


Poopy_Ahole · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


A wise man once said…

'Nature always finds a way.'

And many scientist believe it is true. According to some theories, the nature is a living entity that florished and destroys that we know of. With the will of nature the entire civilization could florish. But if nature wants it, an entire civilization would perish in one night.

Nature works in very mysterious ways. It works on coincidences. A rock thrown by a random monkey could cause a butter fly effet that could a catastrophe and could kill thousands of people overnight. And with the help of coincidences, nature always finds a way. Some of these are subtle while others are so complex that no one could understand them.

The most difficult part of studying nature is understanding the coincidences that caused an event. Two unseemingly different things could just be a set up to something more big…


A man could be seen whistling his way inside the buidling. The budiding is a multistorey appartment building located in New Delhi, India. One could smell alcohol in the breath of well dressed man. While walking in the building, the man looked at his watch. He saw that it was exactly 12:00 am in the clock.

It was not a coincidence the man was walking in the buidling at this time. He was suppose to be back by 10:00 pm. But while drinking at the bar he met with an old female colleague of his. They chatted for a little bit, got drunk, had sex and then he got home.

The man walked in the building with shaky legs and went to his apartment. The man was reggretting drinking this much. But it was all good. He had fun. And tomorrow was sunday. So he could sleep for as long as he wants.

The man got in his apartment, threw up a little bit in the toilet and jumped on his bed…

If his state, if the man had come home at 10:00 pm then the man would been asleep by now. Because of his drunken state he wouldnt have heard the his mobile rining at 12:11 am. He would have slept through the night and then would have slept through sunday as well.

But nature wanted something else from the man. As the man was a chosen by the nature as his warrior. That is why the man met his female colleague and got home late. Because of the nature's will the man waked up as he heard his phone ringing. Still in his drunken state, the man got and picked up the phone. He picked up his phone as the nature wanted this to happen.


At the same time in another dimesion, another incident was taking place. There was a house built up a hill. One could see a very vast ocean just infront of the hill. At the edge of the hill there was a small tree. That tree loo0ked like a bonsai tree from earth. But the difference between this tree and the tree from earth is that this tree has a dark black bark with puprple leaves.

The house on the other hand was build quite well to be located in such a place. The house looked small but had a feeling to it. But currently inisde the house one could feel a very tense envoirment…

In one of the rooms of the house a man could be seen with a battle ax in his hands. Just to her side a woman with red cat like eyes was standing. In front of these couples was a woman. That woman was holding a child in her arms and had a boy by her side.

The woman with red eyes then shed a tear and looked at the boy and said…

"Be brave Solaris. If mother nature wants we would meet you at the rally point." The woman said.

"But what if the mother nature dosent want us to meet?" the boy asked while having trouble holding back her tears.

"Believe in her, boy. Be strong, be brave and be ruthless." The woman said and the hugged her boy for the last time.

The most unfortunate thing about the encounter was that the boy was right. The mother want them to meet again. This part right here was very essential to mother nature's plan.


5 years later.

Nature had set her stage. All the players are ready in her huge game. Now all that nature needs is time. And 5 years later the time has come….

On a island, surronded by rocks and fog one man could be seen carrying a container. The interesting part about this container was that this container had collection of small golden pins. All of these pins have a shiny blue rock attached at their end.

The man had been walking from these same path for years. Carefully he would carry those rings from one destination to another. But today something happened that had never happened before. Because of the will of nature just a tiny bit of moss got accumulated on this track.

The man who was carrying the box didnt notice the moss and stepped on it. Because of this mistake, the box containing those pins, fell in the ocean. To save those pins the man jumped in the ocean as well. The man was able to recover all of his pins, except the one that was carried away by the ocean. The ocean carried the pin away as this was will of nature. 漢字