
Half time

Eric kickstarted the counter attack with a long pass to the flanks.

Cai controlled the all and released it almost immediately.

He gave another long pass that found the other end of the field, where Aesop and Nei had momentarily switched wings.

Nico was puzzled by this act. Aesop was a complete striker and had no business playing on the flanks. But, at the same time, the new boy had proven to ba a gem, so he just let them play what they felt was the best thing for the moment.

Aesop controlled the ball and gave a through pass to Neo who was alone in the front.

Neo controlled the ball backwards with his heel.

So you're the main defender, Huh?

Neo had this thoughts as he quickly changed direction to avoid Alex who had already caught up to him.

Alex was able to follow him, Neo spun with the ball and quickly diverted back to the direction he came from.

Alex turned around, but he still managed to follow Neo, albeit barely this time.

Neo faked a pass and Alex stuck his leg forward to intercept the supposed pass.

Neo played the ball between Alex's leg gently.

While doing this, Neo was also stalling for his teammates to come and back him up. He couldn't do battle with Alex alone, the boy was just too fast.

Neo pushed the ball forward and tried his best to cover the best distance towards Goal that he could.

Ale caught up to him in a heart beat.

Neo suddenly controlled the ball into a halt. Then he pushed it forward very lightly and let the ball roll slowly towards Alex.

Neo suddenly started moving his legs, he used his peculiar footwork to confuse Alex. Then he passed the ball to Adrienne who ran beside him.

Immediately he passed the ball, Neo quikly ran in the opposite direction.

Alex who was already shaken by Neo's footwork reacted as fast as his disarrayed mind could allow him.

The moment he turned in the direction Neo ran in, he found that Neo had disappeared.

Shit!! Alex cussed inwardly as he realized that he had been tricked.

Neo had trcked him. Using how the human eye worked as reference to his plan, Neo was sure that Aex would see him when he faked a run to the left.

So when Alex was turning around, Neo stepped backwards and out of the field of Alex's vision. Then he quickly went behind Alex and snuck away.

But Alex didn't see all this, the only thing he saw was Neo suddeny disappearing.

As Alex turned around again to face Neo, Neo ran forward again Alex tried to follow him, but he wasn't keeping watch on his leg.

Neo was turning him inside out.

Alex's legs were already twisted in an nnatural position but he didn't notice this.

Alex tried turn again, but he ended up doing a 360* turn and falling to the floor.

Nico was shocked by this spectacle, the only thing Alex wanted to do was to Mark Neo but Neo made him pay for it by this grand humiliation.

Neo had showed real brains with that footwork just now, leaving Alex on the floor.

Neo ran towards Adrienne, hoping to support him.

Most Mavericks defenders were already back in their penalty box.

Adrienne passed the ball to Neo as a defender slid towards him.

Neo knew that in seconds, he would be swarmed by defenders.

Neo controlled the ball into a quick stop.

Neo swung his leg back calculatedly to take a shot.

Mavericks goalie took a goal keeping stance as he covered the goal post, he was pretty confident and sure that Neo couldn't score him from outside the eighteen yard box.


Don't know if this still works. Neo muttered to himself as he released the shot.

Everyone watched the unspinning ball that flew towards the opponent's goal.

Everywhere was silent as they anicipated the final outcome of the shot.

Maverick Goalie dived on full stretch towards the ball that was heading for the far corner of the post.

The keeper smiled as he saw that he was surely going to make the save.

But in the next moment...

The goalie, likewise the spectators was shocked as he saw the ball suddenly change direction.

His eyes trailed the ball that suddenly changed direction towards the left corner of the post in an unnatural manner.

The switch was something that shocked everyone. The ball seemed to be controlled by a remote.

The goalie was completely helpless as he watched the ball move out of the range of his outstretched hands.

The shot was one hell of an example of a floater.


The ball hit the iron post and went off for a goal kick.

The entire field reverbrated with sounds of disappointed sighs.

No one expected that shot to be a miss.

Neo placed his hand on his forehead. Oh man! Guess I'm a little rusty.



The referee blew his whistle loudly, signifying the end of the first half.

Mavericks was really elated. They needed time to cool off from the shock of this counter and the terrifying floater shot.

The way the situation turned on them was something that scared them. The knew that such a counter was easily replicable and they had no means to stop the counter attack.

They really needed a break, to come up with this strategy.

Next chapter