuki nervously laughs. "Ben is a secretive guy, I supposed..., he only told me about this underground life when I accidentally saw him beat the shit out an unknown man on a nearby alley back at uni when I was on my third year."

Hideyoshi and the rest of the people present we're now invested in this tale. "That's interesting, care to tell further?"

Itsuki could only nod as he started to narrate the night that changed his view of his so called nerdy roommate.

Rain just stopped as Itsuki decided to take a shortcuts back at the dorms near where his university is located. The narrowed alleyway that is avoided by numerous people during at night for it was known dangerous during at night illegal dealings of drugs is the best meet up place for this area and other dangerous people usually took this pathway to get away from police on the highway that's why police patrols this alleyway in groups at night to passby and check from time to time but no matter this strange alleyway is like a safe heaven for those criminals. The dark clouds significantly shows that the rain will probably fall back down again and as luck was not on Itsuki's side, he doesn't have an umbrella nor his car with him for it needed to be fix just this morning and he never thought of bringing any umbrella with him when he got to hang out with his other group of friends as the weather was just too fine and yet strangely the news on the local television show on the coffee shop he had stayed earlier reported this rainstorm. Luck wasn't on his side, his on tight budget. He can't spare another penny to pay for a cab and so he concluded to take this dangerous shortcut. He walked in a fast phase to get his ass out of it as soon as possible but then in the middle of his journey a big tough guy was all bloodied and hovering above him was the lean familiar figure.

Itsuki gasped. "Ben-njiro?"

The man looks up at him as the dagger with blood stains on it falls down the ground. Benjiro moves away from the groaning man who was all bloodied. "Itsuki, sorry you've seen this, man." Benjiro beams a innocent smile.

Itsuki turns pale did he just witness a murder well the man on the ground still is breathing as what he can see from where he stands. 'Not a murder scene yet...' He mentally noted. "Why did you-"

Benjiro cuts him off. "He wanted to rob me and even attempted to stab me with that." Benjiro points at the dagger on the ground. "It's all self defense man." Benjiro confidently stated before he fishes the phone on his boomer jacket and called 911 and reported acting all too calm while Itsuki stood there frozen. Soon police and medical personnel came along with some unknown black suit men to go and followed Benjiro. Itsuki was interviewed by a police officer as a witness which he fairly answered what he had seen. One of the black suited men was a lawyer which surprised Itsuki at how the police then fastened the process of the interview and didn't further asked him nor Benjiro to come with them on the nearby police office rather the lawyer who seems close to Benjiro went with the police in their stead as He and Benjiro we're ushered to get inside a limousine.

Silence took over inside the car as he seated a few inches away from Benjiro who has a few blood stains on his boomer light blue jacket.

"Benjiro what happened back there isn't normal at all and us riding this fancy limousine. Be honest with me bro are you-"

"I will be honest with you man, just swear on it you'll be my friend or my father will take your head off, I'm telling you." Benjiro cuts him off again stating everything in one go.

Itsuki place his hands on his neck protectively as he could already imagine his head being cut off. He hesitantly nods. "I doubt I have a choice now."

Benjiro humms in response before he started to speak and told Itsuki everything.

That night the limousine didn't give them a lift back to their dorms but stopped on a nearby luxury hotel which Itsuki met for the first time Benjiro's father.

"What did father told you when you met then?" Hideyoshi asks.

"He asked if Ben and I we're friends and I answered yes." Itsuki answered immediately.

"What else?"

"He said, I should study more." Itsuki adds. "We didn't really talk much because Ben was there and your father wanted to talked to him more than me so I was given a lift back at the dorms while Benjiro came back on the next morning with a black eye."

Okemia smirks. "Seems boss took the hit from his father just for a you, Itsuki."

Itsuki sighs. "That's what I thought at first too but Benjiro told me, his father gave him that black eye for letting the thief alive and get behind bars. He said his father was annoyed about it."

Josh chuckles as the rest of the group followed to do so. As laughter died down. A smile lingers on Hideyoshi's face.

Benjiro feels exhausted after attending that particular meeting. He hated listening to the greedy money makers but he needs to get his job done too. A few bodyguards accompanied him to reach the site where his college friend was training to be in this mobster lifestyle.

He walks in and never imagined to witness his little brother smiling as Itsuki blubbering whatever while the rest of Okemia and Okemia himself we're all listening to his talkative friend while each of all of them has their own bento box which looks like we're delivered on a famous store. They we're all eating while sitting on the green grass as Itsuki talks every now and then as if a grandmother telling bedtime stories to these gangsters. Benjiro shakes his head and sighs.

Itsuki saw his friend from a distance and stops from talking as he places his bento down and beams a smile, waving his hand, yelling. "Benjiro! Bro!"

Everyone immediately placed their bento box aside and turn to find the boss a few meters away from them. Everyone rushed to stand and bow there heads even Hideyoshi did too.

Benjiro walks towards them, stopping as he now stood face to face with Itsuki who looks at him excitedly. "We gonna go get Jamie?"

Benjiro nods. "At ease everyone." He says as everyone followed now standing straight while their eyes still looking down their own feet. Benjiro sighs. "Okemia, train Itsuki well."

"Yes boss!" Okemia bows.

Benjiro held gazes with his friend.

"What?" Itsuki wondered.

Itsuki staggered as he receives a strong punch on his stomach. Taking him off guard, his own college friend who has not shown any form of hostility towards him. Punched him strongly on his gut, he groans in pain as he held his ground and slowly stood up while clutching his stomach in pain.

Benjiro clicked his tongue. "Itsuki's weak."

Hideyoshi held his breath. He never had seen this side of his elder brother and it scares him.

Okemia and the rest of his men where all in shocked to witness their boss punching his own college friend without hesitation and remorse.

"Itsuki I'll kill you if you will not train seriously." Benjiro coldly stated as everyone's had gotten goosebumps.

Benjiro sighs, running hands on his long hair, his empty eyes looks at Itsuki. "Jamie's probably waiting, I don't want to disappoint elder sister." He paused as he turns around. "Itsuki let's go."

But then his phone rings again interrupting him from taking a step away from everyone. His mood changes as he picks up the call, his tone now soothing. "Onē-san, yes. Itsuki and I  are on our way to get Jamie." He informed.

A few moments of silence as the other line replies. Benjiro started to speak again in response. "Yes, I'll call you if we're done."

Another paused as he replies shortly. "Bye." The call ended.

He turns back again. "Come on Itsuki."

Itsuki nods as he sighs. "Bro I think your punch was too strong, you could've killed me."

Benjiro sighs. "But you survived."

Itsuki furrowed his brows. "It's not that way to treat a friend!" He complains.

Benjiro sighs. "Yeah whatever."

Hideyoshi was now curious he decided to pay one of the best investigators in the country about Itsuki's elder sister. He got curious about this woman who was able to order his elder brother. Few weeks passed he does his own job as well in the company as the transition period got them all busy with paperworks he didn't even get to se his elder brother except for breakfast at home and board meetings they attended daily.

He is also busy with the rest of other areas in the dark community they had governing.

He went into a nearby coffee shop to meet up with the investigator who handed him the envelope containing the files about the said woman.

Hideyoshi began to read the papers as he flips it open.

Nancy Yagami formerly Nancy Hiroshima, widowed has a 5 year old son.

She now lives with her parents ever since her husband died due to a car accident.

She owns her very own business as a wedding planner even though she graduated as an engineer. Hideyoshi further reads and it does seems her business is famous and growing immensely. No criminal records the same like Itsuki she lives a decent average law abiding citizen.

Their parents we're both university professor's who had retired and owns a small flower shop store connected to the house she and her parents living now except for Itsuki who now lives alone renting a average apartment downtown near his rentedspace for his tattoo parlor shop he owns.

Hideyoshi stops from reading and inserted the papers back inside the envelope. He gives the investigator the one million check. The man hurriedly leaves him alone as Hideyoshi sighs before sipping his cup of coffee.

It was Sunday afternoon, no work and Benjiro seems bored. He decided to visit the Hiroshima residence.

The flowers shops door chimes as he entered.

The five year old girl runs up to him holding a single flower.

Benjiro kneels down to reach the little girls height.

The girl handed him the red rose. "Oji-san (uncle in Japanese) this for you." She beams a smile.

"Thank you, Jamie." He smiled back.

Footsteps followed the girl as Benjiro looks up to see Itsuki and Nancy both looking at him in confusion.

"Why you here Jiro kun?" Nancy asked.

"I was bored at home (older sister in Japanese) Onē-san anyways can't I come over?" He asks back.

The eldest amongst the three adults sighs, she shakes her head. "No, your always welcome here kid."

Benjiro smiled.

"Our parents left this morning, their on vacation for their 40th wedding anniversary to Chicago." She adds looking at the wristwatch. "I'm going to cook lunch."

Itsuki then adds. "I'll help, Ben can watch over the shop and Jamie."

She looks at Benjiro who nodded.

Benjiro then reassures her. "It's the least I can do, I'll get free food from here."

She sighs. "Fine, hopefully you remember how everything works here kid?"

Benjiro nods again. "I'm smarter than Itsuki, Onē-san ."

The woman chuckles as Itsuki pouts.

"Hey I'm still smart!, I graduated too!" Itsuki defended himself.

Benjiro picks up the five year old in one arm as he stood up.

"All right kids, settle down now." She stated as a smile lingers on her lips. She patted Itsuki's back softly. "Suki your smart, Onē-san believes you." She coaches as her eyes shifted to Benjiro, she beams him a smile. "Jiro watch over the shop and Jamie, I'll give you a call once Suki and I am done preparing the lunch hmm?"

Benjiro nods. "Yes, Onē-san." Benjiro always have a soft spot for Nancy. She is one of the rare few people who knew what he really is just like Itsuki who still had accepted him without judgment. She reminded him of his own mother. She gives the best advices and listens to his rants just like Itsuki. She's bossy at times but manageable enough. Benjiro always wanted a elder sibling to depend on and in the form of her is we're he had found it. Benjiro has his down times and he couldn't show it to his little brother nor his father who expected him to be that perfect. In the Hiroshima household is we're he felt warm and somewhat normal. They all treated him as if a part of their family, she treated him just like she treated Itsuki and he is thankful for it. The two siblings known him thoroughly although their parents still has not knew this underground life he lived.

She snaps her hand and smiled. "All right."

The door chimes again.

Her smile widens as she then asks. "Welcome to Hiroshima flower shop, sir. How may I help you?"

Benjiro's brows furrowed as Itsuki's face turned pale beside Nancy. Itsuki's eyes widen. Benjiro was confused as he turns to meet the customer he held on Jamie tighter.

"What a coincidence?, boss your here." Okemia stated

The door chimes again as Hideyoshi walks in with a few bodyguards accompanying him.

Hideyoshi smirks. "Elder brother."

Nancy looks at the strangers in the room as she tries to piece their statements. Seems this bunch of men are not customers but are Benjiro's mob followers. She sighs. "If your not here to buy flowers please leave gentlemen."

Hideyoshi chuckles. "I'll buy every flower here, Miss." He paused. "Tell me, what is your relationship with my elder brother?"

She simply smiled and walked towards Hideyoshi and unexpectedly she slaps him hard on his right cheek.

Everyone present in the room were too stunned to react.

"His my Otōto. (younger brother in Japanese) Now kindly leave whoever you are." She spat, eyes burning with anger.

Benjiro steps in between the two while he securely hold Jamie in his arms who frowns at her mother's actions. "Calm down, Onē-san." Benjiro stated.

"I'm still calm Jiro, now kindly let out your dogs out before I lose my calm." She warns.

Benjiro sighs as he turns to looked at Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi's jaw clenches, eyes squinting at Nancy. "I'll leave, if she says she's sorry."

"You little-"

"I'll handle this- " Benjiro cuts off Nancy from spitting any spiteful words but then he was also cut off by the five year old girl in her arms who crossed her arms on her chest protesting.

"No! No! No! Mama should say sorry!" Jamie started taking everyone's attention in the room. "It is bad to hurt this big brother." She then points at Hideyoshi who grins wickedly.

Nancy scoffs as she hesitantly gives in her daughters request, knowing her own fault and to set an example for future references for her daughter all she could do is sigh and say. "I'm sorry, It was rude of me." She bows down her head and immediately stands straight glaring at Hideyoshi.

Hideyoshi smirks. "Apology accepted."

Jamie clasped her hands together and gigled. "Yeahey and now everyone's friends!" She cheers.

Hideyoshi chuckles and beams a friendly smile at the five year old girl. "(Older brother in Japanese) Onii-san is very happy too." He paused. "We are friends now too?" He inquires.

The girl nodded her head. "Yes!, yes Onii-san!" She cheers as she gives him a thumbs up. She pulls out her thinking face and speaks up again. "Mama and Uncle Suki are making lunch, big brother should eat with us right Uncle Jiro?"

Jiro was about to disagree and convince the five year old through giving explanation that Hideyoshi is busy but Hideyoshi for unknown reason pushes himself to enter the Hiroshima household freely. "Big brother is free today so why should I say no to you."

Jamie chuckles in delight. "Yeahey I gain a new friend!" She pauses and points at Okemia and the other two bodyguards standing beside Hideyoshi. "You all join us eat! We are all friends now!" She cheerfully stated.

The dining table is full with variety of dishes and people. Nancy never expected such turn of events to occur.

The invited new friends of her daughter we're quite good handling her child. The five year old girl asks them their name and age and in return she introduced herself as she tells them her adventures at school. While they all listened to her as she stopped from talking time to time whenever she chews her food.

"And I draw our house at school too!" She ended proudly adventurous tales on her journey back at school.

Okemia clapped his hands as the two bodyguards followed.

Hideyoshi nods his head as he continues to eat his meal beside Benjiro. "Very interesting day you had, little one."

She beams a smile. "I hope you'll visit here regularly so I can tell you my school day big brother because you look so cool!"

Hideyoshi smirks. "Gladly."

Nancy scoffs.

Itsuki patted his elder sister's shoulder softly to calm her.

Benjiro shakes his head. "This big brother, is my younger brother Jamie." Benjiro stated.

Jamie looks at Benjiro in wonder and nods her head. "So he is like Uncle Suki then and Uncle Jiro is like Mama?"

Benjiro hesitantly nodded.

Jamie then asks as her eyes stared at Hideyoshi. "Then big brother is part of our family too?"

Hideyoshi smiles wider. "This little girl is smart."