

Shall we begin, The destruction of mankind

jangthewriter38 · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs

The Nerf Engine

Yoooo bros and sister's ,Good morning/noon/evening whenever you guys are reading this chapter, so without wasting any time , let's get going....

As we see/imagine/read in the last chapter that Toki got , one of the many legendary bow and after that the dungeon collapses and now........


Toki is showing his new bow to the nero and the other…..

Toki :- Brother Nero , you are super strong . i might thing you can get a hold of this bow.Nero :- Nah , i am good . BTW did you know this bow most hated beings are GATE User. So, did you want me to die now .Toki :- I am sorry , I didn't mean that.

After this chit-chat , Nero sits alone/thinking deep meanwhile all are seeing Toki's bow.

Eri came and sat near nero. Eri :- I can read your heart . And i am feeling that you are super worried . Did you are not happy by Toki's bow.

Nero:- Eri , you see that right. The last battle of Aryavarta. I can still feel the dominance or you can say fear of them. How they just trap me into an endless illusion?. It's true, GATE users have some weakness. But still I am not sure if we can survive the upcoming calamity or not. Even if i try my best then you and I can reach GATE 2 . But you also know that the monsters we are going to face, are not just FRESHER'S those who unlock GATE 1 or 2 . They must send someone who has the power of GATE 4th or may be 5th . This is a feeling like those , this Era games. Where you have to defeat a boss, much higher than your level. And this time even OBSIDIAN (A GATE 7 friend) isn't here. So there is no way out. 

Eri :- Nero don't stress . I believe in you . you surely find some way out this, like you always did

 (After some Thinking)

Nero with a light smile, like always , holding ERI from shoulder :- We win - We survive . That's all and rest is the future. 

Toki is also listening all this :- Brother Nero is so much strong from inside . I must train much harder to keep up. (Motivated)

Meanwhile the next day :- Toki is training early in the morning , he goes to see nero.

Toki - brother nero must be training hard. If I go, he should get disturbed .

When toki checks , Nero is sleeping deep enough like he is in the very bottom of the calm sea. And instantly kicked by the ERI on his bu** .

Nero :- Hey , don't you see. I am focusing deep.

Toki :- Ohh he is actually focusing , brilliant . 

ERI shouts on nero , Meanwhile Toki defends Nero.

After few seconds later , we see both are standing outside the sugeto's home . (Top of the head is popped)

Toki :- So, you are actually sleeping.Nero :- Well , I mistakenly gone more deeper into my meditation.

After this both decided to take a day off from training and Toki will shows interesting funny stuff to Nero. 

Both visit's a Game center. 

Nero :- Game center.Toki :- Yep , A game center . I always wants to play my favorite PVP online game but due to my previous useless life . I never can. But now situations are different.

Both play games and it seems Nero enjoys it so much.

Some time later….. nearby players shouts :- Who is this [solo hunter]. Where the fk is that rat.

Player:- ( Pointing at Nero) It's you , right. WTF wrong with you . You kill us all. We are your team-mates idiot.

Nero :- Sorry it's my first time . I think , i have to kill all.

Players:- ( After calming a bit, taking a deep breath) ok buddy . since you are new. we let it go . Play well next time.

Few seconds later….. All nero team- mates are dead and the enemy is unscratched ... Nero team-mates got more and more pissed after each round. 

Player ( through Mic) - [Rage at peak]- I think he really can't differentiate b/w an ally or an enemy. 

Player :- Solo hunter kill the one who got red clothes. 


Then suddenly in the blind of an eye . Enemy team most deadly sniper got taken down.

Nero team- mates are super happy and talk to each other—------ Boss(Team leader), I think we can use this idiot to destroy all international teams with ease. His work - Gloury's our.

Then a random team- mate—---- Boss, why his aim got shifted to us. Then they remember that their team in-game costume is in Red colour. The next instance, they all got deleted and enemy wins the match.

Toki :- Well , my game gone amazing. what about you Nero. Then Toki see that Nero Team-mates got bats in their hand , standing behind him.Nero :- Why are you looking at me like this? Ofcourse i am amazing both in real life and in games too..

Toki Points backward... Nero slowly turned his neck…. On realizing the situation both run at godspeed from the gaming Cafe. 

Gaming Team :- Catch the rat...

After few chase...Nero and toki got away…..

Team :- Dammm this rat is really fast at running, i swear in the name of god. Next time i won't let you go. ( And slams the bat on the ground).

Nero :- So, what next…..Toki :- Next….!!!!!Nero :- ofcourse we still got plenty of time , like never before . So, why not….Toki :- Well then, how about we go in the engineers festival near...Nero :- Engineer festival? what it means...

Toki:- In our world , those individuals who make tech or any weapon which can be use to kill monsters are known as engineer…..

Both visit the festival , there is so much amazing stuff. So many weapons….. from cheapest to the most expensive, there are also few exclusive weapons which are only limited to the class S and only given by the government , these can't be purchased... 

Both Nero and Toki are impressed by all the stuffs around them. Suddenly a old theme shop came in mid of all impressive shops, this shop is totally messed up with wires, Monster cores , Body parts xyz stuff. Suddenly their expression of joy fades away.

Shop owner ( A 17 year old boy) :- Greeting to the customers , what would you like to buy.

Boy name :- Seino , Nick name :- Nerf… Title:- Weapon Master…..

Both Nero and tobi faces are expression-less

Nero:- Your nick name should have to be Nerd😂😂. Go Kid , touch some grass🤣🤣😂.

Nerf :- You guys didn't know the value of stuff i have. ok jokes aside. belive me i have all the valuable material that a hunter need.

Nero :- ok brother, i believe you even i don't want to, but i believe. then why there is no customer here and what about this weird tattoo on your body.

Nerf :- Sry but i can't tell you about the tattoo but as for the customer, i intensionly open this shop for peoples who can't afford expensive Gears.

Nero :- You talk about poor hunters. Then why are there so many poor hunters buying Gears from luxury shops on EMI.

Nerf :- Welll…..

Nero :- Brother , no need to insist . I know the harsh reality of the world . Peoples always goes for what they see from their eyes.


Nerf :- So, you are not buying anything (Sadly)

Nero :- (By looking at Seino/Nerf) I am going ... to grab some useful items from here…..

Nerf is happy to hear this......Reason:- Seino don't have any parent alive , he has his only grandma alive. HE and his grandma both works and live their life in this expensive world. And this is the reason why he is calm after being taunted by the Nero, cuz he develops maturity in himself.

Now Nero sees so many products of Seino's shop, there are many OP items which can help a low rank hunter to clear higher gates with ease.

Toki ;- Sry Mr. Seino , but i have a question . You have so many good stuff. Did you ever went for a dungeon Raid?Seino :- Sorry but I am not any hunter. So, i can go on a raid.Toki :- ohh sorry.Seino :- Nah , it's fine. but i have experience of killing monsters.

After seeing around the whole shop Nero buy few potions and few weapons and Nero is about to leave then he saws a poster in Seino's shop.....

Nero:- Sponsor a shop…. seino what's that mean?

[Seino is super happy cuz nero buy a lot of products and he is also asking about sponsorship.]

Seino :- ( Happily) I just put it here cuz everyone is sticking this on their shops. This means - if anyone got impressed by the master creation of any shop owner then he/she can sponsor him/her to work under them.

Nero :- Then what is the master peice of your shop buddy…

Seino :- It's nothing special or it is still in it's BETA phase, You can see , if you like.

Both Nero and Toki Follow Seino inside the shop and they find a Device. 

Nero ;- What is this think?

Seino :- This is called as a Nerf Simulator.

Toki :- It seem like a device that can Nerf any particular thing from it's Name.Seino :- Exactly , This device can Nerf any Monster , making him so weak that a normal human can defeat him.

Nero :- Holy fk, how did you create such a think, did it can also nerf hunter…..

Seino :- Well , I am not sure about that cuz it's still In-development OR one more thing...

 I didn't entirely create this thing . Look over there . see that person . That brother helps me a lot in creating this.

Nero :- Huh , he looks poor and why is he sleeping now?Seino :- I don't know the reason but he seems very sad . There is always a sad expression on his face.Nero :- Can I say hi to him.Seino :- probably that is not the best idea cuz he says not to disturb him….Nero :- well then….

(Little chit-chat)-----

Exactly that's the case now , whenever I start it. It's nerf a wide area including everything . Even the weapons made from stronger monsters got weakened . Last time when i on it, I got a lot of complains from nearby shops and they forbid to use anything like this in this AREA.

Nero :- Interesting , but I really want to see this working…

Seino :- Then how about we go to the nearby beach site. The Area must be less crowded during this time.

Toki/Nero :- Well then , let's goooooo.

Seino :- Sorry but before we go can i take a pic of you. Cuz you are the first ever customer who buy this much from my shop. pls

Nero :- sure….

A While later...…..

Seino :- This place is good….. can we start now…..

Nero :- let's go…..

The Nerf Engine starts ... and keep running ...

Nero and Toki...…

Hey Toki , did you feel anything...Nah , There is a screen showing . The Legendary 'Light' bow powers can't be suppressed by these useless efforts.Same here i can't feel being suppressed....

By seeing the expression of both...

Seino :- It seems like you two are not affected by this . of course the energy suppression module which is running now is based on monster and you two are not any monsters (Hehe) . Then how about we use your energy module,Nerp.

Nero :- My energy module, i don't understand..Seino:- Just wait a moment…. 

(And the Tip of the machine got opened)

Seino :- Now concentrate your energy and pour into it.

Nero :- Well , ok.

(Nero takes his hand forward and drop a very little essence in the machine)

Seino :- Wow , it's so beautiful. It's colour cosmic blue and red. Wait your eye have the same colour. One is red and other is of Cosmic blue colour. Like a cute cat.

Toki :- Really , i also want to say this from very long.

Nero :- oi both of you, stop it. I am not any cat. or Seino how much long does this machine takes.

Seino :- just 10 more minutes and then you can feel the magic of my creation…

Nero :- That's to long . how am i gona entertain myself...

( Then suddenly a voice came from back:- Don't worry , I won't let you get bored, Leo's Son.)

( Now Nero can sense this energy .....)

Nero :- (Fu*k , How a GATE User . How he find me) Everybody Run(shouts)

Gate User ( Same killer who is killing the S Rank Hunter and the one who got beaten by Nero's Father)

Name :- Orsec , Nick name :- The Killer 

Killer :- I won't let any of you go. ( And drag all of them in the plane of infinity Created by the Killer)

(Fact or clue :- A plane of infinity is a like a copy of real world with no living beings . And this creation consumes a lot of power . This is why this is most likely to be created by the Gate Users. It's not like Killer cares about Damage in real world . It's bcz According to Primordial laws, NO Gate Users use their Powers in Real World , Unless the end of any World has came)

(Remember Plane of infinity is not like any Domain where you are the rular . It's just an Endless battle field , where victor shines and loser gets burned into the ashes).

Here in Sugeto's House Eri Suddenly falls unconscious…..

Sugeto's wife got panicked and call sugeto and explain how she suddenly fell to the ground…

Sugeto :- She fell unconscious…..

( Then he remember Nero saying :- This body of ERI isn't Real . Actually we both have one Original body containing Two souls. So just for simplicity I created this body of hers. In reality this body is controlled wirelessly from the original body)

Sugeto :- That mean's Nero is in danger…..


Eri :- Who is this Jerk , talking non-stop…..Whatttt a GATE User…..

Nero :- I never think you are such a Fking rat that smells such a small amount of energy…..

Killer :- Now i can say you are really the Son of Leo. Once upon a time Your father is a big pain in the A** . 

Nero :- How did you know about my father…..

Killer :- Ahhh , we are old friend . How do i put this , I am the one who kill him.

Nero :- Hehe , I never see my father in my whole life but my heart say they would never have lost to such a Pu**y…

These words are enough to pi** him … In an blink of an eye Nero got smashed….

Toki :- (shouts ) Brother Nerooo….

(In this way once again a deadly battle begins.....)

Nero is trying his best but that's not enough to Hurt a GATE User.... the battle continuous and Nero got smashed again and again

Toki :- Their speed is so fast , I really can't Aim this way

Battle goes more and more intense and finally killer popped the head of Nero…..Toki and Seino Shouts , calling Nero's Name...….But then he Restore Nero's Head...Nero takes a deep breath from the bottom of his lungs.... Killer throws him away….

Nero :- why ….why did you bring me back to life when i am nearly about to die…..Killer :- Killing you instantly won't be any fun…..Eri :- Really you are the real jerk....

Nero :- wait wait….. for a moment ...

Killer :- Any last wish...…

Nero :- yep, I wonder why are you only here, i mean there are lot of FATEBREAKER"S who want to kill me. Is there is any back-up coming…..

Killer :- for a weak like you , i am enough . Is this your last words. Then you waste your time.Nero :- Yeah, that's true . I am really wasting your time till now.

Nero shouts:- Seino how many minutes more to activate that Sh**

Killer senses something wrong and goes to finish Nero .... [Seino:- No one walks away…..]

Before killer kill Nero , that Nerf Simulator got started and releases a strong wave of energy ,,, suppressing the beings who uses Gate Powers…..

Killer was just few seconds away to finish the game of Nero's life but Now the tables has turned.

[We sees in the slow motion when killer was just about to kill the Nero and now , Nero is smiling.....

Tosing killer here and there with his full strength and on the other-site he signal Toki to prepare one of his strongest Arrow….. The combo hits ….. Now killer is in bad shape…..]

[ Now the first thing Nero do is to cut his hands and legs,,,... ]

Killer :- You can't kill me , i am a divine being.

Nero :- How about i say, i can end your life….here and right now…..

Killer :- your blue flames can't kill me or if you kill me you will never know , who is behind your sisters death.

Nero instanly grab killers head and the other hand of Nero is transformed like it's a hand of a demon and a bright violet-pink flames ignites from his hand ….

And nero grab his heart out ,..... then that hand of Nero eats it…..

Killer:- Youuu basta*d, how do you know this hidden Dark Art.... Even the Soul library doesn't have any records on these types of arts….. Then how…..Did you know…..

Nero :- See you in the depths of hell….

Then Nero also try to read his memories but he can't cuz Nero powers are still not that high....

Nero :- Phew , that old fa*t's Technique finally came handy…..

Eri :- hey, don't insult my Grandpa.... 


Nero :- Sry….sry….i am sorry..

We can't talk about other but Seino is terrified a little bit ….

Nero :- Hey , let's go . we can't stay here for too long . who know if anyone else came here ....


A portal opens at sugeto's home backyard ...all came out...(Nero's original Body is burning in blue flames…..it's a type of healing procedure cuz he got injured to badly)

Sugeto cares for Nero.... and ask about , what happen…. Nero explain everything happen so far to sugeto …..And Nero also Explain Seino about who he is...

Nero :- Seino pls we need you , your knowledge and this device is a big help for us...pls help us…

Seino :- Sorry but i am leaving now , and i can't help you…

Nero and others are shocked to hear this...

Toki Grabs him from collar….:- What the Fk you talking about... He is the person who saved you just a moment ago.....

Seino :- Or he is the person due to which we got into that trouble... I already lost my parents at a very young age . Now there is only my Grandma left. I don't want to lose her too…. Pls don't approach me again…..

Toki :- When the calamity hits , did you thing you and your grandma will be safe in this world.... Tell me …. did you have any answers.....

Seino :- We will think about that....

Toki is going to tell him more but Nero stops him and apologize to Seino for the trouble ….

Nero :- I am sorry buddy , I can understand your situation cuz i know the pain of losing someone close to us, is too much…. 

Seino is also little shocked to hear this….and then he leave …..

After that... 

Toki :- Brother , what's that bra*t think of himself? A self Minded person.

Nero :- Chill Toki , Believe me we are not going to lose the End-game…. Even if he don't support us ...


So , this chapter ends here….. see ya in the next one...

 Thoughts 💭:- I believe, the anime of this is going to be super awesome 😎😎😁😁

Ja Ne (Japanese)