
Superbabes Commissioned: Vitamin-Dad: The Mighty Endowed and Poison Ivy

Brought to you by Vitamin-Dad

I don't own DC

The beautiful strawberry blonde walked out the front door to her apartment building, shut the door behind her, and checked her watch. Heading down the steps in loose-fitting pants and a somewhat looser shirt… and by 'somewhat', I mean she needed to get some new ones as her gloriously large breasts wobbled up and down in the tight t-shirt long stretched out to show off her cleavage unintentionally… it didn't USE to do that but the collar had someone progressively grew the more she wore it.

Superbabes own Queen of massive mammaries, The Mighty Endowed, had Macromastia, which meant her breasts continued to grow so regularly to get new tops, dresses, and bras. It was somewhat inconvenient before she was a Superbabe but her clothes budget had ludicrously increased upon working there for less than a month.

She's managed to hold off buying new outwear by buying custom bras every time her breasts had grown, in exchange for a little extra tightness (an after-effect of making her wonderous breasts look FANTASTIC) she didn't have to change her wardrobe every few months or so… The longest she's gone for is a whole year. Orders had a personal tailor for that sort of thing and put Mighty Endowed into contact with them.

But today she couldn't hold off buying new tops, this one was on its last hurrah as outside wear. Though she imagined if she posed for one of Yaya's photos she'd be asked to wear it as Superbabes looked good in anything skintight… once she reached the sidewalk and her breasts stopped hopping up and down on her chest she checked her watch again. Poison Ivy said she was going to meet up with her at her place and go shopping with her…

Originally Lucy was going to do it but she was… distracted. So Poison Ivy offered to go with her, she was a bushel of confident sunshine after all and she liked playing 'dress-up' The Mighty Endowed despite her recent 'lifestyle change'. Out of costume, she was still a little withdrawn about the attention she naturally brought upon herself just by walking outside so having a green woman next to her was a pretty good distraction unto itself… or at the very least she wouldn't be alone.

"Hey!" Poison Ivy declared her approach by waving a long green arm above her head, her bright red rose-colored hair waving like a pennant behind her. She was wearing a tight tank top and short shorts, because nothing says 'cold as hell frozen over Gotham' like summer wear. But then again, she WAS Canadian and she was quite resistant to the cold… that, and A common belief in Superbabes circles was that her green body had some sort of photosynthesis so what little natural sunlight she got from Gotham's consistently cloudy sky the better. "Sorry, I'm late." She said, approaching Mighty Endowed, "Hector was being so fussy about going on his morning walk today."

"It's fine." Mighty Endowed replied quickly, "It's not like you're hours late or anything."

"Well, I LIKE being punctual." Smiled Poison Ivy serenely, "So are we catching a cab? Or are we walking there?"

"We can get a cab." Replied Mighty Endowed quickly, "I'd rather that than cause any traffic accidents." She added as Poison Ivy chuckled at the joke… but Mighty Endowed was only partially joking… she has unintentionally caused a couple. To be more accurate her CHEST caused a couple…

"Well, that's fine too then." Smiled Poison Ivy, winking at her. "…Mind flagging one down for us though? It might take me a while because… you know. Gotham" she shrugged. A small price to pay for looking like Poison Ivy in the town NOTORIOUS for the real one's criminal activity…

"I got it." Mighty Endowed sighed, then taking a few steps forward into the street waved her hand for a Gotham cab and IMMEDIATELY leaped back onto the curb as half a dozen rushed to get there. The final two got into a fender bender and immediately the drivers rushed out to argue loudly with heavily accented voices…

Yet another traffic accident she's caused.

They got into the first cab. The lucky winner grinned toothily in his mirror at the visions of beauty getting into his back seat, his gaze lingering on the MASSIVE cleavage of Mighty Endowed before he finally managed a- "Where to…" but then noticed 'Poison Ivy' he added unsurely. "Ladies?"

…Was it more, or less impressive that Mighty Endowed's breasts could distract the fact that there was a LITERAL green woman right next to her?

"Fashion district please." Poison Ivy replied as the driver, recognizing that she didn't sound like the real one at the very least relaxed.

"You got it. Hold on, ladies." He said, speeding away from the accident as the cops soon showed up.

10 minutes later the girls paid the man and got out in the Gotham fashion district, walking down the street as Poison Ivy glanced around. "When you said you needed new clothes I didn't think you were going to be swanky about it. I thought you'd head to a thrift shop or something."

"I can't find something to wear at a thrift shop." Mighty Endowed replied though she would certainly have tried. "No, I have got to go to Orders' tailor."

"Orders has a tailor?" Poison Ivy smiled cheerfully at the news, though she wasn't surprised. "And they work in the fashion district?"

"Yeah… haven't you met her she does all the costumes." Replied Mighty Endowed as Poison Ivy giggled, "And some of Katie's clothes."

"…So how cheap are they?" Poison Ivy smiled as Mighty Endowed stopped at a storefront with huge words on the front that said 'Coco's' "…Hold on." She frowned as Mighty Endowed walked right in. "Wait a second isn't this Coco Klein's store?"

"…Is that important?" she replied opening the door and heading inside.

"Isn't she some big named designer?" Poison Ivy replied but followed her into a 'store' that looked more like an art gallery for clothes. The cashier at the front desk looked like a cross between a beatnik and a secretary, typing away on a tiny computer before glancing up dismissively at them. Mighty Endowed went right up to him.

"We're here to see Coco?" Mighty Endowed replied

"Ms. Klein is unavailable for the foreseeable future." He replied stiffly and went right back to work ignoring them. 'Foreseeable Future' was appropriate, as obviously-

"AH! Mighty Endowed. GOOD." Declared a woman with a HEAVILY German-accented voice. Wearing an all-black turtle neck and small circular sunglasses that somehow hid her eyes from all angles, and her milk chocolate-colored hair slick back on her head showing off an impressive forehead. "You have arrived! I have been expecting you."

"You cashier said-" Poison Ivy began, but then realized she was talking to THE Coco Klein, Gotham's #1 clothing designer… at the moment anyway.

"Ah do not listen to Klaus he is NEW…"

"Also not named Klaus." Replied 'Klaus' dejectedly but Coco ignored him.

"Now come-come. We have to get your new measurements, yes?" replied Coco, before apparently noticing Poison Ivy for the first time. "Ah Poison Ivy, magnificent!" she purred silkily, "…I love your color." She sounded like she was giving Poison Ivy a compliment but the accent and the look made Poison Ivy uncomfortable. Like she wanted to make a skinsuit out of her. "You enjoy my costume?" she asked as Poison Ivy blinked in surprise.

"Oh. Yes?" she replied smiling as Coco took Mighty Endowed by the hand and led her through the gallery of clothes, letting Poison Ivy follow behind.

"Good, you tell my friend Orders if she ever needs replacements just call, yes? Now Mighty Endowed let me take in your magnificence!" she snatched a tape measure from a desk filled with crumpled paper and began measuring Mighty up, down, and around… focusing obviously on her breasts. "Yes… YES… MMN!" Coco Klein purred softly, "You have grown bigger."

"It's the price I pay." Mighty Endowed replied softly as Poison Ivy watched.

"Yes. Yes. And YES… inspiration!" declared Coco Klein. "I will have your new clothes tomorrow. I will get my Klauses on it."

"Klauses?" replied Poison Ivy. Hesitantly.

"I go through so many I simply don't bother to remember," Coco replied dismissively, but put on a pretty smile. "Now you… hmn. I see you in warm colors, yes? Something that pops, but breathes…"

"Oh I'm not here for cl-"Then she stopped, this was Coco Klein." Never mind." Don't look a gift dress in the frock.

"Sehr good! Now off you go, yes? I have many Klauses to work… Mighty Endowed always lovely to see you. Your body is a work of aaart!" she said dramatically before stepping away. "KLAUS! KAFFEE!" Once she was far enough away, Poison Ivy noted the absurdity.

"…One of the most famous designers in Gotham makes your clothes?"

"Makes our clothes." Replied Mighty Endowed casually as 'Klaus' quickly rushed into the workroom with a cup of hot coffee. They then walked back out, "She made all the costumes at Superbabes…I thought this would have taken longer honestly. Sorry, I brought you here for nothing."

"Oh don't be silly it was an experience!" Poison Ivy replied, "…And apparently I'm getting fashion designer clothes." Then something occurred to her. "Oh… um. Who's paying for this?" she asked as they got outside onto the sidewalk.

"Well… I have an agreement with Coco." Noted Mighty Endowed, "So I'm paying for my clothes… I don't know exactly."

"…Huh." Poison Ivy frowned, "Now I'm wondering if I should head back in there and decline. Don't want to risk Orders having a fit because she's suddenly charged for some expensive dress." Mighty Endowed thought about that for a second.

"…Yeah that might be a bad idea."

"How does she even know a big fashion designer like her anyway?"

"I don't know it's Orders." Mighty Endowed replied, shrugging her shoulders and making her big breasts wobble distractingly up and down… and while it didn't cause a traffic accident it did however send out a siren's song like a ripple effect… with the screeching of tires, a long white van suddenly skidded to a stop in front of them. Driven by a black guy, and a white guy was sitting in the passenger's seat with a camera.

"Hey, there ladies!" cheered the white guy, sticking his head out the window and grinning at them. "Want to make some money?" he was addressing the both of them… but it was Mighty Endowed's chest he was looking at.

"…Oh my god seriously?" Mighty Endowed replied but, Poison Ivy, suddenly finding that she may be a few hundred dollars in the hole to the biggest designer in Gotham, was somewhat interested.

"Yeah, ladies. Ever hear of Pound Van?" he replied with a wink. "I got 800 bucks each for the both of you if you get in this van and drive around with us for a little while and have us some WILD fun." He said, "How about it?"

"You just drive around and ask women this?" Mighty Endowed replied indignantly, and becoming increasingly more annoyed the longer they stared at her big bulging breasts.

"It's surprisingly effective." He replied, "…It's like fifty-fifty. And normally it's the SUPER hot ones…"

"Yeah I'm not-"

"900 each." Said Poison Ivy as the guys in the front seats chuckled, and whistled.

"Oh, we got us a wild one…" Poison Ivy winked as Mighty Endowed glared at her. "…You both come we'll do a thousand each." Then added to his 'partner' "With tits like those we'd get that back in subscribers in an HOUR." Not to mention the sexy green girl, but hey, not everyone can be as successful as Orders in marketing.

"I'm not-" began Mighty Endowed as Poison Ivy gave her a puppy dog look that would rival Hector.

"Come on. It's not like we haven't done something like it for less." She said under her breath. Mighty Endowed couldn't necessarily argue. "Besides I might need the money." She added as she then nodded to Coco Klein's store. Mighty Endowed sighed… she was hoping to NOT get fucked today, but it was her job…

"It's tax-free." Added the white guy cheerily, as if that would contribute to Mighty Endowed's decision… it did, but he didn't understand. Orders got a cut of EVERYTHING, so getting 1000 dollars straight up front was something of a new experience.

"…Fine," she replied tiredly, taking a deep breath and pushing out her breasts. "…But just for a little while."

The white guy reached around to the side of the van from the window and banged on the door twice. "Alright boys!"

Time: 9:39 AM. Place: Gotham Fashion District (Pound Van van)

"Party time!" he cheered as the door slid open to reveal 'Muscles', 'Geek', and new guy 'Chubby' sitting excitedly in the back of the mattress-covered van, ogling the girls excitedly as they both got in and Muscle shut the door behind them. The van took off as Camera guy (white guy) focused the camera between the seats. "Wha are your names ladies?" he replied grinning as Muscles IMMEDIATELY began fondling Poison Ivy's chest from behind. Geek and Chubby however looked like they really, REALLY wanted to touch Mighty's mighty Mammaries. Surrounding her as Poison Ivy moaned encouragingly under Muscle's firm grip.

"The Mighty Endowed." Replied Mighty quickly, glancing at both men surrounding her before sighing and grabbing her shirt, and pulling it over her strawberry-colored hair, letting her sports bra-hugging tits free to the drooling excitement of Geek and Chubby.

"Poison Ivy." Cooed the green beauty reaching around to rub Muscle's pornstar cock through his loose shorts, sliding his left pant leg to get it more directly.

Driver (black guy) frowned in the mirror noting curiously. "Hang on that sounds familiar-" but the Camera guy drowned him out, once Poison Ivy removed her shirt and freed her big green chest. Yes, they weren't as big as Mighty Endowed's, (not many were) but they were still a damn good handful of green melons.

"Ho man look at THOSE, how big are they?" he asked as the movement of the van made them bounce up and down gently, a nice pleasant movement that Chubby's chubby hands couldn't resist anymore, reaching around her and grabbing them firmly as she hissed. "Dude!"

"I can't help it look at them! I just want to stick my face in them!" he moaned happily as Geek got handsy too, rubbing the beautiful buxom babe's sensitive breasts through her sports bra. Sliding their hands over the shapely breasts. The most marketable in her family after all… they could HEAR the subscribers applying.

"Mmmn…" she grunted uncomfortably as they squeezed, lifted, and dropped her breasts. Jiggling even more in the van as Chubby did exactly what he wanted to do and buried his face into her cleavage. "Ah! Ha-ha!" she laughed slightly as he started motorboating.

"My turn!" groaned Geek eagerly as Chubby pulled away, and his face was immediately replaced with Geek, squeezing her hefty chest even further together as if trying to suffocate himself.

"Ugh! Easy alright they aren't stress balls…" she mumbled indignantly as they began rubbing the rest of her body, Chubby sliding his surprisingly dexterous fingers into her pants and rubbing at her clit, and slickening pussy as she threw her head back. Her body already reacting to the attention she was getting…

Poison Ivy was way ahead of her already, Muscle was leaning against the wall, legs spread apart with Poison Ivy draped over his leg, green breasts bulging on his thigh, and she was facing the camera. Bare green ass raised in the air behind her, it wobbled distractingly as muscles rested a hand on the back of her pretty red-haired head, thrusting her mouth down onto his pornstar shaft. Sliding her up and down with the slurps of a woman adjusting a drinking straw he switched hands, stroking her red hair to finger her behind, sliding his fingers into her moistened honeypot, and putting the other hand onto her head.

"Fuck me keep going." He sighed, loudly thrusting his fingers into her as she hummed loudly on his shaft.

"Mmn-hmn! Ahh…" Gasping, her head popped off his tip to run her tongue around his head, winking to the camera and diving back down. "MMgh!" inhaling his whole cock into her throat as he bucked his hips roughly towards her face.

"Fuck man Gotham was a good choice these chicks are wild!"

"MMn Hmmn." Poison Ivy agreed adorably. Wobbling her head at the base of his cock, running her tongue on his shaft before beginning again, flying up and down on his cock and sucking louder and louder.

Chubby and Geek managed to keep their faces away from a flushed-faced Mighty Endowed's chest long enough to get her out of her sports bra, peeling it slowly off her body as if it was glue. The anticipation building when they finally released her big soft breasts to the excited cheer of the crowd. "Ugh." She groaned, raising her arms as Geek removed her top and Chubby wrapped his arms around her from behind and bounced her bulging breasts together. Whapping them loudly echoing around the van before cupping his hands beneath them and fondling them playfully.

Giving a show AND enjoying the feel of the biggest breasts he's probably ever had. "MMn!" Mighty Endowed unintentionally moaned encouragingly as Chubby gave her nipples a teasing pinch as Geek buried his face back between them, and took her left nipple into her mouth. "Haah… ah…" erotically writhing as they pulled her down onto her back. Chubby wrapped his hands around her right tit, making it bulge towards his mouth before he wrapped his lips around it and began to slurp.

"MMMn! MMan-aah…. Give us some milk honey…" he cooed, giving her tit a playful squeeze before he and Geek stripped her pants down her legs and yanked them off with some minor help from Camera guy, tugging them away before spreading her legs and sliding their hands into her underwear and rubbing at her clit again as she planted her feet and moaned, bucking her hips up and down as they played with her pussy for the camera.

"Blugh. Blugh. BLugh…" Poison Ivy's throat gulping noises made the cock in her mouth throb excitedly, her lips stretched on Muscle's cock moving rapidly up and down on his shaft, her backside wobbling and jerking as he continued to play with her dripping pussy. "Ahh!" she gasped, popping off his shaft and licking his length, flicking his cock back and forth as she moaned. "Are you going to fuck me anytime soon?" she cooed sensually, "Or is this going to be an all-oral thing?"

"Man, you are FREAKY." He shifted slightly beneath her and she crawled forward, gazing into the camera as she crawled on her hands and knees, shaking her chest and grinning as Muscles crawled behind her, grabbing her waist and pulling her ass back onto his throbbing girth, rushing into her as she moaned.

"Haah yeah…" she cooed, her breasts swinging back and forth as Muscles pumped hard into her from behind, his hips smacking against her green ass cheeks as she opened her mouth and moaned like a horny ghost, "Haah-aah…" her eyes rolling up into her head as she pushed herself back against him. "Ugh. Ugh… come on now this is all you got? I'm going to need more than this." she teased, crawling slightly toward Geek, grabbing his leg, and tugging at his pants.

She freed his cock from his pants before grabbing it and wrapping her lips around that. "Mmngh!" Geek continued to slurp on Mighty Endowed's tit while Poison Ivy began thrusting her face into his lap. "Mmn! Mmn-hmmn!" Awkwardly thrusting his hips toward her face while trying to focus on fingering Mighty Endowed and sucking out non-existent milk from her huge tits.

"MMMngh!!" Mighty Endowed, though teasing, sucking, and squeezing of her sensitive breasts as well as good old-fashioned pussy fingering, climaxed erotically for their viewing pleasure. Her pussy drooling arousal onto the obviously well-used mattress, her lower body rising in the air and shuddering before flopping limply back down.

"Whoa-ho!" cheered Chubby, popping off her hardened nipple and letting her tit jiggle pleasantly back into position on her chest began to strip as she panted erotically, her body trembling as the orgasm resided. Geek however seemed to briefly lose interest in her and turn his attention to Poison Ivy's blowjob, wrapping his hands around her head and steadily thrusting into her throat as she grunted loudly between his legs. Muscle speeding up his wild thrusts, holding her waist as he stood up behind her, hunching over her and rapidly clapping against her green ass cheeks.

WHAP-WHAP-WHAP echoing around the van even over the hum of the road outside and the plunging of her mouth from Geek.

Chubby however stripped completely naked, lying beside Mighty Endowed before absently slapping her thigh lightly before grabbing it and pulling her onto his lap. Mighty Endowed crawled over him, her breasts wobbling about on her chest with the movement, straddling his lap. Leaning backward and planting her hands on the floor, adjusting her legs on either side of him, "Ah geez." She grumbled, riding cowgirl was usually an… adventure for her.

Chubby however didn't seem to mind and the rest of them certainly wouldn't either as he slipped his tip into her, then rushed abruptly up into her body as she suddenly gasped with the abrupt balls deep slamming of her pussy. "Ah. AH! AH!" Chubby's thrusts were more about force than pleasure… though not necessarily in a rough way. His goal was to get those huge tits on her chest to bounce up and down wildly on her chest as she threw her head back and moaned. "Ugh! Uaah!!" holding firmly to her waist, jackhammering rapidly into her body as her tits bounced and flopped about, her undulating voice echoing around the van.

"Ah. AH, SHIT…" hissed Muscle, burying his cock into Poison Ivy and smacking her green ass hard as her throat was occupied by the entirety of Geek's pornstar dick.

"MMgh!" she squeaked but wiggled her hips on his waist as he pulled out of her, smacking his cock on her ass twice before sitting down on the mattress and lying back.

"Come here gorgeous get on this." Gripping the base of his cock and wagging it about as Poison Ivy stroked her lips off Geek's length spitting on it before crawling around over Muscle, planting her hands on his chest before straddling his lap. Slipping him back into her body. "Oh yeah."

"Ahh!" she gasped, raising her hands to the roof of the van as he bucked hard up into her, bucking his hips hard against her as her impressive and equally unique green breasts bounced up and down. "Ah! AH! YEAH… like it like that huh?" she wiggled and gyrated on his lap then fell over, displaying her ass to the camera. "Ugh. Ugh huh… yeah…" she bit her bottom lip, continuing to shake her ass up and down on his thrusting hips as Geek 'ambushed' her from behind. "Ooh-hoo…" she cooed grinning prettily as Geek pierced up into her ass, rushing abruptly into her body before they began bumping and grinding together. "Aah! Ah! Ah yeah… fuck me just like this!" she squealed encouragingly.

…Hey if she was going to make a porno she was going to do it right. And as Geek and Muscle both grabbed fistfuls of her hair she howled in an orgasmic climax, rolling and bucking her his against their thrusts.

"Uh. Haa-aaah!" Mighty Endowed rolled her hips on Chubby's lap echoing with Poison Ivy's shrieking orgasm. Chubby's hands reached up and finally offered her bouncing breasts some support… and to also feel up her tits again. "Ugh! MMggh!" her head arching back, pushing her bouncing chest out as he squeezed them like stress balls again. "Haah. Aah!" Chubby sat up, holding her down on his cock as he pushed her abruptly over. "Ah!" shuffling about he mounted her from behind as her tits bulged beneath her. "Ugh. Haah-aah!!!" rocking back and forth as she was fucked doggy style for the camera, her breasts supporting her just as easily as her arms as Chubby pulled her head back. "Nngh! Ah!" she smacked his thigh for his rough treatment, but he just slapped her ass. "AH!" Thrusting into her hard for maximum boob jiggling.

"Ugh! Ha-aah! Ah! Ahh!!" Poison Ivy squealed, shuddering and trembling between Muscles and Geek. Tongue lolling from her mouth as she orgasmed again. "Haa-aaaha NNGH!!" she went limp between them as Geek abruptly pulled out of her ass. Muscle bucked his hips a few more times into her body before rolling her over as she writhed on the mattress. Smiling blissfully as they stroked themselves…

Geek loomed over Poison Ivy's mouth, slipping between her lips she suckled on his tip like a bottle, lying over her head he pushed his cock deeper into her throat. "Ugh… Nghh!" grinding over her body as Muscle decided it was his turn to play with Mighty Endowed's body. He slapped Chubby's shoulder lightly, getting his attention and while burying his length into Mighty Endowed, Muscle jerked his thumb over his shoulder at a splayed-legged Poison Ivy.

Chubby seemed torn between continuing to pound the big titty strawberry blonde to having fun with Poison Ivy… he then swatted Mighty Endowed's ass, again and pulled out of her. Crawling over to put his significantly full weight onto her body, pounding away on top of her in a matting press as Mighty Endowed groaned tiredly, Muscle easily pulled her upright, grabbing at her tits firmly before lying her down on her back beside Poison Ivy. "Oh… OH!" she grunted as he did the same. Yet unlike Chubby he had far more control of his powerful body, pressing his impressive chest onto hers, slipping his hands under her ass cheeks, and pulled her up towards his hips. "AH. AH! Aaah-Ooh!!!"

Muscle and chubby pounded away on the two of them, geek seemingly content with slipping in and out of Poison Ivy's mouth, her hand on his ass and pulling him as deep as he could into her throat. "Mmgh! Mmngh! Mmgh!"

"Ugh! Haah! AAAAH…" Mighty Endowed howled as Muscle pounded away, his thick pornstar dick stretching her insides as she slowly approached another orgasm, his fingers squeezing her ass tightly as he snarled excitedly into her ear.

"Fuck you're tight. You like that you big titty slut?" he groaned as she howled orgasmically in response. Burying his length deep into her body, his shaft throbbing warningly as he growled. "Oh shit!" he pulled out of her body, then grabbed her arms, pulling her upright so quickly she almost had whiplash.

"Haha-aah…" she twitched, and shuddered before feeling his hands on her chest, pushing her huge tits together before sliding his slippery length between them and rapidly bucking his hips. The spongy 'boing-boing' of her breast were caught majestically on camera and like the rest of her will have 'slow motion' moments edited in later for posterity.

"Here it comes baby. Here it cums. Here it cums!" declared Muscles, whapping away at her chest… resisting the primal instinct to keep his cock between the blessedly warm and pillowy soft titty hug, he pulled out from her tits. Holding them firmly together, then with a shuddering twitch of his cock he roared dramatically. "Uuuugghaaah!" shooting a HUGE load across Mighty Endowed's big tits… but at the very least he didn't spray on her face. She panted softly and gazed up at him rather tiredly, but it could've been worse…

Geek buried his cock into Poison Ivy's mouth groaning tiredly before pulling out of her and stroking over her face as she panted synchronized with Chubby's thrusts as Geek's cock loomed centimeters from her lips bouncing between them like a bulging ping pong ball before a thick coating of cum shot over her face. "UGhh! Aah! Uggh! Uuuugh!!" a huge pornstar-worthy load spraying over her slightly smeared red lips as she opened her mouth to receive the first few facial shots and then wrapped her lips around his tip.

"MMn-mmn!" she suckled and kissed his still-spraying length, shooting over her green face as Chubby squeezed at her chest, his sweaty body thrusting and grinding on top of her as he approached his own release.

"Gonna cum! Cumming CUMMING!" he declared, burying himself into Poison Ivy and then pulling abruptly away, wobbling awkwardly before turning Mighty Endowed's face and shooting onto her lips.

"AH!?" she gasped in surprise, closing her eyes and feeling the rest of his pornstar load spraying onto her chest. Oozing off her face and into her cleavage as she sighed tiredly through her nose, Chubby shook himself off on her chest and grinned contentedly.

Poison Ivy slowly sat up as the boy chuckled and laughed good-naturedly, Camera guy grinned smarmily as he then said encouragingly, "You girls are FIRE… how about a little good job kissing huh?"

Poison Ivy, getting his meaning leaned next to Mighty Endowed, and began to sensually kiss the big titty Superbabe, moaning together as she ran her silky green hands over Mighty Endowed's chest, licking cum from each other, sliding their cum covered tongues into each other's mouths before Mighty Endowed and Poison Ivy began cleaning Mighty's Huge tits, Poison Ivy had her work cut out for her but Mighty Endowed's breasts WERE big enough that she could run her tongue over some of them. Suck her own nipples too if she wanted to look goofy enough.

"Yeah, that's the shit." Camera guy cooed excitedly as Poison Ivy began fondling and caressing Mighty Endowed again, kissing for the camera and moaning seductively into each other's lips loudly, open-mouth kissing while sinking their hands into the massive money-making mammaries before Poison Ivy pulled away slowly, a string of saliva connecting their tongues. She then lifted Mighty Endowed's breasts as the buxom babe moaned enticingly. Wrapping her lips around her nipples and nursing lovingly as Mighty Endowed trembled in pleasure.

"Whooo Ladies that was a hell of a show." Cheered Camera guy, as Driver lightly tapped his shoulder. He then nodded and said excitedly, "Alright let's give them a big hand!" Muscle, Geek, Camera Guy, and Chubby all clapped as Poison Ivy blinked casually around, pulling her lips from Mighty Endowed.

"That's it?" she was used to hour-long sessions, so ones and dones were something new.

"Yeah, you got the boys off that's more than enough. Now then…" he then pulled out a set of identitcal papers and a pen. "You two ladies mind signing her? They're just waivers." Poison Ivy took it, read the sheet quickly, and then wrote 'Poison Ivy' at the bottom… Mighty Endowed seeing Poison Ivy do it, felt confident enough to sign. Both of them handing, him back the wavers.

"Alright so now all you need is the cash." He said, pulling out a HUGE wad and grinning at them, but before Mighty Endowed could take the money the side door slid open, and Chubby tossed their clothes out.

"AH-HEY!" Mighty Endowed, covering her chest quickly went out to get her clothes furiously embarrassed as Poison Ivy squeaked in surprise, hauled out by Muscles and set on the sidewalk in some abandoned industrial parking lot. The money was then tossed out as Camera Guy cheered.

"Thanks for the good time, ladies!" Then the tires squealed as Geek shut the sliding door. "Haa-haa…ha?"

…The van was unmoving… because there was a BIG wall of sexy muscle standing in front of it. Her hands on the hood, holding it in place as the tires abruptly stopped squealing. "…Hey there boys." Ronnie-Bell's southern-belle charm purred as a collection of Motorcycles roared into the lot, surrounding the van.

Grace, Freya, Ashley, and Rebecca all dismounted their bikes. One of those was less intimidating than the others… but the effect still applied. Ashley cracked her knuckles, her gorgeous face grinning evilly as Rebecca punched her own hand twice.

"Jess, Bessie you two alright?" asked Ronnie-Bell, pulling her hands now from the somewhat hand-shaped dented hood of the van to ask about their well-being

"A little embarrassed." Mumbled Bessie sheepishly, getting at least her bra and panties back on. "What are you doing here?"

"We were on our bike group ride." Said Grace conversationally. "…When Orders called us." She added, explaining a lot with very little.

The side of the van slid open as Ashley grinned inside at the nervous men. "Hello lads… who wants to play with me and the big bitch?" she said ominously as Rebecca crawled into the van with Ashley right behind her, Freya slid the van shut and it started a 'rocking' Camera guy and driver screamed in terror as Rebecca grabbed them both by the shoulder. They tried to escape but Grace and Ronnie-Bell kept the doors shut. Screaming they were dragged into the back of the van as more thumping and bouncing occurred inside it…

Though the context of the rocking van was far more terrifying than it was before. Grace opened the passenger door, retrieving the contracts and more money from the seat. "They didn't pay you, girls, enough." She then handed the money to Jessica. Before reading the contracts… and shrugging, pulling her phone from her leather jacket. "I got to call Orders, you ladies want a ride home?" she asked as Bessie sighed.

"Yes please." And jumped when a loud WHUMP! Made the van rock side to side instead of up and down. Something hit the side of the van… several times, loudly.

"You can take my sidecar, Jess." Said Ronnie-Bell conversationally, ignoring the high-pitched squeals of pain as Jessica nodded. "Bessie you can catch a ride with Grace."

"Thanks, Ronnie-Bell."

"Sugars what possessed you to think that getting into a bang van in Gotham was a good idea without Orders?" she laughed as a beaten and bruised Chubby tried to escape the driver-side door only for Ronnie-Bell to slam it back shut and Rebecca's hand grabbing the back of his head, slamming it into the window and dragging him back into the brawl.

"They seemed like nice guys." Jessica shrugged absently, "And I thought I'd need money to buy a new dress." She replied before absently counting the money they gave them. "Ah. HEY! This isn't even a thousand dollars!" she banged the door despite Grace counting significantly more money. "BECCA! BREAK SOMETHING PLEASE!"

"You got it!" cheered Rebecca.

"OH GOD MY FINGER!" squealed Chubby.

"You're lucky my Hector isn't here he'd bite something off!" she added with an annoyed pout but was then all smiles with Ronnie-Bell. "Okay! Good to go." She said as Bessie pulled her pants up before noting absently.

"…Jessica maybe you want to put on clothes first?"

"Oh… right." Jessica knocked the top of her head playfully and redressed herself. "My bad."

Ronnie-Bell knocked the rocking ban, "Hey! We're heading to Bessie's. Meet us there when you're done!" she said as Freya sighed, swinging her leg over her daisy yellow Sleipnir. "Let's hurry it up huh? Some of us have to work tonight…"

"Yeah I know, we're on the same shift." Purred Jessica cheerfully, sitting on the back of Grace's bike and wrapping her arms around her. "All set!" she cheered for Grace who revved her bike and off them went, her red hair waving behind her once again like a pennant as she cheered.

"…Next time can you go shopping with me?" asked Bessie as Ronnie-Bell chuckled, giving her the spare helmet. "I feel this wouldn't have happened with a different redhead." She noted as Ronnie-Bell laughed.

"Well I used to be blonde!" she replied cheerfully before rushing off after Grace with Freya easily overtaking them… leaving the rocking, squealing van behind them…


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