
Delivery Girl: Supergirl Order #5

I don't own DC

Supergirl arrived at Superbabes with very little fanfare. Switching shifts with Volcana who was now returning to their shared apartment to spend time with her daughter Sarah. Supergirl yawned broadly, walking into the locker rooms to find Raven in there, also changing and putting her things in her looker. "Hey." Supergirl greeted her politely as Raven grunted a returning.

"Hey." The big titty Goth girl shut her locker and was just about to walk out of the locker room when she hesitated, Supergirl had just snapped on the blue suit and was working on the red skirt as Raven sighed. "Hey… so… do you think you can talk to V?" she asked as Supergirl's ass slipped into the skirt, the 'teen' blonde glancing at Raven curiously over her shoulder.

"Talk to her… how? About what?"

"Some psychobabble,." Raven mumbled, trying not to make eye contact as Supergirl, good-naturedly… laughed in her face.

"Ha-ha! No!" she declared immediately. "…Alice I'm studying it, I'm not officially licensed. And… well." She paused, "…Asking me to do anything with Veronica is like asking me to try to practice at Arkham in this suit, it's asking for trouble."

Raven seemed to accept this reasoning. But she clarified her concern. "Yeah, I get it, but look. I think V's parents separating is actually hitting her harder than she lets on… it's worse than that time her favorite pornstar retired."

"…They're separating amicably, aren't they?" asked Supergirl, not entirely up to date on Starfire's family drama… but if there was something wrong the notoriously slutty Starfire wasn't acting any different… Same smile, same stories, same libido, same lust for anything that moves.

"Yeah. Super amicably." Replied Raven conversationally, "…It's unnerving how nice they are about it really. Not to mention they're still planning on living together, the only thing that's really changed is that they're not legally married anymore." Raven paused for a second, thinking on it, "…They probably could've just not said anything and nobody would've noticed."

Supergirl stared at Raven for a minute before asking, "How long have they been married?" she asked curiously as Raven shrugged.

"No idea, as long as V's been alive at least, 20-something years."

"I'd love to ask them questions-"

"Seriously? V. I want you to talk to V."

"You'll need a licensed professional to talk to Veronica." Supergirl replied with a nervous smile, "In fact, you'll probably need a lot of them. I am NOT ready for that."

"Yet you wanted to talk to her parents?" Raven replied sarcastically as they walked out of the locker room together to the sound of Orders tapping absently at her sudoku puzzle for today. Big Barda rollerbladed into the lounge and skated into the locker room deftly avoiding the girls. "Hey Becca." before turning back to Supergirl. "Seriously, Her parents?"

"Look. I know some professors who still practice, I can ask one of them to recommend someone for her-"

"Okay. You want me to take her to meet somebody we don't know, alone, in a room?" Raven said straight-faced as Supergirl licked her teeth, thinking about this statement. "…VER-ON-I-CA?" she said clearly and slowly as if Supergirl forgot who they were talking about.

"…Fair." Replied Supergirl. "…Group therapy?"

"Group Orgy." Raven and Orders declared together at the obvious result of THAT suggestion. Though Orders seemed mostly uninterested. The purple-eyed boss then tapped her desk, though it had the effect of her pounding a gavel, and looked up at them both.

"…I might know a doctor." Orders noted conversationally, "Leslie Thompkins." She added, "…I'll speak to her about it and see if she has any suggestions."

"Thanks, Orders?" Raven replied surprised at the result, but now Supergirl was even more interested.

"Wait. Leslie Thompkins? I heard of her, she's that famous Philanthropic doctor." She blinked, "…Do you think she wouldn't mind mentoring me?"

"Doctor Thompkins tolerates quite a lot so I imagine she wouldn't." Orders replied lazily, "She sees me all the time after all." She added as Supergirl and Raven both opened their mouths to ask questions, but Orders held up a hand as Big Barda walked out in uniform. "No questions. Work. NOW." She pointed to the floor as the girls turned and marched as if mind controlled.

"Yes Orders."

Big Barda leaned on her spot and eyed, "I didn't catch all of that. You're seeing a shrink?"

"She treats me medically, but she is also a therapist." Orders noted, "We also have tea together occasionally." Big Barda stared at her surprised, but Orders scowled up at her indignantly. "I keep telling you girls, I DO socialize!"

"Yeah, but when do you find the time?" replied Big Barda thoughtfully, as Orders rolled her eyes and adjusted the deliveries on the computer, shook her head, and reached for the phone.

Time: 8:21 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."


"Superbabes, we deliver."


"Talk or I'm hanging up in three. Two-"

"Suuuupergirl club sandwich. Delivered by Supergirl. Please."

"...Very well we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


Orders hung up the phone and rolled her eyes. "What a dick." she grumbled as Big Barda chuckled.

"That big huh?"

"No." Orders replied bluntly. "Luckily I'm not responsible for other's life choices. Supergirl. You got one."

"Hold on, you're sending her even though he's a dick?" Big Barda asked.

"He's a 'dick' in a sense that he doesn't require a visit from you." Noted Orders only confused Big Barda further as Supergirl returned.

"I just got here." She mumbled exasperatedly as Orders shrugged.

"And there are plenty of perverts out there." The food slid across the counter and she then handed Supergirl the receipt. Supergirl checked the address.

"Oh. Hey it's Al…" Supergirl sighed, rolling her eyes. "Alright, I'll go feed his addiction." The food slid across the counter, "…Though as someone with a future in mental health-"

"You can't bang your patients." Orders jerked her head, "Out you go." Supergirl rolled her eyes but Big Barda flicked her finger between her and Orders. "…She'll figure it out." She replied lazily.

"The banging your patients thing or the dick thing?" Big Barda asked but Supergirl didn't hear the answer. She got to the company car, slipped right in and out into traffic heading off towards the home of one of her regulars who she used to babysit. Which is not weird at all… for a Superbabe.

She drove out into the suburbs and parked on the curb of Al's house. Stepping out of the car and walking up the path towards the front door that she had gotten so used to re-walking. She walked right up to the front door, raised her fist, and loudly knocked on the hardwood. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:44 PM. Place: Gotham Suburbs (Al's house.)

"Special Delivery Service." She paused, frowned, and glanced around the quiet street. Usually when she shows up the door swings open like a pop-gun and she tends to find herself on her back in under a few seconds… however those seconds were collecting up to a minute. "Al?" she knocked again, "Superbabes!?" she repeated, and the door soon opened. Supergirl stared at the man on the other side.

"Orders you bitch." She sighed, "Hello Mr. Tucker."

Mr. Tucker was Al's father, and the man who first had sex with her for money back when she was babysitting 'professionally'. He also appeared to be very, VERY drunk. The stink of alcohol wafted towards her as he opened his mouth, and belched loudly. "Supergirl." He mumbled grabbing her hand and dragging her into the house. She sighed.

"Alright Mr. Tucker." She yanked her hand easily from his grasp and taking him by the shoulders she pushed him toward the couch. "SIT." She pushed him onto it. The man had aged well, all things considered, still had his hair, and wasn't overweight or sporting a gut, he did manage to remarry a good-looking woman after all. "Where's your wife." She said, sitting down on the nearby armchair and crossing her legs.

"We had a fight." He mumbled blearily, fiddling with his pants but she ignored it.

"So, the first thing you do is order a delivery girl? Where's your son?"

"California. Visiting my sister…" he mumbled sadly as Supergirl frowned.

"Uh-huh. And what did you have a fight about?" she asked patiently in her best 'I'm here to help' voice.

"I fuck her too hard." He grumbled sadly, before taking a swig from the bottle in his hand as Supergirl blinked, then sighed. "So she ran off to stay with friends."

Supergirl sighed, "Okay. Mr. Tucker. Do you really think that this is the best course of action?" she replied patiently as Mr. Tucker sighed sadly, resting his head on the back of the couch and gazing up at the ceiling.

"No… but it's been so long since we had alone time… I just… REALLY wanted to fuck her… hard."

"Now, Mr. Tucker…" she scolded, "You shouldn't order someone to have sex with after fighting with your wife. I want you to apologize to her, and talk it out."

Mr. Tucker was quiet for a long time, then he sniffed and finished his bottle, letting it clatter loudly to the floor as he replied mournfully. "…Okay…" he complied apologetically as she nodded her head.

"Very good-"

"Will you suck my dick now?" he said pitifully as Supergirl, hoping this was finished, stood up. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"…Alright you know what Mr. Tucker? Cash up front…" he then produced a wad of cash from his pocket as Supergirl sighed, rubbing her eyes as he removed his pants. "I really thought that would work." She snatched the wad from his hand as he extracted his cock from his underwear. She knelt down and stuffed the money into her red boots as she gripped his limp erection…

Mr. Tucker wasn't a small man, nor was he a huge one which supposedly was a point in his favor. Supergirl's hand slowly stroked his drunken member until it rose up between her fingers, Mr. Tucker dazedly stared at her, staying perfectly still as she gave him a handjob. She spat onto his shaft, smearing her saliva against him as it throbbed harder and harder into the ldick she recognized.

Mr. Tucker however now decided to move, reaching around the back of her blonde head and pulling her forward against his dick. She pressed her lips to his shaft, breathing heavily against it as she ran her tongue against it. He rolled his hips up against her face as she slid her tongue up to his tip…

When she had sex with him all those years ago there wasn't exactly any foreplay. He stuck it in, satisfied himself and to a lesser extent her, then it was over… now, however, he crammed his cock between her lips and pulled her down to his base. "Uugh…"

"MMnh-mmn!" she moaned, slithering her tongue against his shaft as his length twitched in her mouth. He guided her head slowly up and down his cock as she gently blew him. The scent of beer wafting into her nose as she buried it back into his crotch with her head bobbing up and down. He wasn't getting head from a virgin babysitter she's gained a lot more experience.

"Suck it…" he sighed sleepily, guiding her head up and down his cock as she moaned. "Faster… oh yeah." Sheathing his length into her mouth easily, up and down, up and down. Her hands rested on his thighs as she began to twist her head and lips on it with each stroke, feeling him throb on her tongue and his pre-cum ooze into her mouth. "Oh yeah." Pushing his hips forward against her lips as she pressed them to the base. "YESSS." He hissed, gripping her long silky blonde hair in his fist and practically slamming her to the base of his cock as his cum splattered against the back of her throat.

"Mmgnh!?" she squirmed and reflexively pulled her head back only for it to slam back into his crotch as she shuddered. "MMgn!" she slapped his thigh lightly as his cock throbbed, pumping a hot sticky load into her throat as he roared like an animal.

"Uuuurgh!!" his balls pulsating against her chin as she shuddered, holding her head firmly as he drained his balls into her mouth. "Haah…" he sighed heavily and untensed, letting her slip up his shaft and off his cock.

"Mmngh!" she didn't swallow his cum, covering her mouth daintily as she grabbed the fallen beer bottle and spat the load into it. "Bluugh." She put the bottle on the coffee table behind her as he absently stroked his flaccid dick, gazing at her body dazedly.

He breathed heavily through his mouth, groaning as he stood up from the couch, thrusting his crotch against her face but that wasn't anything new for her. She gazed up at him as he rubbed her face against his crotch. "I want to fuck you so hard." He gasped softly, his cock rising against her face, flicking erectly up her nose and resting against her skin.

"Come now Mr. Tucker this isn't healthy." She noted patiently… with a dick on her face. "For anyone! How about I just keep sucking you until you drunkenly pass out?" he pulled his length from her face and rested his hand on the back of her head and threw her onto the floor. She pushed her hands up landing on her hands and knees. "Hah." She sighed, "Alright… we'll do it the unhealthy way then." Wiggling her hips almost subconsciously as he shoved the coffee table aside, kneeling behind her and lifting her skirt. "Marriage counseling here you cum." She sighed reluctantly as he yanked the leotard aside, gaining access to her 'teen' pussy, pushing his tip against her as she gasped. "Haah! AH! UGH!" he grabbed her blonde hair, yanking it back as she clenched her teeth, groaning through them as he sped up his thrust.

"Ah! AH-Ugh! Just like… old! TIMES!" she gasped softly as he pounded away at her from behind, thrusting deep into her tight hole as his other hand rested on her right hip. "Ah… AGH! AH SHIT… AH shit! Oh! Oh!"

Mr. Tucker fucked her hard… which shouldn't be a surprise as that's what he said he wanted to do. But as a Superbabe at least she was used to it… and kinda enjoyed it. A look of dominance crossed Mr. Tucker's face, and one of disdain as he pounded Supergirl's tight little pussy. Feeling her inner walls clench around his cock as she released whorish moans of pleasure despite him yanking her blonde hair back. Her fingers clenched tightly in the carpet as she pushed herself back against him, feeling the sting of his hand on her rear as he raised it and spanked it.

"AH! AH-AH-AH!" her eyes rolled up into her head, a tiny orgasm shuddering through her as he pounded his hips against her ass, steadily fucking her from behind. Deep and Hard. "Aargh!" she gasped as he tugged her hair hard, yanking her head back painfully as he buried his cock to the root. "Argh-Ooooh!" she orgasmed, shuddering erotically as he threw his weight onto her, and in her weakened state she collapsed under him, her ass in the air as he kept thrusting, her cheek on the carpet as he adjusted himself and kept pounding her hard.

"I'm! gonna… Fucking-CUM…" he rammed at her hard, then went still, burying his cock inside her and unleashing another hot load. It rushed into her body as she squirmed beneath him, shaking in pleasure as she bit her bottom lip to stifle her orgasmic screams. "Agh… ah…" he panted, bucking his hips against her but not pulling out as his cock wobbled inside her trying to spray all over her insides. "Haah…" he wasn't even thrusting anymore just pushing against her.

Supergirl gasped softly, catching her breath as she felt Mr. Tucker slowly pulling his girth from her. A soft, wet squelch reached her ears as he slipped free. "Hah… ahah…" she panted, "Now then feel better?" Mr. Tucker stood over her, apparently coming to post-nut clarity… only to reach down and grab her hair and left arm yanking both as he manhandled her up onto her knees. "Nngh!" she groaned, grinding her teeth together in pain as he stood beside her, clutching his testicles in one hand and shoving them toward her mouth.

"Suck on my balls." He said dazedly, Supergirl gasped as she opened her mouth and he crammed his entire sack between her lips. "Mmgh! Mnn-aah… yes…"

"Mmngh-mmngh…" she moaned around his hairy balls, her tongue writhing around them as he rested his dick on her face.

"You're so sexy Supergirl." He groaned drunkenly. "Keep sucking on my balls… ah-yes…" his mouth hung open as his head rolled back, thrusting against her face. Rubbing his growing erection over her eye as she continued to drool on his sack. "Oh god." He groaned, pre-cum oozing from the tip of his length as she slurped loudly on his testicles. His hands reached down to squeeze her breasts through the stretchy suit.

"Mmngh-mmn..aah!" Mr. Tucker savored the feeling of her warm mouth around his balls, but suddenly yanked them from her mouth with a wet pop. "Hah…" he grabbed her and hauled her to her booted feet. "Ha? Shit…" she gasped as he raised her right leg, hooking it over his arm as he shoved his erection back inside her. "Ah-AH! AHhgh!" she jerked like a rag doll, his other hand around her waist pulling her forward onto his thrusts. "Hard. Fucking! Bastard…" she hissed through her teeth as his hips slammed against her.

His grip around her waist slid to her ass, squeezing it as he lifted her up, and rushed her toward the wall behind her. "Argh-Ahrgh SHIit." She crooned as he pinned her to it, banging her body hard against the wall as the pictures of him and his attractive wife wobbled with his pounding. "Argh. Aah!" Her body writhed beneath him, gyrating with spasmodic shivering as he continued to roughly pound her.

It was mindless fucking. An animal satisfying an urge to copulate as hard as possible. "You can take a hard fucking dick can't you Supergirl! You won't whine when I fuck you all weekend!"

…Okay maybe he was just drunk, angry, and fantasizing about Supergirl.

"Ahh-aah! Aaarh—oooh!!" she howled erotically as Mr. Tucker sped up his thrusts, they were becoming sloppy and awkward… like someone pretending to have sex in a softcore porn film only he was actually inside her, his cock slamming in at seemingly different angles as she stood on her tip-toes, shaking as her orgasm rose from her stomach and erupted from her mouth with a scream. "Aaahhhh!"

"Ughh-! Aha?!" he buried himself inside her, pumping a rope inside her body before pulling back and accidentally slipping free, spraying the rest on her inner thigh as she gasped, feeling his load ooze out of her and down her leg. "Haaah…" he breathed heavily with her, letting her raise leg drop to the floor as she leaned against the wall.

Mr. Tucker's mouth hung open as he panted heavily, wobbling backward to lean against the couch as she raised her red skirt to check on her quivering pussy, kinda sore and tingling, also oozing his cum as he stared at her, stroking himself hard again as she let her skirt drop… he grabbed her wrists, pulling her from the wall and returning her to where it all began. The couch.

…I mean that literally. She is where she is today because he fucked her on this couch… not this couch SPECIFICALLY but the couch in his house. You get the idea.

Just like she got thrown over the arm of it.

Supergirl's ass was in the air as she lay face down on the couch, he lifted her skirt over her ass and gazed at her snug pussy once again, spreading her lower lips with his thumbs before he once again returned to her insides.

He slid slowly into her, inch by inch as she moaned erotically beneath him, he leaned over her, resting his hand on her head for balance before thrusting inside her. "Ah-aah-aah…" deep, penetrating strokes of his cock buried inside her again and again as he bounced off her hips. The couch groaned and shifted as he thrust into her.

"Ooh-ooh-oooooh…" Supergirl howled in pleasure as he pinned her down, roughly pounding her from behind as she lay there and took it. His other hand reached under her stomach, pulling her back against him, her ass rising up briefly only to slam back onto the couch's arm as he pierced her. "You're so… ROUGH…" she whined, feeling his cock bulge inside her.

"You can take it you're Supergirl!" he groaned eagerly, thrusting harder, faster, Supergirl's shrieks of pleasure echoing around the empty house as she orgasmed. "Take it! Take it! Take it! uuuuuugh!!" the wet smacks of their clapping cheeks echoed with his rapid thrusts until he buried himself once again into her body. "UUgh!" Standing on his tiptoes as he buried his cock into her body, filling her up again while she moaned.


"Haah. Ahh…" he gasped, shaking slightly as his body briefly shut down to put all available functions into ejaculating as hard as possible. "Oh fuck…" he sighed contentedly. "Haah-ahhh-oh fuck…" he moaned again.

"…Do you… realize the error of-oh god damn it…" she moaned with a slightly exhausted laugh, he grabbed her by the hair and arm again yanking her off the couch and onto her knees. He then slapped his cock on her face and just… rubbed.

Thrusting his hips as he rubbed his junk against her skin, up and down against the curve of her nose, brushing against her lips as she gazed up at him disappointedly. "…You need help Mr. Tucker." She said sourly only for his cock to throb at the sight of her disapproving look.

"I'm getting help…" he groaned, his balls quivering, "I'm getting help all over your beautiful face Supergirl." He then pried her mouth open and stuffed her mouth with his balls again. "Help me with helping myself." She glared up at him as he groaned eagerly. "Keep looking at me like that Supergirl." He kept sliding his cock on her face. "Keep looking at me. Lick my balls… I'm so close!"

"Mmngh-mmng.. mphf… mngh…" she closed her eyes as Mr. Tucker roared his orgasm, but his ejaculation was less geyser and more broken frozen yogurt. Cum oozed liberally from his tip onto her forehead and over her eye as he kept thrusting on her face.

"Oooh Yes! Yes YES YES…" he shuddered, "Uuuugggh!!" a thick facemask of cum oozed onto the right side of her face as she sighed again, trying not to inhale his jizz as it slipped over her upper lip and onto his balls as she let them swing freely from her mouth. Mr. Tucker pulled his dripping length from her face as she gazed up at him. Sticky with cum.

She blew it out of her mouth as it hung like icicles from her chin, then got to her feet as Mr. Tucker flopped exhaustedly onto the couch. Supergirl sighed, gazing at him and his flaccid dick as she checked herself over… then made her way to the bathroom without another word. She knew where it was after all. She checked herself in the mirror quickly and rolled her open eye before wiping off MOST of the cum with some toilet paper. Flushing it. Then stripping out of her costume.

That's a first. She had to take off her entire uniform before she could shower off the sex.

Supergirl washed and rinsed her 'teen' body. Dried herself off, and redressed. Shoving on her red boots only to wonder why one felt taller than the other. Only to laugh at her silliness as she dumped out the wad of cash from her boot she stored in there earlier.

Supergirl walked out of the bathroom to find Mr. Tucker with a new bottle of beer in hand as he dreamily watched Supergirl walk, absently stuffing the cash back into her boot. "Mr. Tucker. This is unhealthy. I suggest you find a marriage counselor."

"Yes Supergirl." He mumbled ashamedly, post-nut clarity finally sitting in.

"See that you do." She ordered, firmly. "We'll take this up again when you have."

"Yes, Supergirl." He said as she hesitated for a minute.

"…Mr. Tucker do you not recognize me?"

"…Supergirl?" he mumbled sleepily, his eyes closing slowly as she stared at him. "…Snoort… mnmn-Supergirl." He mumbled.

"…Huh." She blinked at him, "…Well that worked out for the best then." She said stiffly before walking out the front door. "I wonder when Al gets back from California?" she asked nobody, walking back to the car to drive back to Superbabes.

Time: 10:06 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Supergirl hopped into Superbabes on one foot, tugging the money back out of her boot to slap it on the counter. "I hope he gets the help he needs."

"He couldn't even remember your FACE what makes you think he's going to remember to go see a marriage counselor?" Orders replied frankly as Supergirl sighed.

"Well, to be fair…" Kathy began before Rebecca could jump in and snark. "If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here."

Orders studied her face for a minute, her purple-eyes flickered, and she cleared her throat. "True. But to be clear. The man who sent you down a path towards depravity and ME, just had sex with you for the first time in years, he's also the father of one of your regulars who you've also had sex with, and he didn't even recognize you…" Kathy stared at her blankly as Orders pounded the nail. "Not even VERONICA can claim that one."

"…Yep. Fair." Mumbled Kathy as Orders shrugged, and Rebecca coughed nervously.

"But they say sex is a good form of therapy."

"Who? Who says that?" Rebecca asked surprised as Orders shrugged again.

"Most of the people who order deliveries." she said before producing a card with a number and handing it to Kathy, "And Veronica... But at least you'll have something to talk about with Doctor Thompson, she's agreed to meet with you for a chat. Not a session." She clarified.

"What about Veronica?" asked Kathy curiously as Orders shrugged.

"That's a whole different barrel of fish. I'm thinking I need to get some Hannibal restraints first. Don't worry though I know a guy at Arkham who likes brunettes…" she then smacked Rebecca's rear lightly. "Muscular brunettes."

Rebecca pouted but sighed resignedly, "…Now I know what it feels like to be Brielle."


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