
"Three rabbits."

In the suffocating darkness of that bloody tunnel, where a stench of doom hung heavy, and after the girl's scream had echoed into silence, another voice, deep and menacing, rose above the din. A grown man, dancing in a pool of wine, roared,

"It's time to reap the heads of the rebellious!"

One heart pounded with fear, while another ached with worry for its master.

However, that anxiety couldn't compel him to rush into a decision and dash towards his mistress to save her.

With each step upon the thorny ground"ping!!..ping!!, fear crept into the frail boy's body, further intensifying Dadali's confusion and unease.

The old man's voice was low as he said,

"Hold on tight, boy, if you want to stay alive!"

As the footsteps drew closer to the three

narrow openings of the tunnel, old Dadali began to move towards them, mirroring her every step, as if he were her shadow. He advanced forward without deviating an inch...

"Fear," my merciful lord! Please run away! He wants to kill us! He wants to throw us into the abyss willingly!

Damn it! This is so worrying! When we get closer, the abyss will swallow us! He wants to kill us, you damned creature! Just run, run, run...!!

"What should I do now? I'm doomed!"

In these moments, as the boy's insides churned, and as the old man's footsteps drew closer to those ominous steps that carried death with them...

Fear began to slowly creep into Dadali's heart, both internally and externally. His breath and the breath of the unknown man clashed like wrestlers.

"Hahahaha! You've worked hard, but you've been too hasty in your choice!

And now!"

That man's voice began to gradually change, morphing into a woman's voice before soaring higher... "Hahahaaa! Do you want to die? Is that what you want? All the good I've done for you, you've forgotten it, huh?! You've really forgotten it?!"

The old man began to sweat profusely with each of her screams, his fearful breaths dancing in sync with her wildly fluctuating ones.

The harshness of that voice faded, replaced by the sweet, spoiled tones of a young girl

"Dad~، can you please let me kill my damn mother hmm~?"

Dadal's inner voice: Damn you! Just get away from me, you little shit!

"Yes, Daddy! Come on, I'm ready to go now!!"

The man's voice, now transformed into the playful tone of a little girl, rose merrily. His footsteps retreated, accompanied by laughter that rippled along the tunnel.

After a few minutes, the man who had made both the old man and the poor boy shiver in fear left.

"Thank God we're rid of that effeminate... There's no other explanation, damn it! The plan wouldn't have failed if it weren't for this bastard!...

Dadal regained his composure and arrogance, continuing his walk until he reached the exit.

"We have to go this way... You! This is your last warning, don't make any unwanted noise, understand? Hey, why aren't you saying anything?... Hmmm... You're still just a child, so... you should sleep, ho ho ho!"

The old man ripped the poor boy off his back like a sack of garbage, hurling him high into the air with his right hand. Then, with his other hand, he slapped the boy repeatedly until his body spun around like a top.

The boy landed on his arms, his body trembling violently as he drooled onto the old man's arm.

"Yes, yes, now you'll be quiet like I want you to be! You little shit!"

He hoisted him back onto his shoulders and continued walking steadily for nearly half an hour...

In front of a solid wall barrier, Dadali stopped in front of a ladder carved into that wall and lifted his head towards the gap, which was as dark as the bottom of an empty well,

While thinking to himself: Why am I carrying this burden on my back? I'm so tired. Damn my bad luck! If I hadn't volunteered for this miserable task, I wouldn't be carrying this filth all this time.

I have to endure a little longer to get what I want. Ha ha ha!

Dadali stopped thinking, took a deep breath, and placed the tips of his fingers on the narrow ladder rungs,

beginning his ascent. Ten minutes later, the old man emerged from the hole, panting heavily with sweat dripping down his body.

Dadali took a few steps forward, stumbled, and fell onto the boy without a care.

"Ugh, that was really tiring!"

With those words, several unknown eyes, like stagnant disasters, lit up with various colors, shimmering like a spectrum in the gray darkness.

Dadali was unaware that his weary breaths were luring the beasts that would devour his unsuspecting heart in a single moment.

What is this? Why do I feel like I'm attracting the wind towards me?" Dadali asked himself, but he felt that shiver that warned him of danger.

He opened his eyes slowly, as if waking up to the bright sunlight, his eyes caught sight of those numerous ominous eyes staring back at him.

After he felt those thick breaths hitting his wide robe, it began to flutter in different directions.

Fear gripped his rapidly beating heart and paralyzed him.

His mind went blank, as if broken, and his body numbed like a rock firmly planted in one spot.

Dadali never thought such a presence could exist in this desolate place, but he was now absolutely certain. One wrong move, and he would join the spirits ascending to heaven

Far away in a different sky, a rosy hue like a luminous rose, adorned with clouds like four-petaled flowers, its base touches a mountain veiled by grass as green as a cucumber. On that flat ground above that mountain.

Thick eyelashes slowly parted, revealing two pupils like dark moons, absorbing the light around them. "What place is this? Am I in heaven?"

His voice was hoarse and broken as he trailed off into a woman's laugh filled with love and compassion.

'Why do you want to go to heaven so soon? It's not time yet!'"

The boy gazed at her as his head rested on her lap, his scattered hair creeping over the grass blades.

A gentle hand caressed his hair.

After moments of contemplating the woman's face, as if he had never seen a woman before, she spoke in a soft voice, her words laced with shyness, as she gazed into his eyes tenderly.

"Won't you ask me who I am?!"

There were no words that reached the boy's mind at that moment.

He was utterly engrossed in the sight before him: "Those eyes, twinkling with soft, joyful hues... the lush, vibrant greenery... the sky, a canvas adorned with beauty... and these emotions, new to me, they are..."

His words trailed off, and tears streamed down his face.

He continued, as she gently wiped away his tears with her index finger, her eyebrows raised in compassion and love... "I wish this could last forever."

She smiled gently and said, "Don't worry, when you come here I'll make sure to treat you well!"

The boy felt a warmth with every word she formed with her rosy lips or traced with her delicate tongue inside her fragrant mouth. And with the breeze carrying the scent of various herbs, like a field full of fragrant fruits.

Her long, blue hair danced around her like pure water, its movement captivating. The boy was consumed by a love he had never known before,

causing her face to blush like a strawberry as she averted her gaze.

The boy felt like an open book to her, every thought in his heart reflected in her face like a mirror.

The boy lowered his hand slightly and said, "This is what I feel in my whole body now... and more weaknesses await me outside to attack me." His hoarse voice conveyed his fear, but his face feigned a brave front. The beautiful woman gently wiped his face, her smile tinged with sadness for him.

She pulled him close and hugged him, saying,

"Please don't worry. I'll do everything to make sure you're safe outside!"

As she said these words, the boy's body began to disintegrate into tiny particles, floating away in the air.

She finished her sentence after kissing his forehead with her warm lips. "I am your true self, my lord! When you return here, I will make sure to host you better!"

The last piece of the boy's body scattered as the final word left the mouth of the woman called 'The Self'.

She paused thoughtfully and began to descend the mountain, her hair trailing behind her.

She paused deliberately and started walking down the mountain, her hair streaming out behind her.

For the second sentence:

Thousands of different lights flickered like a crowd, revealing armored soldiers within, clad in white and red armor.

Thousands of diverse lights flickered like crowds, from within which emerged armored soldiers clad in white and red.

A white hand gripped a double-headed axe with a long neck.

A red hand brandished a scepter of the same hue.

A soldier, walking beside her, drew near and said in a brave and angry voice,

"My lady! When will we be able to launch our attack and oust her after she has seized control of the ancient kingdom of the mind?"

Her eyelids snapped shut sharply at those words, and her pupils glowed with a violet light laced with streaks of red as she said,

"We will go to Queen Heart now! And then... we shall reconsider!"

From within the veins of the heart's world, where red and white spheres like laws and rules of that world hovered, the boy's spirit returned, awakened by a slap to the face that brought him back to his usual darkness.

Yet in this darkness, some luminous atoms were seeping into him, unusually.

breath fogged up around him, unaware of it.

"My Miss, this damned thing!!..." Dudley caught himself and screamed again, even louder,

"You killed your second version because of it!! And I almost lost my life in that situation. I don't know how I survived, my lady, if it weren't for me acting like a corpse, tearing my body apart from those monsters!"

The girl said slowly and indifferently, "It's alright. There's still one last copy, but why are you raising your voice at me now? Have you forgotten your place?"

Dadali stammered and pleaded for forgiveness from the young lady with the utmost humility, all the while wishing her a gruesome death. However, greed and fear overwhelmed him.

Meanwhile, the boy was lost in the reverie of his own narrative:

"This was his inaugural foray into that peculiar realm, a dream long awaited. Every facet, from the celestial scent to the aromatic herbs, the imposing mountain, and the enchanting girl, was a symphony to his senses. She had never been like this before.

Compared to her, this aroma was somewhat discordant.

Yet, paradoxically, it was invigorating, a sustenance to his spirit!

Then, in the throes of his yearning, the enveloping darkness was abruptly rent asunder, revealing a kaleidoscope of light that seared his retinas like fiery darts...

Meanwhile, as I was desperately trying to fend off the lights with my hands, two delicate fingers gently touched my eyelids.

Immediately, I swatted them away with my hand.

I said, with a voice that had improved somewhat, "What will you do to me?!"

I was both angry and afraid, and an unfamiliar ache coursed through my body.

"Don't worry, this method will ease your pain a little."

A few hours passed."

She commanded the repulsive Dadaly to hunt down 3 tame rabbits and bring them back as quickly as possible while the two of us sat by the fire.

The surface world was incredibly beautiful. I could hardly believe I was breathing such clean, pure air.

The trees surrounding me, the soothing grass—it was all the grace I had wished for as part of my plea for freedom.

Yet, even though I had escaped that oppressive cage and my surroundings had changed dramatically, that cursed darkness still enveloped me like a tangible fog.

It was as if the intensity of this blazing fire had no effect on it, like a single drop falling onto the surface of a deep lake.

"Won't you answer me like you did before?"

That voice crept into my mind as the girl looked at me with eyes that seemed to glow with the fire's light.

I glanced at her beautiful eyes for a moment, as if they were a faded version of that truly captivating woman's eyes.

I said, averting my gaze indifferently, "Cough, cough! What do you want from me?! I can't help you... I don't know anything about this outside world... If you want to do something to me, I might not be able to fight... But, if necessary... I won't just stand by and watch!"

boy uttered these words in a voice as cold and emotionless as stone, while the girl looked at him with a smile that held a hint of her suppressed anger.

Half of her face was shrouded in shadow.

"Are you threatening me now?!"

she asked.

The boy remained silent, his fingers reaching out to touch the luminous threads that danced and flickered from the fire.

The boy slowly lifted his volcanic-like pupils towards her, piercing her frozen heart like a flaming dagger.

Fear and pressure emanated from his eyes. Her breath, forced into silence, defied she's orders.

"Oh my God!! How could those pupils be like that? If I hadn't lowered my eyes at the last moment, those eyes would have stolen my sight with their depth that overwhelmed me like hell.

A boy of this age cannot have such eyes from which a raging murderous intent emanates in a stagnant way. His pupils were like a deep well inside of which blood and fire screamed with negativity!!"

This is what the girl thought as she moved away from him to her place, looking in the other direction.

She said in a voice that suppressed her fear that was seeping out involuntarily,

"Can I know your name?"

"I don't have one."

Did he forget his name?? Did she misjudge him?

She said to him while thinking about that,

"How did life lead you to fall into the prison of the Kingdom Islands?"

The boy was silent for a moment, as if searching for an answer that wouldn't reveal his past. After a moment, he said, "Do I have to share my life with you?"

At that moment, a blow was thrown at the boy's body, causing him to flip over to the opposite side, embraced by the darkness as if he had vanished from existence.

Dadali shouted angrily at that scene,

"I apologize for what that scoundrel said, my lady!! Please allow me to kill him!"

The girl stood up and started walking without looking at Dadali, saying, "Do as I commanded you."

Dadali's face was still wrinkled with anger, his shifting shadows dancing in the firelight around him.

"Your command, my Miss!!"

She took steps towards roasting the pet rabbit, and other steps towards that boy...

The girl entered the darkness and returned with the boy leaning on her shoulder.

Dadali's eyes snapped up from where he was pulling the rabbit's fur from its head. He stared at the boy as if he had committed an unforgivable crime.

However, he noticed his mistress's eyes warning him against uttering a single word. So, Dadali continued to pull the rabbit's fur with agitation and anger, while thinking to himself,

"My patience has run out. I must pluck this weed while it's still young!!"

To be continued...

I'm tired I help the chapter like What do you Wan!!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

The0dark0mooncreators' thoughts