

Shall we begin, The destruction of mankind

jangthewriter38 · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs


Disclaimer From Writer:-

[ Hi buddies, me nearly a High schooler who just recently got college, so please don't review my work with my age . I Believe in my curiosity/imagination, so please don't reject any writer work without reading , i don't even work hard for this but also i put my years of imagination. So it's not bad to give it a try]

[May be it not look that professional in writing, but in reading it is marvelous, believe me .

I won't left this story in middle, i must complete it]

[For Logo i use some random internet a.i art and my editing skills, which resembles our story, as soon as I collect some fund , i promise to make it Super cool, don't worry my funds issue doesn't affect this story, i promise. ]

[IN STORY I USE :- some matching words like, 7 Heavenly/divine/deity Gates. I hope you guys understand]


As a viewer or as a resident of Aryavarta . I see many many legends growing here . but today's story is little unexpected , because where i live (Aryavarta) peoples have all sorts of power.

For example :-

Few people have magical powers/chakra/ Qi , Artifact users, physical Freaks , Well mostly powers are connected to magic.

But as i say, this is the story of legendary, hmm sorry i don't know what comes above legendary/ultra legend may be , Forgot it.

This is a story of a Man, nah nah a young boy who unlock all "7 Heavenly/deity Gates"

For your information, i will tell you

As i say there are many kind of power users in our kingdom.

According to ancient sources (indravanas/very ancient knowledge book):- When humans descended upon the land they are too weak compared to pre-existing life forms, in several years their growth rate/number decreases rapidly.

To save himself they pray to god(who created and descended them) and blame them , as god discriminates against their own childs and leave them here to die.

God gaze upon them and gift them with 7 divine gates. Actually these gates don't have any physical form/or they can't be seen by normal eyes.

God created these gates inside all human bodies at that time and rest assured all humans that these gates can't be destroyed by any kind of attacks.

These gates are now bound to your souls and have the ability to transfer to your next generation.

Well the main point in these gates is that , which blow your mind. They grant powers are even higher than superhuman abilities.

These gates grant their user,

1)-- Access to all kind of knowledge in world/even space and time without going anywhere .

2)-- Access to crazy amount of powers

(you know like , few strikes is enough to terraform an entire kingdom within few seconds)

3)-- Super intelligence/super reflexes and many more

But as you often hear from legends:-

Great powers come from great sacrifices.

The same is here :-- only a few humans at that time were able to use these powers.

Because to use these powers, one has to enter in a state of seclusion ( nothing in mind like - sadness, too much excitement, anxiety, laziness , anger , revenge , greedy mind, it means to cut off your negative/selfish side)

That's why only few are able to use these powers to save humanity.

As i say it's way too hard to access these powers which are very beyond to powers like chakra/qi/magic .

That's why the users of these powers are only decreases with time .

Or as per the rule of these powers, they(user) can't use their powers to showoff , that's why common people too forget about these precious gifts and start struggling to get derivatives of main source to protect himself . ( like chakra/magic)

Anyways , let's see who is this boy who are able to awaken all seven gates in single life

(Yes single life , there are special requirements for each gate, which takes years or even immortality)

( remember gates can't grant immortality , once your life span over , you too over and rebirth)

All Seven Gates name

1/Base gate (Aadharbuth)

2/Gate of senses (Complexity of indriyoni)

3/Gate of illusions (Field of maya )

4/Gate of power (Strength from imagination)

5/Gate of creation(Singularity of origin)

6/Gate of justice (Judgement of the primordial one)

7/Gateway to home(The Suffering Ends Here)


back to the point ~

sorry i forgot to tell you, i work under the Awakening Department (A Department which is directly influenced by King Fernando .

My Name is Ledger

As it was a regular day, i was checking all shorts of people (Mainly youngsters) .To check if there is any special Awakener , so our nation grows stronger.

Suddenly i felt an very unusual headache, its feel like an strong fluctuations in one's chakra/Qi/Life force. It's very strong/weak at the same time like crazy.

After few seconds a boy of nearly 10 years old come for checkup/Awakening . I immediately realised it was him who giving that 'Frightened Aura'

He looks too thin , like i can see his bones by naked eyes.

I ask him ,

who he is ?

Why aren't your parents with you?

(For your information, i say it's is a rule of presence of one's guardians at awakening ceremony)

He look too quiet. like his all energy is exhausted.

I feel bad for him .

(After few seconds he spoke)

Boy :- My name is (Nero Almik) I live in a village near kingdom, named as "place of commeners"

Sorry but as for guardians concern, i can't take anyone because , My mom is very sick and my father is gone a long ago.

Me(Ledger):-(My heart fills with sympathy, how that possible , in a prosperous kingdom like this peoples suffers that badly, i somehow talk to my superior and grant permission for that boy awakening )

I say him to come closer, and take your hand forward

Awakening ~~~~~

Generally Awakening refers to lettings flow ones (who specialises in awakening field)

chakra to one's body/soul to check, which kind of attribute is given by god.

Me(Ledger):-(speaking in mind /. talking to himself) The result i saw is terrible and surprising at the same time

The terrible:- is that, God never gaze upon him.

I didn't find a single sense of any attribute.

[Soul purity is decided by karma or one's seclusion from world sorrow/an unaffected soul by physical world. Mostly one's doesn't blame anyone for condition. And be unaffected/satisfied by all kind of conditions]

The Surprising is:- I find an extremely pure nature of soul than anyone in our whole Kingdom, Even pureier than high priest.

But sadly for combat ability, once soul purity is not too much necessary as i learn in my life.

Such a shame , if he have opposite these stats with average soul purity. He will be an extremely powerful warrior.

But wait then , what was that i sense before, that monstrous aura , what was that?????

Forgot it -_-, Let me tell the result and continue on work .

Me(Ledger):- sorry kid , i can't find anything useful here.

(After listening to me, he turned away to leave)

(I call him and give some mudra(money))

please take care of your and your family's health.

it helps you for well maintaining for a month.

I also offer him an assistant job for me .

(He hesitate to accept, but I somehow give money and a pass to enter awakening department, i say if he ever made his mind to work then you are welcomed by me here

After taking the money, i somehow see an light smile on Nero face. Really it also make me happy, Thank God i was able to help a person in need.)

(I know i know, you guys are thinking why am I appointing a stranger like him to my assistant ,

the reason is simple , the purity of soul is preety rare and that much pure is extremely rare)

(There is one more reason that, where i work there are a lot of precious items, that's why I need an trust worthy assistant, there is an very less chance that high soul purity person betray someone).

I say him goodbye and he takes the leave.

My superior (Mr.Velmin):- What's about that boy. Did you Find anything useful. I feel a little bit strange about him.

Me(Ledger):- No sir , it's feel like , He is on the verge of death, due to poor physic . That's why he is emitting that strange variation in life energy.

Superior (Velmin):- (Smile) Hmmm hehennnnhe

Fine, then i will leave this to you

(Definitely i can't tell my superior about this , because there are many hidden cult (Devil seekers)members in the Kingdom, who perform sacrifice rituals , in order to make their wishes true.)

(The biggest thing is that, these cults have deep roots in the Kingdom. They mainly use soul purity peoples as a sacrifice, that's why it's better to keep few secrets to myself . Who knows what kind of destruction they bring to our kingdom after sacrificing such a high purity person. It is better to directly inform our king about this matter , without involving and third person . Yes , this is the best option to do)

{The next day at the capital (Aehichatrapur/place of hidden cobra/city of snakes) of the kingdom}~~~

[Greetings to your Majesty]

(I report everything, that I discovered so far to the king)

(After listening to everything):-

King ordered me to become his guardian, and take care of his family . Raise him(11 years old) for an year and grant special permission to enroll him as a priest in priest academy from now on.

(In my mind i was surprised because for your clarification, i will tell you guys:-

There are many enemies of this world and our kingdom but the most terrible and terrifying, remember both words have different meanings)

The terrible are monster/like generals of demon army / rank below or higher(Bhasmasura/vritra/tarakasura )But we know our kingdom somehow able manage these issues


The worst nightmare is terrifying creatures(Abyss nurturers/Exact name is not known till today's day) Unknown to common folk and even i don't know much about them.

Only near to king/legendary warriors know something about them.

As I say there is one more category

The priest class:- This class members don't have much physical strength. They all are pure soul users/ and have purifying magic.

With this power, sometime they seem extremely helpful in battles against foe, on which physical attacks are Useless like entity from sinner class/terrifying class

But as i say priest bodies are not suited to the warrior theme, that's why it's necessary for warriors to accompany them in battlefield.

Because if they are damaged/die , there is only option left for warriors/even high skill warriors to accept their death against undefeatable foe , where physical/mostly magical attacks are Useless, except dark magic ).

( I was surprised and happy, finally god looked upon him . He will be lucky to enroll in priest academy, an academy where only nobles are allowed )

The Next Day~~~~