
Special Delivery: Starfire Saves Christmas! (With Raven)

I don't own DC

A thick blanket of powdery white snow covered all of Gotham City, it wasn't a supervillain attack, a freak magical storm, or some other reason that simply couldn't be mentioned. For once, Gotham was quiet and calm, even the usual gunshots had decided to take a vacation. Superbabes was closed for the week, the girls were doing this and that, whatever they did around the holidays, and the holiday spirit was in the air…

You know, for Gotham. Which merely meant that everyone was giving everyone else the benefit of a quiet Christmas week. Gunfire will resume afterward.

"Christmas tiiiime is here!" sang the attractive woman as she skipped through the snow back to her apartment building. "Happiness and cheeeeeer!" she continued singing, her red hair waving behind her like a banner. "Merry Christmas." She said cheerily to a rather grumpy passerby, who despite his best efforts managed a seemingly reluctant.

"Happy holidays." Before walking on his merry way through the snow.

"Fun for alllll!" she continued singing, skipping up the steps to her apartment building. "That children caaaall. Their favorite tiiiime of year!!" she reached her apartment, and walked right in. "Alice I'm home!"

"V." Alice replied in their toasty warm apartment. Currently, the lights were off and the curtains shaded but didn't cover the windows… all for the benefit of the little Christmas lights decorating the ceiling flickered and glowed in a calming display of Christmas magic. A warm cup of cocoa in her hand, plus marshmallows, and wearing black shorts and a tank top displaying them big Goth girl titties as she rested a wool blanket over her smooth supple legs. "How's it looking out there?" she asked, glancing out the window at the frosted glass and not bothering to go any further than that.

"Snow as far as the eye could see! It's like me after a gangbang, positively covered!" Replied Veronica sweetly, before dropping onto the couch next to her big titty goth girl best friend, resting her head on her shoulders as Alice drank her cocoa. "Thanks for staying with me for Christmas. I didn't really feel like heading home for the holidays."

"Yeah well. Staying with you means I don't have to go to Florida with the rest of my family to visit my rich cousins." Alice sipped her cup again, smacking her lips. "It doesn't matter how much money they have. They're still assholes in Florida." She replied frankly as Veronica snuggled closer to her on the couch, trying to steal Alice's blanket. "Get your own V." Alice replied as Veronica just smiled, sighed, and stood up heading to her room to grab her comforter.

"You can't beat a white Christmas." Declared Veronica proudly as she returned to the couch wrapped in her blanket, "Mmmn." Moaning comfortably beside Alice. the goth girl was unusually chipper all things considered.

"Nor can you beat the time off." Alice stretched her legs under the blanket. "MMn. Feel that? No pinching or groping-NOooo." She grabbed Veronica's hand as she smiled sweetly at her bestie, her grabby paws trying to squeeze the big bouncy orbs of the big titty goth girl. "That's not an invitation."

"Booo." Mumbled Veronica, suddenly throwing off her comforter and heading toward the kitchen. "Do we have any hot chocolate left?"

"Plenty as long as you don't snort it like cocaine." Replied Alice as Veronica stuck her tongue playfully out at her, going to make herself a hot cup of cocoa.


"Usual spot." Alice replied, having another sip.

"Whipped cream?"

"Why do you need whipped cream when you have Marshmallows?" Alice replied dismissively.

"Don't judge me." Veronica smiled prettily at her best friend.

"Fridge door." Alice replied, "You're going to be hawked up on Sugar later and it's too cold to invite any warm DICK to this apartment." She snarked, but inwardly she was quite glad Veronica couldn't access her hourly dose of cock. What she wanted more than anything is a nice quiet Christmas, just her, Veronica, and maybe some of the other girls just hanging out and having a good time…

With nothing to interrupt, bother, or somehow involve them in sexual Superbabes shenanigans.

Knock. Knock. Knock… her soft lips were wrapped around the cup rim of her coco, she had taken a sip before putting it down on the table. Veronica walked out of the kitchen after she filled the kettle, set it on its heater and pushed the controlled start button.

"Who's that? Are we expecting anyone?!" Veronica asked excitedly. "Aliiiice you didn't have to get me, someone!"

"I didn't…" Alice replied firmly, now trying to subtly beat Veronica to the door to prevent any Veronica events. "No! Nooo! Bad! Down!"

"I'm not a doggy!"

"No, you're just a BITCH!... IN! HEAT." She struggled valiantly before beating out Veronica, shoving her back, and opening the door.

A large man in a neat three-piece red and white suit and a matching bowler hat stood outside their door, a walking stick under his arm painted like a candy cane. He had twinkling eyes, rosy cheeks, a great bushy white beard, and a large round belly-


"Ho-ho-ho!" he laughed jovially, his round belly shaking like a bowl full of jelly.

Alice however, was more tactful "Veronica! Not every old fat guy with a big white beard is Santa! We talked about this!... no offense." She said impatiently as the old man's cheeks crinkled with a kind smile, and he winked a warm blue eye.

"No offense taken, Alice Ansel." He replied gently, "…May I come in?"

"Yeah, no. We're not in a habit of-… how did you know my name?" she asked somewhat concerned as Veronica positively SQUEALED with delight.

"IT'S SANTA!!" she declared happily again as Alice rubbed her face.

"Nooo. It's NOT Veronica." She replied calmly, "And don't ask to sit on his lap!" she added quickly as Veronica pouted at her. It wouldn't be the first time…

"Alice don't be rude, invite Santa inside." She said, "Do you want to be on the naughty list?"

"Nope. NO. I don't want to be involved in any kinky SHIT you're already cooking up."

"You don't need to swear Alice." Replied 'Santa' patiently, standing outside their door and politely just letting this play out.

"Whatever she's paying you. I want no part of it. Just go to her room and work it out." Alice declared, pointing to Veronica's room but Santa calmly walked into their living room. His candy cane designed cane tapping the floor as he released a tired old man groan and sat in their armchair. Smiling politely at them.

"Ahh… so sorry, I'm not used to trudging up and down so many stairs." He chuckled, and tapped the side of his nose. Veronica fidgeted happily in place, wiggling her lower body and visually desperate to sit on 'Santa's' lap. Alice however was having none of it…

"No sex in the living room! It is coco time!" she declared firmly as Veronica pouted.

"Santa can I get you anything?!" Asked Veronica chipperly as 'Santa' smiled at her.

"If you are offering a glass of milk and a few cookies." He said as Alice rolled her eyes but Veronica skipped into the kitchen to retrieve his obvious order.

"…Sir, can I help you? Out of our apartment? Before I call the cops?" she asked sarcastically as 'Santa' eyed her over his square glasses, that same kind twinkle in his eyes.

"My dear Alice, I don't normally make house calls before the big day. But this is something of an emergency." He said as Veronica returned with a glass of milk and a plate of sugar cookies. "Thank you Veronica." He said as Veronica squealed happily, quickly ajorning to the couch as he took the cookies and milk from her.

"Santa knows my name!"

"I've said it enough times V." Alice sighed sarcastically as Santa sipped his milk, eyeing her over the glass. "Look. Buddy, just stop alright? If you don't stop I'm calling the cops."

'Santa' sighed, smiled at Alice. "I can see we're not going to get anywhere unless I make my point? You were always so headstrong." He pulled the milk glass from his lips, smiled at Alice… and blew.

Instantly the milk froze and the glass frosted over like it just spent several days outside in a blizzard. Veronica and Alice stared at the glass as he put it down on the table, and gestured to it. "Is that enough?"

"SANTA!!" squealed Veronica with affirmation leaping from the couch and onto his lap, wiggling her sexy ass on his knee as he chuckled.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!" her arms wrapped around his neck and she hugged him as Alice flopped onto the couch. Her legs gave out.

"…What? You're Santa? The REAL Santa!?"

"I don't see why you're so surprised Alice." Santa said patiently, sighing at his frozen glass of milk. "…Can I have that cocoa? I'm still a little thirsty." Alice pushed her cup towards him with the back of her hand. "Thank you." He said, expertly leaning forward with Veronica still HAPPILY sitting on his lap before he drank heavily from the coco. Not even staining his snowy white beard.

"Oh-Oh! Santa! Did you get my letters?! I know I stopped writing a long time ago but I was always curious!"

"Ho-Ho-Ho!" chuckled Santa jovially again. "Of course I did Veronica. I get a copy of every letter written to me. It's a little Christmas magic." He winked at her, sending a small sparkle of magic twinkling at a happily squealing Veronica. Bouncing on Santa's lap as if she was 20 years younger. "Now. I'd love to answer any and all questions you'd have. BUT I came here for a reason…"

"You want sex." Alice asked hesitantly as Santa stared at her, if she expected a showing of Santa denying this she was surprised that none came.

"My dear, Mrs. Claus would have strong words for me if that were the case and I wouldn't blame her." he said honestly, "…But I can't deny, I am here for a very distinct reason." He put the empty coco cup down. "No-no… I'm here because I've come to a little problem at the shop… with my elves." He glanced fondly at Veronica, "My dear would you mind sitting on the couch for this?" Veronica pouted, but she couldn't say no to Santa, so she hopped off his lap and onto the couch.

"You see girls, nothing gets work done like a healthy competition up at the workshop." He said kindly, "The elves themselves separated themselves into teams and whoever gets the most work done before Christmas gets to select a little prize for the whole group. Last year, Team Gingerbread wanted a trip to Hawaii." His nose twitched as he smiled, "Team Snowflake wanted freshly baked cookies for an entire year! Ho-ho-ho Mrs. Claus had quite a fun time with that one…" he then cleared his throat after a good laugh.

"This year Team Mistletoe won. For the first time in a hundred years when I first started doing this." He rubbed his chin, "And… well… they're a little… wild." Alice, seeing the writing on the wall, rubbed her eyes as she sensed the 'wild' part of this story coming up. "…They wanted-"

"An orgy?" Alice asked with a groan as Santa, to his credit smiled apologetically.

"…To be very specific they wanted to spend an evening with some people on the special case nice list. Very specific ones." He then turned to Veronica, who to her credit, happily squealed.

"I'm on the nice list!"

"Special case?" Alice asked hesitantly as Santa nodded.

"Well, my dear things are not so black and white." He said patiently, "There are the good little boys and girls, and there are the BAD little boys and girls… then there are those, like Veronica the ones who spread happiness."

"Who has probably had sex with everything in the greater Gotham area? She's on the nice list!?"

"…Veronica Morehead spreads more love and cheer to everyone around her than any Saint, Superhero, or Charity worker in America and some parts of Europe." Replied Santa honestly, "Certainly the way she does it is something to be concerned about, but there is no arguing the results."

"YEAH! Yeah there is!" Alice nodded as Santa just smiled.

"My dear Alice, the Naughty and Nice Lists are really more guidelines on behavior than anything." He said, "The special case list is for those that don't really fit into either the naughty list or the nice list: Robin Hood, Batman, the Twit who invented Tweeter. Regardless. The Elves on team mistletoe have made their case clear and due to a magical contract, I am bound to comply or they might strike. Unless of course, Veronica says no, in which case I cannot force her too." He hesitated then added seriously. "But if a fifth of my staff are disappointed, and I don't keep my magical promise. Then next year's Christmas my not be holly or jolly." His voice lowered warningly, but not ominously.

"SO… what does she get out of it?" asked Alice, however before she could negotiate a reward out of this insanity, Veronica stood up, and Saluted.

"Santa! It would be my honor to do WHATEVER you want me to do!" she declared proudly as Alice, slapped her whole hand on her face and groaned reluctantly. "Can I bring Alice?" she asked excitedly as Alice suddenly looked up and glared at Veronica.

"I want no part of this-" she said firmly only for Santa to chuckle.

"Of course! We need to stop by your workplace first however." He stood up, "And for that… we need to get the keys. "Hold your breath." He said tapping his nose. Veronica took an excited breath as Alice realized what was going on.

"Wait-no! I-urrrp!!" Santa nodded his head and with a WHOOSH of Christmas magic a cold wind suddenly swirled around them and they vanished in magic sparkles… "Huuugh!!" Alice suddenly appeared in a spartan apartment on her hands and knees, her big goth girl titties swinging beneath her as she double over and almost vomited.

"What in the-oh it's YOU." They heard the familiar sourness of their humbuggy boss Orders.

"Mother we have guests." Declared Darcy obviously from her craft table as Santa chuckled. "Starfire and Raven are among them."

"I can see that Darcy, thank you." Orders grumbled semi-sarcastically. "Why are you-" her purple eyes flicked and she sighed. "You can teleport." She noted factually as Santa smiled.

"Tradition my dear." He said, holding his hands out. "May I borrow your keys? I'll get them right back." He said sweetly as she pulled out the keys to Superbabes and handed them to him.

"Here. I want them back by morning." she demanded as Santa chuckled his traditional jovial laugh.

"Ho-Ho-ho!" he then reached into his red coat, and pulled a small 8 by 6-inch box wrapped in bright purple and wrapped with silver ribbon, and handed it to Orders. "Happy Holidays." He chuckled as Orders sighed.

"Thank you, Santa." She politely grumbled as he then turned to Darcy who stared at him ominously, apparently ready to defend Orders only for Santa to reach into his coat and produce a MUCH bigger box from it. A box about as big as a desk fan. He handed the silvery wrapped box to Darcy, wrapped with purple string.

"Darcy! Happy first Christmas!" he said cheerily. "I don't get to say that often! Ho-ho-ho!"

Darcy blinked at him and then seemed to examine the box curiously "Thank you sir?" she replied confused as Santa then stood with Veronica and Alice as the big titty Goth girl finally managed to recover from the Christmas magic teleport.

"What just happened-?!" she screamed in awe.

"Hold your breath." He cheerily replied while tapping his nose.

"Wha-wait!-URRRP!!" and with a nod and a giddy dance from a breath-holding Veronica they were gone again in a swirl of magical wind.


"That was Santa. Don't ask any questions and open your present." She grumbled.

"Yes Mother."

The traveling trio appeared in the snowy parking lot of Superbabes. Santa seemed unconcerned about the cold, however. "Urrrp! Oh god, my hands!" hissed Alice yanking them from the snow and dancing in place as she yanked the keys from an mildly amused Santa and quickly opened Superbabes, rushing inside. "Oh god it's cold!" she shrieked as Santa entered, and clapped his hands loudly.

As if someone just lit a fireplace in the building it was suddenly comfortably warm. Despite the chilly Gotham air still rushing inside with Veronica right behind her bestie. Using happy thoughts and Veronica magic to keep herself warm as they both entered the locker rooms. Santa however put two fingers in his mouth, leaned his head outside, and whistled sharply… The sound carried magically through Gotham. Echoing up into the sky… but it sounded just like jingling sleigh bells.

"Put it on!" cheered Starfire holding the skimpy Raven outfit to Alice who glared at her.

"I told you I'm not getting into this! You want to bang a bunch of magical elves… which is NOT SOMETHING I EXPECTED TO SAY!" she shouted, staring blankly off into space for a minute as she came to terms with her reality. "That's ALL YOU."

"Morale support!" Starfire pouted, waving the suit like a flag for Alice who crossed her arms under her impressive goth girl titties.

"Nuh-uh." Alice replied.

"Please?" Starfire pouted.


"PLEEEEEEEASE?" Starfire tried again, pouting expertly at Alice. "I don't want to do this without you! And I don't want to disappoint Santa!"

"Can we get back to the fact that Santa's asking you to have sex with elves?! Can we focus on that?!" Alice replied scathingly as Starfire shoved the suit against Alice's chest.

"ALICE!" barked Starfire firmly as Alice twitched. "Do not ruin this for me!" she added pouting firmly. Alice and Starfire stared each other down for a seemingly long time, then Alice snatched the suit from Starfire's hand.

"…Fine." she grumbled, already changing. "I'm going to freeze my TITS off." Raven grumbled under her breath. "So you can bang a bunch of short people! Again!"

Santa hummed Christmas songs to himself as he casually glanced around Superbabes. He stared at the pool table for a second, smiled, then ran a hand across the polished, slightly worn wood. When he walked away, the pool table looked almost brand new. Santa smiled as the girls walked out of the locker room though admittedly Starfire had more of a pep in her step.

Raven however rubbed her arms, wearing her clothes over her costume along with the cape and hood. Because she was actually fucking cold, Starfire seemed completely unaffected. "Are we doing that teleport thing all the way to… wherever we're going?"

"The teleporting is good for short-range travel." Santa replied, "Houses that don't have chimneys." He clarified, "But… since this is a special occasion." Starfire squealed delightedly as she looked outside. There in the lot was THE sleigh, and 9 reindeer." They snorted and stamped their feet as Starfire skipped outside in the snow and IMMEDIATELY squeezed one of them.

"Ahh! Dash-Dancer-Prancer-vixen-comet-cupid-donner-blitzen! AND Rudolph!" she rubbed the red-nosed reindeer's muzzle as it snorted a greeting at her. "You're my favorite!" she cooed sweetly in his twitchy ears as he snorted again, seemingly with laughter.

"Huh." Raven mumbled, rubbing her arms as the reindeer greeted the cheerful girl with stomping hooves like applause. Santa approached the polished red sleigh and lightly slapped the side. He help Raven in, and Starfire, after greeting the rest of the reindeer personally, hopped in the other side cuddling up next to Raven in the back of the sleigh as Santa grabbed the reigns.

As it was snowing everywhere it was obviously very cold, but once in the sleigh, the chill seemed to bite less, despite the openness of the sleigh itself it was warm and cozy as if they just stepped into a car that had been running hot for an hour.

"Oh! Oh! Do the thing!" Starfire asked excitedly as Santa chuckled.

"You've already named them all for me." Santa replied, giving the sleigh reins a little whip, and like a rocket the sleigh jumped into the sky and took off. Everything was a blur, going past them but the girls were unaffected by the high velocity of speed they were clearly experiencing.

"SLEIGH MAGIC!!" Starfire's cheer echoed off into the sky followed by a traditional Santa-


The view was spectacular, but before the girls even realized it they were passing through Canada, the sparkling lights below giving way to forests, then a vast ocean… the aurora borealis flickered before them as a vast snow plain appeared, with nothing but ice and snow as far as the eye could see until the mirage-like image of a town appeared at the end of the Aurora. Like Valhalla at the end of the Bifrost.

The sleigh began to slow, and it wasn't some tiny workshop in the middle of nowhere it was an entire town. Tiny homes and districts, with a vast factory at the far end of it, but even as a symbol of production there was something remarkably homely and warm about it. The sleigh circled overhead, and landed on a large circular landing pad with a large "S".

"Wow." Raven breathed as she and Starfire looked over the town. Santa casually getting out of the sleigh as Starfire happily declared-

"This is the best moment of my life!" she happily cheered as a battalion of Christmas elves scamped onto the roof.

"Hup-hup-hup-hup!" tending to the reindeer and the sleigh

They were barely over three feet: thin, tiny, and rather cute in their own way. Men and women dressed his Christmas outfits. Santa gestured for the girls to follow him, and to their surprise, he was no longer in the suit and bowler hat… he was in THE suit. The big red suit.

"Come along." He said and entered a doorway, Starfire took Raven's hand and followed quickly along, descending a bevy of steps to the smell of gingerbread and candy canes, Christmas smells of all sorts as the steps leading to a large office.

"It's about time Nick. Did you get her?" asked a woman as soon as they entered the office. She sat at the desk and she stood up, revealing an hourglass body with a large bust and wide hips. Her hair however was snowy white and she wore square glasses on her pretty face. Her outfit screamed Sexy Mrs. Claus… mostly because-

Starfire gasped, "Mrs. Claus!" she cheered happily. The woman gave her a smile and sighed.

"The famous Special Case: Veronica Morehead..." the beautiful Mrs. Claus replied as Raven stared.

"THAT's Mrs. Claus?!" she asked indignantly as Sexy Mrs. Claus kissed Santa on the cheek. "…What in the world have I walked into?"

"The girls have already gotten their gift in Party Building A. The boys are waiting in Party Building B." she then strutted with a VERY suggestive sway in her step, "And they're ALL hawked up on Eggnog and peppermint schnapps." She did a little twirl and leaned against the desk, swinging her shapely legs over each other as she gazed dismissively at the girls.

"…THAT's Mrs. Claus?!" Raven repeated dramatically as Mrs. Claus smiled at Raven.

"I like her." she said casually as Santa chuckled his Ho-Ho-Ho's. "She's sane."

"Well we all need someone to ground us don't we dear?" he replied jovially, "I'll take them-"

"No. I'll do it." replied Mrs. Claus, "You're needed in the tech department again." Santa nodded.

"I'm on my way. Let me know when they're ready to go home." he replied before smiling at the two. "Ladies..." he then opened a nearby door to the cacophonous sound of hammers, tools, and machinery, but for some strange reason it ALL sounded like Christmas music! The elves singing along didn't help.

"…Alright you two follow me." Said Mrs. Claus, strutting past them both as her sexy walk distracted them briefly, they could learn a thing or two…

"YOU ARE Mrs. Claus?" repeated Raven in awe as she and Starfire followed Mrs. Claus out of another door and out of the workshop.

"I am indeed Mrs. Claus… would you prefer the frumpy version that plays me in all the Christmas stories? Sorry to burst your bubble girls but I got elven blood in me." She ran her hands down her body, "I'm going to look like THIS for a long LONG time." She bragged as Starfire giggled happily, watching the beautiful Mrs. Claus walk through the snow towards a collection of large buildings on the far end of the path they were walking along.

"I think you look amazing for someone on a diet of Milk and Cookies!" she said happily as Mrs. Claus smiled prettily at Starfire.

"Thank you dear." She said with the air of a 'proper' Mrs. Claus… instead of Jessica Bunny dressed up like her. "Well. You two have fun." She grabbed the handle of the large double doors and easily opened it.

"I'm just here for moral support." Raven replied as Mrs. Claus raised an elegantly well-groomed white eyebrow.

"Sure dear." She said as the cacophony of cheers and partying echoed out of the 'party hall' Christmas rock and roll echoed loudly across the snowy plains as Starfire skipped happily inside followed by Raven.

"They were overwhelmed with the smell of Christmas once more, only with a slight tinge of peppermint schnapps. At least fifty elves filled the longhouse-like hall, cheering and partying in their pointed hats and jingling shoes. However, once the door shut behind the girl the music seemed to stop, and all of them stopped. Gazing at the girls as Starfire smiled, raised her hand high in the air and cheered happily.


The elves released a resounding cheer, one of them shouting. "THE PARTY IS HERE!!" in a high-pitched voice.

"YAAAAAY!!" they howled before half a dozen rushed Starfire.

"Oh you are all just so CUTE!" she squealed happily as she was carried away on a dozen little shoulders.

Raven watched with a sour look on her face as Starfire was placed between a set of long tables, sitting on her knees as the elves began to line up on the benches on either side. Starfire was tall on her feet, towering over the naturally smaller Christmas elves. So to get her comfortably at crotch level they HAD to stand on something.

"Hey there tall, big, and goth-y" Raven glanced down at her on a rising collection of elves as they surrounded her. "You're a big girl aren't you?" one of them said with a red face and a squeaky voice. He also couldn't see her face from this angle because of her big goth girl titties. "You come here often?" he asked as Raven raised an eyebrow at the obvious answer.

"No. And She's over there." Raven replied casually, jerking her thumb at Starfire who was already removing the tight pants of two elves on the left and right benches, exposing less than impressive 'Raven Approved' dicks. The tallest elf she's seen was barely over three feet tall she wasn't expecting much…

Her size-queen addiction was one of the many reasons she didn't want to be involved in the madness-and now Starfire was blowing them.

"Mmgh!" Starfire easily slurped up the right elf's dick as he cheered triumphantly, raising his hands in the air and cheering.

"YAY!" the other elves already in line were removing their pants, also cheering in support as the left elf took his handjob in stride.

"Mmn-mmn-mnnh! Aah!" Starfire twisted her head up and down the appropriate for his size dick, for a few quick strokes before shooting off, turning her redheaded head and engulfing the left elf, stroking the right with her other hand. "Hmmn-hmmn-hmmn." She hummed happily, furiously stroking the left elf with her fingers.

But the right elf happily enjoyed the sensation of Starfire's mouth and released between her lips as she buried her face to the base. "Mmnn!?" she gasped excitedly before shooting off his spent dick. "MMn!" she licked her lips. "It's peppermint flavored!"

"Oh my god." Grumbled Raven, rubbing her eyes tiredly as she felt half a dozen hands rubbing her shapely legs.

"It's peppermint flavored!" Cheered Starfire loudly as if Raven didn't hear her the first time before taking the left elf into her mouth again, eagerly slurping as a new elf took the right's place. "Mmn!"

"Oh for the love of-" she glanced down at the elves surrounding her. "…FUCK…" she grumbled grabbing the first elf, the smooth one by the pointed ear and dragging him toward the closest table. "There are fifty of you here and I don't feel like being here all day." She lifted him onto the table. She slipped her upper body out of the Raven leotard and cupped her big goth girl titties as the elf's eyes widened to about that size.

"Holy Holly! Those things are HUGE!" he declared happily as she grabbed his pants and dropped them, his big for his size dick twitching excitedly toward her as she wrapped her breasts tightly around it, thoroughly engulfing his shaft as the other elves around her began clambering excitedly onto the table, throwing their clothes away as they eagerly awaited their turns between Raven's tits.

She lifted them up and down his little shaft, the tight warm pressure of her tits more than enough for a normal man, completely engulfing a magical elf was probably far more than he could manage. The softness, the tightness, the fact that the only rival to her size in the general area was Mrs. Claus: who was obviously and understandably off-limits.

"Uugh!" Raven flinched as she felt the hot warmth of his cum oozing between her tits… it wasn't a lot, but it was plenty… AND sparkly.

"Oh come on." She mumbled at the sparkly-looking cum between her tits as he moved aside, letting the one behind him take his turn, sticking it between her breasts without much care for the mess left behind. "Mmn…" she mumbled as he hugged them big thangs, pumping quickly against her big breasts as he put the fuck in tit-fucking.

"MMmn!!" Starfire moaned happily, draining another set of dicks into her mouth one after the other. Shuddering at the fresh pepperminty flavor sliding down her throat as she opened her mouth, "Ahh! Wow! Jackie would have a field day with you guys!" she licked her lips clean, "…Or not. I think she likes the original flavor more but I don't judge." They hopped down and two more took their place, rubbing against her cheeks as she pouted up at them. "Hmmn…" she began stroking them, seemingly thinking. "You know what boys? This is going to take forever…" she then stood up as they moaned disdainfully.

However, she then stretched her arms across a mostly empty table and swung an open spot grabbing the left elf and putting him on his back, his average for elf size cock wobbling in the air as she stripped down completely to the hoots and catcalls from the rest of them. She smiled cheerily, before crawling over him. "And WHOOP!"

"Woo-hoo!!" he cheered as she slipped him right inside her. Wiggling her hips on top as she fell fully over, and jerked her rear behind her. "Alright, boys! Come and get it!" she shouted, as the lines of elves became a swarm of ants, crawling over her body and eager to get in first. "ooh! OOoh! She squealed loudly as more than one slipped into her body, clinging to her as her mouth opened wide and two more muffled her squeals of delight. They hooted and hollered as they plunged and plugged her holes, writhing in a mass of churning flesh… and the increasing smell of peppermint.

"Ugh." Raven sighed, as she sensed it happen first before looking. "Ah damn it V." she grumbled, the veritable swarm of tiny men pumping and grinding at the sumptuous form of Starfire. Her squeals of unquestioned delight as her holes were ravaged by many, MANY tiny men echoed around the longhouse even over the cheers of the elves who were acting as if they each had Starfire all to themselves, rapidly bucking and thrusting into her crowded holes without a care.

Perhaps Magical Christmas Elves had a different mentality of boundaries.


The elf currently between Raven's heavy tits rapidly clapped his hips away at them, rubbing his smooth thighs against her nipples as she closed her eyes and felt another hot wad of peppermint-flavored sparkly cum spray between her breasts. She gave the elf a stern glare but he only seemed to give her another rope at the look. He pulled out of her tight cleavage, her forearms pressing them together as she gave them a little shake, cum dripping from between them as she felt tiny hands on her shapely ass cheeks. Tugging away at her leotard, yanking it free from her body as a new elf happily slipped between her tits.

Thrusting heavily at her big breasts as they bulged against his thrusting hips. Another elf, not willing to wait, and hearing and watching the orgy taking place just a few tables over approached Raven with a 'Raven-Approved-for-an-elf-sized cock'… meaning he was above average for a normal-sized human. He grabbed her head with his tiny hands, turning her to push his tip against her soft lips and sliding it inside.

"Mmgnh!" she glared at him as they both firmly thrust their hips between her mouth and lips. She felt tiny hands stretch her ass cheeks apart, and a tongue prod between them. She moaned around the Big-for-an-elf's dick as she felt another pair of hands spreading her pussy lips. An elf giggled with childish glee as he stretched his tongue to give her a lick… then paused.

"…She doesn't taste like gingerbread." He noted. "Kinda salty." He added as Raven's body trembled, whether or not she tasted like gingerbread didn't seem to deter the one tonguing and squeezing her ass.

"Mmmngh! Mn-! MMngh-mn-mmnnn!" Starfire squealed as she felt the cum flow like peppermint schnapps. Inside and outside her body, shots of peppermint cum sprayed the back of her throat as she quickly gulped it down. Just like three more rushed up into her ass in spasming thrusts as the elves clung to her body, jackhammering away into her holes as the one beneath her sent a hot load up into her pussy…

They fell off and away from her body grinning broadly and happily as she rolled over and let more tack their place. Lying on her side as two double penetrated her once more. One lying on his side, slipping into her minty fresh smelling pussy as one stood on the bench opposite her, thrusting into her ass as she reached up and around for a little elf dick to grab and jerk, as another elf tilted her head back and began adorably thrusting against her face…since her head was about as big as his torso it was cuter then comical.

Regardless, Starfire was Starfire and she valiantly serviced the peppermint-tasting elves. Their eagerly thrusting bodies as they clung to her beautiful shape, pumping, grinding and stroking themselves with her sending a shuddering orgasm throughout her body. "Mmmngh!!" she clenched, tightened, squeezed and slurped various dicks and muscles. Her lower body jerked back and forth on the cheerfully giggling elves as they pumped themselves against her, shuddering in pleasure and pumping her full again with sparkly peppermint fluid.

She raised her left leg, the one she wasn't lying on, high into the air as she wiggled on the table, "Mmmng-mn! Aah! Next!" she replied cheerfully as her mouth was stuffed again. "Mmn!" jerking a dick above her until it released a sparkly load across her side, she immediately squeezed out the rest before letting go, flexing her fingers, and invitingly curling them for another eager elf to slip his shaft between them as she immediately started jerking him off just as she inhaled the one in her mouth, balls and all and practically slurped the fluids right out of him.

Raven popped what must have been the 6th​ elf between her tits, and slurped out the 'big' one. Tasting the peppermint cum on her tongue as she swallowed it quickly, feeling her lower body tingle as the two elves probing her holes with their tongues, plus many more getting a grip of her shapely body sent a shuddering orgasm through her.

Starfire was a model-like beauty, tall with angled features, and sheer charisma and a literal lust for life… Raven was a supple-figured beauty that had a body of healthy flesh you wanted to POUND. Both were insatiable under the right circumstances. "Haah!" Raven's knees buckled, and the elves scattered as she dropped to her knees, shaking in pleasure before she too was swarmed by a pack of horny midgets.

Splayed on the floor her legs were pulled apart, her arms were stretched out and sat on, dicks stroked over her body as her breasts were pushed together, another elf straddling her chest, furiously pumping and grinding as more crawled between her legs and stuffed her with elf dick. "Haah! Ah! Ahh you little shits!" she hissed as he jackhammered his entire weight into her, her mouth stuffed with more elf dick.

It felt like everything up to this point was just a warm-up, the girls were swarmed by elven men, pumping, thrusting, and grinding, shooting peppermint-tasting cum in or on anything with a pair of tits. Starfire somehow found herself on her back on the bench, unsure when she rolled off the table but her holes were oozing peppermint cream. Her legs were open and it didn't take long for her pussy to be filled by a tiny elf, furiously and rapidly thrusting like a dog in heat, fresh off the chain and pounding the closest bitch. She squealed delightedly, shaking in pleasure as another stuffed her mouth. "Mmngh!"

They swung their tiny bodies against her with as much force as they could muster, eagerly cheering and squealing with joy not entirely equated to the orgy currently occurring. Her slippering insides still tight as she sucked and squeezed out more peppermint fluid. Her legs wrapped around the lucky little guy buried inside her. "Mmmn! MMn…" inhaling the elf in her mouth as his entire body locked up.

"JINGLE BELLS!" he declared, filling her throat as more peppermint ropes rained over her body. It sparkled as she was coated in sparkly seed. The two elves inside her pulled out as she gasped excitedly and rolled over onto her hands and knees, crawling briefly on the floor until she was leaped upon by another pack of horny elves.

"Mngh! Mmngh! Mng-ah! FUCK!" gasped Raven as rope after rope of sparkling cream sprayed onto her face, and lips, followed closely by more across her breasts and inside her as the elves seemed to sync up, climaxing almost simultaneously. "The eyes avoid the eyes!" sparkly cream continued to spray on her face and coat her tits as she groaned irately. Glancing around with one eye as the elves replaced themselves, stroking themselves over her or slipping between her breasts. "MMgh!!" an elf stretched across her face and began doing pushups on her, pumping his shaft in and out of her body, smearing peppermint cum into her skin.

"Mmgn! Mnng! Mngn!" his little body wrapping around her head entirely and just thrusting. Feeling more little elf dicks rubbing against her, two between her breasts top and bottom, on her flat stomach, the curve of her knees, pounding her pussy… anything and everything that could be used on her body, was, the elves railing away at her like mindless humping animals.

The bitch in heat herself crawled on all fours, moaning whorishly for more as a tiny elf clung to her from behind, thrusting into her pussy as she moved down the aisle of tables towards Raven under a crowd of elves. Her mouth hung open, only stopping to feel the heat of peppermint cream shoot onto her face as one elf after the other jerked off upon it. Twisting her face left or right as necessary as she was shot with ounces of hot peppermint-flavored seed.

"Holly Jolly!" cheered the elf inside her, pumping her full of cum as he pulled out of her and flopped onto the floor only for another to immediately take his place practically flying onto Starfire, thrusting quickly into her hole before it even had a chance to close up.

"MMN!!" Starfire shuddered briefly then kept crawling, cooing softly as more cum sprayed into her red hair above her, elves showering her with sparkly cream as she continued to approach Raven.

…Who was beginning to look like a glazed gingerbread girl… that sparkles.

"MMMn!" Starfire loomed over Raven as the crowd cleared her face, her eyes sealed shut and her mouth oozing with sparkly peppermint cream. Starfire seemed to have found another elf, clinging beneath her like a baby koala… dry humping her stomach as his workshop-calloused hands clung to her body. "Ahh…" Starfire, grinning manically down at Raven leaned low and shoved her tongue into the pool of sparkle cum in her mouth slurping it out noisily as more elves surrounded and pounded them.

Starfire face down over Raven's face furiously tonguing her was pounded by two elves, Raven was getting her tits fucked by two more and another had just finished pumping her full of peppermint cream. He pushed into her body as her tits received a warm peppermint spray themselves, the elves enjoying her tit-fuck pulled away as Starfire crawled over Raven and ran her tongue into her pussy. Slurping out the warm peppermint cream laced with Raven's own pussy juice as the Bit titty goth girl gargled the wad of cum in her mouth, moaning orgasmically as Starfire's holes were emptied of dick, oozing out of her onto Raven's already glazed face.

Starfire, her holes empty and with a mouth full of Raven eggnog swayed her shapely backside in the air, her holes continuing to leak sparkly cum onto Raven like a concentrated snowfall… that of course sparkled. "Mmn…mmn…-aah… I should eat you out with peppermints more often." Moaned Starfire, slurping Raven's spasming hole. The big titty goth girl emitting cock hardening moans that seemed to draw Starfire's crotch to her face, grinding sensually on top of her for a minute… before finally Starfire removed her face from Raven's pussy and blinked around.

"HEEEEY… why am I not being fucked right now?" she asked curiously, suddenly sitting up and looking around.

The elves had collapsed, but ALL of them with smiles on their faces. Draped over the benches, collapsed on the tables or spayed out on the floor, it didn't look like they had an orgy but a full-on happy brawl just plowed its way through the longhouse.

"Hnmm?" she looked around, stretching her long neck slightly to look over the tables, "Is that all?" she asked, sitting on Raven's face, oozing into her mouth as she rubbed sparkly peppermint cream all over. "Anyone want more?" she asked sweetly. "…Anyone for jingling some bells?" CRACK! "Ow!" she jumped slightly as Raven smacked her ass hard and she lifted it.

"BWAH!" Raven gasped for breath, placing her hands under Starfire's ass and shoving her off. Starfire lunged forward and crawled seductively off Raven before sitting down on her knees and smiling proudly, hands on her hips. "Hate you. HATE YOU so much right now." Raven mumbled, "…I'm never having another peppermint again." she declared.

Starfire rested her hand absently on a splayed elf's junk, rubbing it sensually until it gave a few responsive spurts, eliciting a groan from the lucky elf as she stood up and licked her fingers of peppermint. "You know what Alice?" she purred sweetly, "You can keep being cranky but I just saved Christmas so I'm perfectly content!"

"Wha-? SAVED CHRISTMAS? HOW!? How did fucking a building full of magical horny elves save Christmas?!"

Starfire just shrugged adorably, "Mmnh-mhn?" she replied with a smile. "It's still something I get to cross off my happy list."

"I don't… I can't… just no." Raven groaned. "…I need a fucking shower." She declared, wobbling unsteadily towards her suit which WAS very stained with cum, and shrapnel from being so close to her body.

"Oooh do you think they shower in Milk?!" Starfire asked excitedly, making her way to the door and pushing. "Huuur!" then frowned, "…Um I think we're trapped." She said softly as Raven blinked at her.


"I can't open the door."

Raven stared at her, then the door and banged loudly, knocking hard. "Hey! Hello!?"

"SUPERBABES!!" cheered Starfire grinning, "Special deliver-OW!" Raven smacked her.

"HEEY!" she shouted, "Anyone out there?!" Raven frowned, then sighed, wiping as much peppermint cum as she could off her face and onto Starfire's back… she didn't seem to mind. "Damn it. Just our luck."

But then, the door creaked open revealing sexy Mrs. Claus. She stared at the girls, then the crowd of elves behind her and whistled. "Wow. Look at that… nice work. I just came to check in on you imagine my surprise! The girls are still going through their present."

Raven stared at Mrs. Claus, walking outside, naked, and thankfully without the chill expected of a winter wonderland but she chalked that up to magic. "…wait. You got separate 'gifts' for the girl elves?"

"Well we can't have the girls AND the boys do this together, there's only so much room in the magical village can you imagine how many elf kids would come out of this?" she asked as Starfire blinked curiously at the neighboring party hall, the squeals of female elves echoing out from inside. "Besides this is a first. I know Team Mistletoe are full of pervs but I didn't expect them to want some big girls like her… you were unexpected." Mrs. Claus replied.

"Why? Because I'm not on the 'Special Case nice list' or whatever?" Raven asked sarcastically.

"…We were just expecting Veronica." Replied Mrs. Claus honestly. "Personally I thought they weren't big enough for your tastes." Raven turned a little pink under the sparkly cream.

"You know that?"

"Sweety I'm Mrs. Claus." She replied knowledgeably, "I don't just bake the cookies." She replied with a smile, "Or look good on Nick's arm." She wiggled slightly, gesturing to her sexy wasp waist. "I DO help around here you know."

Starfire seemed hypnotized at the sounds of the party building and squealing girl elves as she pointed. "Can I go in there?! It sounds fun!"

"NO." Mrs. Claus and Raven said together.

Mrs. Claus then cleared her throat and gestured for the girls to follow. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up."

"But it sounds FUN." Starfire moaned as Mrs. Claus frowned at her.

"Do you want to go on the naughty list?" she replied firmly as Starfire's lower lip quivered, and she sighed.

"…I'll be GOOD." She grumbled, following along as Raven stared after her.

"If it was always that easy why do I have so much trouble?" she asked nobody in particular, catching up with Mrs. Claus and her sexy stride. "…Who did you get to take care of fifty something girl elves?"

"Hmmn? Oh. That would be Big Jim." She held her finger up, "Don't ask… all I know is if we finish the name we're going to have to fix a few walls."

"…What?" Raven asked in honest confusion. But received no response.

Mrs. Claus led them to a cozy cottage that smelled like freshly baked cookies. And lead them to a large marbled shower big enough for her AND Santa. "Alright girls. Feel free to use anything BUT the Holly brand Shampoo." She brushed her hair rather dramatically, "They don't make it anymore and I'm rationing it until I figure out the recipe."

"Yes Mrs. Claus!" Starfire replied Sweetly as Raven turned the shower on

"And give me those I'll have them cleaned." She said, dainty taking the costumes in her slender fingers and strutting out of the bathroom.

Starfire and Raven both got into the shower as hot water sprayed off the peppermint cum and fluids, the girls turning and writhing under that hot soothing water as they washed themselves with MORE Christmas smells. Fresh gingerbread…

After a good few minutes, Mrs. Claus returned WITH their costumes. "Here you go ladies, magic laundry on delivery." She smiled as the girls took fluffy towels and wiped themselves down.

"Wow. That's fast!" Starfire smiled, already re-dressing. "Orders would love to know how you did it."

"Orders?" Replied Mrs. Claus curiously, then she paused for a second seemingly thinking on it then smiled. "Ah… her. Yes I imagine she would." She then smiled beautifully. "Help yourself to some coco and fresh cookies, I'm afraid if you want something more… slimming." She rubbed her own slender waist for reference, "You're going to have to wait for dinner. But I think Nick is almost done so he'll take you home."

"Do you guys ONLY eat cookies and milk?" replied Raven curiously as Mrs. Claus just smiled, strutting to the kitchen.

"Magic runs on sugar and happiness Alice." She said pleasantly. "At least it does around here." She added pleasantly as she made them hot cocoa, adding conspiratorial. "…Veronica Morehead? She's a walking GENERATOR of it." she added before holding a slender finger to her supple red lips. "Shuuush. Don't tell her." she then winked, and gave Alice a perfectly made coco with marshmallows… just how Alice liked it. "Merry Christmas my dear."

The girls spent a quiet, comfortable hour in the house of Claus… until finally a far more reasonably dressed elf, came to collect them. With a long nose and longer ears, he opened the door, "Special guests? Please follow me. Santa is ready to see you home."

The girls walked out of the house, and passing the party buildings they noticed a GIANT hole in the wall. Of Party building A. "What happened there?" Alice asked as the elf blinked at them and sighed.

"Someone said his name." he said sadly, "Don't mind it." he said, leading them back to Santa's office, with the Holly Jolly man himself sitting at the desk and Mrs. Claus apparently telling him what she wanted for Christmas, sitting on his lap and whispering sweet nothings in his ear as he chuckled happily.

"Alice! Veronica!" he stood up, Mrs. Claus leaping gracefully off his lap as he did. "Thank you for your service!"

"We saved Christmas!" declared Veronica as Santa blinked at her, and smiled kindly.

"…Yes you did." He said as Alice blinked at him. "Merry Christmas my dear. I am afraid however I can't give you a flying reindeer for Christmas." He added as Veronica sighed sadly, "They do not do well in Gotham. Although if you move to Finland, or Canada?" he said with a smile, Veronica immediately turned to Alice.

"NO." she said coldly as Veronica sighed, but Santa chuckled.

"Then I'm afraid not. HOWEVER." He then pulled a small box from his coat, and handed it to Veronica, wrapped in a sparkly purple wrapping. "Here you go." Alice blinked at the box as Veronica gasped, "Open it when you get home." he said, turning to head out to the sleigh with the girls. "Be right back dear." He said as Mrs. Claus blew him a kiss. "Ho-ho-ho…" he winked back at her.

The girls approached the sleigh and Veronica patted Rudolph as he snorted happily, rubbing his head against them, Alice however had to ask.

"…Santa? Do I get a present?" she asked as Santa smiled at her.

"My dear girl. Do you know what Veronica's Christmas wish was?" he asked. Alice shrugged.

"Bang a bunch of people?"

"Got it in one." he said with a sparkly wink, "…But do you know what her SECOND one was?" he asked as Alice stared at him and shrugged.

"…No. What?"

"To be with her best friend forever, FOREVER." He said kindly.

"…Oh God no." Alice breathed in slight horror as Santa chuckled.

"Yes, I thought that would be your response. So…" he promptly silence himself as Veronica hopped into the sleigh. "On Dasher! On Dancer! On Prancer! On Vixen! Comet! Cupid! Donner and Blitzen!"

"And RUDOLPH!" cheered Veronica, and they were off.

They landed on the roof of their apartment building, Santa taking them both by the hand as the girls held their breath and he teleported them into their apartment. "See you in a few days girls." He winked, taking a final cookie from their kitchen. "Well… I suppose if I'm doing my job right you won't. But maybe next year." He winked and nodded, vanishing in sparkles… and it was mere minutes later that they heard him.

"HO! HO! HO!!!" echoing off into the night.

Alice sighed, sitting down on the couch, and covering her Raven exposed legs with her blanket before grumbling, "We're going to have to go back to Superbabes and drop these off."

"And take back Orders' keys." Replied Veronica smiling, standing in the kitchen and opening Santa's gift.

"Right. Right… let me go change…"

"Hang on." Said Veronica, skipping into the living room and holding something behind her back. Smiling… "You better add THIS!" she then held up a necklace, two of them. Shining silver with monogrammed gold A&V on the locket. "Merry Christmas Alice! From Santa himself!" she said sweetly as Alice took the necklace, Veronica putting hers on before skipping to her bedroom to change.

Alice sighed loudly, and tiredly, before heading to her own bedroom, and putting her locket on around her neck, letting it rest on her big goth girl titties that STILL smelled like peppermint. She smiled softly and added under her breath. "Merry Christmas V... you crazy bitch."


Merry Christmas, we've finally had a 'Never have I ever' moment with Veronica. Never have I ever had sex with a shit ton of Christmas elves! With Special guest Sexy Mrs. Claus! Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! And a referenced cameo to BIG! JIM! SLADE! From Road Trip II!

This was honestly very fun to write and now that I have I need to figure out who's next... 

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