
37 Days

Millie is caught in between her old life and new. She stayed in an apartment to be nearby her drug addict father until he passed. Although she is devastated by her father’s passing, she has a new found freedom. She’s leaving her old life behind in San Diego and now getting a do over in L.A where she’ll have a fresh start, career and a new apartment. The only problem is there’s 37 days between her old lease and new. Millie’s best friend Steph offers a place to stay with her, all is good and fine until she finds out the truth about where she’s actually staying. The mansion, previously a hotel is owned by suspected drug traffickers that are not to be messed with. Millie finds herself falling for one of them, which stirs up a lot of trouble. Will she be strong enough to handle the challenges ahead that come with her new love interest?

marissa_inserra · สมัยใหม่
68 Chs

The flight



Julian and I are sitting on the plane on our way to Madrid. Normally, we would take a private jet but when it's such short notice and such a long flight, we fly commercial.

Julian turns to face me in his seat and asks "So why was the girl wearing your hoodie last night?"

I roll my eyes, "shut up man"

He laughs, "You're in deeper than I thought."

I give him a deadly look "Would you just go to sleep or somethin?"

He lifts his hands in surrender and laughs more.

"You could've killed Rio with that knife you pulled out ya know?" Julian says.

And I would've succeeded if you didn't pull me away," I say with an attitude.

"C'mon man, over a girl?" he says truly curious.

"That's not what it's about…" I say wanting to end this stupid fucking conversation.

"Alright man, my bad." he says and I know he's not believing a word I say, but trying to keep me calm.

Julian turns back to a forward-facing position and closes his eyes, I do the same but I don't fall asleep. I can't stop thinking about Millie, I just want to get this meeting over with and finish what we started last night. I could've killed Julian last night for interrupting us.

Every time I'm with this girl, we're interrupted by something and it's usually because of me.

When I get back, I'm shutting my phone off and locking her in the penthouse with me so we can have our time together.

I shake my thoughts away and listen to some music.

After hours of randomly trying to entertain myself and keeping my mind busy, we finally land. The flight has been long and draining, I'm glad it's over.

Once we leave the airport, our regular driver in Spain brings Julian and me to the hotel we usually stay at.

We check in and Julian heads to his room and I head to mine. I need at least a few hours of sleep before the meeting with Marco later.

Julian comes to my room all ready to go and I'm barely even awake yet.

"How much time do we have left?" I ask with one hand in the pocket of my sweats and the other rubbing my neck.

"We have to leave in 20 minutes" he says.

"All alright man, I'm gonna take a quick shower, I'll meet you downstairs," I say yawning, and walk away from him.

I hop in the shower, get dressed, grab my shit, and head downstairs. The driver is waiting for us outside the hotel entrance and we get in and drive over to Marco.