

Shall we begin, The destruction of mankind

jangthewriter38 · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs

Testing Of Brand New Powers

(In this way, this cute fight ends and both comes back to Unknown persons)

Nero :- we are ready.

(And both fuses together,we sees

One eye is shining red , while the other one is shining blue . There are a Horns on the head , representing demonic personality)

Obsidian to Female:- Well, why don't we also fuses together.

(Both unknown persons hold hands together and fuses)

(Nero is shocked to see this )

Unknown:- listen kid , we are the sustainers of Divine/Hell Gates First. Since you have a Mix soul .

You get the powers of both gates .

(In this way Nero and Eri Receive an Tremendous amount of power and abilities.

Nero :- (in mind)What is this, it's looks like. I am merging with my surroundings. I can sense Everything in hundreds, no , Thousands, no , complete Earth.

I can sense every life form presence.

What kind of overwhelming power is this?

(After giving the powers)

Unknown:- Listen Kid, please use one gate power at one time. Don't use combo. bcz your earth 🌎 Can't sustains that much amount of power.

Nero :- But, i will use it carefully.

Unknown:- Idiot, I know it. But meaning is that only combination of two gates produces such an violent energy.

Their Max output is too much terrible.

So , To use gates power at Max. Just Use

"Primordial Dimension or Arena of Eternal battles"

Nero :- What, Are....na of ?

Unknown:- "Arena of Eternal battle " is an battle field especially created by "primordial one" for the battles of "Gate Users"

(Nero learns how to open gateway to eternal Arena)

Nero :- Thank you 😁😄

(After all this finished)

(Unknown persons are starting to leave)

Nero :- wait, I want to ask . What is your level of divine gate ..

Obsidian /Ember:- (by smiling lightly)

It's 7th ...

Nero :- whatttttt(and Nero feel their powers),

(In mind)

They are soo much powerful. I can feel it.

It's like they can destroy, Even an Universe with in blink of an eye.

Nero :- hey, i will definitely catch you guys in no time.

Unknown:- (happily), well then . Best of luck. Ba bye, see ya .

(After this both Nero and Eri went to their spiritual core, Whity is waiting for them .

And Nero/Eri sits on the Middle Throne)

Nero :- Eri , where are your Twins?

Whity:- They died during soul Fussion .

Nero :- i am sorry, Eri.

Eri :- well, it doesn't matter Now. You are just important to me. As long as i am with you, I have no regrets about the past.

(Both happily Sits on the Throne 😁😊)

Nero :- (to whity) do you find any way to revive darky.

Whity :- yep , i find it.


(Both Nero and Eri comes out from trial, they find Grandpa is protecting their bodies by hiding)

(On waking up)

(At this moment, Eri Artificial/Alchemical body is destroyed, And Now both Eri and Nero are in one body of Nero .

Don't forget, the colour of Nero's eyes are :-

One blue and one red

Nero has a Horn on his left side of the head.


Nero :- Grandpa, what's going on outside?

Did , these are monsters of eye of destruction.

(Now all hidden inside an barrier)

Grandpa:- No, it's Fernando Minions.

Eri :- But how did they got here , didn't our village is protected by your barrier.

Did villagers are safe?

Grandpa:- Don't blame me, I have casted an very high rank hidden spell to protect our village.

But few hours ago , Nero body is starting to brust with an very strong power.

It was soo strong that it shatter my barrier into thousand pieces.

Not my barrier, it also shatter Fernando barrier casted upon the "eye of destruction" like nothing.

Tell me , did you achieve that Mythical/unknown power of divine gates?

Nero :- Nope, That unknown person says we got Powers of "Hellvine Gate".

Grandpa:- whattttttttt? The strongest Gate.

A mixture of divine and hell gate.

I just heard about this in Legend. That along with Divine and Hell Gate . There is also a 3rd Gate.

The "Hellvine Gate"

Nero :- Exactly that one.

Eri :- So, why is Fernando attacking our village?

Grandpa:- he wants to know the source of this great power, against which his barrier is shattered like nothing.

Eri :- why don't you protect the villagers , grandpa?

Grandpa:- (shouting)

bcz i have to protect both of you and as for villagers I have casted a protection spell on each of them.


I am afraid it's going to end sooner.

Nero :- Eri , are you ready. Grandpa leave this to us.

Grandpa:- wait, don't kill Fernando here . If he dies here . Then a big destruction takes place and whole Eye is destroyed.

Nero :- Don't worry, I don't want to kill him now .

His death won't be easy. I will kill him patiently.

For now i have many things to do here before going to Land/above.


(After, on the way to save monster village)

Eri :- by the way, what kind of power you get.

Nero :- ahh, it's hard to explain. Everything is soo great.

Even all my basic magic spell goes on a whole another level.

You will find this soon in battles.

(NERO Disguises and Eri create her Alchemical clone and shift a little part of her conciousness in the clone)

(Clone destroyed)

Eri :- what !!! this clone cannot hold my powers

Nero :- hmmmm, look like you just have to sit and watch , my queen.

(Nero enters the village in his disguise, A horn is comed out from his hodded Robe, Representing devil personality)

(On seeing Nero's horn, all villagers become happy)

Aryavarta soldiers :- who you are?

Nero :-(heavy tone) huhhh, you all came all the way here . And you dare to ask me . Who am I?.

I will ask you last time.

Leave this village or die?

A monster kid is starting to cheer:- yes, brother was saying right. Leave our village.

(Soldiers didn't listen and try to kill monster child.

With light fast speed,Nero cuts head of that soldier by saving the kid)

Soldiers:-(one of superior) contact our generals there is an "S" Rank monster