
5ª Progenitor in DXD

After having an accident and being in a coma. His soul was transmigrated to the world of Strike the Blood where he was turned into a progenitor against his will and in his revolt became a tyrannical demon king. Until the day he was defeated and killed only to wake up in his original body in his old world, and he decided to live in peace. Only to find that his world was far more dangerous than he realizes. Can a demon king live a normal life of gods and devils?

history_Experiment · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

The Serpent's Awakening

Guys, now that I've been fired, I can post with more stability until I find another job


In fright Sakuya, Izayoi got up frighted jumped off the ground, and already got into the battle position. She looked around warily and suspiciously until she saw Leon sitting on the couch looking at her with amusement.

"Master... I felt a surge of magic power... your magic power... did something happen?" Sakuya asked retrieving his bellows to calm down.

"Yes... it looks like the little girl I saved was attacked again" Leon the 5 progenitors spoke nonchalantly pulling her legs to the sofa"It looks like that child will be able to buy some time, as it has affirmed a contract with the little girl, now that you've finally woken up...let's go"

"Master... are you sure we should go? isn't it better to leave everything to that child? The child has already started a contract with the little girl so it's ok, let's go to sleep" Sakuya was confused not understanding the meaning of her master wanting to go even the little girl" That child is a Familiar! so even if weak must be stronger than a tank, I don't think it's necessary to go to them... I didn't need to use Articuno to destroy all the annoying beings that came to me filled the bag"

"Sakuya...that child was a Familiar of a 2nd generation vampire, possibly from the bloodline of the lost warlord" Leon commented changing the TV channel. While looking at her handmaiden with a bit of disbelief"Sakuya, you alone with only your skills and the bodily enhancements gained from becoming a blood handmaiden could fight on par with 2nd generation vampires... The little girl is a child with weak powers... she won't be able to keep a familiar active for long"

Leon sighed and placed his hand on Sakuya's head very affectionately as if she were talking to a child.

"Sakuya... you can't put your personal experiences when evaluating someone... People differ from you Sakuya, there are things you do easily, and other people don't and things other people do easily, and you don't" Leon whispered looking straight into Sakuya's eyes

She lowered her head thoughtfully, looking slightly regretful and a little unclear as to what her master was talking about. She, as she was very powerful and saw the worst of the world, didn't have the tact to put herself in the place of people who didn't have the same experiences of destruction that she had.

"Sorry... master" Sakuya lowered his head sadly

"Don't apologize and let's go before that child dematerializes and disaster strikes" Leon whispered after kissing Sakuya's forehead

"Yes," Sakuya spoke softly and followed Leon. The two disappeared in the mist


Yasaka didn't know what to say in such a situation. Her common sense was destroyed when she saw a gigantic beast in the form of a snake coiled in her destroyed home.

She could only see the smaller Yokai running in desperation and some who fainted just from seeing the serpent's presence. Fortunately, she didn't feel any death nearby.

"Is that Tsuki?" Yasaka wondered in shock, getting up not knowing if she was running to her daughter or staying away from the snake.

"Yasaka-Sama" The shout of one of her guards made Yasaka widen her eyes.

"Don't come" She yelled as she realized the snake looked at the guard. Fear filled Yasaka that now through her fault the death count would start to rise as she didn't know what the serpent's mental state was.

Tsuki turned his head to the crow yokai that was flying towards Yasaka and surprisingly ignored him turning the moon to attention to a slight disturbance in the sky.


Tsuki hissed so loudly that a wave of hot air shot out of her mouth going straight to the gap in the sky hitting it and creating a crack.

"What is this? An enemy?" Yasaka looked at the crack and saw a group falling from the sky showing surprise.


"It's not possible... my barrier was made by the lost dimension, who did this?" The man screamed, falling in surprise at the breaking of his barrier, and then he looked in the direction the blow came and was surprised "What is that thing... Cao Cao, what is that thing?"

"I don't know... damn Nekoma... He didn't warn us about any of this" The other man Cao Cao yelled angrily.

"Could this be the famous Yamata no Orochi snake?" A big man shouted with a strange smile on his face

"maybe...but, Hercules without a doubt, I doubt that such a powerful dragon would be subordinate to Yokais" Cao Cao spoke with some sense of certainty" that said, it doesn't change the fact that they have a dragon on their side, Siegfried and Hercules take care of the dragon... we take care of the kyubi"

"Yes," the two men shouted and with a magic circle on the ground jumped towards Tsuki.

"George let's take care of the Kyubi," Cao Cao said looking at Yasaka from afar who was inattentive "Use the spell on her"

"Yes..." George made a magic circle appear in his hand and pointed at Yasaka who was inattentive, a beam of energy came out of George's hand in Yasaka's direction

"Who are you going to take care of, brat?" A male voice echoed through the sky and both Cao Cao and Yasaka opened their confused eyes. "Who says you have the right to take care of anyone?"


"What?" Yasaka gasped seeing the light coming in front of him and bit his lip realizing he couldn't dodge it. She closed her eyes hoping death was too late for any kind of reaction


Cao Cao was surprised, but the next moment he smiled when he saw the light next to Yasaka, there was interference in his plan, but in the end, he would only need to take Yasaka and flee if the enemy was stronger.

The heroic faction was not born simply from having won all its battles, but from having survived them. The heroes have fought many of the evil monsters that plague humanity and survived despite being defeated many times

All thanks to their great leader Cao Cao who led the Heroic Faction to glory by destroying many disgusting monsters who thought they could live alongside humans planning their evil schemes without anyone noticing.

That same Cao Cao would never hesitate to flee if the situation got serious. After all, his plan was almost complete, just Yasaka was hit by the light and the brainwashing would be complete.... he would have a weapon...

"What the hell?"


When the ray of light arrived in front of Yasaka a fog was placed in front of her causing the light to completely cancel out almost as if it had been broken.


Yasaka waited for the pain, but it didn't come. She thought it was some kind of sick torture her attackers had done to her. For the pain to show up when she felt relieved.

She knew that there were some cruel spells on this level. She didn't dare to open her eyes, being caught by surprise left her very fragile to the point that she tripped and almost fell.


bang bang bang

The explosions resounded throughout the Yokai dimension causing all the weaker Yokai to hide and the stronger ones to start protecting the weakest.

Some wanted to go to Yasaka, but they didn't know how to get through such a situation. They had the ability, but they didn't know if joining the fight would make the situation worse. After all, their people were hostages in the struggle. Their contributions to the destruction would only make it worse.


Tsuki hissed angrily throwing fireballs in the direction of the two annoying men who continued to dodge, but little by little her clothes were starting to burn, and small burns were already appearing on the menu.

Tsuki herself had some scratches on her scales, but seriously, however, the wounds were slowly starting to increase, men were starting to get closer and closer to her and launching attacks.


Tsuki's body turned completely red and a fire started to burn through all of her scales even the ones that were wrapped around Kunou, who didn't look like she was being burned.

She opened her mouth and a ball of fire released hundreds of fireballs that appeared on top of her as if they were living flames and the flames then turned blue.

Tsuki looked at the men with hatred and threw his flames in their direction.


Siegfried and Hercules were in trouble, they barely managed to do serious damage to the dragon in front of them who continued to shoot fireballs at them without worrying about anything.

They were doing everything they could to dodge the attacks by flying back and forth at their superior speeds, but eventually, they started to get tired.

They went on the offensive dodging the dragon's attacks and unleashing attacks on their bodies. Siegfried thought he could defeat the dragon with his Balmung and Gramm blades. Only to be easily repelled by the dragon's hard scales that glared at him in annoyance and caused the dragon's own body to burn, burning Siegfried, causing him to cry out in pain and be thrown away.

Heracles was not better, his attacks were mostly with free fists only with his touki to defend him which didn't work, the serpent's flames passed through his touki like butter beating in a hot pan.

In 5 punches, Hercules' fists were charred making him scream in pain and almost cry, he was also thrown away by the serpent.

Then the worst came, blue fire began to rise around the serpent, many balls of blue fire.

"Siegfried we are fucked... let's run away" Hercules yelled rolling on the floor and starting to run

"But, Cao Cao?" Siegfried asked in a scream as he tried to gain distance from Tsuki

"he knows how to take care of himself, we need to survive to attack again and George is with him, he has escape routes we don't if this continues we will die" Hercules shouted still running with his eyes shining in fear at the sight of the blue fire

"Let's go" Siegfried yelled back seeing he had no choice and the two ran


But, it was too late for More... Tsuki attacked by throwing the many balls of blue fire at the two.

"Damn" The two screamed when they saw the fire engulfing them.

Annihilation Maker