

Shall we begin, The destruction of mankind

jangthewriter38 · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs

Blaze fire and Vapi's introduction

Greetings 😎🎉....

Hello there, I am just a regular, Your Normal writer…..So, without wasting any time. Let's dive into our story...

Really i know I lack a bit or more of writing skills compared to other Authors but i hope you and I make good coordination during this story telling...

I hope you guys have readed previous chapter...for newcomers …. I can only tell one thing is that :- This story is not bad if you guys read from chapter first..... BTW this is season 2nd of my story….


As we seen in last chapter that Nero really got god tier luck …..Cuz he always escapes deadly situations.... Now Nero is back to Sen and he explain everything happened so far.....

Nero :- Did you have any idea about why Mr.Yu trying to help me?

Sen :- Nero , Did you ever wonder why the earth of every alternative dimension is called as the LAND OF DEATH in SOUL KNOWLEDGE.... Cuz this is the Land where suffering Begins and ends... People loses their loved one's infront of their eyes.... And this is the reason why Mr.Yu helps you…..

… He lose his brother right in front of his eyes…. in the BATTLE OF INFINITY…..

Nero :- Wait….then how is he alive now…. I mean BATTLE OF INFINITY happened 300 YEARS ago ….

Sen :- Fool…. It happens 300 years ago in your Reality …..In his reality/Dimension just 9 Years has passed ..... He save you cuz your face matches with his brother's face...all he wants is to see his brother once again.... Remember Nero , He is a peak GATE 5 User... You can say ….. He is just simply too much powerful... He is the one who ends the BATTLE OF INFINITY in his world... But sadly now there is nothing remained to live….. all are dead…..

Nero :- Damm , Can you tell me what exactly happens in that Battle?

Sen :- Just some terrifying Dark clouds emerges and engulfes everything in their path... GATE Users are just a toy for them... 

Nero :- ( Seriously)

Sen :- Relax …. and please don't ask me anything on this topic again unless the time has to come... cuz i tell you before…..Sometime Additional knowledge serves as a poison….

Sen :- (changing the topic) So i told you right….. Artificial Gate Users are no joke…

Now Sen tells Nero to visit a Dungeon Name :- Ancestors Treasure…..And clear it…..

Nero follows Sen's Instructions and Clears the Dungeon….. He obtains a treasure called as The Last Reminant to recall the 'Most honored One'/A Token

Nero talk to Sen Via telepathy:- What this item do…..

Sen :- Nothing special...It's just..... Whenever you feel that you are done….Just drop a droplet of your blood on it….. And bow your head by calling :- Oh Great lord , Please protect your worshippers ..... And one more thing :- (Secret talk)

After some time Nero sees on T.V that MYTH the S Rank Hunter Considered to be an Nations enemy….. And there are direct orders to kill him on spot....

Nero :- [ Calmly eating sweets] Ohh , so he is dead now.....

Suddenly Nero hears the sound of Chaos coming towards him.... [ A lot of high rank hunters chasing myth...…]

On seeing Nero , MYTH tosses something towards him....

Nero :- (by catching) Are you an idiot... Why you running toward me…..they will also find me.

MYTH :- Protect this, I will meet you soon…

MYTH :- [In Mind] My body can't hold longer….. cuz i am nearly exhausted by fighting with that damn GATE User….. Nero is strong….. At Least that's what I think of him….. I hope he will make out safely.

Nero got surrounded by a lot of Powerful hunters... [Remember Nero is in disguise]

Nero :- Wait….wait ...Can I ask our hunter hero's that why are all of you surrounding a common civilian like this…..

Hunters :- Sir, we are not here to harm you….but please hand over that Drive ….And you are free to go…

Nero :- Sure-sure . of course a common man like me…..want to live in peace [and hand over the drive].

Hunters :- well that was easy. ok sir now you are free to go...

Then the team leader of hunters came and scans the device....he instantly kicked one of the nearby hunter and command other :- Catch that bastard….he gave us the duplicate/fake device…..

Nero is running as fast as he can…..(damm it :- That idiot dropped out of nowhere,, and today i am running on the artificial body cuz my original body is on Eri's Control)

Suddenly the land below Nero's feets cracked [like a virtual space] and he got teleported into a different dimensional space…..

Nero :- [by looking at someone] Damn, what's going on? I am f**king tired of you bast**ds .... one after another….. I am done with all of you [Loudly].... I am not even at Gate 2nd properly and you damn crazy bast**d of Gate 5/6/7 whatever, keep dropping on me…. Don't you have any dignity left in you...… Just let me gooooooooo [ The intensity of sound is so high that the other person blocks his ears]

Nao Li [The other person/Equivalent idiot to Nero] :- Just shut the F*** off …..Enough of yours….. First that Flashy Bas***d and now you... 

Nero sees the eyes of Nao Li is so much red [It's happen when light was flashed in front of your eyes , so many times]

by listening to the childish argument of Nao Li :- Nero :- Buddy , Are you ok?

Nao Li looks at Nero with angry red eyes :- Don't you dare to speak back to me. just hand over the Device and F*** off.

And he attacks Nero but a miracles happens :- Cracks starting to appears on the Nero's body…..

On seeing the cracks , Nao li is so terrified that he intentionally kicks Nero out of the inter-Dimensional Gateway...

Nao Li :- I will see you next time.... [ and got away]

Nero :- what…..what happening ...he gone…..without taking the device…..


When Nero comes out of the portal …..Hundreds of hunters are surrounding the Nero…

Nero :- with my current power level , escaping all of them won't be an easy option…..

All of the Hunters attacks together…..intent to kill Nero's [ Artificial body]

Then everyone feels a dominant power….

Nero :- Damn , who is now….. Sugeto and others are out of options and Eri can't come cuz she is practicing GATE 2nd Now.... Wait… this energy….. ( And Nero turns to look )

Suddenly a protection barrier got casted around Nero…. and the Nearby spiritual pressure got so much high that most of the hunter collapses and remaining are taken out….

Nero :- (cheerfully)Damn. It's you General . As expected from The No. 1 General..... General Blaze….

Blaze :- Kid , you have grown quite a lot in the past few years...

After getting to a safe spot....Nero respectfully greets General Blaze….. 

Nero :- General can i ask you few question [ Nero is behaving properly cuz blaze is older and he is also a general of Aryavarta in past]

Blaze :- Sure, kid…. or you better call me uncle blaze….

Nero :- unclee…..?

Blaze :- Got any problem….

Nero :- Ahmmmm No No there is no problem in it…. 

 So , uncle blaze, how did you come here….. I mean I last saw you in our last battle …

Blaze :- I got caught by an So called GATE User….. He lock me here . So I can kill their own Powerful officers those who oppose them….. When i refuse to do so… They connects some wires to my body…. So they can extract my energy... But due to from a different dimension they are unable to do so and they locks me into a portal...as a prisoner…

Nero :- It's impossible , Your power rivals the Fusion of my GATE 1st , so there is no way….. they imprison you so easily…. You are also far more stronger then fernando... So how ?

Blaze :- It's true the peoples of this world are not strong enough to suppress me…but the one who suppress me is a high Gate User….

Nero :- So, BTW who released you?

MYTH :- It's ME….

This scared the sh*t out of Nero....

Nero :- WTF you doing…..

MYTH :- How can't you sense me…. Wait, this body isn't your original and how this body doesn't have any soul... Ohh now I understand…. That's why you can't sense me...

[ Myth knows that the soul of Nero and Eri is one and this body is an artificial body , wirelessly controlled by Nero….. And due to being on the verge on collapse ….. he can't sense much now.]


Nero :- Well , let's put everything aside for now and Mr. Riftwalker can you tell me what are you doing?

Myth :- Well , I simply take the benefit of the opportunity that you create….. 

Myth explains :- As per the information you provide to me, I find there are major 100's of Gate 1st Users which are peoples from this world , they are given the powers of Gate . There are (4/ Gate 3rd) and ( 4 /Gate 4th ) and (3 /Gate 5th ) Users are here….. among Gate 5th only 1 User is Actively present here..

Their main goal is to create an interdimensional war.....

Nero :- interdimensional war ?

Myth :- Yeah, let me explain in detail.... There is an Hunter in this country named as ' Kemono Aishi" or you can say this as' Beast lover'

Nero/Blaze :- Beast Lover...

Myth :- Hmmmm, Few years ago when the Portals started to open here.... Fierce Monsters came out of them …. Killing the man kind…..

In between all this chaos…. This Person Awakens the ability , an ability which helps him to communicate with monsters…. As time passes , Monsters begin to become friendly with this Beast Lover….. Like a Tamed beast.... and the Monster those who cames out to portal... Generally stop attacking Humans.... but during an A Rank Gate Crash….. This Beast Lover suddenly disappears….. and now ,can you guess where he is now?

Nero :- Where?

Myth :- He is being held and constantly tortured in the Hunter's association...… As far as i know…. 4 years ago A legendary Gate Appears and a very-very Strong monster appears out of it... Even the flick of his finger can destroy an entire Continent... During that incident ; Kemono Aishi' is also present there…..

And due to his skill of communication with Monster.... That Monster became his friend ....and now the problem is that the "Beast lover" I see being held has glowing red eyes...

Nero :- Glowing red eyes…..

Myth :- Kemono Aishi never has Red eyes .... His eye colour is brown, similar to most humans….. These red eyes are possessed by the beast of that legendary Portal crash incident.... As i know by reading the media Articles of that time .... That beast of Legendary gate is the prince of an unknown Galaxy ... 

Now you understand Nero…. What that Gate Users want…..

Nero :- They want their prince back and as per the nature of the peoples of this planet. They refuse to give cuz they have some borrowed gate power, so they are not afraid of any monster.... and all this chaos disturbs the Interdimensional peace.

Myth :- So whenever Interdimensional peace is disturbed.... Gate Users got the authority to interfere and use their power on anyone as they please . So , this is the overall plan of Gate User to get the Eternal Fragment….

Nero :- Damn they are so cunning…..


After some time


Nero :- Myth, i want to know why that Gate User name Nao Li is so annoyed of you?

Myth (Smiling) :- I just gave him the flashiest introduction of mine. 

Myth Explain :- Just like you I also got stucked in his Private Dimension and to escape from any private Dimension my skill consumes a lot of power (Especially when it's created by an Gate User) ...and that time i want to avoid fight from him…..so i just use a little trick….

Nero :- Little trick

Myth :- This trick of mine is called as fake clones... They resembles me in all ways and I even pour a little of My Soul Essence into these clone . So that Gate User can't find about this trick of mine.

Whenever he slightly damages any of my clones they got destroyed in process and emits an blinding flash of light …. So in this way I Blind his eyes 100s of times in few minutes...

Nero :- oh . That's why he got scared when this body of mine begins to crack….. well anyways . Nice played .

Topic changes:- 

Nero :- BTW what is in this Device? You try so hard to protect this.

Myth :- This Contains the final Memories of the " Beast Lover"...I am turning it on.

Myth Turns on the device.....

[A friend] Hey WIL , what type of skill did you got?Ohh just a taming skill…..Allows me to communicate with Monsters and animals…..[A friend] That's cool….IDK about other but if you got this . I am sure you gonna make this super useful…..


2 years have passed…


[ A friend] Didn't i told you buddy . You are the best….(Happily) Idiot what are you talking about? I am just a normal person, Your friend. I think you have drunked so much.[A friend] You still refuse to believe it…. anyway i am gonna call you the 'Beast Tamer" . You sure gonna become the best hunter in the world…..Even today, this whole city knows and loves you….Bro…. heheh ... The Best Hunter…. Even though i don't hunt anyone….So how am i going to become the Best Hunter…..[A friend] IDK (Drunked) . You are the best….. 

Later , The legendary gate appears and A fierce beast came out of it ...… Fortunately WiL(Beast Lover ) is also there….. And due to his skill . The Fierce beast won't attack anyone and invite WiL to visit his planet and meet his peoples….. Cuz that Fierce beast wanna to show their peoples that he meet an amazing and a wise person...

Later on - On the planet...…

Fierce Beast (Vapi) :- So, did you like my planet…..

WiL ( beast lover) :- Really it's beautiful


In this way both becomes good friends and chats.....As time passes their friendship grows stronger…. and this is bad for WiL ...Let me explain how…..Cuz WiL is an simple and pure minded person. HE is totally unaware about how the real world operates…..

Due to WiL , Monster stop attacking and world peace is established...and that's not what hunter Associations want...they want money…..If monster won't attack then they can't sell their equipments….and a large flow of money stops, all due to an single person...

So they decided to eliminate WiL..... WiL was invited in a night party held by the collab of all big Guilds... WiL and his Alcohol lover friend visits the party...

Wil friend :- Hey WiL , why here is no one. I smell something fishy.WiL :- chill, we are safe. We are in hunter Association…..

Then WiL notices Guild leader approaching him:- See, Even Guild leader is here. I think we just came too early. There is time to Begin the Tonight celebration….

Then WiL is Stabbed Multiple times and killed on the spot...…

WiL Friend :- [Loudly] What are doing , Mf***R?

G.Leader Charge towards WiL's friend , so all evidences would be erased...then a creature cames out of WiL's Arm and Teleports his friend to a different location....

G.Leader to WiL's :- Don't worry , I won't let him go.

WiL speaks :- Why? ..... but he was completely shuts down by the G.Leader.


Here his Friends Teleports on Vapi's planet…..he was captured as an intruder and brought in front of Vapi.... On seeing him ….. Vapi remembers him as WiL's Friend…..

Vapi to soldiers :- Please respectfully untie this gentle man.


(Vapi and WiL's Friends conversation)

Vapi :- You are WiL's Friend , so of mine . You have to contact me , so I will pick you myself.

Tear's starts to fall from his eyes…..

Vapi :- Hey, what happened? Please forgive me if I said something wrong to you...

WiL's Friend :- They kill him, They kill WiL's brutally .....they all betrayed him.....

Vapi is shocked to hear this :- Hey, Who killed him. Tell me…

WiL's Friend Explain's everything :- [ In Rage] pls kill them all , make them suffer.

Vapi's blood is boiling on hearing all this :- Really these humans don't deserve to live..... Last time i spare them cuz of WiL's Friendship...but now they all dieeeeeeeeeeee's


The memory ends here....


Nero :- So, did vapi visit earth to take revenge?

Myth :- I am not sure but the WiL i saw is the Vapi.....and now the question is that…..how they defeat vapi….

Myth :- belive me nero, this vapi is so powerful that it surpasses even your Gate power...Eri :- maybe some higher gate users defeat him and as a last effort to save his friend. He merges his body cell to Wil's body....

Blaze :- Really?Eri :- hmmm, This is similar to how Nero survived…. The time we find him, he is about to die…but fortunately we are able to save him on time. So , the overall conclusion is that Vapi is the prince of an unknown planet , full of powerful peoples... If they all attack together. I am afraid this earth won't survive and Fatebreakers once again get the Eternal fragment…..

Nero :- As you say Myth , WiL's doesn't seem to be a bad person….. I don't think he will destroy his own home…..

Myth :- I don't think the person in WiL's body is WiL's . The way he looks at me, is pure intention of killing human figures. and this is the reason why i don't free him along with Blaze….Trust me , the Aura he emits is so condensed and strong even though he was being holded by restrictions.

 Nero I am not sure about how much time we have. But you have to hurry your preparations…..

Suddenly they all hear some voices :- hey you..... let me out…..

Nero :- Seino's voice…..?

Myth :- Oh I completely forget about this kid....


Nero :- so , what are you doing now? Don't you just want to live a peaceful life?

Seino :- I realize my mistake , I am sorry for earlier...

Nero :- So , what make your mind?

Seino :- No one makes up my mind. I am here on my own.

Myth :- Huh, dare to lie in front of me. Let me tell you nero , The Army of Vapi's planet is already beginning to move. They are rapidly searching for their prince... And their first target is this kid old grandma.... If i were few seconds late….. Granny already has gone to the grandpa(hehehe)

Seino :- Hey don't laugh.

Myth :- well - well….. It's better if you don't forget about our deal... If you try to betray us even for a second…..then it will be very bad kid…. Don't look at me like this….. Don't you know that little nerf device won't work on my power….

Nero :- Wait really ?

Seino :- hehe , it's bcz, it was not charged enough . That's all….

Myth :- ohhhh, then charge your toy and then call me again , whenever you want.


This little chit chat ends in a draw


—-----------------------Chapter ends here—--------------------------

See ya in the next one….😁😁