
Daily Special: Green Lantern

I don't own DC

"…Don't see that every day." Mumbled Power Girl as she came in with Batgirl, both of them stared at Orders at her counter… because she was asleep, her arms crossed and her face using them like a pillow. "…What do you know, she does sleep."

"Mother hasn't been sleeping well as of late." Platinum declared conversationally, standing over Orders like a statue… looking like one as well as she was in her silvery short-shorts and bikini top. "She has been far too concerned with Vandal Savage and his attempted coup to conquer a small middle-eastern dictatorship."

Which the Justice League cleared up a few hours ago, (allegedly with her assistance through the Batman) which explains Orders' deep slumber. However… "Mmng…mn… Veronica, leave the horse alone." She mumbled continuing to sleep as Giganta looked her over.

"…I think she's crashed girls." She said, thoughtfully as Power Girl checked the computer.

"She didn't turn on deliveries…" she said as Orders continued to sleep. "Orders? Ooooorders?" she repeated soothingly. "…Huh." She gave her a little shake, then produced her wallet from her shorts pocket, waving a single in front of Orders' face. Orders merely blew the dollar bill in the breeze with her heavy breathing. "…Okay I only have singles on me anyone got something bigger?"

"…Hold on." Batgirl declared and briefly walked onto the floor. After a second, she returned with a freshly tipped 10-dollar bill in the waistline of her jeans over her right ass cheek. She yanked it out, handing it to Power Girl before heading into the Locker room to change. "Here you go."

"Ooorders." Power girl waved the 10… Orders merely mumbled but continued to sleep. "…WOW." Power Girl slipped the 10 into her wallet, watching Orders as she put it back in her pocket, slowly… like trying to calm a wild animal. "…She just let me do that! Did you see?!" she said, half joking.

Giganta laughed and shook her huge head. "Knock it off Hon." She said, "…I guess we just put her in her office. We just won't do Deliveries tonight." They stared at Orders, expecting her to awaken, but nothing. "…Alright that was the last try. Excuse me, sugar." She then, carefully, lifted Orders from her chair, and into her office, setting her down on the couch inside and quietly shutting the door as she left.

Batgirl came out of the locker room, dressed in uniform she retrieved her usual vanilla shake from the counter. "She's not going to be happy we're not making full profits." She said as Power Girl shrugged.

"Well… I'm not really that comfy doing deliveries without, her are you?" Batgirl slurped, "Okay. Bad example. Any ideas?" she asked as Platinum stared blankly at her, Giganta shrugged…

"I have one."

"Whoa!" Green Lantern (I) smiled, as Power Girl jumped, turning around to find the luscious Latina in tight workout pants and a sports bra, both displaying her impressive ass-sets… and she shrugged her duffle bag over her shoulder. She had just come in substituting an aerobics class. "How long have you been there?"

"I just got here, how about we do a double-stamp night?" Green Lantern declared thoughtfully.

"Double stamps?" Giganta asked curiously.

"You know. Those card things that Orders has us stamp for the Daily Special raffles. We get the word out on the website that for one night only you'll earn double the stamps you usually would." Power Girl's mouth opened, as she realized the idea.

"Oooh I get it! That sounds like a good idea actually… that's going to load up the raffle bucket for sure!" Power Girl went to go change. "Platinum, you set that up on the website."

"Very well. But I am 'not it' if this backfires on mother." She declared as Giganta chuckled, Platinum sat down at Orders seat and rapidly applied a banner to the website.

"Did you tell her to do it because she's a gynoid?" Giganta asked

Power Girl shrugged. "Seemed like a good choice…" then added in an awed whisper, "…look how FAST those fingers move." Giganta merely nodded thoughtfully in agreement.

For one night only! Double stamps earned on raffle cards!

…Orders slept through the whole night, and Superbabes was PACKED. Some people came in for take-out and just to get their cards stamped. A few extra Superbabes had to come in and help with the crowd, Fire and Ice made bank…

It was the early hours of the morning. Normally a quiet time for the Superbabes, the day shift girls were petering in and the night shift girls were checking out. Giganta was dressed in civvies absently texting Sean on her surprisingly big phone, Batgirl was leaning on Power Girl half asleep and yet somehow still slurping on her vanilla shake. Fire and Ice were stuffing their hard earn tips into a Superbabes branded bag and yawning broadly. In fact, the only ones who didn't seem tired from the hard-working night were Platinum, and Green Lantern.

Platinum of course because she was a Gynoid, though low on power, she needed a charge, and Green Lantern because was just naturally radiant and gorgeous no matter how exhausted she was or hard she worked out… after all Green Lantern doesn't even sweat, she glistens

"HWaah-" Orders stretched, "hwhaaaaaa!-t-did I miss?" she managed to get out, looking around and scowling at the sight of daylight seeping into the lounge. "…FUCK. Did I actually sleep all night?" she looked positively irate. "That was a whole night of deliveries! DAMN that Vandal Savage!" she cursed as many of the girls could only sigh at the predictable outcome.

"Do not be disappointed mother, we acquired significant monetary gains while you slumbered-" Platinum declared, "Green Lantern suggested we offer double raffle stamps for purchases just for one night."

"What?" Orders blinked at her, then at a rather relaxed-looking Green Lantern "How many tickets were filled?" Green Lantern frowned, glistening slightly on the couch before she got up and walked out onto the floor. And she returned with a full Superbabes bucket full.

"This much."

"Seriously?" Orders replied amazed and legitimately surprised, and she was clairvoyant. "All of that came from one night?" Green Lantern just shrugged, smiling prettily.

"Yeah, I don't know really know what to say to that." she put the ticket bucket on the counter. "We got a lot. Now what?" Orders rubbed her purple eyes.

"Now? Now I'm going to go home, plug in my gynoid, then get some more sleep before tonight." She sat briefly at the computer, then did a bit of typing… announcing a Daily Special raffle. "And do a raffle…"

"Oh! My turn!" Declared Green Lantern quickly as Orders glared at her. "…What? Come on it's my turn. Veronica isn't in town and I'm not going to be doing anything tomorrow…" everyone else stared at her, she rolled her pretty green eyes. "Look I either get PAID to have sex all day or go find a bar and a bottle of tequila. Might as well do what comes naturally."

Orders just sighed, rolled her eyes, and grabbed her things from her office, waving a hand for Platinum to follow her. "You're lucky I'm still too tired to argue."

Later that night. The floor was PACKED with people, many of whom were there just last night earning those double points tickets. Big Barda, who was the muscle tonight, leaned on the doorway to the floor and glanced at Orders, getting ready to get out there and draw from the very large bowl they were using instead of the usual bucket. "So… any idea who the lucky guy is?" Big Barda asked as Orders stood up from the counter.

"No. I won't really know until I stick my hand in the bowl and have a look." She replied softly as the crowd got a little rowdier, and then was promptly subdued a little by an Irish-accented-


"…I better get out there before she starts a brawl." Orders grumbled as Big Barda grinned, "…Don't smile she does it in three scenarios." Orders stood above the crowd as they were partially silenced, the bowl of tickets was held up by Miss Martian and Stargirl, "Alright boys." She declared, raising her hand and wriggling her fingers. "A little silence please for the raffle drawing."

Then with a look of maximum comedic concentration, she dipped her hand into the bowl. Swishing around the tickets. Many were given the illusion that Orders was making a random draw… but of course, it's Orders, so…

No. No. Noo. Fuck no. maybe-no… mmnn-nnngh! Ah… come on… fine.

She grabbed the 'winning' ticket, and yanked. She made a whole show of it. She then frowned, reading the name. She had of course seen it in advance. But it was still something of a sight. "Hans-Yan-Ivan?"

"Yeah!" declared a man in the crowd, raising his hands and pushing through to the front. A good-looking man with sharp features, tall and blonde, blue-eyed and fit. "I am Hans!" he declared, he had a slight Swedish accent but it was minimal. Orders just sighed, picking the least likely of a headache out of many. She hopped down, "Drinks all around." She declared, walking into the lounge followed by Hans.

He passed by Big Barda as Orders walked back around the counter, sitting at her desk, and slipping the Daily Special mat onto the counter. Showing off both Green Lanterns, Supergirl (II) Catwoman (II) Bumblebee, (B) Vixen, Batgirl, Starfire and Wonder Girl. "Alright. Now point to one of them." She said, framing the map with her hands as Hans looked it over, but he quickly checked his phone and cringed… shoving it into his pocket and grinning, tapping the Lovely Green Lantern (I)

"This one please."

Orders slipped the mat under the counter, all business. "12:00 tomorrow, noon, whether you are here or not that's when your day starts. My time, not yours." She tapped her own watch. "The day after tomorrow, noon, that's when you bring her back. "If not, the woman here…" she gestured to the intimidatingly standing Big Barda who winked at him playfully, "Will find you at your house and do terrible things to you…" he blinked nervously, "And I'll have her bring friends. Who will also do terrible things to you. Do you understand?"

"Yeah?" Hans replied nervously.

"Good." She had Platinum take a picture of him, "Now. Off you go. Be here tomorrow." Big Barda rested a hand on Hans' shoulder and 'tossed' him back into the crowd.

"How nice you gave Lucy a good-looking one…" Orders' purple eyes flicked to Big Barda.

"He's NOT the only one." she noted cryptically, going to her crosswords while sending Green Lantern a message for tomorrow.

Time 12:00 PM. Place: Gotham (Just outside of Superbabes)

It was hard to believe the Green Lantern had clothes that were not a Sports bra and tight workout pants that she so often dressed up in, but it was just normally what made her comfortable. Just about everything had been going as normal, the only difference today was that the boys picking her up were late… which was just as hard to believe as the clothes thing.

She stood outside Superbabes, glistening in the sun with her duffle bag over her shoulder packed with her costume, some spare clothes, and other toiletries she might need. She had packed the night Orders told her she was picked for the 'Daily Special' and once she was done with her mid-morning appointment, she jogged all the way here arriving a little early, until her lucky winners became fashionably late… She absently checked her phone during the wait, rearranging meet-up times with more prospective and regular clients of her nutritionist/fitness instructor job. Ready to make their lives just a little healthier, and some a little sexier… when the screech of tires pulled up on the curb in front of her.

She glanced up and smiled at the very fancy car before her. "Hell-O!" declared a… distinctly Asian-looking man from the back seat, sticking his head out to lean on the window and look at her. "Hop on in!" he declared as she raised an elegant and pretty eyebrow.

"Sorry chico," she cooed. "I'm waiting for someone."

"Hello!" Declared the fellow she would recognize as Hans from the picture Orders had sent of him, he got out of the car on the driver's side, "Sorry I am late. Traffic was bad." Green Lantern checked her watch, smiled then slipped into the car. Hans got back in as she eyed the guy in the backseat, "This is my brother Yan…"

"Heeeey." Yan declared as Green Lantern studied his face, his features, and his body…

Getting a good look at the two she actually DID see a resemblance, they could in fact be brothers. And yes she could tell that sort of thing with a look it was one of her particular gifts in the field of nutrition and health believe it or not. "Hi." She finally replied sweetly, "So…" she turned her attention back to Hans, "Where are we going?"

"To the hotel." Hans replied, glancing at her body… and her picture on the Superbabes map, or the website, did not do the real thing any justice.

"Hmmn. Which Hotel?"

"Gotham Star." He said, and quickly drove into traffic. Green Lantern blinked, before glancing at him then Yan.

"Are you guys from out of town?" she asked as Yan eagerly grinned, looking at her in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, we're on a family road trip." He said, leaning between the seats to gaze lecherously down at Green Lantern's cleavage, obviously, not that she minded that much. "And us brothers want to have a good time with the locals." He said as Hans put his hand on his face and shoved him back into his seat. "Ah!"

"Do not be such a perv!" declared Hans, "You are lucky we were able to win! We heard about this place from a pizza shop in Arizona!" he said conversationally as Green Lantern giggled. "They were giving out these little cards that our brother, Ivan got…"

Since she was a part of the group passing those little cards out there must be some irony to the fact that these boys were now on a road trip themselves… and they were about to have a LOT of sex in the next-

Time: 12: 12. Remaining Time: 23 hours 48 minutes

The boys were boys the rest of the drive, she of course half expected them to strip her naked and bang her in the back of the rental car because it was definitely a rental, but they pulled into the parking lot of the Gotham Star… then they started to get far more handsy, at least Yan was… they walked through the lobby together… Green Lantern's drawing a few looks, she might not be in costume but the glamorously beautiful Green Lantern and her perfectly fit, athletic body, big breasts, shapely ass, powerful legs, and toned stomach was naturally still going to draw looks wherever she went.

Especially if there was a horny Asian man taking the opportunity to get fistfuls of sexy Latina booty as they went to the elevators. "Holy SHIT Hans…" he grinned, "…You got to feel this." He said, giving her sweet ass cheeks another squeeze. "It's so meaty…" he said as Hans, unable to resist the ass, grabbed her other cheek as they all got into the elevator.

"Boys." She said playfully, but more as an admonishment to the whole gender, but she didn't stop them. What was the point in trying to stop them? Riding the elevator up… wiggling her hips subtly as they continued to grope her 'meaty ass'. Their manhandling hands had their way with her Latina booty as they stepped out.

Hans reluctantly let go of her ass first to make his way out onto the Hotel's 20th​ floor, he fiddled with his keyfob, approaching a nearby door, and letting it click open. "Ivan! We're back!" Green Lantern, finally slapping away Yan's hands playfully entered.

"Sweet." Declared another voice it was gravelly like he chewed on rocks first. Another man, tall and handsome like his brothers, because she knew now that they ALL were related, walked out of a steaming bathroom with a Towel around his waist. With a name like Ivan she expected a big boy, hairy… eastern European… but no, Ivan was dark chocolate black with blue eyes and a big boyish grin… somewhat unexpected…

…Clearly, their father had varied but good taste.

"FUCK me look at her." she smiled at 'Ivan's' praise, and ignoring his growing hard-on walked further into the hotel suite, it had a set of rooms and a common room, a sliding door that led to a balcony but there was also an open side door that led into a neighboring suite, they were clearly renting two rooms. She tossed her duffle bag onto the couch, then smiled at the boys.

"…So boys." She cooed, "…Are we doing this altogether? Should I get changed first? Or just get naked?" She then stretched that gorgeously fit body, limbering herself up as they eagerly watched. Ivan's erection became more apparent against his modesty towel.

"DIBs!" declared Yan quickly as his brothers gave him cold glares. "Dibs! I get to go first! DIBS!"

"You can NOT call dibs on a woman I brought!" declared Hans angrily as Ivan smacked their brother on the back of his head.

"OW! What do you mean I can we got the whole day with her and I called dibs!"

"You little shit. Pa would smack you silly!" declared Ivan, smacking Yan again only for Yan to block his hand.

"No he won't. and don't call him Pa that makes us sound like hillbillies!"

"Well, we've both fucked your slut of a mother so we kinda are!" Hans decried angrily, "Ah!" Yan jumped him and Green Lantern, watching this take place. Placed her hands on her hips and patiently waited for them to realize there was a sexy Latina in the room and she was ready to play… However, Ivan tried to pry his brothers apart only to be pulled into their scrap.

Green Lantern briefly watched them… then just sort of. Wrote them off… they'll bang her when they're ready. "You boys work that out I'll be right over here when you need me." She smiled, stripping naked and moving into the next room as they continued to brawl.

Being naked is natural. For her probably as much as anyone. But she might as well get some light stretching in while the boys work out a little in the next room. She stretched her arms above her head, arching her back, pushing out her breasts and making her butt taught as she kept her legs straight. "MMnh!" she moaned contentedly, before spreading her legs apart and doing some light aerobics. She bent down, touching her right toes with her left hand before jumping up and touching her left toes with her right, repeating the motion again and again before standing up straight again after doing the same motions 20 times, 10 for each foot.

Then came the jumping jacks, standing straight before doing each one perfectly, hopping, spreading her legs and clapping her hands over her head before assuming the same starting position, she did it again and again.

"1 and 2 and 3 and 4…" She could do 100 in a minute, though she would also tell you to DO a hundred in a minute. She could do it as easily as breathing, and her breathing was still steady a minute later. "…99 and 100." She stood straight, before falling forward, smiling and humming happily as she felt the burn and started doing pushups. "1 and 2 and 3…" her as and breasts bounced and jiggled like they had been for the last minute, easily pumping up and down. Humming a catching K-pop song that Brielle got stuck in her head.

And she didn't even speak Korean, so she was probably insulting to everyone with her attempt at an accent.

"And 30… she didn't bother to time how many pushups she could do in a minute she usually just set herself to 30. She dropped to her knees, and pushed herself up to sit on them just as she heard the word-

"Ha!" Yan, looking significantly more bruised and missing his shirt crashed into the doorway. "DIBS!" he declared before wobbling into the hotel room as she smiled at him prettily.

Time: 12:56. Remaining Time: 23 hours and 4 minutes

"Holy shit you look amazing…" he praised, "How much do you work out?"

"All the time." She said, spinning on her knees to face him, resting her hands on her hips, "I'm a fitness instructor in my off time… And a Nutritionist. Oh, and I was covering for my friend on a morning aerobics show." She added as Yan approached her, dropping the rest of his clothes, and letting his rock-hard erection, she didn't even flinch at the appearance of a big throbbing member bouncing on her lips. "Mnnh-I-aahh…" her hand on one side and her tongue on the other she caressed it with tongue and fingers. "I do a lot of-aah… things…" she brushed her lips along his shaft as he groaned, his cock quivering as he put his hands into her luxurious auburn hair and guided her to the tip. "Mmmn…"

Her soft cock sucking lips wrapped tightly around the tip of his cock, slurping loudly as her cheeks sunk in, noisily slurping before she buried her face abruptly into his crotch. "Mmgh. MMn! Mmn!"

"Ah shit…" he gasped as she went fully up and down his cock, his length throbbing in her throat. She inhaled his musky, sweaty scent of a hard fight won, sliding back up to the tip, savoring the taste of salt on his member as pre-cum oozed onto her tongue… Green Lantern HAD no limits to depravity, but just because she had none didn't mean she did not know when to stop. Now was not that time.

She buried her face into his crotch. One. Two. One. Two. His shaft now liberally dripped with her saliva as she held his tip between her lips and swirled her tongue around the tip of his cock, letting it slide out from between her lips so he could see her tongue work on him. "Aah…" she opened her mouth wide, breathing heavily on his soaked tip as her tongue hung from her mouth, her hand wildly stroking his cock as her tongue flicked against his tip, licking pre-cum and wrapping her lips around him. "Mwah!" POP! "Mwah!" pop again, sucking loudly on his cock until.

"FUCK…" he groaned, her lips wrapped around his tip.

"MMmn…" she felt his cock bulging before hot stick cum splashed against the back of her throat, but she kept stroking and stroking, his hands resting on her shoulders and shaking as she squeezed out his first load. "Mmmn-hmmn?" she moaned as his load went down her throat quickly, gulping every drop until he slipped from her lips. "Ahh…" she opened her mouth sticking out her tongue and letting it wag as she displayed herself after swallowing.

"Man where did you learn to do that?" she just smiled up at him and squeezed at her big breasts before slowly getting to her feet. Not answering him as… she didn't really learn she just did. She rubbed her glistening body down, then laughed as he put his hands on her breasts, rubbing her all over before absently pushing her onto the single bed.

"MMn!" she moaned, already spreading her legs as he crawled over her, guiding his cock into her body, slowly stuffing her as she let her head roll back and hang off the side of the bed. Gazing at the other bed, not much of a view. "Ahh… AH… AH…" she groaned as he began thrusting in her, harder, faster. His cock hardened in her body as she bit her bottom lip, moaning erotically as he began jackhammering at her. "MMn! Mnn! MN!!"

"Yan I am going to kick your ASS!" barked Hans.

"Kick it later I'm busy!" Yan groaned into the bed. "Come on baby! YEAH…" he groaned, feeling her body tighten around him as her mouth opened, her hair waving off the bed as she opened her mouth.

"HAah! Ah! Ah! Ahh!"

"Ugh!" Yan buried his cock into her, then crawled further up onto the bed, straddling her body as he pounded down, "Ugh-ugh-UGH you're so tight." He praised, furiously bucking into her as her tits bounced wildly on her chest. Gritting his teeth as his head rolled back, furiously slamming into her as his hands slipped under her and grabbed her ass, squeezing her meaty cheeks as he pulled her up into his thrusts. "I'm gonna take good care of you when I knock you up!" her body tightened around him as she squealed, "Yeah you like that?! you want my baby you slut!?" thrusting wildly into her shuddering body.

No. She just came. Completely unrelated.

"Gonna fuck you all night!" he groaned, slamming into her body as she gasped and squealed.

"HAah! Aaah!"

"Gonna knock you up! Gonna make you my baby momma!"

"Aah! Aah!"

"Fuck you, Yan!" Hans finally made his way into the room, his lip was bleeding and he was a little bruised. "Just wait until I tell Dad!"

"Screw you!"

"AHaaahoooh… ooh…" Yan stopped fucking Green Lantern, the Lucious Latina moaning as her orgasm meter diminished. "Mmmn?"

"You shouldn't have talked about my mom like that! She was your mom too!"

"Not when we fucked her." Hans repeated, Green Lantern giggled subtly as Yan scowled at his brother, pushing himself up to try and make himself tall only he was balls deep in Green Lantern so it didn't really work. "…What?!" Hans replied, seemingly remembering the naked Superbabe and walked around to bed to gaze at her smiling head hanging upside down. "It's not like you didn't fuck my mom too once she divorced Dad!"

"Fuck you." Yan repeated, but apparently, this information was just common knowledge to these boys.

"In fact." Hans declared, gazing down at Green Lantern, her tongue slowly sliding over her lips and opening her mouth. "Hows about I show you how Ivan and I fucked your slut of a mother?" He dropped his pants, his polite demeanor completely gone after his beating as his erection stood tall in a forest of blonde trees. His hand hooked behind Green Lantern's head, gently, bringing her lips to his cock. "She just kept squealing on Ivan's big dick so I shoved my cock in her throat to quiet her down. She LOVED it."

"MMn-hmmn…!" moaned Green Lantern as Hans gasped, his cock vibrating as it slipped between her lips and into her throat.

"I fucked her face, slapping my balls on it so much it left an imprint!" he began bucking his hips against Green Lantern's face, but he didn't fuck it. "Haa… Aah man!" the Brothers began moving again, harder, faster, trying to meet in the middle of her as they buried their cocks into her body. Hans gripped her breasts, squeezing and flicking her nipples with his thumbs as Yan kept his hands firmly on Green Lantern's ass cheeks.

"Ugh! UGH! Your mom!" grunted Yan angrily, then put that anger into her body. "UGH! uGH!" ramming into her pussy as she squealed on Hans' cock in her mouth.

"mmn! Mmnh! Mmn!" slurping loudly as he pulled out of her throat and pushed back in, his sack heavy with thick cum smacking against her nose. "Ugh-uck…" she grunted eagerly, her tongue working overtime magic on his member as the brothers sped up, railing deep into her body as Yan buried his cock into her.

"HAaah! NGH!" he rammed his hips against her, shooting his load deep into her body. She squirmed beneath him as he groaned, "Fuck she's milking me!" he gasped "Oooh…" he slowly pulled his cock from her tight pussy, her lower lips slurping out his last drop as he flopped on… then off the bed. THUMP. "FUCK!"

Losing balance quickly and hitting the floor.

"Ha-ha-ha! Ah!AH!" Hans at first laughed, then groaned, leaning onto Green Lantern and her big perfect breasts, "Ugh-aah!!" One of her hands on his ass, the other on her pussy, she rubbed herself while pulling him deeper, moaning as he let out a huge load into her stomach.

"MMmngh!" she moaned loudly, before raising her lower body up. "MMMGNh!!" and shuddering as she made herself cum on her fingers, flopping back to the bed as Hans pulled his cock from her lips. "Mmn-bwaaah…" she licked her lips as he sat down on the opposite bed, "Ah…" then abruptly sat up. "Mmmn…" she closed her eyes, and spreading her legs wide she rubbed herself… slowly…

…It's VERY hard to make masturbation look like anything more than trying to get yourself off, but somehow Green Lantern made it look like an art form. "Oooooh-aaah…" she released an erotic sigh, her head rolling back, and slowly gyrating like a snake charmer's snake, "Mmmn…" she pulled her hand away and stood up, not stepping on Yan who was trying to hide himself on the floor after such an embarrassing dismount of her body.

She politely didn't bring attention to it. Instead, stretching. "MMMN!!" glistening in the meager Gotham light slipping through the glass door of the balcony. She smiled at the boys. "…Next?"

"Next!" Hans grinned eagerly, already raising his hand and trying to raise his cock… it was easier by the second with Green Lantern's body fully in view. She brought it closer, strutting toward him before straddling his lap, kneeling on the bed before dropping her body onto his cock. She wiggled her hips, letting his cock cram into her as she bit her bottom lip and let her head roll back, moaning agreeably as his hands rested on her slender athletic waist.

"Fuck me." She breathed seductively, "Aah!" writhing on his lap as he lifted her up, and down. Over and over she bounced on his lap, her big breasts jumping up before his eyes as he kept her moving, gyrating.

"Going to fill you with my cum too! Get pregnant!" he declared happily, his cock throbbing to life inside her as her pussy naturally squeezed his cock. Unrelated, she was horny and she was clenching her perfect muscles…

"Haa! Ah! Ah! AAH!" she writhed on his lap as if dancing instead of wildly bouncing on him, almost jumping off his cock only to quickly return to his throbbing shaft.

"Faster. More!" he grinned, gripping her tightly and practically throwing her body onto his cock, "Ugh! I want to fill you with my babies!" he groaned. She was still riding him hard as Ivan graced them with his presence.

Yan was watching Green Lantern's ass bounce on his brother's lap, his head peaking over the edge of the bed like a very bad voyeur when Ivan's foot rested on his shoulder and shoved him to the floor. "Ah! OW! FUCK!?" he grunted as he followed up with a kick. "What?!"

"You sucker punched me you little shit." He declared dismissively, removing his towel and revealing a rock-hard cock just as big as his brothers' he stroked it eagerly, walking up behind Green Lantern's bouncing body before resting his other hand on her shoulder and pushing him down onto Hans' lap, "Hey there Sexy I got what you need…"

Instinctively, Green Lantern licked her lips, glancing over her shoulders at Ivan as she grabbed her shapely Latina booty and spread those cheeks exposing a pussy full of dick and an asshole about to be… Hans' hands moved from her waist to her chest, squeezing them eagerly as Green Lantern used no phonetic words only the words of horny slut.

"MMmnh! mMNn!" whining like a bitch in heat, even shaking her ass like one as Ivan pushed his bulging tip to her experienced asshole and used her the way her body was for… double penetration. "Haaah!!" erotically praising the perverted gods with a sexual moan like no other. Throaty and inviting.

"I knew a DP slut when I saw one, SHIT…" hissed Ivan excitedly, pushing his rock-hard cock up her ass inch by inch until his balls kissed her big round booty. "Just like Yan's mom!" he wrapped a hand around Green Lantern's neck, pushing her forward as Hans fell back onto the bed. "Fuck her. Fuck her!" Ivan repeated himself, mostly because he wasn't entirely sure if he said it the first time. "Fuck HER!"

"FUCK ME!" Green Lantern squealed, "Oh! YES! FU-UCK! ME!" they rammed into her, again and again, in sync at first but quickly it devolved into a primal state of fucking. "Yes! YES! YES! OH YES! MMMNGH!!" she grabbed the sheets on the bed, resting on her elbows as her breasts wobbled on Hans's happy face. "OH! Oh! OOH!" she moaned, tightening around both boys as they grunted and panted onto her body, their sweat rubbing on her glistening skin as they rubbed her insides with cock..

"Look at this booty!" praised Ivan in panting gasps, swinging his hand on her ass. "YEAH!" he groaned, feeling her body tightening around them as she squeaked with the echoing smack of her ass meat. "You cum! You cum whenever you want baby!"

"MMMNGH!!" she moaned, cumming again as they buried their dicks into her body. "Aaaah!" she drooled onto the bed, feeling Hans's trembling hands slide to her waist as he desperately pumped up into her, slamming his hips against her body…

"Oh YEAH! Oh, that's my baby!" he groaned into her chest and pumped a load into her pussy. She pushed her hips down on him as Ivan kept pumping up her ass, two, then three more strokes until he emitted a primal roar.

"UUGH! FUCK!!" trapped between two spent boys as they pumped her full of seed Green Lantern naturally tightened up, taking all of their cum as she went limp, shaking in orgasm as Hans and Ivan greedily squeezed her body.

"Nasty." Laughed Ivan, "Nasty just like Yan's mom… she got a body that needs lots of dick too." He swatted a hand on Green Lantern's quivering ass cheek and squeezed. He pulled out of her ass with a wet squelch, grabbing her ass cheeks as he stood off the bed and shaking them in his grip. "Come here sexy." He grabbed a beautifully limp Green Lantern and pulled her carefully off his brother who slipped from her pussy reluctantly. "Come over here I got a baby for you…" his big dick already hardening as he pressed her back against the wall between the beds. "MMn that tasty pussy needs more dick doesn't it?"

"Yeah…" she moaned as his cock throbbed eagerly in response to her breathy invitation, she spread her legs, pushing her hips out and leaning back against the wall. Looking him dead in the eyes as his dick slid up her slippery pussy. "Mmmn!" he pushed all the way inside her, balls deep. Groaning as he reached the base of his cock before taking each of her legs and throwing them over his. "Mmnn… Hah-AH!" she moaned as he grabbed her waist and began fucking her against the wall. Thumping her hard against it as her legs flopped about behind him off the floor.

"I'm gonna fuck you like Hans' mom!" he growled, bucking harder and harder, Hans mom apparently liked it rough. "Cept she was a nasty white lady whereas you are a fine ass chica!"

"Haah! AAH!" Green Lantern writhed against the wall, smiling beautifully as she was ravaged by Ivan.

"If she's so nasty why do you keep fucking her?" Yan snarked as Ivan grunted, trying not to listen and focus solely on the sexy Latina on his cock. Like he should be.

"Cause she's a nasty white lady and they do whatever the FUCK you want! SHIT!" he groaned, ramming into Green Lantern, "Fuck me! UGH!" pressing his powerful body to Green Lantern, her chin resting on his right shoulder moaning loudly into his ear in encouragement. Though no words were said only primal animal noises.

"HAAAH! AAHH! AHA! AAAH!!" Her body spasmed, another orgasm and finishing off Ivan as he rammed balls deep into her body.

"FUCK! FUCK take that baby! OOOOH SHIT…" Ivan slammed his forehead against the wall, shaking as he planted his feet and stood still filling the beautiful Superbabe. "Oooh SHIT… that pussy is milking me!" he hissed as Green Lantern gave his neck and cheek a long lick, moaning into his ear.

He slipped out of her, letting her legs flop to the floor. "Now that is good pussy…" he praised, laughing as he sat on the bed. "I think I need a moment I blew out my nut!" laughing with his tired brothers. "SHIT we gonna make her pass-" she pushed from the wall after a moment of ahegao face, and brushed her hands through her beautiful hair…

Glistening as she easily walked away from the brothers.

"…The fuck?" Yan blinked as Green Lantern paused, and smiled at them.

"You boys don't mind if a take a quick shower before we continue?" she asked pleasantly. "I'll let you rest." She said playfully before adjourning to the shower.

"…The FUCK?" Ivan and Hans declared, and Hans continued.

"Ivan not even your momma can take three guys at once and walk around like it's-OOF!" Ivan threw a pillow at Hans.

"Man shut up about my ma."

"Not my fault she has a SWEET ASS." Declared Yan as Ivan put him in a headlock… and they all fought awkwardly on the floor.

Time: 2:40 PM. Remaining Time: 21 hours and 26 minutes.

"Hmm-hmm-hmm da-da-da…" she hummed in the shower, her hair positively soaked with water and clinging to her body as she let the water add a luxurious sheen to her skin as she pulled her body out of the direct water to shampoo, rinse, condition, then rinsed again until her hair had a magnificent sheen. She opened her eyes after she rinsed out all the soap and glanced out her glass shower door at the spying brothers. She smiled, waved, letting them know that she could see them, then went right back to bathing… Not even trying to be sexy as she started using hotel soap on her body.

But it's Green Lantern and sexy came naturally.

Soap-suds covering her body like an artistic mosaic, she glanced over her shoulder, "…Are you boys just going to come in with me or can I finish taking a bath?" she asked politely. "I'd like to know first before I bothered to scrub." she noted, before soaping up her face and rinsing the soap away.

"F-This!" Yan declared, already making his way into the shower, and walking right it. "HOLY POLES!" he leaped right back out, positively shaking as Green Lantern grinned broadly, "That's fucking cold!" he declared surprised.

"Cold showers are good for your muscles after a workout." She said, bathing under the spray like it WASN'T icy cold Gotham water. Then again, she was so fucking hot maybe it somehow balanced out. She tossed her hair sending water everywhere in the shower.

Yan rubbed his arms, then jumped back in, using her seemingly unperturbed body as a shield from the cold water. Wrapping her arms around her, grabbing around her waist as he pushed his cock into her from behind. "Haah…" she moaned the sound echoing around the bathroom as she gargled a little water, spitting it out as he grabbed her wrists, yanking her arms back as he began to pump into her. "Hah-hah-aah…"

Water splashed about as Yan wildly pumped into her, half shaking from the cold as her breasts bounced up and down. She pushed her hips back against Yan, bouncing off him as the wet smacks of their bodies echoed enticingly around them. His body soon adjusting to the cold of the water, he pushed her towards the glass wall of the shower, half the shower walls were glass the other were tiles. Her big breasts pressed against it.

"Ugh-hnn-mmn!" licking the glass whorishly as she pressed her hands flat to it. "Haa-aah-aah…" grunting at Yan wildly kept thrusting, his whole body shaking as he smacked her ass…

"Aah! AH! Fffuck!" cum rushed into her body, he pressed her hard against the glass shaking uncontrollably clearly from the cold as he ripped his cock out of her, "Oh Shit…" he groaned, throwing himself under the water as Green Lantern's hips wiggled, keeping her chest bulging firmly against the glass.

"Oooooh. OH!" she squeaked as her ass was clapped by Hans, who grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them apart before cramming his cock steadily into her ass. She hissed, teeth clenched in a satisfied smile as he hooked a hand under her chin. "AH-aah-aah-aaah!" Her head pulled back, her back arched and her tits still firmly against the glass Hans whiled bucked into her ass from behind sliding easily in and out of her back door.

The glass shook wildly with her body being rammed against it. "Haah! Ah! Aah!!" he eager cries of arousal bouncing and reverberating off the walls as he pinned her, pushing and pulling her body as he manhandled her. And just when she thought he was going to blow his load into her ass with a mighty backswing he ripped his cock out of her tight hole and jammed it up into her pussy leaving another deep deposit up inside her

"Haah… ah!" she gasped as he bucked hard against her and slowly pulled from her body, she wiggled her hips behind her then slid down the glass dropping to her knees as she leaked their loads between her legs into the water. Her ass cheeks clenched and twitched as she clawed the glass… "Haah…" she sighed, looking dazed.

"Alright out! Out! There's too many dicks in this shower!" declared Ivan, as Yan and Hans, both rinsing in the slightly warmer water (Yan wussed out and turned up the heat) were pulled then shoved out of the stall by their bigger brother Ivan who walked in… taking advantage of Green Lantern dazedly on her knees he stroked himself over her face. Swatting her pretty features with his dick as she opened her panting mouth wide. "Ahh yeah…"

He slipped into her mouth and immediately began thrusting his hips towards her face as she easily took his dick into her throat. Moaning and slurping loudly as Water sprayed the both of them, his hand in her silky wet hair, guiding her faster and faster into his crotch as he pushed his hips into her face, his balls swinging against her chin. Her hands clawed his muscular ass cheeks as she twisted her head side to side as she stroked her lips along his shaft. Her eyes were dazedly half-lidded as she continuously slurped on his cock.

He rested both hands on her head, practically slamming his hips against her face, jackhammering at her skull as if he was trying to shove his dick through it, but unable to comprehend that his cock was taking the path of least resistance down her throat. Water, soap, and various fluids from multiple orifices flowed down the drain as Ivan roared his release and ripped his cock from her mouth.

Green Lantern shuddered as she took his load straight to the face like a semen shotgun, spraying and coating her beautiful features as her eyes rolled and her tongue lolled from her gaping mouth, cum splattering on her tongue and the roof of her mouth pooling in the back of her throat as she took her facial. "Haaaah…" she sighed, gargling water from the showerhead and cum as she closed her lips, swallowing both as Ivan swatted her sticky cheeks with his dick. Admiring the dazed look on her face… Her shaking body jiggled and wiggled in pleasure on her knees.

"How was that Sexy?" he jumped back as she IMMEDIATELY shot to her feet.

"Well you were rough but nothing I couldn't handle honestly." She said casually, COMPLETELY normal once again, only her face was covered in sticky cum… which thinking about it was… completely normal for Green Lantern. "Although." She added, playfully annoyed and pointing at her pretty, sticky, smiling face. "THIS is why I asked if I should bother to scrub! Now I have to wash my face again." she said before turning to the shower and doing just that as Ivan looked at her indignantly, turning to his brothers who had been watching, but finding their shocked looks as well.

"Da-da-da dooo-da dee…" she mumbled that catchy K-Pop song again, not acknowledging but aware of the boys leaving her alone in the shower as she once again went through the motions of washing herself. She had to shampoo again there was cum in her hair.

Meanwhile outside the bathroom.

"The FUCK that chick is something else!" Yan declared as Hans and Ivan shut the bathroom door. "Not even your mom could take a marathon of banging like that!" he added to Ivan, who punched him in the arm. "Ah! Fuck Charley horse!" he hissed, rubbing his arm.

"Shut up Yan." He grumbled.

"I am not going to lie, my brothers, I am feeling a little emasculated." Hans laughed lightly, "But it's not like we NEED to make her brain explode like Yan's mom."

"Dude what the fuck." Yan grumbled indignantly. "…You know what? Maybe we just need to stop fucking our stepmoms…" he replied but his complaints went unheard as Ivan wobbled back into the other bedroom. "Ivan?"

The youngest but biggest brother grabbed some pants in his room, and pulled them on, followed by a plain red T-shirt and his wallet. "I'm going to go to the closest convenience store and grab a shit ton of Bluebull energy drinks you two want any?"

"You know you're supposed to only have like one of those a day, right?" Hans noted, "We only have her until-" he checked the nearby digital clock. "20-something hours left? 8 or so of those I'm pretty sure we'll be sleeping through."

"Shut up Hans." Ivan said, already making his way out the door as Hans and Yan stood naked, watching him go.

"…Well there's no stopping him when he gets like this." Hans replied, grabbing pants himself as Yan seemed less than eager to dress. "I'm going to relax then I could use a break."

"Good! More for me then!" Yan declared confidently, returning to the bedroom and waiting for Green Lantern to get out of the shower. Leaning back on the bed and revealing in the prospect of having an attractive woman all to himself while his brothers wussed out and-Oh he's asleep. Unaware of his own slight exhaustion Yan closed his eyes one too many times and they finally just stayed shut… his chest rising and falling with his steady breathing as he accidentally slipped into dreamland.

Less than 5 minutes later Green Lantern walked out of the bathroom, glamorous and dry. She displayed her body to nobody in particular, she noticed Yan sleeping on the bed and quietly moved across the room, dismissing the younger man, mostly, and looking for his brothers. Hans was in the next room, eating a stick of beef jerky as he stared at her wide-eyed. Noticing he was in pants, she went to her duffle bag, and retrieved a fresh set of clothes.

"Since you've dressed yourself, I guess that means I can put clothes on?"

"…It is a fair assumption yes." She pulled up a pair of yoga pants over her legs and ass, wiggling in place before she tugged on a loose T-shirt See? she did have other clothes. "…Are you all really brothers?" she asked conversationally before she absently began doing calf stretches.

"Oh Yah. Our dad is a bit of a horndog." he said unabashedly unashamed. "Had me. Cheated on my mother, had Yan, cheated on HIS mother, had Ivan… then we realized we all knew really hot milfs and we banged them instead…"

"You banged your own mothers?" she asked concernedly, Hans choked on his meat… which sounds worse. Then collected himself.

"What?! No. We banged each OTHER's mothers… that would be weird to bang our own moms."

"…Uh huh. Yeah. Where are you guys from again?" she asked, switching the focus on her legs.

"Arizona." He said casually.

"Hmmn." She replied, it sounded more like Alabama. He watched her work out as she continued to flex.

"So you… just work out? Like all the time?" Green Lantern just gave him a heartwarming smile, before beginning to move her arms.

"I'm either working, or working out." She said honestly. "And I love what I do."

"Don't you have a hobby?" he asked as Green Lantern laughed beautifully, bending over in half, and wrapping her arms around the back of her legs as he stared at that majestic Latina booty flexed.

"This is my hobby."

"That cannot be healthy. Don't you relax?" he asked as she slowly stood back up, tossing her hair like a posing fitness model, which she was once.

"All the time." She smiled, "But usually." She licked her lips. "There's a bottle of tequila involved… then I get naked, and then I usually have sex all night." She replied, hands on her hips. "Do you have a bottle of tequila?" she asked as Hans seemed… very intimidated.

"I do not." He squeaked as she shrugged.

"Well alright then." She said, then she sat on the bed. "Your brother is in the next room naked and asleep." She jerked her thumb over her shoulder. "Should I go and wake him up."

"…Nah." Hans replied with a smile. "He'll get up eventually…" then remembered an earlier conversation. "So when you aren't doing this you are a… fitness instructor?"

"Mmn-hmmn." She nodded. "Fitness instructor, nutritionist, physical therapist, my resume is pretty big."

"It shows." He said, gesturing to her body as she nodded.

"Thank you. I was also a model once for a fitness magazine, I did an aerobic segment on TV for a friend of mine a little while ago, oh and I'm a personal trainer, forgot that."

"So… why do this?" he asked, she blinked at him surprised. "…Have sex for money?"

…She continued to stare at him like he just helped her reach a spiritual epiphany. Now she was going to quit her jobs, move out of Gotham, change her name and live in Utah… PFT! YEah right. She smiled broadly and giggled. She looked around, even outside towards the balcony as if expecting some Sneaky Superhero to be listening in, but then she turned back to Hans. Curling an inviting finger towards him, so he leaned closer to her

"…Between you and me?" she began conversationally only to lean in closer, so her face was inches from his lips. Because it's FUN." She whispered seductively, Hans blushed as she winked at him and leaned back upright. "…and because I'm good at it. And if you like something, and you're good at it. Why not get paid for it?" she said confidently.

"Seems dangerous to do these things on Gotham City." Green Lantern giggled, but quickly cut him off.

"Oh… trust me. It is. But our boss has a few secret weapons… Big Barda is just the first of them." She blew a long strand of her auburn hair out of her face, leaning back on the bed. "So what do you do?"

"Oh… my brothers and I have a land sculpting business with our father. Out west. It is good hard work." He noted, "Gave me a sore back though sometimes I feel like I'm three times my age." Green Lantern who was halfway towards lying down suddenly swung back upright and got off the bed. "What?" he asked as she approached him.

"Lie down on the bed."

He laughed nervously, "Oh I would love to get it up for you again but-"

"No I mean face down." She smiled good-naturedly. "I'm also a masseuse. Part of being a physical therapist."

"…I don't think you need to be a masseuse to be a physical therapist." Hans said, but he slowly rolled over and lay on the bed.

"Yeah, I also don't need to fuck some of my clients to get them to physically exercise more… but it works out." She said, "I didn't intend the pun." She noted as Hans chuckled, she then slid slowly over his back, sitting on her knees. "Now. Describe the pain?"

Time: 5:00 PM. Remaining Time: 18 hours and 59 minutes

Ivan finally returned to the hotel room. First, it took him a while to find a convenience store, then he had to take shelter from a random supervillain attack… He wasn't in any danger it was just standard procedure. With a small four-pack of Bluebull in his hand, he entered the room to find Hans face down on the bed in his underwear. "Hans? Hans!" Ivan shook his brother's leg. "Hans get up."

"Mmmmmmmmmmngh…" Hans released a deep purring-like moan. His eyes flickered open as he rolled off the single bed and onto the floor. "What?" he moaned as Ivan stared at him.

"What do you mean what? Why aren't you having sex?"

"Because it felt good." Praised Hans sitting up, "Why did you wake me up? I haven't slept that well since I don't know when."

"What?" Ivan grunted irately, "Dude we have a sweet piece of ass like her all to ourselves and you're asleep? Where is she?"

"I don't know." Hans replied, "Have you actually tried looking around before you woke me up?" he rubbed his back, which had been bothering him lately but now it was like his pain never happened. "I think she fixed my back." Ivan ripped a Bluebull from the four-pack, giving the four-pack to his brother before popping the can and drinking heavily as he wandered through the rooms. Finding his wuss of a brother Yan asleep on the bed…

And then he spotted Green Lantern outside on the balcony sitting on the lawn chair cross-legged and seemingly meditating. The breeze kept her hair consistently out of her face as she kept her eyes closed… Ivan kept drinking, watching the beautiful woman as he chugged the energy drink. Green Lantern didn't notice him or chose not to acknowledge him, stretching her arms into the air suddenly, letting her breasts bounce under her shirt, she stood up.

Facing away from him she walked over to the edge of the balcony and leaned over it, taking in the view of nighttime Gotham… ignoring the gunfire of course but it could be a very beautiful city in the right light… which almost never showed up. Ivan, admiring the view himself, dropped his pants. Keeping his eye ON the view… her ass.

Fueled by lust and bluebull, his erection brushed briefly against the glass door, and he slid it open letting the Gotham air slam against his body, Green Lantern chanced a glance over her shoulder at him and gave him a cute little smile before wiggling her ass expectantly.

He didn't even bother to tug her pants down the whole way, just enough to expose her pussy, he might have noticed it was already dripping with arousal but his cock needed to be warmed quickly, Gotham was fucking cold.

"Haaah…" she gasped softly as he rammed up into her body, her hands gripping the safety bar of the balcony as he began thrusting into her. "Hah. Ah.. ah…" she grunted softly, barely above a whisper as he wildly thrust his cock up into her body. Grabbing at her waist and yanking her back to his hips as he practically tried to thrust her over the balcony. But her feet were firmly planted, and her hands were tightly gripping the safety bar.

"Come on sexy throw it back. YEAH." He swatted her ass cheeks as she slammed back against him, "MMgh! MNh!" grunting as she tossed her hair, grinding back against him as her body squeezed around his cock. "Ugh. UGH!" he grabbed her hair and yanked her head back but she still didn't scream or shout, grunting and groaning softly as she straightened her body out. Pushing him back away from the balcony as she stretched her arms, her head flopping up and down as he thrust into her.

"Haah… ahha. Aaaaah…" she tightened around him, shaking from the cold and the fucking as her body trembled in orgasm.

"You get off on this shit don't you? letting everyone look at you! Gonna watch this sexy body get ruined when I knock you up! UUUGh!" he rolled his head back, gripping her waist tightly he slammed into her, "Ugh-ugh-ugh! Take it deep UGH!!" he pushed his hips to her ass as she gasped, feeling his load rush into her as his cock bulged and pumped his cum out of his balls. "SHIT." He cursed, slowly pulling out of her pussy. "Get over here and suck my dick." he said as she pushed away from the railing, shivering erotically in the chilled air as she got on her knees. "Fuck."

And didn't even hesitate to take his dick into her mouth. "Mmgh! Mmn! Mmn!"

"Suck dick. Keep sucking…" his cock hardening again on her tongue, between her lips. One hand on the sliding door for balance and the other on the back of her head as she continued to slurp and moan, rubbing his legs as he grunted. "Yeah you like the taste."

"Mmn-hmmn…" she pulled her head to the tip, gazing up at him as she opened her mouth, letting her tongue lash firmly on and around his glans as saliva dripped from his shaft.

"Girl keep my dick warm!" he growled, "Shit keep sucking it. yeah…" he sighed as she began diving onto his cock again, taking the full length of it in and out of her throat.

Hans watched her take his brother's cock into her mouth, again and again, Ivan clenching his teeth at the euphoric feeling of Green Lantern's devotedly skilled blowjob… he rubbed his growing erection through his pants before he approached his brother. "Move over I want some too."

"Fuck off man you had plenty of time before I got back!" declared Ivan as Green Lantern's hand slipped into Hans's pants, they were soon on the ground showing her hand sliding up and down his shaft before she audibly popped off of Ivan's cock, turned her head and began sucking on Hans.

"Mmn! mMN!"

"Shit now my dick is cold!" Ivan groaned. "Bring her sexy ass inside damn it!" he hissed as a particular Gotham chill splashed against him and his saliva dripping cock. Hans walked backward into the room. Green Lantern, keeping her lips on him and swirling her tongue around the shaft crawled in after him. Ivan shut the door behind her. "Got to keep my dick warm." He growled, grabbing at her ass cheeks and spreading them, shoving his cock back into her ass. They spit roasted her on the floor.

Hans, now on his knees, grabbed at her head, and kept pumping. Pushing his hips onto her beautiful face as his cock easily slid in and out of her vibrating throat as she hummed and moaned at the taste. Spittle and mucus was scrapped from her mouth with each backswing… apparently, when she fixed his back she enhanced his hip thrusting…

Ivan however mounted her, squatting behind her he put his weight onto her body and rammed hard up her ass, gritting his teeth as he stretched her tightened asshole around his girth, practically drooling onto her mid-back as she was rocked back and forth on the both of them as they pushed her awkwardly in both directions between them.

"MMngh! MMngh!" she moaned, shaking between them as she came again, her eyes rolling in her skull between face-fucking thrusts of Hans. Her ass cheeks twitched uncontrollably, though it went mostly unnoticed as the boys were too busy cramming her wonderful holes with their cocks.

It was then however that Yan finally woke up, groaning he shifted off the bed, and quickly grew indignant at the sight of Hans and Ivan pounding a whorishly moaning Green Lantern between them. "Aw come on!" he grunted, "How long was I out!?"

"Shut up bitch do you want to talk or-FUCK!" Grunted Ivan, slamming deep into Green Lantern and unloading, "FUUUCK." Her Latina booty still quivering as he pulsated a load of cum balls deep into her ass again. "Here… her ass is open." He ripped his cock from her gaping hole, giving her ass a light swat of approval as she wiggled her hips, still getting face fucked by Hans.

"TCH…" Yan scoffed as Ivan got up, walking away from Green Lantern as she kept swaying her ass for Yan, he knelt behind her… his rod rigidly pressing between her ass cheeks as she stroked his girth with them, lifting her hips up and down and brushing her silky holes against his tip. "Fuck that ass I want to knock her up."

"Too bad she's already pregnant with my baby!" grunted Hans, "Aaah… swallow my cum first, then have my baby." He teased, pushing his cock into her throat and pumping his load directly into her stomach as her lips caressed the base of his cock.

"You're both wrong, I put enough nut into her to fertilize both your ma's…" he declared proudly as Hans pulled slowly from Green Lantern's vacuum-tight lips.

"ooooh." She moaned, Yan bucking into her from behind as a trail of cum slipped from her lips and she quickly slurped it into her mouth, swallowing as she smiled prettily at all of them. Yan grabbed her shoulder, ramming harder and harder into her body. "AH! AH! Haah!" she gasped loudly, watching as Ivan and Hans both got harder and harder, watching her beautifully unparalleled athletic form get plowed by their brother.

"She's gonna look good with a big!




"Baby! Belly!" he grunted, slamming roughly into her. "YEAH!!" he slammed into her pussy, filling her with another load as he grabbed her waist and pulled her back. "See that!? That's my baby!" he wormed his body into her from behind as she laughed, slowly, shaking off her orgasm as she wiggled her booty behind her against his writhing hips. "Ugh! Yeah! Uh-huh!" he 'danced' against her… before Ivan put a foot on his shoulder and shoved him away, his cock popping out of her tight little hole.

"Put her on the bed. Let's run a train on her." he declared as Green Lantern, easily, pushed off the floor. Without another word, only a few lecherous giggles she removed her shirt exposing her big beautiful breasts before strutting past the slightly awed boys to the closest bed. She crawled over the mattress, the lay perfectly in the middle spreading her legs widely apart in a spread eagle.

"Who's first?" she squeaked cheerily, invitingly wiggling her lower body side to side. Rubbing her pussy with one hand and squeezing the other and moaning as if they were specifically 'moan buttons'.

Ivan loomed over her first, but it was Hans who beat him to it, Yan still need a minute to recover even as he was choking down a Bluebull. Hans pierced into her body, quickly and determinedly. Pressing his hands down on her arms as she lay submissively beneath him, taking his dick over and over as he rolled on top of her body plunging himself into her, again and again…

Hans put up a valiant effort, but he had already blown a load into her mouth moments before, so it took him a little longer than expected but the inevitable came regardless. She moaned and writhed beneath him as he flopped onto her… she absently rubbed his hair, chuckling slightly be he was yanked out of her body by Ivan and a somewhat refreshed Yan.

Ivan put a hand onto Yan's face before he could dive on her and shoved him away before having another go in her body, lying fully on top of her and thrusting away, using his weight to pin her down but his lower body danced and bounced on her. He laughed, and mentioned something along the lines of 'secret technique' but Green Lantern wasn't listening, she was cumming… rapturously writhing beneath him, thrashing under his weight as her body tightened around his cock… He lasted about as long as his older brother Hans… slamming his hips into her and thoroughly draining his balls.

He hardly pulled out of her before Yan dove right in, wasting no more time and hawked up on energy drink, squeezing her big breasts as she screamed orgasmically, driving him up more as he jackhammered eagerly into her body, wild and unpracticed. Desperate to get off as he plunged into her pussy oozing with plenty of previous loads. His grip tightened on her breasts as he roared his release, faster than both his brothers but she didn't care… and she normally wouldn't but she didn't care because she was cumming again…

…They all went another round inside her, one after the other… her lower body was numb and her legs were limp and useless, she lied splayed out on the bed as Yan, on his second round, pumped a pitiful load into her body. Panting exhaustedly as the Bluebull apparently quickly ran out.

Hans was hunched over on the bed next to them, and Ivan had his hands on his head, breathing heavily as he tried to open up the airflow to his lungs. Yan slowly pulled out of Green Lantern, a final drop of cum spurting onto the outside of her pussy, as if gasping for breath

"…FUCK…" he sighed happily, flopping onto his back, tangling his legs with hers as they fought for the bed, briefly… he still lost and Green Lantern wasn't even trying. "Let's move to Gotham."

"FUCK no…" Ivan declared as Hans laughed breathlessly, "It's a nice place to visit… that's not true. But I wouldn't want to live in Gotham anyway!"

"…I'm starving." Hans declared quietly as the two seemed to register that they'd been fucking Green Lantern for HOURS now. "What time is it?" he asked before looking for the clock. "…Fuck it's almost 10 o'clock have we really been banging one woman for 4 hours?!" he laughed breathlessly. "Oh man it's a good thing she's tired out I don't think I… can…" the boys stared as Green Lantern abruptly sat up, like the Grave Digger in a wrestling match after taking someone's finisher.

"…Okay Boys." She said, with a mixture of Awakened Sexual Demon and Latina Love Goddess, she stood up slowly from the bed, her majestic body on display. Raising her hands to brush her slightly damp auburn hair out of her glistening face. They gazed at her in respectful awe, and looming horror as she liked her lips. "Where do you think you're going?"

Hans tried to get up only for her to rest her hands on his shoulders, and shove him onto the bed. "Whoa!" Yan's courage failed him, quickly he darted out of the room as Green Lantern mounted his brother, she guided Hans's cock back inside her, and leaned forward, lying on his chest as she made herself comfy, raising her hips up into the air only to slam them down. "HAah. Ahh…AH! YES!" she writhed, "Hah!" grabbed her ass cheeks behind her and spread them. "…Come on." She encouraged soothingly, "someone must Want to play…"

"…I'll save you Hans!" declared Ivan confidently, "She can't last much longer!"

Time: 5:57 AM. Remaining Time: 6 hours and 3 minutes.

She lasted another hour and slept through the rest… lying on her side with two brothers' balls deep in her lower body, her toes curled as she subtly stretched her body. "Mmmmgh!" her eyes flickered open, and she stretched again, but made no noise as she heard a subtle pop, and a couple of stiff joints popping back into place after a night of Double penetration… she never slept better than when she woke up with dick stuffing her.

She reached around, putting a hand on Hans hip, at some point they had switched holes… she pushed him out of her ass with her hand, and he slipped out of her puckered rear, letting her ass cheeks quiver as he flopped onto his back, continuing to sleep as she put her hand now on Ivan, raising one of her long athletic legs, getting him out of her pussy as he too flopped onto his back…

Her leg, still in the air, was swung quickly down and she used the momentum to shoot up. Standing upright again she stretched. "MMn!" smiling beautifully as she raised her arms in the air and just let her muscles tell her how much fun she had… "Hah." She said, resting herself as she stared at the two sleeping boys.

Then she went back to the bathroom to shower… She turned on the hot water, just the hot water, letting it hose away at her body as she quickly rubbed herself down. Sighing softly as she leaned against the wall, just letting it hit her chest…Taking a breath after a moment of silent contemplation she rinsed off and turned the water off… the mirrors and glass was fogged as she got out of the shower, dried off, and walked back towards the beds.

…But she paused, spying someone new in the doorway. He was much older, his hair was thinning and salt and peppered, and he had a farmer's tan. He had broad shoulders but not a lot of muscles, and he was naked… his cock hanging between his legs as he eyed her naked form up and down, curling a finger at her.

"Names John." He said as she walked towards him. He must have been in his fifties. He scratched himself, reaching around and grabbing at her thick meaty ass and groaning appreciatively. "They look like they had fun." he gazed at his boys dismissively. "I take it you've been giving my boys a good time?"

She smiled, wrapped her hand around his rising cock, and gave it a few firm strokes, he groaned appreciatively as it grew in her hand. "Oh it was mutual."

"I bet…" he growled, grabbing at her tits with his other hand, leading her into the other suite, Yan snoring softly with headphones on, probably to block out the grunting and moaning as she 'let' his brothers fuck her to exhaustion.

"And just where have you been Mr. John, leaving me all alone with these virile young men…" she cooed as he guided her not-so-subtly to the recliner.

"I was seeing an old flame while her husband was out of town… a little mingling, a bit of dancing in bed, dinner" he licked his lips, sitting down on the recliner as he continued fondling her body. "I had my fun now I want some dessert." He grabbed her wrists, pulling her down as she dropped to her knees. He then grabbed his cock, smacking her face with it as he grabbed the back of her head and guided her to his tip. "Suck on this… she was always shit at sucking dick-NNgh…" he grit his teeth loudly as Green Lantern took him into her mouth. "Ahh… aahh suck that dick…"

One hand still on her head he leaned back in the chair, "Haaah…" sighing contentedly as her slurps echoed around the mostly silent room. "I love a woman that knows what she's doing…" he growled eagerly as she slipped off his tip and ran her tongue up and down along his shaft, then took him back into her throat. Sliding all the way up, and all the way down as he went limp. "Haah…" gripping her head tightly as it continuously bobbed on his rigid cock, pre-cum oozing onto her tongue.

"Ah… Yes. YES…" he snarled softly, grabbing her head and pulling her deep onto his cock now, feeling her lips around the base as he slammed her between his legs. "MGh! MGNh! MMGN…" he groaned, holding her head to his balls as her eyes stared widely at him, watering just a little. "Bwah!" she gasped, tongue drooling down her body as he yanked her off.

His cock twitched as he grabbed it, slapping her left cheek, then right, then dropping it onto the middle of her face. "Get up and get on this dick… turn around I want to watch that ass bounce." Green Lantern stood up and turned around, feeling his hand smack, then grab her ass cheeks, pulling her onto his lap as she wiggled on it, catching his cock between her ass cheeks as he laughed.

"Ivan's mom can wrap her ass cheeks around a fucking forearm. But this is a good. Fucking. Ass…" his hands smacking alternatingly on her rear as she put her hands on the arms of the chair, rising up… and taking his dick into her pussy. Dropping hard onto him, and bouncing on his lap as he grabbed her waist. "Haah. Aah…"

"Aahn oooh…" she moaned in response as he began moving her faster, harder, slamming her down on his lap as he clenched his teeth.

"You fucking whore… getting fucked all night by my boys and you have the audacity to stay this tight?!" he hissed angrily as she just laughed. Their bodies slapped together loudly as she focused solely on getting off, feeling his hands sink into her body. "Don't get me wrong you nasty slut, I married perfectly good whores, nothing wrong with whores!" he smacked her ass, grabbing at her hair and groaning, "Tighter girl, keep that pussy snug… come on whore." He groaned, bucking up into her body. "You like this don't you? being something to FUCK." He yanked her down as she gasped, writing on his lap as the light from the Gotham morning sun began to peak in the window.

"Haaah!" she gasped, shaking in pleasure from an unrelated orgasm. "HAH!" she gasped, her head yanked back hard as he tugged on her hair. She bit her bottom lip, quivering as he grabbed at her breasts, grinding up into her body.

"Women are just tools to fuck, all they're good for is sex." He declared. She went stiff, "Nasty slut." He smacked her ass before standing up, staying balls deep in her before he waddled forward and shoved her onto the bed, grabbing her hair and yanking again as he fucked her into the mattress. "My ex-wives say I fuck too much but they're banging my boys aren't they?!" he growled as Green Lantern squealed. "Fucking whores bitch and moan about their dicking but they can't get enough of it! Got to show them their fucking place! FUCK!" he barked, ramming into her harder and harder as she squealed.

"I like your screams you tight little cunt! Why can't all the whores in Arizona sound like you!? UGH! UGH!!" he plowed into her body, the room lit by the light of the Gotham sun. "Take you home and have you show them how it's done!"

"UGH! UGH! UGH! UUUGH!" she orgasmed again, unrelated.

…The boys steadily began to wake up, first Yan… who saw his father fucking their playmate, then Hans and Ivan both used to their father having his way with whatever woman they managed to entertain themselves with. One of the many reasons they didn't have girlfriends…

Another reason is their dad liked young pussy, only one of them needed to get cucked and none of them wanted that… except their dad.

"Getting knocked up is all you are! FOR!!" he buried his rigid cock inside her and pumped her full of old man semen. "Ah-FUCK Me… yeah…" he rolled his hips, snarling and grinning at his boys who looked rather chastised, and tired. "Look at this bitch SQUIRM… let's take her back home I could use a new model… she looks like she was made to be nothing more than a cock-OOOOGOD!!" he squealed.

Green Lantern had been lying catatonic on the bed, but the instant she no longer had cock inside her, she slid to the floor, spun, and promptly filled her fist with genitals. John's genitals. "HAH! AH! AAAH MY BAAAALLS!" He squealed in a girlish, high-pitched shriek of pain as he crumpled helplessly to the floor.

The boys recoiled as Green Lantern continued to grip John's balls tightly in her hands. "…Did you boys know that it only takes about 50kg of pressure to crush a testicle?" she asked whimsically.

"Aaaargh!" John screamed, "You fucking BI-EEEEEEEEEE!!"

"That's about… 47kg of pressure." She said lazily as he squirmed helplessly trying to fend her off as she glared at the boys. "No Wonder you three are so messed up! This misogynistic dick has been fucking you over more in the last few minutes than you have me in the last day!" John whimpered as she let go of his dick and stood up. "I can NOT believe I'm saying this." She said softly, "But I don't think you guys need more sex." She then glared down at John. "You!" she kicked him, "Are!" again in another spot, "An ASS!" she kicked him again in yet another spot. "PUTA!" she spat on him for emphasis. "Okay." She stretched smiling sweetly. "You know what? Get your clothes on boys. We're having a breakfast run."

"I'll… get the keys?" cringed Yan.

"No. we're having a breakfast RUN." She declared, grabbing her duffle bag from the floor, and opening it to get her fresh sports bra and yoga pants. "We're going to have a run, we're going to eat breakfast. We're going to walk back and I'm going to give you boys a better outlet than having sex with whatever random woman your FATHER-!"

"Ah!!" he squirmed as she kicked him again.

"-Brings! Home!"

"Stop kicking him already." Whimpered Hans nervously, gazing at their father cringing on the ground. "…You're going to break something!" showing some concern for his father. Randy old man nature aside he's not as young as he used to be.

"Hans. I'm offended." She said, tugging up her pants, wiggling in place before doing the same to her sports bra. "I know exactly how hard I'm hitting him. Considering his weight, size, age… nothing was broken… but MAXIMUM pain!" she then smiled, ignoring John on the ground. "You can shower first boys if you want but I'm only giving you ten minutes each. Starting…" she put on her trainer's watch, "Now." She then pushed a button as they stared at her.

…Wasn't… she here to just have sex?

"Clock's ticking boys." She said in a cheery sing-song voice. "Let's go! I know a good place and it's only a mile away!" they stared at her, "…Or you can stay here with your father."

…Yan didn't have to fight for the bathroom like Hans and Ivan did… but eventually. They all ran to breakfast… except for John. He was quietly cradling his balls the whole time… and most of the remaining time…

Speaking off

Time: 11:40 AM. Remaining Time: 20 minutes.

They. DIDN'T have sex for the remaining time. What happened after their run and the boys, exhaustedly went to take their respective showers, she individually spent an hour with each of them. Setting up a diet, a workout routine, and giving them a physical check-over.

John had unsurprisingly made himself scarce before their return from breakfast. Being humiliated by a woman in front of his sons probably had some sort of psychological effect on him but that wasn't Green Lantern's field, that was Kathy's field, she can figure it out.

Still though, with 20 minutes left on the clock and a subtle fear of Orders in their souls, the boys decided to just… call it a day. Green Lantern finished with Yan, told him to work on his calves, then began packing up her things… Hans taking the car keys, and leaving Ivan and Yan, both very sore and just outright tired in the hotel as she walked out with him.

"…Did you have to crush my father's balls?" he asked hesitantly, after a long time thinking about as they got into the elevator.

"Yes I think I proved my point." Green Lantern replied, "…I told you." She said kindly with a pretty smile. "I LIKE what I do… doesn't mean an ASSHOLE is allowed to be an ASSHOLE… remember. 50kg of pressure." She added, clentching her hand for emphasis as Hans flinched.

"…Yes ma'am." He mumbled.

"And ease up on your back, try not to lift anything for a week. If you have to, make sure you use your knees or get some assistance from your brothers." She added professionally as they walked to the car together. "And next time. Maybe don't bring the family." She said with a smile, opening the window and letting the breeze blow her hair behind her as they drove through Gotham.

Time: 12:01 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Orders, very awake and now her internal clock was out of whack, glared at her watch. "They're late."

"Shite does that mean we get to beat some feckers up?! Dibs on the bat!" Ashley asked, heading to the closet to retrieve one of MANY bats… but the black Harley Quinn one is the coolest, and it fits her sense of style. She was only here because Big Barda was getting off shift and they were going to go riding together…

Orders eyes flickered and she leaned back in the chair, before reaching under the desk. "…No. She's here."

"Aw… I never get to have any fun." Ashley mumbled unconcernedly, tossing the bat back into the closet.

"Bullshit." Rebecca declared as Lucy got out of the rental car, waved to Hans, and strutted into the building as Hans drove out of the parking lot and quickly out of sight. "Hey Lucy. Did you kill anyone?" she asked teasingly.

"No. Came pretty close to it though." She said, smiling at Orders, before asking the unspoken question with just a- "Really?"

"In my defense…" Orders said, reaching under the counter and retrieving a large purse full of cash. "…It was funny to watch." She added straight-faced before pushing the purse of raffle money towards her. "Here you go." She sighed, "Now. I need to reset my internal clock and you need a ride home. Walking around with a purse full of money in Gotham is just asking for trouble and I don't need Clairvoyance to see that."

"Well that depends on who's holding the purse. But I'm not heading home yet." She walked into the locker rooms. "I got some triplets to coach today." She said, depositing the money, and her costume into her locker before coming back out again. "And they're not going to do their exercises by themselves." She smiled, "…I think I'll run there." She added as Orders's usually stony face cracked a little as she restrained a smile.

"Well, you have fun Lucia." She said, "See you tomorrow night." And with that, Lucy ran out of into Gotham… once again off to do what she loves. Probably both of what she loves… Helping people, working out, having sex… it was really all the same to her. Just another day as a Superbabe.


Oh this was a lot harder to write than expected, but I finally finished it. And now I need to do Orders' special 200th​ chapter. It won't have sex, I can't stress that enough. Orders, is NOT supposed to, nor is she going to have sex. At least not by me. Anyway that might take me a wee bit, but I'll try my best. I hope you enjoyed Lucy's depraved escapade with the 'John' brothers… they were all named the equivalents of 'John' in different languages…

Because their Father is a gigantic narcissistic misogynistic asshole who would of course name his kids after himself. Those are all psychiatrist Kathy's words, not mine… probably. Anyway, speaking of Kathy after Orders is Supergirl…II… yeah, kind of a mean segway, (especially if you prefer Teen Supergirl over Thick Supergirl) but I try…

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