

### Episode 3: Senpai, that's my dick.

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[Name] Baek Taeyang

[Physical Attributes] Height: 183cm / Weight: 95kg / Body Fat Percentage: 8%

[Description] He is the troubled character of the author of "Academy Pure Love Chronicles" (known as Asun). The author projected his ideal thoughts about a man onto this character. He has excessive promiscuity and is naturally endowed with a body and charm that makes him irresistible to the opposite sex. He was supposed to transfer to Victory Academy, the main setting of Asun, and become a threat to the relationship between Kim Minsu and So Yoobin. However, due to the author's lack of experience in dating and sex, the character could not be properly implemented and did not appear in the novel.

[Main Skill] Coercion (???)

[Sub Skills] Dignity of the Name 'Sun' (A), Virgin Bomber (SSS), ???? (???)


The first thing I saw when I came to my senses was the status window. It was floating there, so I read it. What is this? Baek Taeyang? I'm Lee Taewook...

My last memory was taking out a thick book from a white space, which then engulfed me. And now, the status window and this unfamiliar room.

The structure of the room was exactly like the male dormitory of Victory Academy in the latest chapter.

Given the circumstances, it was clear that the chubby author had put me into "Academy Pure Love Chronicles."

'Is this for real? Am I really here? And this is happening to me?'

I had only read the prologue, the first chapter, and the latest chapter. I wasn't even the top fan, just someone who sent a long message, and now this is happening?

After sitting on the bed for about five hours, I concluded that sitting here idly was useless. Sitting around was not my style.

'So I'm not Lee Taewook anymore, but Baek Taeyang?'

After checking the status window, I moved to the full-length mirror. The reflection showed exactly what was on the status window. A body that could win the grand prize at a bodybuilding competition, and a middle part that looked like it came from Western porn. As a joke, I flicked my waist slightly, and it lightly touched my thigh, making me jump in surprise.

'I definitely need to tuck it to the left.'

I decided not to think about why I was naked. Sweating the small stuff doesn't make you a big person. Maybe I was about to jerk off. Leaving something so magnificent unattended and trying to comfort myself must be the author's problem.

When I reached out and touched the status window, the next window appeared.


[Main Quest]

Today is your transfer day to Victory Academy.

It's also your first day to live up to the name Baek Taeyang!

Leave a strong impression of your existence!

Clear Condition: Have sex with someone from Victory Academy (0/1)

Deadline: Today

Reward: Licking Eye (B) / Penalty: Death


The condition was quite extreme. If I don't have sex, I die? And it has to be done today? It made me laugh in disbelief.

It's not like a club where I can openly have sex with anyone. The author really must be an incel.

I quickly grasped the situation. It was undeniable that I was in the novel. Also, it seemed I had to clear quests to eventually get out.

'Stay calm.'

I didn't think they would give an impossible quest. Moreover, since it's in a novel, there should be a somewhat natural flow.

I put on the uniform. It was predominantly white and neat, but when worn by a tanned thug with white hair, it gave a completely different vibe. No matter how neatly I buttoned up, I couldn't shake off the delinquent impression.

'Let's clear the quest first, staying in the dorm isn't the solution.'

I wasn't worried about dying from the penalty of not having sex. I had enough talent to make even the chubby author tremble. If I did what I always did, it would be as easy as eating cake.

'From now on, I'm not Lee Taewook, but Baek Taeyang... I am...'

With that final resolve, I left the room.

Walking to school while recalling Baek Taeyang's memories, I discovered some interesting facts.

Currently, monsters were appearing through gates around the world, invading Earth. To counter this, academies were established in each country. Every nation trained abilities in academies from age 19 onwards, with character education beforehand to prevent misuse of power.

Among them, Victory Academy in Korea was a coveted place for talents from all over the world.

'It definitely looks that way.'

Looking at people wearing the same uniform on the way to Victory, everyone had good physiques. Though I was overwhelmingly more built.

I felt like a character from a different drawing style. While everyone else walked properly, I swaggered with my bag slung over my shoulder, the epitome of a thug.

"Stop right there."

'This quest isn't impossible. Look at that skirt, not even shortened, covering the knees... makes me want to flip it up right away.'

Just as I was thinking about who to complete the quest with, someone blocked my path.

She wore glasses that were too big for her face, obscuring her features. But I had a feeling she'd be good in bed if I took off those glasses.

"Stop right there!!!"


Since she told me to stop, I did.

Upon closer inspection, her uniform had a badge that said "Discipline" and a name tag that read "Yoo Sujin."

It was quite amusing to see adults regulating outfits under the guise of discipline. Well, if they had uniforms, what couldn't they do?

"I haven't seen you before."

"I'm a transfer student."

As soon as I replied, Yoo Sujin's face scrunched up in displeasure.


Sujin loved her current life. She took great pride in being part of the discipline committee and was promised the head position next year.

She was determined that no one could pass through the school gates looking unruly, and indeed, no one ever had.

'What the hell is he?'

But the guy walking towards her now was the worst. If it weren't for his Victory uniform, she would've kicked him out immediately. His shirt was unbuttoned, and he wore a hoodie instead of the school blazer. His left hand was fidgeting in his pocket, clearly holding something suspicious.

Usually, she wouldn't do a personal search, but this time she felt she had to.

She stopped the guy and began questioning him. But no matter what she asked, he kept repeating that he was a transfer student.

His name tag was missing, so she didn't even know his name.

"If you keep being uncooperative, you'll have to come with me for a chat."

She tried to sound threatening, but he just smiled. That smile made her feel she couldn't let him go.

Determined, she decided to search his belongings.

"What's in your left pocket? Why do you keep fidgeting with it?"

"Well, it's..."

She caught his flustered expression. He was clearly hiding something important and probably illegal.

"Take it out. What? Embarrassed to do it here? Follow me. You think I haven't dealt with punks like you before?!"

She had to push now that she had a lead. Punks like him shouldn't be given a chance. And it worked. He flinched at every word she said.

It was likely an illegal stimulant for abilities. Legal in gates but illegal outside.

Possessing it wasn't a crime, but he clearly intended to use it for personal gain.

Informing her committee members, she dragged him to the discipline office. His face showed regret, but it was too late. This was proper discipline. She locked the door to prevent any escape.

The discipline room was designed for dealing with delinquents. With the door locked, there was no way out.

Now, it was time to see what he was hiding.

"Take it out."

Sujin decided to be bold. Seeing his fearful expression, she thought he would comply soon.


His response was unexpected, making her even angrier.

"You really think you can resist?"

She pushed him against the wall and reached into his pocket.

At first, she felt nothing, but then something soft and squishy touched her hand.

It was hard to grasp what it was. Determined, she gripped it firmly. The student flinched, indicating she had found the right spot.

But the object was getting harder and bigger. What could it be? She thought she should pull it out. It had grown from fitting her palm to surpassing her wrist.

'What is this?'

Feeling it getting bigger, Sujin grasped it tightly, ready to pull it out. The student's reaction confirmed she had the right grip.

Suddenly, a voice came from above.


Only then did she realize the height difference. In the dim light of the discipline room, she couldn't see his face, only his smirking mouth.

Fear washed over her. Despite controlling the situation, she felt like prey.

"Why... why are you calling me... Trying to apologize? I won't let you off... Take it out... I'll confiscate it...."

Her voice trailed off. But it was important she said her piece. She thought victory was near.

Or so she thought.

"That's my dick, senpai."

His words made Sujin's mind go blank.

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