
During Halftime

Mavericks coach stared at his players one after the other as they sat on the floor in a circle.

Great work, everyone. Nice defense and good possession.

The possession stats for the first half was seventy to thirty, Mavericks had more goal attempts and they typically played better than their opponents, so what type of coach wouldn't compliment his players?

The coach turned to Alex. You're out, Mike goes in. He said this, and also using his hand to gesture to Alex.

Alex was shocked.

He was never substituted in a game except his opponent was weak or they had an upcoming important match.

This match was tough, winning was not sure for them, and yet, they were going to sub him?


Alex roared.

Before he could protest any further, his coach quickly proffered an explanation.

You're already on a yellow card, I can't risk it. Again, their No 7 seems to have locked his eyes on you.

Alex was not still convinced. I know! But I can still cope…

Just listen to what Coach says. It was Clark who said this, quickly attracting Alex's Aggro.

Clark was slowly getting irritated by Alex's persistence. Alex was an important member of the club, the fact that he was going to be subbed in one match didn't take away his status as a starter.

Moreover, who argued so much when he was about to be subbed?

Alex turned to Clark sharply.

Huh!? What did you just say!? You're the one that should be subbed, you've been very irrelevant in this game!?

Alex had always had that problem.


Alex already found it hard to keep his temper in check. Because of his hot temper, Alex found it very hard to control the things that he said to people.

Alex didn't mean what he said to Clark, at least not all of it.

Clark smirked. So says the guy that is about to be substituted.

Alex wanted to pounce on him but he was restrained by the small No9 who held unto his hand. Don't, just listen to what Coach says.

Clark smiled brightly at Alex, don't worry, substitute. Watch from the sidelines, I will show you how relevant I can be in a game.

Nico applauded his team with a smile. You guys have been excellent in this past half, make sure not to lose your form in the second half.

Liam, Lida, great defense. But try to stay closer to each other, that seems to work a lot better.

Eric, Mark, good job in the midfield. Cai, Aesop, Lovely ball from you two.

Nico turned to Neo who was a newcomer in the team. Neo, I would love to see you recreate that last play. Guess you're proficient with the Floater shot, huh?

Neo rubbed the back of his head. Yes…but it's been a long time since I tried the shot, I'm sorry for the missed shot.

Nico nodded. He didn't even hear Neo's apology.

That's all for now, substitutes may be introduced later on, but no subs for now.

Nico didn't really want to substitute anybody, moreover they were all in full stamina since the ball had been with the opponents most of the time.

Substitution wasn't necessary for now.

The players all trooped back into the pitch, tactics had changed and substitutions had been made.

The spectators were particularly excited about one of the two substitutes that were being introduced in the mavericks side.

All eyes were on Kelechi Bright. The Gigantic African that played for Mavericks. Kelechi was nicknamed the guardian because of his domineering play style.

Kelechi Bright had been on injury for a while and this was his first game since returning.

The next was Mike. Mike only ever played matches when Alex was unavailable or whenever Alex was substituted, and that rarely happened.

The only fact that was known about Mike was that he played very intelligent soccer.

As Neo stared at Kelechi, the big teenager suddenly turned in his direction.

Kelechi had an amused expression as he stared at Neo.

In the next moment, Kelechi stuck out his tongue in a mocking manner, stuck his head forward, and passed his thumb around the face of his neck.

Kelechi laughed a bit and looked away.

Neo was irked by this gesture.

What the hell!? Was Kelechi belittling him!?


The whistle went off the second half.

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