
Superbabes Commissioned: Definitely not Dio - Starfire

Brought to you by Definitely not Dio

I don't own DC

Beautiful Idyllic Greece, to be more specific its iconic capital city of Athens. The numerous and gorgeous Mediterranean islands landscape, its crystal clear waters, its fabulous beaches. The Vineyards, the hills, the majestic architecture, the local cuisine, the cultural knowledge of its ancient history, and its people are so friendly…


Very Friendly…

Superbabes's own Starfire squatted down before the bronze adonis, his hands on her redhead's hair as she bobbed rapidly up and down on his throbbing cock. Dressed in a purple bikini the super slut of Superbabes had been strolling on one of Greece's fabulous tourist spots on her European vacation. So naturally a head-turning beauty like her drew some significant attention that got her all hot and bothered so she picked the first guy to try his luck.

And what a Lucky guy…

"Ah-haah…" He didn't speak a word of English but Starfire spoke the language of love and sloppy head. Burying her face into his crotch again and again with never ceasing or hesitating movements, sliding his cock in and out of her throat as her tongue spiraled around his member, licking up his pre-cum as more and more oozed into the back of her throat with each steady stroke of her supple cock slurping lips. Burying his face into his crotch as he leaned back against the shower stall of the bathroom.

"MMMNGH!" she slurped, loudly, hoovering up his cock and banging her forehead against his stomach as she hummed delectably, her tongue sliding out beneath his shaft to lick at his hairy, sweaty balls as her hands rubbed his muscular thighs through his swim trunks hanging halfway down his legs. She kept gulping down his cum as he sprayed it unimpededly into her mouth, her green eyes twinkling prettily up at him as he gave her a throatpie... "Mmn hmmn." She slid her head halfway up his quickly softening dick before shooting back down. "Mmn…" then sliding loudly up his shaft with a loud slurp. Popping wetly off his cock.

It wobbled between his thighs as she smiled up at him, pawing up his body. "Thanks!" she said cheerfully, patting his muscular chest.

"Efcharistó." He sighed, laughing exhaustedly as she just smiled… she didn't speak a word of Greek either. She was a math savant, not a linguist Polymath like her mother.

"Okay!" she said simply, and, humming to herself she walked out of the stall, leaving him on the floor and washing her hands in the sink. Wiggling her rear as she danced to some song stuck in her head, curiously stared at by the other occupants of the bathroom… as it was a men's room. "Do-do-do-do-dee-doo." She cheerfully cooed before turning and strutting majestically out of the bathroom like Aphrodite herself, smiling at then ruffling a cute young boy's head playfully as he gaped at her in curious awe.

Giving him a sudden interest in girls at a young age. That's Starfire for you, jumpstarting puberty for young people all over the world at this point… though quite frankly she was doing that before there are a LOT of videos of her on the internet. Even amongst countless men and women in swimwear, all with varying shaped bodies from 'definitely shouldn't be wearing a speedo' to 'I wonder if she posts pictures naked pictures of herself on Imediagram'. Starfire had a charisma and confidence about her that defied logic and reason… there was just something unnatural about her in a bikini on the beach in Greece.

In other words, she was on the side of 'PLEASE POST NAKED PICTURES OF YOURSELF ON IMEDIAGRAM.' Very enthusiastic but she didn't have an imediagram account.

Starfire glided through the sands back to the beach chairs gracing the beach. Two of them close together were partially occupied, one by a set of beach bags and towels, hers to be specific. They were clearly there to reserve it for her or at the very least stop unwanted attention and pick-up lines for the occupant of the second chair lounging under a massive umbrella in a tight flattering one-piece…

Her big goth girl titties hugged tightly in the dark one-piece swimsuit, rising up and down like the rising of the waves on the shore… and drawing more than a few curious or interested gazes. Despite the hot sun gazing down upon her, her regular pale skin complexion seemed unaffected by Apollo's heated gaze. Reflective sunglasses over her eyes and a wide smile on her beautiful face she relaxed contentedly on the lounging beach chair as one of the many potential admirers approached her apparently sleeping buxom body. He was a fine example of a handsome beachgoing man… but he barely got within two feet of her before she said abruptly bluntly.

"Go away." and for good measure the Greek translation of said words that she learned specifically for this occasion. "Fýge." She spent a lot of time practicing that one. She wasn't Orders, but she knew how to say 'Go Away' in multiple languages now thanks to this European trip. She wasn't Orders or anything but the frank tone in her voice usually broke the language barrier pretty effectively. Fending off yet another pick-up line she didn't care to hear. Off-Duty Raven Superbabe, Alice took another deep relaxing breath, making her generously huge goth girl titties rise and fall… of course unintentionally 'seducing' more viewers… Just like the mythical sirens from Greek Mythology: though the jury's still out on whether or not they had fantastically big tits.

Starfire carefully took their things off her chair before setting her shapely curvaceous backside onto it. Gyrating briefly before lying down beside her best friend in the world and heaving a deep sigh. "I swear to gods, V, I can smell the cum on your breath.

"Nuh-uh!" she replied childishly, "He did it in my throat." She added with a triumphant matter-of-fact voice as if to say 'Ah-ha! Got you!'', but all that did was make Alice sigh tiredly.

"I swear to whatever Gods are listening in V if you get us kicked out of another hotel I'm going to paddle your ass with a cactus." Alice glanced at her, raising her sunglasses to look Starfire in the eyes. "We are not trolling for another hostel if you do. We got good rooms at the Athena and we are NOT wasting it."

"I don't see why we can't share a room." Noted Starfire, waving at a crowd of passing Greek teens who took time to either wave back or lecherously ogle her, she was happy with both.

"You know damn well why; you've proven it often enough." Alice replied firmly, putting her glasses back down and relaxing. "I actually want sleep and between your nightly escapades and your 'fondness' for sleepovers. I want a secure wooden door between us. Starfire pouted at Alice but relaxed on the chair. "Are we still going to the theatre tonight?"

"That's the idea." Alice replied, "…What time is it anyway?"

"Um… I don't remember." She noted with a slight pout, now thinking about it. "I have it written down back in my room. It's definitely sometime after lunch."

"Yes because that narrows it down." Alice replied sarcastically before glancing up at the sun, it was almost directly above them. "…It's almost lunch." She said accurately. "Should we head back and have a bite?"

"Sure." Starfire replied cheerfully, sitting up. Together they grabbed their things much to the disappointment of many viewers, some subtly taking pictures, and heading off the beach back to the Athena. A modestly successful Hotel with a marble statue of the goddess herself standing in a fountain at the front of the entrance…

No comment on whether or not it actually looks like her. Wonder Woman hasn't visited to comment. But the girls casually walked in their swimsuits through the hotel and passed SEVERAL hotel staff who waved excitedly and happily to Starfire, greeting her like she was, once again, like the goddess Aphrodite herself…

And considering she's probably fucked half the staff by now they might not be too far from the truth. They reached the elevator, held open by a handsome bellboy who had the pleasure of Starfire's company between 4 and 5 am yesterday, letting them in, and the door shut. Alice glared at her, but Starfire chose not to comment, getting out of the elevator and passing a pretty maid who giggled at Starfire's passing, Alice took a deep breath and scowled at Starfire as she fiddled with her hotel suite.

"This. This right here? It's why we got kicked out of Pamplona." Alice scowled at her irately as Starfire corrected her.

"NO. We got kicked out because I wanted to play with the matadors… and the cows. And-"

"STOP…" Alice sighed, yanking the keycard from Starfire's hand to do it herself. "Honestly."

"And we weren't kicked out we were temporarily banned." Starfire noted as if that made it better. "There's a difference. I had a talk with that nice police chief… and the mayor, and-"

"Okay just stop…" Alice scowled and then opened Starfire's door, their single rooms were connected so she could just go through the door into hers. Both of them entered and shut the door. Starfire tossed her stuff onto the floor by the bed before going to her suitcase for a change of clothes. "Seriously you can't just 'play' with animals like they're fucking dogs! Bulls are dangerous if they're too riled up!"


They paused and looked at the door in surprise, Alice however just sighed exasperatedly, "Oh for fuck's sake, who the hell is here to fuck you now?" she noted heading to the door as Starfire giggled.

"Well I didn't make any plans… maybe it's Orders leaving us a message?"

"Why would Orders call the front desk? We have phones." Alice grumbled, "Besides-" she grabbed the handle, "Most likely they're here for you." And turned the knob just as another knock echoed through the room.

Time: 12:07 PM. Place: Greece (The Athena Hotel)

"What?" Alice asked as a pretty manicured finger, painted with a beautifully neon pink polish tapped the center of her forehead… Alice immediately trembled, gasped… and clutched at her big breasts, squeezing them and moaning whorishly as the finger pushed Alice aside against the wall. She hummed melodiously, but somewhat out of tone, shutting the hotel door and letting Alice continue to tremble, shudder, and slide down the wall as her pussy stained her swimsuit, soaking it thoroughly as she silently orgasmed again… her eyes rolling up into her head as her lips twitched slowly into a pleasured smile…

…Now to anyone else, this might be fucking weird, or even dangerous. Starfire however looked at the beautifully smiling woman and said with a friendly smile of her own. "Hi! Do we know you?"

The woman had the face of a model, the figure of a pornstar, and the charisma of a celebrity. She looked to be wearing one long silky satin sash strategically placed around her body like an elegant red carpet dress, only bright pink, floating, and shimmering with gloss and glitter. Her eyes shimmered with an unearthly pink hue, and her hair seemed to be every natural color known to man and a few unknown, consistently but subtly changing with each blink or every time you looked away from her beautiful goddess-like features…

Then she spoke with the voice of a valley girl. "HELLO oh my gosh it is so NICE to finally meet you!" she cooed and immediately approached Starfire, wrapping her soft supple arms around her, giggling delightedly as Starfire just grinned and hugged her back. "It's so great you're here! It's perfect!"

"…Okay?" Starfire replied as the woman pulled away, grinning lovingly at Starfire.

"Oh, my gosh." The woman pulled away and seemed to collect herself, subduing her excitement. "Hi. Hello. I'm Aphrodite." She said sweetly as Starfire tilted her head at her like a curious puppy. "I. LOVE your work." She said affectionately as Starfire cooed shyly.

"Oh thank you!" she said, "…Which of my math dissertations have you read?"

"Oh! Ha-ha-ha!" she giggled silkily, enjoying a joke that only she seemed to get. "Oh. NO Sweetie I mean your WORK work, your passion! Being a Superbabe! It is like, so cute." She said casually.

"Oh. Well thank you-"

"Haah-aah!" Alice moaned from the hallway, lying on her side and waving her ass in the air like a horny bitch.

"…What did you do to my Alice?" Starfire asked concernedly as 'Aphrodite' casually glanced at Alice.

"Oh, I've just given her a few orgasms she'll be fine in an hour or so… COINCIDENTALLY," She said silkily, "…Can I hire you as a Superbabe?"

"…Right now?" Starfire asked curiously.

"It'll take like an HOUR. Please? It's important." Starfire rubbed her chin thoughtfully. On the one hand, this is HIGHLY unorthodox, on the other hand, she WOULD be getting the word out for Superbabes on this little European trip, and judging by the look on Alice she was going to be out of it for a little while. "Okay!"

"That a GIRL! You are. A DOLL…" she said sounding highly relieved. "I am just, NOT in the mood right now for beef you get me?"

"No." Starfire replied as Aphrodite winked at her and then snapped her fingers.

Starfire blinked, and not only was 'Aphrodite' a completely different but incredibly gorgeous Nubian woman but they were clearly in some sort of ritual chamber… with a bed of straw and linen. Numerous ancient Grecian carvings decorated the walls of the stone room, which had one towering entrance to it, lit by bull-headed torches.

"So here's the thing… ever hear the Story of the minotaur?" asked 'Aphrodite' as Starfire nodded, going with the floor.

"Uh-huh. Killed by Theseus?" Aphrodite hesitated for a second before waving a well-manicured, now highly bronzed-skinned hand in a 'kind-of' gesture.

"Well the first Minotaur, Asterion, he's… how should I put it? Semi-Immortal? He's off on good behavior from The underworld because of a 'sins of the father clause'. But, well… he's kinda… horny." She said patiently, "And normally I'd handle it MYSELF but I have a date with Hephaestus, and the LAST time I banged somebody before our date he trapped me in a golden net and I'm also not in the mood for BDSM." She said with a wink, "So. All I need you to do is tucker the big boy out. You can handle it, you're YOU!" she said proudly, holding her hands out to her as if to hug her.

"Well, that's easy enough." Starfire replied cheerily, blinking and finding a redhead before her applying makeup with a golden compact she wasn't holding before.

"Easy Peezy." She replied happily, "Buuuut Fair warning right now if you don't ease his balls?…" she said as the slow, ominous thump of hoof-steps echoed up the tunnel. "He may end up going on a rampage and eat you. For the record, not in a good way and not necessarily in that order-Have fun! I'll be back in an hour!" she quickly cheered with the air of a parent leaving the sitter in charge for a much-needed break and poofed away in a puff of glittery smoke.

"Hmmn." Replied Starfire, impressed at the Zatanna-level disappearing act turned around just in time to see a towering eight-foot white-furred monster appear in the torchlight, his hooves stomping on the stone tiles

He wore only a loincloth, that did nothing to hide his engorged and erect 12-inch bull cock, throbbing and 'fuming' a sour stench of his oozing arousal… his muscular body had large furry patches on his thighs, chest, arms, and shoulder attached to an obvious bullhead. His horns pointed forward at her like a compass, but the left had been snapped off at some other time, it was shorter than the right. A golden septum ring hung from his nose as he frothed at the mouth, drooling foam from his jowls… His red eyes glowed ominously at her as he raised his head and roared.

Starfire stood stock still, seemingly frozen in fear as the beast before he stomped his bronze-horsed hooves towards her. Breathing heavily, his hands stretching slowly towards her and-

"Oh, my Gods. YOU ARE SO CUTE!!" And in the right light he kinda was in a 'Cows are cute' sort of way.

"Ruugh?" he replied immediately to that, looking more confused than horny… but still VERY horny. His leathery bull dick twitched in confusion as Starfire's hands suddenly lashed out and gripped his throbbing and already began writhing her hands up and down on it. "Rrraaargh…" he sighed like someone was scratching an itch for him he just couldn't reach.

Starfire stared at that foot-long girthy beast with stars in her eyes. "Alice would LOVE you!" she giggled happily before opening her mouth and, miraculously, wrapping it around his tip.

"Rooogh!" he howled happily as her tongue immediately started to work on it, drooling liberally onto it before pulling away, spitting then doing it again. Ramming her tongue into his urethra and slurping out his oozing pre-cum…

It tasted just like steak tartar!... good thing she's a carnivore.

"Mmn!" she moaned loudly, "Mmn! Mmnggh!" now… as good as he was, trying to deepthroat Asterion's cock would be like trying to swallow a bat… and she swore she'd never try that again. So she liberally stroked his massive slippery member, his hands twitching around her body before grabbing her head and bucking his hips like a rodeo bull.

Starfire quickly pulled her lips from him, it wouldn't do for him to ram down her throat, pressing her face to the shaft and wrapping her arms around it, and giving it a loose hug as he rubbed his cock on her body. "Oh. Oh. Oooh…" she moaned softly, pre-cum oozing from his tip and down her body as she licked his grinding shaft. Feeling his girthy shaft bulging with each thrust. His heavy rocky mountain oysters swung out of his loincloth as her hands darted forward and quickly removed it. "Oh!" she squeaked as it flopped to the floor and he pushed her abruptly toward the bed with his cock.


"Oh! Easy…" she cooed. Holding onto his cock like a safety bar she lay back against the edge of the bed as his hands slammed onto the straw linen mattress, her tongue sliding gently against him. "I'm not going anywhere…" she replied only for his sack to tighten and send a veritable BLAST of bull semen across the bed just by her face. "Huh…" she mumbled, almost disappointed at his release, but she slurped up his leftover cum as he panted heavily, his frothing mouth hanging open as he roared again. Standing up and grabbing her. Hauling her upright. "WHOOO!" she cheered playfully to his confusion.

"ROOR?!" he grunted as she hung from his hand by one arm, she then reached behind her back tugging the tie to her bikini top, and the side ties of her bottoms, both easily falling away as she then reached out to his unbroken horn.

"Whoop!" surprised he released her arm but then she quickly grabbed the broken one. "Hee-hee-hee!" she giggled as he stumbled about, her legs tight around his muscled torso as his bull dick throbbed upward, already erect again as she lowered herself onto it. "Ooh-OOOH there it is!! Oh! YES!!" she slid slowly up and down as Asterion got his footing… hoofing?... Asterion steadied himself as he jerked his head forward pulling up and down on his body, using her legs around his waist to climb up and down on his furry upper body. "Haah! Aah! Aah! AAH!!" she howled, sliding further and further down onto his massive cock. 'One! TWO! ONE! TWO!!" she giggled gliding up and down his shaft as the monstrous bull roared his enjoyment, getting over his animalistic confusion and responding to his instincts. Grabbing onto her waist, and using his new cock-sleeve to its maximum enjoyment.

And Starfire approved.

"HAAAHH!! AAH! AAAAH! AAHH! AAAAH!!" Squealing and howling excitedly as Asterion bucked his hips hard into her body, "Haah! Aaaah!!" Starfire gripped tightly onto his horns, holding on for dear sexy life, squeezing around his phallus, stretched to utter capacity, riding up and down faster and faster as the bull rammed his girth into her body again and again… before dramatically roaring his release.


"EEEAAAYAAAAAH!!!" she cheered, twitching, shuddering, and shaking on him. Her hands clenched tightly around his horns as he panted and drooled onto her body, huge chest heaving as he stared blankly ahead. Starfire's entire body, except for her tightly gripped hands around his horns, shuddered and trembled in orgasmic bliss as Asterion snorted, then pulled her off his cock with a large, squelching pop. Starfire however hung from his horns, rubbing against his body as he tried to briefly shake her off… but she held tightly on, grinding against his body before letting her feet wrap around his slightly throbbing length and sliding up and down slowly. "Mmn-hmmn…" she purred, her eyes refocusing on him lecherously.

"Rooorgh…" he growled, his cock rising as her feet continued to stroke him, her body rocking and worming against him. His hooves clopped back toward the bed as Starfire continued to writhe and gyrate like a snake, rubbing her breasts and hardening her nipples against the surprisingly silky albino fur of his chest. "Roo. ROOOOGH!" Asterion grabbed her slender curvy body, and suddenly hurled him from his body.

"Wooo!" she bounced onto the straw mattress, but her feet remained around his cock as he leaned his head back and roared an echoing battlecry that echoed across the chamber, and up the hallway then he put one hand on her chest. "Ugh!" she shuddered as he then spread her legs with a powerful hand, crawling over her and pushing his cock against her slippery pussy. "Oh-OOOH…" he pushed his tip back in after a few misses, sliding up and down against her clit and sliding up into her body.

His jowls frothed again, planting his arms on the mattress as her legs hooked over his thighs, "ROOORGH!"

"OOOH YEAH! THAT'S A GOOD BOY! YES! YOU! AAARE…" she howled through tightly clenched cheeks, shaking and shuddering as his cock rammed hard into her like a rodeo bull he was. Her hands clawed at his furry shoulders, gripping tightly to them as he continued to mindlessly and arousingly continue his matting press… he wasn't the first minotaur for nothing, he had to sire them somehow.

"Ooooro!" he howled wildly, his hips gliding easily into her now, either loosening her up or thoroughly lubricated by his previous load, clawing at the linen of his mattress, thrusting her across the sheets until they threatened to catch fire with their friction. Starfire thrust her hips up into his thrusts, her organs rearranging inside her on his shaft as he roared and buried it inside her. "ROOOOAR!!"

"HAAA-AAH! Aaaaahhh…aah…" she shuddered and sighed, shaking in orgasm as she twitched ominously on the mattress gazing up at his hanging nose ring, but staring right past it into the ceiling as Asterion panted and drooled onto her face. "Haah…" she gasped, shaking as the hulking Albino minotaur pulled from her body…

A torrent of thick mythological cream oozed out of her gaping pussy, twitching around his flaccid cock as it slipped free of her tightened grip with a wet pop. The linen soaked the gooey fluid as Starfire twitched and jerked about, moaning incoherently as Asterion leaned his head back and roared his victory again. "ROARARRGH!!"

"Eeeyah!" Starfire suddenly shot upright, startling the monster as she 'headbutted' his cock, resting her face against the flaccid shaft and grinning almost insanely up at him. "Oooh did this good boy have fun?!" she cooed lovingly, stroking his sticky shaft slowly with one hand and rubbing herself with the other, sliding her face and tongue against his meat like an affectionate puppy. "Who's a good boy?" she purred, "Who's a cute feisty boy!?" she giggled as his cock rose faster, and faster with her stroking hand as she crawled up and against him again… Grabbing his horns.


"Yes you are…" she giggled, wiggling her pussy lips back around his tip, "YES YOU ARE! You're such a cutie boy! mMNGH!" slamming back down onto his erection, "Ha! AH AH HAH YEAH YOU LIKE THAT?" she purred as Asterion groaned agreeably as she shimmied up and down on him, sliding his cock against her surprisingly still tightening insides. Asterion leaned backward the more she bounced up and down on him until he flopped back onto the mattress with a crash.


"Yes, you do! Yes, you do you're a good boy!" she giggled lovingly, rocking her hips wildly up and down. Smacking loudly against his waist as he began thrusting up into her. "Good boy! Give it to me! MMn! MMn!" throwing herself upright, gripping his horns like motorcycle handlebars. Pulling him out of her and sitting on his cock, sliding her pussy lips up and down his shaft with her twisting waist. Dancing on his lap as his cock twitched against her body to get back in. "MMn-hmn!" she popped up, freeing his cock like a mousetrap bar, slapping against her raised body before she slid back down onto him. "MMN! MMn!"

"ROOOR!" ASterion howled pleasurably, his mouth hung open, his tongue lolling from his mouth as she continued slamming her hips down onto his cock. Grunting more like an animal than Asterion ever did, clenching her teeth, her body tightening.

"Haah! Aaah... Gonna. Cum! All! Over! This! Big dick!!" she threw her head back and slammed her waist down hard onto his lap. "Haah-ah… aaaah…" she sighed, oozing her arousal onto him as she felt his cock throbbing deep inside her body, twitching… groaning tiredly before falling forward, nuzzling against Asterion's albino chest. "MMn!" she grabbed his shoulders, then slowly… tentatively, pulled herself forward on her body and off his cock. Her ass cheeks wobbled and rippled once the audible slurp of his escaping cock echoed around the room. She crawled off his body, before lying across his waist.

"Ooh… that was FUUuuun wasn't it?" she purred.

"Roooo." Roared Asterion tiredly, breathing slowly as he sleepily lay on the mattress but Starfire's hands wrapped around his cock. "Roor?"

"You just relax you adorable boy!" she purred, flicking his golden nose ring before wildly stroking his limp, flaccid bull dick. "Hmm hmmn. Da-da…" she hummed, gazing at his cock as it slowly rose in her hand, "Haah…" opening her mouth and lightly gumming the tip, before sliding her lips up and down his length like a harmonica. "Mmng-mhmnSLURP!" she continued slurping and suckling on Asterion's cock as he grabbed her head, holding her firmly to his slippery sticky cock, smearing her face with his scent and fluids as her other hand grabbed at his Rocky Mountain Oysters. "Mmn.. hmnmmn… SLURP."

Stroking, slurping, kissing, sucking. Starfire worshiped that monster minotaur cock like she was Alice, fondling his sack with her soft silky, (and admittedly sticky) fingers, feeling it pulsate, throb, and quiver warningly as she glided her face to the tip, suckling and prodding his urethra with her lips and tongue, gazing up at the inattentive albino bull. Drooling adorably with his tongue from his mouth as she continued sucking, slurping…

"I'm BACK!!" poofed 'Aphrodite' now a beautiful Asian woman. "How are-oh…" she smiled as Starfire blinked at her, but continued suckling and nursing on Asterion's cock. "…Huh. Am I early?"

"MMng…" Starfire shook her head with a smile around his cock.

"Should I come baaack, or like-" but at that exact second…


"BLURP!" Starfire took a direct burst of cum directly into her mouth like a cannon shot, she then flopped onto the mattress covered in thick stick bull yogurt. Flopping onto her back she blinked up at the ceiling before sitting up and smiling at the beautiful Asian woman. It dribbled down her body as she kissed Asterion's flaccid cock then crawled off him and the bed. She then cheerfully saluted at Aphrodite, smiling playfully. "Nope! All done. Who's a good boy!" cooed Starfire, stroking a clearly snoring Asterion's muzzle. "You are…" she purred as Aphrodite clapped her hands.

"Fantastic work my beautiful babe!" she giggled, "Oh I KNEW you could do it!"

"I had fun! Your pet is amazing!"

"Oh he's not my pet, he's more like my mess…" Aphrodite then stopped herself but shrugged, "Never mind. It's not important." She then gently petted Asterion's dozing head. "Well done." She said again, then snapped her fingers with a flash of light.

Starfire blinked around, finding herself back in her hotel room… Aphrodite was rummaging around in a purse she wasn't holding before. "So do you have anyone else I need to have sex with? I'm good for more!"

"No no just Asterion!" she smiled, shoving the entirety of her arm into the tiny purse. "Now I need to 'pay' you right? That's how that works? It's… somewhere in… here we go!" she yanked a small pink cloth bag that tinkled and jingled in her hand like a bell. "This should cover it." she said, handing the bag to Starfire who opened the bag.

But Starfire suddenly frowned, shaking the bag again then shaking her head. "Um… I had fun? But this isn't enough."

"It isn't?!" replied Aphrodite surprised.

Starfire nodded, looking apologetic, "Uh huh. If we're going by ounces and we melt down the silver to sell it, there are only about 300 dollars in here." She said, shrugging again. "Sorry. But it doesn't cover the usual expenses." And she would know, she's a math polymath.

"Hmmn." Frowned Aphrodite hesitantly eyed the bag of silver drachma, "I really need to learn mortal money. How about something gold?"

"Oh! That would work!" replied Starfire happily, gold was much easier for Orders to deal with, and so Aphrodite reached back into her purse.

"Now where did I-AH!" there was an echoing HOWL as she yanked out a familiar golden nose ring. "Here you go. I have plenty." She said as Starfire took it, hefted it slightly in her hands, and smiled happily.

"Yep, that'll work! Order again!" she waved as Aphrodite grabbed her face, and abruptly shoved her tongue into her mouth. "MMn!" moaned Starfire as Aphrodite pulled away, winked, and vanished in a flash and a cluster of sparkling stars. "…Phew!" Starfire sighed, checking the clock. "Oh, I wasn't gone that long…" She then walked into the bathroom to clean up and- "OH! Alice, there you are…"

…Alice had crawled from the door, and into the bathroom, lying in the tub and panting, rubbing herself as she gazed blankly at the ceiling tiles, clenching her teeth and shaking in orgasm again, before taking a big breath and sighing, "Who the FUUUCK was that, Veronica!?"

"Some magic lady." Veronica replied casually, "Listen to this! There was the guy, he has a HUGE cock-and…"

"Shut the FUCK up and get me a dick!" hissed Alice with a snarl, "Fucking! Shit!" she orgasmed again, "Make it stop!"

"I GOT THIS." Veronica replied seriously, "I know just who to get! I'll call room service!" but turned on the shower, letting it hose over Alice before getting into a shower. "After I clean up."

"Gods… DAMN IT Veronica!" sneered Alice with a soft his, though the cold water helped… but NOT the smell of bull semen.


My first ever 'Never has she ever chapter' with Starfire. Fun fact, Asterion is the actual name of the minotaur, since he wasn't just called the minotaur.

Next chapter