
7 Days In Pantora

WARNING!!!: MATURE CONTENTS READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Selena always had this one dream that haunted her every night. In this dream, she was been chased after by her mystic prince. But one day, she woke up to the harsh reality, that her mystic prince no longer lives in her dream; he was indeed real. But it seems reality had too many surprises for her, because she ended up being abducted by this mystic prince and was given 7 days to fall for him in a mysterious city. * Who is this mystic prince?? * Would she fall for him in 7 days?? *Find out yourself.

Jess_e1414 · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs


  Owen turned to find himself standing toe-to-toe with King. 

"King! It's you! How have you been??" He said humourously trying to lighten the tensed atmosphere. He didn't think he would meet King by this time of the day, it was passed 9am and King is never this late to work, besides, he heard he was out of town, so how come he's here now??

It would have been interesting to find out why, but that wasn't as important as saving his ass right now.

  "What are you doing here Owen??" King asked ignoring his pleasantries.

"Come on man! I just dropped by to say hello and also apologize for what happened at during the family get-together, I'm truly sorry, okay? I want us to be cool again, we are family after all" he said with a silly grin.

  King stared expressionless at him, he knew the antics he was playing right now, because Owen never apologizes in the past, so doing it now means he needs something or is up to something.