
Delivery Girl: Huntress Order #5

I don't own DC

"So… what's with the brownies?" Huntress asked smiling as she picked up Catwoman (II) to drive over for their shift at Superbabes. Catwoman, holding a pan of freshly baked Catwoman brownies, put them in the back seat of Huntress's car and slid into the passenger's side.

"I promised Leslie I'd bring brownies if I made some extra for that PTA mom who lives in my building." Catwoman replied as the smell of fresh, moist, chocolate brownies filled the car. Better than an air freshener. "That girl can SENSE me making brownies, it's like her superpower."

Huntress chuckled slightly, watching her mirrors to check traffic before pulling out slowly into it and driving steadily to Superbabes. "Doesn't our Superbabes make your brownies now?" asked Huntress.

"Leslie says they don't taste the same unless I make them…" she replied with a shrug. "…Such is my curse of being an excellent baker."

"And oh, so humble…" added Huntress as they laughed together.

"I am humble! I could've said amazing." She winked as Huntress chuckled again.

"…Maybe I should try baking." Huntress noted, keeping her eyes on the road as they came to a stop. She sighed at their inevitable line waiting. "I've been meaning to pick up a hobby."

"Other than having sex?" Catwoman joked.

"Regardless of what Veronica says, this is a job." Huntress noted practically, "…A job I like, sure, but still a job. Do you know what I did yesterday once I got off shift? I sat down and I watched TV. And I did it the night before that, and before that, and before that!" she continued as Catwoman laughed.

"Okay! Okay, I get it." she said patiently. "Maybe you could date more?"

"I tried that too." Mumbled Huntress unpleasantly under her breath. "…Doesn't end well. I keep getting duds… they either like the idea TOO MUCH that I used to be a pornstar, or once they find that out they stop taking my calls because they're prudes. ONE asshole wanted to be my PIMP…"

"How'd that turn out?"

"I regressed to my dad's old boxing lessons and I beat the crap out of him when he wouldn't leave me alone." replied Huntress as Catwoman, blinked at her surprised.

"Hold on. HOLD ON. You used to box?"

"No." mumbled Huntress, "My Dad taught me to box, but my mother thought I was too pretty to do it then she told him to stop, she said my 'looks were a tool and I should use them, not mess them up'." Huntress noted as Catwoman laughed nervously.

"Wow… some parenting." Seeing as they weren't moving quickly, she unbuckled and reached into the back seat by shoving her body between the front seats, her big shapely backside pleasantly displayed for anyone looking in their rearview mirror or just left or right in the cars next to them. Huntress sighed as her friend's big shapely ass cheeks bopped briefly against her right cheek.

Ignoring her friends as in her face, not the first time it's been there, she continued. "Well… she used to be a model, and that worked out pretty well until she retired and went into real-estate. She meant well."

Then Catwoman returned to her seat with the brownie tray. "Brownie?" she asked, handing Huntress one as she tentatively ate, sighing.

"I just want… something." Huntress said. "I don't really have any hobbies."

"Well… go back to that boxing thing." Catwoman said, "You still know how. Why not Foxy boxing or something?"

"Seriously?" Huntress asked, taking a bite of her brownie but gazing at Catwoman incredulously.

Catwoman shrugged, "Why not? You're fit, got a good figure… maybe you could? And that way you're combining your looks with boxing just like your dad would want."

"My dad taught me boxing to defend myself, not because he wanted me to be a boxer." Huntress replied, smiling placatingly as Catwoman shrugged again, winking knowingly at her.

"Well, it's still something to think about. You should ask Sal, he must know about all sorts of boxing stuff. You might as well try right?"

"…I guess I wasn't very specific on what I wanted to do." Huntress replied thoughtfully, "But Maybe I should. Better than trying another blind date." She added hesitantly

"Ugh… See that's your mistake. Don't go on blind dates…" Catwoman noted, "My Mama tried setting me up with some business guy in India? He was fifteen years older than me and already had a daughter half my age." Catwoman rolled her eyes. "I can like dilfs as much as the next girl, but come on Mama… someone in my age rating."

Huntress laughed as the cars finally began moving again, someone cleared the thugs Nightwing just defeated out of the street, and they continued their drive to Superbabes chattering dismissively about various things. Once they arrived at Superbabes and Huntress parked her car, and they headed inside to find Killer Frost and Big Barda in the lounge.

"Brownies! Oooh! So good." Praised Killer Frost snatching the tray from Catwoman's hands, now holding the air as she glanced down at it and sighed. "Mank-ou-ivya…" she mumbled with a full mouth.

"Chew your food. I'm going to need that tray back 'Elsa'." Noted Catwoman as Killer Frost happily moaned into her first of many brownies.

"Hey." Big Barda waved to them as they waved hello back and Catwoman and Huntress both made their way into the locker rooms.

"Oh… you know what I just remembered?" Catwoman said conversationally as Huntress squeezed her sexy ass into her suit, "Becca's brother is a boxer. What's his name again? Burning Benny? Or something like that?"

"Hmmn… 'Burning' Bernie. It's his boxing nickname." Huntress noted, "I think I remember watching his fight with 'Rocky' Rhodes… Becca watched that fight in the lounge." She snapped on her suit and zipped it up. It snuggly hugged her big breasts tightly and she adjusted it around her legs. "What about him?"

"He's a Smulders boy and he's single. Why do you think I'm talking about him?" Catwoman grinned knowingly, "They're all handsome right?"

"What happened to no blind dates?" Huntress smiled, pulling on her mask and still smiling.

"With randoms, yeah, but we know Becca. She wouldn't set you up with her brother if he was a dick." Catwoman replied, pulling on her own mask as Huntress rolled her pretty blue eyes.

"Oh, so now we're trying to set me up with Rebecca's brother?" Huntress teased as Catwoman shut her locker and stated, exasperatedly dramatic.

"She has SO many…" she sighed as Huntress and Catwoman laughed. "And they're ALL good-looking! How's that for gene-pool jackpot?" they walked out of the locker room, and Catwoman just went for it. "Hey, Becca? Do you still have a single brother?"

Big Barda playfully seemed to think about it, tapping her chin, before counting off on her fingers, lowering one with each mention of her brothers. "Let's see. Caleb's dating Orders" down went one, "Alan's seeing someone." Down went number 2, "Ash will passive-aggressively, or just aggressively kill you if you try going after Danny." She held up only her pinkie finger and wiggled it. "I got one left. Bernie. And he's a leftie!"

"Cool, set him up on a date with her." Catwoman replied, gesturing with her thumb to Huntress who rolled her eyes.

"Haha…" Big Barda laughed playfully, "Well it wouldn't take much convincing to get him too." She said, gesturing up and down at Huntress's seductive pornstar body. "I should just send him a picture of you in a bikini or something." Then she hesitated for a second before realizing they weren't in on the joke. "Oh, you're serious."

"What's wrong with her?" Catwoman asked teasingly making Huntress roll her eyes as Big Barda smiled nervously.

"Nothing. Bernard's a good guy, but he's not exactly sharp as a tack. There is a reason he became a boxer. But I'm not saying he's Lindsey or anything…" she let her words trail off, "Besides he likes fighting more than he likes women, it's not really a good match-up."

"He likes fighting more than women?" Catwoman replied as Huntress pushed her shoulders towards the floor.

"Let it GO, Div."

"Who likes fighting more than women?!" replied Catwoman indignantly as the other girls laughed. Big Barda giving the big booty Catwoman a playful swat on the rear as she passed.

"A guy who'd feel right at home fighting for the amusement of Romans in a gladiatorial arena." Big Barda declared before legitimately noting to Huntress. "I'll set you two up it's you want. But you could do better."

"Don't you mean worse?" smiled Huntress as Catwoman cheerfully went to greet the early dinner patrons."

"I know what I said." Winked Big Barda playfully as Huntress went to work.

"I'll think about it." she replied walking through the doorway to the floor as Orders arrived through the back, walking towards her counter after putting her things down.

"I'd ask what I missed but I already know." Orders declared, sitting down at her counter and selecting a crossword book today, then turning her attention to the computer as Big Barda grinned at her.

"What do you think? Should I set them up?"

Orders shrugged, "No idea. I don't know your second oldest brother." Orders replied casually, "Do YOU think he should date Huntress?" she asked, and noting Big Barda's comical hesitation, continued with turning on deliveries on the website, "And there is your answer." She added dryly. "Killer Frost, stop scarfing down those brownies, let others have a chance to eat one."

Killer Frost, on her third, paused… then crammed it into her mouth before wiping her face with a napkin and started heading out onto the floor. Big Barda went over to the brownies, claimed one, and returned to the counter as Orders began playing her crosswords. "You know. I don't see why you don't just find her a boyfriend."

"I don't pick them, I just vet them." Orders replied dismissively, "I'm a clairvoyant-"

"-not a damn genie, we know." Big Barda finished for her lazily. "Your powers are pretty OP though I don't see why not-" Orders rubbed her head, her purple eyes flickering. She rubbed her temples firmly. "Ah. It's that time again." she grinned.

"Stop talking, please… my head hurts." She groaned, "…We will not pick up this conversation anytime soon." She said with finality before reaching for the phone as it rang.

Time: 8:12 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We deliver."

"One huntress meal please. For delivery."

"That's a Venison steak, wild onions, carrots and diced potato fries. Anything else?"

"Yes. Delivered by Huntress."

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery, name and address please."


"Huntress." Orders ordered and waited as the sexy brunette quickly made her return, looking a little annoyed. "You got one."

"Oh come on I just got here." She mumbled tiredly, "I barely got anything stuffed in my costume." She added, blinked, then plucked a single from her costume. "Oh, look at that. I stand by it." she replied, putting it on the counter anyway as Orders scrapped it into Huntress's soon to be growing pile beneath the counter.

Orders handed her the receipt as the superbabes stamped bag of food slid across the counter. Huntress eyed the address quickly, lifting the food off the counter and heading out. "See you in a while."

"Mmn-hmn. Have fun." Orders replied distractedly, going back to her crosswords as Huntress went back to her car, slid into the driver's seat, and sped off towards the Suburbs.

Huntress drove through Gotham without incident, which was saying something considering she was caught in traffic caused by a street fighter between Nightwing and some standard Gotham thugs. Driving into the suburbs always felt weird to her, she's lived in apartments most of her life so actual houses was almost a foreign concept. Lawns and picket fences, garages and backyards… so weird.

She pulled up to the address, double checked, then got out of the car. It was always somewhat surprising that Gotham could be a criminal cesspool but the suburbs were surprisingly the ideal nuclear family homes. Some like this one was actually well cared for. You'd never suspect that the person inside ordered a 'delivery girl'… or maybe you would.

She walked the stone path, a path of stone islands in the grass, her heeled boots clacking loudly on the flat stones as she reached the front door and the welcome mat. One she reached the door, the front porch light on, she glanced around at the neatly cared for home… she was getting a weird vibe from the place.

But she brushed it off, raised her fist, and knocked loudly on the front door. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:37 PM. Place: Suburbs (Weird feeling house)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished and rested her knocking hand on her sexy hip, watching the door patiently. She saw a brief flash from a window curtain, so quick that the only sign of proper movement was it swinging back into position. She heard the distinct sound of a door bolt opening, then the door swung open.

…She was a little surprised.

The woman before her was wearing a lush red bathrobe and a ballroom domino mask. She had long blonde hair like a shining curtain, and a modest bust, but no prominent, or obvious lower curves like Huntress. She had a steely gaze behind the mask, her blue eyes examining huntress, gazing at her sumptuous body up and down before remarking with a voice like honey and the hint of a eastern European accent. German maybe, or that general area.

"…You're prettier than your picture." She declared, it was a compliment but it sounded harsher.

Huntress just took it in stride, she didn't expect a woman so her mind was rebooting. "Thank you." She graciously accepted the compliment.

"Inside." The woman ordered as Huntress felt compelled to obey. It was the accent. She walked inside and the woman shut the door behind her. "Come." She ordered, removing the robe and displaying her body wrapped in a silky see through negligee dress, that barely went to her thighs, she walked further into the neat household as Huntress instinctively followed, putting the food on a nearby table as she walked into the hallway.

"Strip." She ordered abruptly turning into a bathroom as Huntress hesitated momentarily, but she removed her suit, leaving it on the floor as the woman returned with a rather gaudy string bikini… "One size fits all." she said simply, "put it on."

The strings were thin and the material was tiny, but she obeyed, tying on the top as it stretched to contain her big busy, and pulling up the bottoms as it barely covered her lower body, her thick ass cheeks devouring the back. She wasn't a big-bottomed girl like Vixen or Red Lantern, but the material was simply just too tiny for her… she tugged the back out from between her ass cheeks to hear it snap on her skin as the woman eyed her up and down.

"Good." She said abruptly, "The mask." she pointed to it but Huntress cleared her throat.

"That needs to stay on." She said bluntly.

"Take off the boots then." She replied dismissively, not missing a beat as Huntress slipped off the boots. "Good." She declared, grabbing a weirdly shaped bottle from the bathroom, then- "Come." She ordered again, then moved to the back of the hallway to a closed door, then opened it.

The main bedroom, as that was what it was, was like the rest of the house neatly cared for. But the bed had a large plastic sheet over it.

"…THAT is unnerving." Mumbled Huntress concernedly… until she spotted the large man in the corner of the room, sitting in a chair and reading a book… in his red and white striped swim trunks... he was also wearing a mask, and he looked up from his book to grin kindly at Huntress and her body.

"Ah! danke liebe!" he cheered happily, putting the book down on a side table… next to a box of magnum condoms. As mentioned, he was a large man, big in gut and broad in shoulders, his chest and stomach were hair but the rest of him was rather smooth.

The woman chuckled girlishly, almost completely different to how she had been acting before, then turned her head towards huntress and licked her cheek slowly. Huntress reflexively moaned, feeling the woman's hand grip and squeeze her heavy chest as he chuckled like a jolly beardless santa.

"Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Liebling!" she praised as he rested his hands on his knees, spreading his legs open and exposing a prominent bulge. The woman's tongue slid serpent like on Huntress's cheek, squeezing her chest now as Huntress turned and began tonguing the woman. She squeezed at Huntress's tits, moaning whorishly into Huntress's mouth as the man eagerly watched with a big silly grin on his round face.

The woman know what she was doing, squeezing Huntress's body with one hand wrestling her tongue into submission with her own. But she abruptly pulled away, and spat on her face. Huntress flinched, as the woman then lightly slapped her spat on cheek and pulled away. "Whore." She said degradingly, before lifting the bottle she had brought with her and squirted scented oil between Huntress's tits.

"Ah!" she gasped as she slightly chilled oil, why is body oil always cold?! the woman threw the bottle aside, at least that somehow explained the plastic sheet over the bed… body oil was notoriously hard to get out. Pornstar's experience. "Mmn!" Huntress moaned as the woman rubbed the scented oil, strawberries, onto her skin until it glistened and the bikini top was soaked. The woman used both hands on her chest now, smearing the oil, squeezing her breasts…

"Meine liebe Frau…" the man groaned eagerly, squirming in his seat as the woman smiled prettily at him and his growing erection at the sight of a molested Huntress.

"Coming!" she declared sweetly, "Crawl." She then snapped at Huntress, lightly swatting an oily hand onto her ass cheeks. Before licking her fingers of the body oil, clearly edible… if you were going to make it smell like a fruit, it should be edible. Huntress dropped to her knees, crawling slowly across the floor and swaying her ass behind her elaborately. Approaching the large german man sitting down as he grinned down at her, but he could barely see most of her face over his gut.

"Use that mouth." Moaned the woman, strutting her body to the man's side, sitting on the arm of her chair. Watching as Huntress's mouth opened, and her hands clawed at the man's swim trunks, tugging them down to his knees and freeing his erection. A girthy 9-inch dick to match his large body… she rubbed her hands on her oiled chest, then wrapped them around his cock, slowly stroking his girth until it was slippery and smelled like strawberries.

It pulsated in his hand as she let one slid down to fondle his heavy sack, his swim trunks sliding down to his ankles as she slid her hand to his tip, rubbing the top of his cock with her oily hand. The woman twisted her body, leaning on her Husband's chest and giving him a sloppy kiss. "Mmn-mnwah. Mouth." She ordered again, briefly pulling away from his lips to order Huntress before kissing him again and relaxing against him.

Huntress's mouth opened the rest of the way, breathing heavily on his tip and allowing her tongue to slip out, giving it a few tentative licks as it twitched against her tongue. She licked the strawberry off the bulbous head of his cock before pressing her lips to it, and over it.

"Hooo." He sighed as she stretched her lips on it.

"Mmm." She bobbed her head, slowly at first, she could take the whole thing at once sure but this was clearly a service moment. Her tongue flicked on his cock as her head went lower, and lower… her oily hands working in tandem, massaging his balls and twisting up and down his shaft, frictionless and slippery. "Mmn. Mmn… Mmn…" her hand pressed against her lips, and slowly she began to move her head deeper on his cock, sliding her tongue along his length as she buried her forehead into his belly.

"Haah… aaah…" he groaned, his cock trembling between her sliding lips. "Ah. Scheisse." He hissed happily through clenched teeth as she popped loudly off his girth, still stroking and caressing his shaft as pre-cum oozed warningly from the tip.

"Stop. STOP…" ordered the woman, slipping off the couch and kissing his cheek before handing him the box of condoms. "Put them on dear." She ordered before taking a fistful of Huntress's hair, and pulling her slowly towards the plastic covered bed. She didn't tug or treat her roughly, it was a power play. Kneeling at the foot of the bed, Huntress watched the woman remove her underwear but kept the nightie. She sat on the plastic, spreading her legs and exposing her shaven pussy to her.

The demand was apparent. "Up." Huntress got up, standing over the woman as she reached over grabbing the back of her head to bend her over. Her legs straight and her ass out Huntress was buried into the woman's crotch, licking at her pussy as the woman moaned erotically. She might not have the figure of a pornstar like Huntress but she got the technique down. Grinding up against Huntress's face as the ex-pornstar slipped her tongue inside her. "Mmmn!"

The woman rolled her hips erotically into Huntress's face, matching lips to lips as the Husband began applying a magnum condom to his throbbing erection. Stretching the rubber down his cock as he moved behind her, she felt a heavy hand on her ass. Tugging at the string of the slightly oiled bikini bottoms as they fell to the floor.

"Mmph!" Huntress grunted as The Husband pushed his impressive wife stretching into her, burying his rubber covered dick into her body, "Mmn! MMn!!" The woman moaned as Huntress's tongue coiled inside her…

"Oh Scheisse!" the woman squirmed under Huntress's oral skills, not nearly as impressive on pussies as it is on dicks, but still impressive. The woman squeezed at her breasts, bitting her bottom lip as she writhed erotically on the bed. "Mmmn!!" shaking in orgasm as the Husband grabbed at Huntress's hips and began banging way.

"Mmn! MMN! Mn-ah-ah-ah!!" Huntress groaned, her face pulled out of the writhing woman's crotch as her body bounced back against the Husband, who grabbed her wrists now, yanking her body back against his bucking his, his belly slamming against her ass from behind.


"Ugh! UUGH!!" Huntress flopped about as his powerful body fucked her forward towards the Woman, who crawled her spasming body further onto the plastic covered bedding. Huntress's oiled body flopped onto it. "UGH! NGHH-aaah!!" she howled as he slammed roughly into her from behind, pounding her onto the plastic as it squeaked against her oiled breasts and chest. "Haa! Aaah!!" The Woman, briefly watching her man pound Huntress into the mattress briefly rubbed herself until she seemingly lost interest, sliding next to huntress and sitting on the edge of the bed again. She rested an arm on Huntress's back, caressing her body as The Husband continued to slam into Huntress from behind.

He was like a wobbling stone pillar, his weight keeping his feet firmly planted on the floor and bucking his hips back and forth, his size alone sending enough power up Huntress's spine, keeping her whole body moving with the blows from his pumping hips. "Ugh! Ugh! uHg! UGH!! Scheisse…" he slammed hard into Huntress… keeping himself planted in her body as she felt the condom fill inside her. "Uuhh…" he groaned, his body wobbling as she clawed the bed.

Slowly he pulled his cock from her body, she shuddered. Swinging her ass erotically behind her as she felt the filled condom slip from her pussy. "Haah…" she rested on the oiled plastic, sliding onto it easily and breathing heavily to catch her breath. "Mmmn… Ah-hah!" she gasped as the woman grabbed her hair, yanking her head back slightly before absently swatting her ass cheeks. "Haah. Mmn…" Huntress moaned under the woman's treatment, the woman smacking her ass twice more before letting go of her hair and wrapping and arm over Huntress's back to squeeze and bounce her ass cheeks.

With a wet smack, the husband tossed the tied condom onto the plastic sheet, before stroking himself thoughtfully… "Liebchen." He groaned as the woman continued to play with Huntress's body, clearly riling him up. The woman seemed, rather excited at the sight of The Husband's returning erection. She smacked Huntress ass, making her jump with an adorable squeak as the woman lied on her back spreading her legs wide.

Unlike Huntress, he went in her raw, lumbering over her as he pushed his erection up into her body, slowly, making the woman gasp, then squeal as he got balls deep. "Oooh! Oh…" she groaned excitedly, slapping the bed, then Huntress before grabbing her masked head.

She dragged Huntress over her body, sliding her oiled breasts on her negligee until she was between her legs, watching the Husband slid into the woman again and again, she leaned down, and licked the woman's clit to the woman's delight, sliding her tongue onto his cock as it disappeared inside her. "Oh! Oh! OH! Mein! Gott!" she squealed as he began to speed up, sliding against the tip of Huntress's tongue as he grabbed the woman's wrists and pulled them. "Oh! Oh! Oh!"

Huntress gazed up at him, continuing to lick their connection as she let her ass sway like a horny bitch behind her. she cooed softly, letting her lips slide on his girth before kissing his belly. The husband grunted his desire's into his Woman slamming deep into her as he let go of one of her hands and rested his now freed on Huntress's ass. She moaned softly as he squeezed, then gasped audibly as the Woman slipped her hand into Huntress's dripping pussy. "Haah!" she moaned loudly, shaking her body on their hands as they squeezed and probed.

"aah! Aah!!" the Woman squealed suddenly, shaking beneath Huntress as her fingers spasmed inside the SUperbabe. The husband, clenching his teeth shoved Huntress aside before flopping HARD onto the Woman, she squealed as he was smoothed by his bulk, clawing at his flabby body as she tightened up around him. His hips planted against her and his balls tightening against her body.

"Scheisse…." She moaned, muffled by his shoulder as she gazed wide-eyed at Huntress but saw right past her.

"MMN! Liebchen!" he purred, kissing her face as she shuddered. He licked the woman's face affectionately, but gazed at Huntress as the Woman's eyes rolled…

Huntress, lying on her side, spread her legs invitingly, exposing her pussy as the Husband kissed the woman, slowly extracting himself form her body and getting off her. The plastic crinkling loudly as he removed his weight from it.

"Haah. Ahaa…" the Woman gasped, before her eyes focused on Huntress… she rested a hand on Huntress thick, spread leg, and threw it closed. "Bitch." She said breathlessly, sitting up as The Husband let his cock swing free, "Lick it. Suck it hard." She ordered as Huntress rolled onto her arms, raising her ass behind her as she leaned her head off the edge of the bed towards his limp cock. He stood an inch from her face, her tongue darting forward to lick as his cock as it slowly rose, once at half mast she wrapped her head around the tip and began throwing her face forward again, and again.

The Husband stood with his hands on his waist, his head rolling back on his neck as the woman slowly sat up, resting her head on the back of Huntress's head and pushing her deeper, faster. "Mmgh! Mnngh! Mnh! Mmn!" His cock growing in her mouth as she buried her face into his crotch. "MMngh…" feeling pre-cum ooze into her mouth as she let it drip sloppily from her lips onto the floor.

"Liebchen." He grinned as the woman licked her lips, and taking Huntress by the shoulders yanked her from his cock, pulling her upright and hurling her onto the bed on her back. Huntress lay on her back and spread her legs expecting a deep pounding, only the big man crawled up her body, and straddled her stomach.

"ACK…" she squirmed as his considerable weight was briefly put on her. "Bwah!" she gasped for breath as he lifted himself back up, and slid his cock between her oily tits. He leaned forward, pressing his hands to the wall as she pushed her breasts around his cock. "Ah.. ahah…" she opened her mouth sticking out her tongue as he immediately began thrusting between her tits.


His bulk slammed against her soft breasts, she squeezed them tightly around his cock as it slipped towards her face, his tip tapping again and again on her extended tongue as The woman rubbed his body affectionately, licking her lips as she gazed down at Huntress, and accurately spat between her breasts. "Ahh…" Huntress moaned as the woman pulled away from The Husband, and he leaned back… but the woman then mounted Huntress's face, shoving her creampied pussy into her mouth as she was smothered. "Mmngh!"

"Ha-aha-haah!" the woman moaned, grinding on Huntress's face again as The Husband continued to relentlessly fuck her tits, in fact he seemed to do it harder with The Woman's face inches from his panting in extasy as Huntress desperately ate her out again, only this time with cream filling, swallowing the woman's arousal and the man's cum as it leaked into her open mouth and he strived to bruise her tits with his hips…

Her lower body squirmed as they relentlessly assaulted her upper body, he kept bucking his cock against her tits, feeling precum ooze between them or on her chest as flecks of spittle slipped from his mouth onto her, his belly slamming against the woman as she continued to writhe erotically on Huntress's face. "Haah! Aaah!!" the woman roared orgasmically on Huntress's face.

"Liebchen!" he warned, "Aah!" The woman suddenly stood off of Huntress gasping face, fingering herself furiously as he slammed his cock between her tits… and coated her. "Uugh!!" Thick ropes of evidently germen seed sprayed across Huntress's gasping open mouth, spraying like a fire hose on her face before he stood up, looming over her as he stroked his cock down towards her and gave two more thick globs onto her left pressed tit, he had aimed for the right… but both landed on the left…

He quickly moved aside, and before Huntress could catch her breath.

"Scheisse!!" shrieked the Woman happily as the Husband eagerly watched her squirt, ALL over Huntress. "MMmmngh!!" she kept fingering herself, dancing like a slutty stripper as Huntress could only lie stun on the bed, coated with fluids from The Husband and who she assumed was His Wife. "Haaaaaaaah…" the woman released a long, LONG sigh, pulled her knuckle deep fingers from her pussy, before flicking the fluid down on Huntress like some profane holy water blessing…

…At least know she knew what the plastic sheet was for.

"Liebchen!" he praised as she giddily cooed, he grabbed her waist and eagerly lifted her from the bed, kissing her cheek. "That was the best birthday present you ever gave me!" he purred, caressing the woman as they seemed to ignore Huntress messy body…

She kissed his face. "Mwah!" and again. "Mwah!" she pinched his chubby cheeks before smacking his big gut, "Mein Kuschelbär!" she purred lovingly, "Go bathe. You smell like strawberry and strippers."

Huntress slowly sat up, dripping with cum and fluid as the big man gave her a polite. "Danke." He said, which was usually more than she usually got, she raised a hand, and blew him a playful sticky kiss as he giggled a little unnervingly for a man his size and girth. He then walked to bathroom, turning on the lights and adjourning to the bedroom shower as Huntress blinked around through sticky coating, finding the woman, stiff and proper, already counting bills with a squirt-covered hand.

…Orders is not going to like that. She usually hated fluids on the money she'll try to dry it off with the AC in the car.

"Here." The woman said stiffly, but not impolitely. "You may borrow the hallway bathroom." She said dismissively, "See yourself out." She added before practically skipping to the bathroom to join The Husband. "Mein Teddybär! Ich will dich auf mir spüren!" she said cheerily.

Huntress sighed, blowing cum from her lips as she got off the nasty feeling plastic sheets and walked to the bathroom as the happy couple continued their little escapades without the third wheel. Huntress adjourned to the hallway bathroom, taking a shower with the mask on the clean it as much as possible… she eventually yanked the mask off, she had done what she could with it on but it needed a more direct touch, washing it under the water… before squeezing it out. She got out of the shower, dried off and got back into costume, and with the money in her boots and her mask in hand, she walked out of the bathroom.

"Ah!" gasped the Husband, who was in the kitchen for some reason, apparently having a brief snack of the Superbabes food and grabbing a bottle of wine. He stared at her face and grinned excitedly. "Heather Hottie!" He declared, pointing at her eagerly. "…I am a fan!" he added in an excited whisper as Huntress raised an eyebrow, smiled, then tugged the mask over her face. "Best birthday ever!" he declared giddily as she put a finger to her lips. Heading towards the door, before adding with a sexy whisper.

"Halten Sie das bitte geheim." His cock, somewhat limp, comically sprung up at her accent. She continued to hold the finger to her lips, winked, and shut the door behind her.

Time: 9:58 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"I didn't know you spoke German." Laura, who had just returned to the lounge paused at Orders' statement. "That is pleasantly impressive." She added conversationally as Laura registered what Orders was talking about, smiled, brushed her hair out of her masked face and pulled the money from her boot, and put it on the counter.

"I spent my 1st​ and 2nd​ grade in Germany, thanks to my mother we spent a lot of time there. You pick up a few things." She said conversationally, "I mean it's a little rusty, but I still know those few things."

"Hmn." Orders replied casually, sorting the money. "So. Still looking for a date after that?" Laura laughed unsurely.

"Sure, I guess. I mean they were quite the couple huh?" she then smiled, taking off her mask… it needed a thorough cleaning, they had spares in the locker rooms. "Why? Got someone for me?"

"No." Orders replied, "…But you'll find someone. It might even be Rebecca's ruggedly handsome brother." Orders said dismissively. "You're quite the catch Laura, I would be utterly surprised if you didn't find someone." She said honestly, "…And it would be almost impossible to surprise me."

"Almost Impossible?"

"You're not Batman." Orders elaborated straight-faced as Laura laughed, not realizing the seriousness of Orders statement. "Go clean up, take a break, have a brownie before Leslie gobbles them all down." Laura made her way into the locker rooms as Rebecca, who had just thrown out a couple of drunks, casually returned on her phone.

"Uh-huh. Yeah. OOOOH yeah." She said, grinning slightly. "Yeah. I'll run it past her. Later Bernie…" she hung up, "Soooo. My brother's interested? Turns out he likes sexy girls, whoever would have guessed?" she said sarcastically as Orders let her purple eyes linger on the locker rooms, hearing Laura start up the showers "Should I ask if she's actually interested?"

"I a while." Orders noted dismissively, going to her crosswords. "It'll be a busy night." She said knowingly as her eyes flickered and she reached for the phone.


Hey! Guess what?! I actually held back on posting this as soon as I was done!... I know right?!

Anyway, the vote is closed on Hentai Foundry, the one I put up on Questionable Questing is still open but unless everyone and their pervy grandma vote for Daphne in the next 24 hours it's looking unlikely she'll win. But most of the votes are in, and it's looking like Everyone's favorite Veronica Rival is going to have a Daily Special.

Lucia "Lucy" Lopez is the (prospective) winner. Daphne had a good showing but she only managed to get a little less than half the votes that Lucy did. So another time for everyone's favorite masochist…

Will Laura date Rebecca's boxing brother? Will the Superbabes cooks discover the Secret to making Divya's brownies amazing? Will Lucy end up killing the lucky bastard who picks her for her Daily Special? Will he die happy?! Find out next time!...

…Oh. Right the german google butchering.

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Liebling! = Happy birthday, dear!

Mein Kuschelbär = my teddy bear

Mein Teddybär! Ich will dich auf mir spüren! = My teddy bear! I want to feel you on me!

Halten Sie das bitte geheim. = Keep that a secret, please.

Next chapter