
5 days to say goodbye.

A father who begged God for a chance to see his daughter once again. ... I hate sad ending so don't expect one here.

Xen_120598 · สมจริง
6 Chs

Chapter 3 : Paula.

* Crssshh *

A black Mercedes Benz stopped on the side of the road near the restaurant and a man came out from it.

This man is Alexander. After going out of the car, he went to the passenger side before opening the door and a gorgeous woman with a very stunning figure also came out from it.

" Thank you Alex. " said the woman before giving Alexander a kiss on his left cheek.

Alexander smiled at her and said, " Let's go inside Paula? "

The woman first looked at the restaurant in front of them before wrapping her hands around Alexander's arm and said, " You're still weird Alex. But sure, let's go. "

The two of them then entered the restaurant together.


The restaurant they just entered was quite ordinary. The food here was all affordable and simple.

After the two of them took their seat, the water immediately went to their side and said, " Here's the menu Sir, Ma'am. May I know what food you want to order? "

Alexander received the menu and looked at it for a few seconds before handing it to Paula and said, " It's my treat today so you can order all the food you want Paula. "

" Hmmp! Don't make it sounds like I owe you something Alex. " said Paula before looking at the waiter and said, " Give us 2 servings of every dish written in this menu. "

She didn't even looked at the menu before saying that.

After that, Paula provocatively looked at Alexander wanting to see what expression he'll make.

The waiter hesitantly looked at Alexander waiting for his confirmation. There's almost a hundred different kinds of dishes in that menu so if he will follow what Paula said, the waiter doubts that the two people in front of him can eat them all.

* sigh *

" Do what she said. You can take the payment from this card. " said Alexander as he took out a golden card and handed it to the waiter.

Seeing that card, the waiter showed a shocked expression on his face. His hands are even shaking while receiving the card.

" I'll... I'll go immediately B-...Sir. " said the waiter before turning around and went to the kitchen.

" Hey, that's unfair Alex. You should used your own money everytime you invite me outside. " complained Paula after seeing what he did.

" Isn't that also my money? So why would I not used it? Besides, who told you to play tricks on me? Hmmp! "

" Eh? You.. there's something different in you today Alex. "

" Different from me? What do you mean Paula? "

" Normally, you'll complain everytime I make you buy many things using your money. And also, you tend be reluctant to use the money from your parent's businesses. But now... "

" Oh, that? I'm doing that to save money so if ever I suddenly disappeared someday, I'll leave a lot for you and Princess. " said Alexander in a nonchalant tone.

Hearing what he said, Paula can't help but frown her brows before saying, " What are you talking about Alex? What disappear? Are you planning to leave me behind? And also, I can understand if you leave all of your money to Princess but why would you leave some for me too? "

" If I want to leave, I have to take Princess with me because I can't live my life without her. But.. do you think I'm able to take her away from you? Just thinking on what you may possibly do just to find us makes me scared. "

" Hmmp! At least you know what's good for you. " replied Paula in a proud tone.


While the two of them are talking with each other like that, the food arrived but only ten dishes are served first while the rest are still inside the kitchen because there's no place on the table anymore.

" Just prepare the rest of the food for take out. We will bring it with us after we're done eating." said Alexander to the waiter.

" Yes Sir. " replied the waiter before once again turning around and left to do what Alexander told him.

" You still didn't answer my question Alex. Why did you said that you'll also leave money for me? You.. do you think I'm going after you because of your mo- ouch! Why did you do that? " asked Paula as she gently massaging her forehead.

" It's because you're saying stupid things. I'll never think of you that way. I don't know why you're still staying beside me but if you really want my money, then you should have taken them a long time ago because I have given you all of the opportunity and ability to do that. " replied Alexander as he continue eating his food.

" * giggles * Thank you Alex. " said Paula happily as she also put some food on her plate and started eating.


An hour later, Alexander and Paula went out of the restaurant and head towards their car. Behind them was three waiters carrying lots of paper bags of food with them.

After entering the car, Alexander called out to one of the waiter and said, " You can take some of the food for you three and the rest, give it to those people. "

The waiter looked at the direction Alexander was pointing and saw plenty of street childrens sleeping in front of the abandoned building. " Okay Sir. I'll do what you said. Thank you. " said the waiter.

Alexander nodded his head before starting the car and left.

" * giggles * You didn't change Alex. " said Paula playfully after seeing what Alexander did earlier.

" It's not like we can eat all of that right? Besides, isn't it your fault for buying too much huh Paula? "

" * giggles * I don't know. But Alex, where are we going next? "

" In my house. You'll going to sleep there tonight. "

" Eh? Alex you... you're so fast. You have to make me your girlfriend first then.. then get married before we do that. I.. although I like you.. I... I won't give everything to you before we got married. " said Paula in a scared tone.

Hearing what she said, Alexander wanted to smash his head on the windshield of his car. ' What does this woman even thinking? ' he thought.

He then took a deep breath before saying, " Stop saying unnecessary things Paula. You'll sleep on Princess's room. I'm sure she'll be very happy after seeing you. And also, the reason why I want you to go there is because I need to talk to you. "

" Talk to me? Can't you tell it to me now Alex? "

" No. This is serious. I'll tell it to you later after we arrived. " said Alexander as he began driving faster.


Inside the house, Alexander and Paula was now sitting side by side on the sofa.

" So, what do you want to talk about Alex? Is it serious? " asked Paula after the two of them took their seat.

Alexander took a sip on his coffee before saying, " Tomorrow, I'll go and talk to attorney so I won't be able to take care of Princess. I want you to take care of her for me. "

" Only that? Did you called me here and even invited me to dinner just to tell me that? Are you serious? " said Paula in an angry tone.

" Of course not. I called you here because I wanted to tell you something and also asked for favor Paula. "

" Favor? What favor? "

" First, I want to tell you that I'm really grateful for all the things you've done for me and Princess. I also don't have any relatives alive aside from my daughter so if ever something happened to me, you are the only person I can count on to take of her. So after a-.."

" Stop stop! What are you talking about Alex? Why are you saying all of this to me now? "

" Geez..Can you please listen? Okay, I'll make it short. Tomorrow, I'll talk to attorney and tell him that I'll transfer all of my money along with all of my assets to your name. "

" What!? " exclaimed Paula as she stared at Alex sitting beside her.

After awhile, she seems to have realized something as tears started to flow from her eyes.

" You... you... is there something wrong Alex? Don't scare me like this. Please tell me you are fine. You are fine right? Right? Alex? " she added before grabbing both of Alexander's hand and stared at him waiting for his answer.

Alexander wanted to tell her that he's fine but stopped himself. He only have a very limited time left so lying won't do him anything good because she will still have to know it soon.

After thinking for awhile, Alexander stop up and stand in front of Paula before.

* Thud *

Alexander kneeled on the floor.

" Paula. I... I beg you. Please take care of Princess for me. You are the only person I can trust. I know you love her so much the same as I do to her so please. Take care of her okay? " said Alexander as he continue kneeling on the floor.

In his whole life, this was only the second time he begged someone. And it's all for the sake of his daughter, Princess.

" You... You!!! What are you doing Alex? Please get up. And.. and... why are you saying all of this to me? You...you're joking right? Please tell me you are only joking to me Alex. Please!" said Paula as she tried to deny what she's thinking in her mind.

Paula was a very smart woman so she immediately got what Alexander possibly mean by his actions and words and it made her scared so she keeps on trying to deny it.

" Paula! " shouted Alexander after seeing her panicking. After seeing that she calmed down a bit, he continued, " Promise me okay? "

Alexander smiled at Paula after saying that but he still continue kneeling on the floor.

Paula's mind was in chaos at this moment. She didn't know what to think of anymore. All this time, she always hope to always be together with her Alex bit now, she got to know about this. She finally realized why he always tried to deny her advances.

With all of that in mind, Paula decided to put all of those thoughts aside as she also kneeled down on the floor facing Alexander and without hesitation, she kissed him on his lips.



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Here's another chapter.


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