
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · สมัยใหม่
61 Chs

Positively unexpected



We're now just getting back into the hotel room I feel like I have gained fifty pounds with the amount of anxiousness coursing through me. My whole body just feels…heavy.

The reflecting lights from the buildings across from our room are glimmering on the windows. I set my bag down on the miniature two-person glass table and Steph has the same. She has significantly more things in her bag, mostly junk food. Can't blame her, she's on her period, anything during that time of the month. 

I take the pregnancy test out of the white and red bag. I stare down at it, I want to know immediately what the results are but on the other hand, I don't. Sure, I've dreamed of having a baby of my own one, one day but not today. 

"You going to just stare at it or…?" Steph says breaking me of my ongoing thoughts. 

I close my eyes mentally preparing myself for this. 

"Okay, I'll be right back, but I need you with me for when I'm done peeing on it," I say practically begging. 

"You know I'll be right by side baby girl, and I'll be right by your side no matter what the results are," Steph says saying the words I didn't know I needed to hear. 

"Thanks, Steph," I say walking over to hug her. I take the spoon she's holding in her hand and scoop out a spoonful of cookie dough ice cream before I enter that dreadful bathroom. 

I turn the lights to the bathroom on, I stare at myself in the mirror for a long minute and then turn the pink pregnancy test box over to read the instructions. 

Okay, point the tip down directly into the stream of urine, leave it in the stream for 7-10 seconds, place the cap back on, and set it on a flat surface for at least three minutes for results. My whole life can change in just three minutes from now. 

I unwrap the clear cellophane wrapper and gently rip open the top. Two pink individually wrapped tests stare up at me, taunting me. I take one out and it peels open, I undo the light pink cap and set it on the white countertop sink to the left of me. 

I do my thing apprehensive as ever, take the light pink lid from the countertop and place it in its rightful spot. Placing the now used test as level as possible where the top once laid. I turn the lights off and close the door to the bathroom behind me. 

"How'd it go?" Steph asks curious. 

I shrug my shoulders and scrunch my nose, "Okay as it can be I guess, just in the waiting game now." 

A minute and a half later and we're too anxious to wait the full three minutes so we decide to just rip off the bandaid. 

I open the door, ready to just throw up with anxiety. Steph is right behind me in the dark. 

"Okay, count of three, we'll turn on the lights?" Steph suggests. 

"Yeah," I quietly agree. 

"Three..two..one.." Steph counts down and flicks the near-blinding lights on. 

The silence in the bathroom right now is deafening, you can hear a pin drop, we both don't move a single centimeter as we stare at the results. 

Steph is the first to speak, "Wow that's like really dark."

I'm released from my trance, I pick up the test it's not even an eye squinted, it's bold and bright and so obvious. 

"What am I gonna do?" Is the only thing that leaves my mouth. 

Steph wraps me in a tight comforting hug but it's just not enough right now, my world has become a destructive earthquake in a single second. 

"How am I pregnant?" I ask as a single tear departs from my eye but Steph can't see it yet. 

"Well, when two people fall in love…" she begins and I should slap her for joking about this but instead I actually laugh and then my mood turns dark and deep as that single tear becomes a stream. 

"Oh baby girl, it's going to be okay," Steph says stroking my hair. 

"It's not Steph, it's not! I'm pregnant with X's baby, I'm still getting to know him for god's sake! Oh my god, I don't even know his last name! What's his favorite color? When is his birthday? When..?" I go into wild hyperventilation mode. 

Steph halts my rant by shaking my shoulders, "Emily, calm down, breathe."

I stop talking but my breathing has ramped up, I'm going to have a panic attack. 

"Alright honey, sit down, you need to breathe, I'll tell you what I know okay?" Steph says so gently. 

I sit on the too stiff gray couch and Steph sits next to me holding my hand. 

"His last name is Romero, and his favorite color is obviously black..I don't know probably..and his birthday is December 15th." Steph says answering my questions with ease. 

"Oh god Steph, I didn't even know those things but you did," I say leaning forward and cradling my jumbled head in my hands. 

"Baby girl, I only know those things because I book flights for him, I have a copy of his passport in my office," Steph explains. 

"Oh." Is I manage to say. 

"He's going to freak Steph, he's going to absolutely lose it, what if he 'nopes' the fuck out?" I ask anxiously. 

"You didn't create that baby on your own, he's just as responsible for this as you and if he's a dick about it and wants no part of it then you always have me Mills, I'm not going anywhere," she says so honestly. 

"I love you, Stephanie Taylor," I say and I rest my head on her shoulder. 

"I love you more," she says back.