
Entry 1: Family

I hate my family, ever since I could remember I've hated them, from 5 years old to 10 to 24 I've hated them. my father and mother are both illegal immigrants after fleeing Mexico due to certain circumstances. When they arrived they decided to set up in Portland, Oregon. They decided to have 5 kids even though they couldn't even afford to take care of one and made me and my older brother work in the fields 9 years old for my brother and 8 years for me. I've hated them for that I never had a real childhood, I never got to hangout with friends during the weekends all I could was to take care of my siblings during school days and work in the weekends. I resent my little brother and sister for holding me back, I resent my older brother for not helping and only doing drugs in his room, and I hate my parents for bringing me into this shitty life.