
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · สมัยใหม่
61 Chs

Surprise, surprise



"Hey, Millie!" I say giving her a hug.

My eyes go straight to..X?

I'm lost.

When did they..?

Whatever..I can't even keep up with those two anymore.

X's sour ass face changes when he catches my eye, relaxing and allowing all the blood that's rushed to his face to lighten up by the second.

"Oh, hey Mia," X says running his fingers through his dark brown hair.

I give him a friendly smile, he can suck a fat one for what he did to Millie.

I have jack squat of any idea about what has been happening the last couple of weeks since Steph became a housewife, I'm so out of the loop. Until I know how this fucker ended up here, he's on my shit list…obv just in my mind though..he is my boss after all.

"Sorry Mia, I just wanted to show X my apartment real quick he's leaving now," Millie says grabbing X by the bicep and pushing him out the door.


"Wait..what?" X asks confused.

"Yeah, I'll call you," she says pushing him out and closing the door in his face.

"Woo sorry about that," she says with a nervous chuckle.

Hardly a millisecond later there's a knock.

She rolls her eyes opening the door, "what?!" She asks in a frustrated whisper.

"You drove me here…" X says with lifted eyebrows.

"Oh..yeah, just take my car, I'll drive back with Mia later and get it then," Millie says with extreme speed and shuts the door in his face again.

I open my mouth to speak but I'm legit rudely interrupted by Mr. Can't keep it in his pants again.

Millie lets out a grunt and balls her hands into a fist.

She opens the door again, "what?!"

"The keys..?" He asks with a smirk, just eating this shit up like the assface that he is.

She doesn't even say anything, just storms to her purse, tucking her hair behind her ear and grabbing a hold of the keys, and throws them at him.

Before he can make some snarky remark, she slams the door in his face…once again..

Yeah…I'm gonna just stay single…

Millie walks past me without looking at me, "Not a word Mia, not a word." And goes to sit on the worn-out brown couch.

I follow the same path she just walked and sit down next to her. I'm pretty sure I just put out to Millie's couch, a spring jabbed me in my most sacred area.

I reach into my purse and grab a notebook and pen, laying it on the chipped glass coffee table in front of me.

"Okay, so what are some of your ideas for Steph's party?" I ask looking over to a flustered Millie.

Steph's birthday is next week, Millie called me last night to see if I'd be willing to help plan it, I, of course being Steph's friend and an amazing event coordinator would love nothing more than to plan this.

"I guess we should probably have it at the club," she says less than enthusiastic.

I understand her vile feelings toward the club but it is the best place to throw it.

"We can have it next Friday, regular club night, she won't even think twice about it being for her," I explain.

"Yeah, that sounds good." She says scratching at the nape of her neck.

We spend the next hour jotting down ideas for next week, it'll be a busy week ahead of me but anything for my girlie.

I collect my notebook and pen ready putting it back in my purse, "ready to go get your car?" I ask Millie.

She nods and we walk down the hallway of her apartment building making our exit, "spill" I demand.