

Shall we begin, The destruction of mankind

jangthewriter38 · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs

Ayumi... investigation

Saki :- Did she is your girlfriend...

Nero :- Ehe, well you are pretty straight forward…it's little Embarrassing to tell🫣 ?

Saki :- sorry, i am just curious to ask, I didn't mean anything else…. We are still friends, right?

Nero :- Relax, ofcourse we are friends…

In this way Nero day goes in Academy….. he helps saki and others in many problems….Eri always sticks to wanderer….Due to this other girls are jealous…..

Nero (soul connection) :- hey Eri , we are outside, you know….

Eri :- I don't care,,.... But the only girl who stays with you….. it's me...

Nero :- (hehe) light smile…

It's Time for battles practices... All sees Ayumi Excellent performance….. it's Time for Nero/Wanderer...

Teacher call wanderer...Teacher…..why aren't you coming???

Wanderer:- Sorry sir , but I am pretty poor in battles....

Teacher Forces Wanderer...So he came ...Then Wanderer/Nero just create an barrier/A thin barrier...opponent try so hard…. but he was unable to scratch….. after this on winning…. students cheers for Nero/Wanderer…..

Ayumi notices the barrier... and her suspicion is confirmed…..

At the way to home ….she follows wanderer…..Then wanderer visits the Technology department with Mari…. After few time ...Wanderer/Nero leaves from there…..

Then Nero goes to a calm place….. and summons a guitar…. starting to play ….. some calm Melodies... this Attracts birds and other small Animals from the Environment….

Nero :- Can I ask you,,.... Why are you following me,,,.... Miss…?

Ayumi came out..... :- You play good Music tunes…..

Nero /Wanderer:- You are from our class, Don't you? So, why are you following me?

Ayumi :- Sorry, for the disturbance….. for Mis-understanding you ….. for someone else….

Wanderer:- look like you are searching for someone...

Ayumi :- Yeh , it's true….. the person who kill my Mother?

Nero/Wanderer is shocked to listen this…..Nero (in mind) :- I didn't expect this…..Now i get it little…..

Nero/wanderer:- I am Sorry...

Ayumi:- No, it's ok….

Wanderer:- By the way….. who was that person…..any name , photo Xyz…..

Ayumi:- He was Nero Almik….

And Ayumi explain everything...after listening Wanderer/Nero express his gratitude and leaves….


After this:-- I don't remember killing Ayumi mother….. something doesn't feel right



Ayumi goes to the practice Arena ….

During practice...

Ayumi :- How is this possible... how did he survive "The Moon light dagger" ... or Am I hallucinating Everything...

There is an another person Training here…..

It's Daiki….

Daiki :- Princess… Ayumi….

Both talks little about training and battle skills….

Daiki :- you look worried? Does there is any problem….

Ayumi :- Does you know anything about Nero…..Like what kind of power he have?

I see , in past he Expend his most of time with you guys (3rd year /Ledger/Yui xyz)

Daiki :- There is no point in talking Now… He was already gone…. But…..

Ayumi :- please, tell me…be rest Assured… No one Arrests you …on talking on this Matter….

Daiki :- if you say so ….then….. In my Eyes ….he was poor in point of view of Wealth…but rich in point of view of his heart…. He was a kind person….who cares about everyone…

Or May be people will admit..... That he was responsible for the Monster attack…..but we Nero's friends, heart , our souls Never Admit this fact...

We didn't believe in illusions created by peoples around us.... We believe in our Friendship…..

That's all…..