
Full counter

The referee showed a yellow card to Alex.

Alex wasn't sure, but he had an uneasy feeling that all this was planned and carried out by Neo.

Alex's surprised face was replaced by a smiling face as he got excited a bit.

Alex used his clothe to wipe his mouth slowly. If he really planned all this, then I guess he failed. Because...I'm not yet out. I was only shown a yellow card and I'm still very much in this game.

Alex failed to remember one thing. A player on a yellow card was a player on thin ice.

You would have to be very careful so as not to attract another yellow card. Again, his coach would be on edge and unsettled. And as a result, he would eventually be subbed off the game.

Neo's plan was supposed to accumulate, either way, Neo wins.

Aesop took in a deep breath as he stood far behind the ball, ready to take the penalty.


Aeosop first walked slowly, then he broke off into a run. Getting to the ball, Aesop raised his leg to take the shot, then he stopped, his leg still hanging.

Aesop's leg suddenly moved, The speed his leg attained at that one very moment was hyped.

The goalie was still staring at Aesop when Aesop took the shot and scored the goal.

The celebration was at a minimum because they were still worried.

The attack pattern of the mavericks college was yet to be stopped. They had managed to put it on hold but they had not yet completely shut it down.


The kick off was swift and nimble.

Mavericks charged into their opponent's halve with unwavering morale.

They had changed their attack pattern.

Instead of the former slow passing and possession hugging that resulted in a very slow attack build up, they now seemed to be in a hurry as they quickly passed the ball around each other.

The possession of the ball changed very quickly and they formed a chain that broke very quickly through the defense line of Krystal Fc.

Quit trying to knock the ball off them! Try to intercept the pass as you fall back!

Nico shouted these instructions very fast to his players.

What Nico was seeing didn't look good at all, it wasn't good...

His team was totally being dismembered by the crazy passing system of the mavericks.

Mavericks coach could only smile as he watched his team carry out his coaching tactics to the maximum.

In a heart beat, the bizzare passes had found their way into the penalty box of the Krystal Fc.

Lida gritted his teeth as he watched the tempo of the game suddenly increase again.

The passing speed and accuracy of his opponents rose by a notch again.

The passes led everyone towards the outer right of the post, then suddenly, a long through ball was sent out of nowhere towards the left of the penalty box.

A cross was definitely going to come in.

Crap! Lida cussed inwardly as the cured ball came as a ground pass instead of the high flying ball he was expecting. This certainly took the captain by suprise.

Lida took off running, he ran as fast as he could, but it was just impossible that he was going to outrun the player that chased after the ball.

Lida slid towards the ball but he was met with disappointment as the winger brought the ball to a stop and suddenly scooped it over him.

Liam! It's up to you! Lida shouted when he realized that he couldn't do anything anymore.

Liam quickly blocked the winger but mavericks suddenly switched to their fast passes again.

After a quick succession of fast passes that confused krystal fc and threw them off balance, the ball was sent in the direction of the infamous ghost of the mavericks college.

Eva ran towards the ball, he was isolated and had enough time to do as he pleased.

Neo's eyes subconsciously travelled to Alex who as loitering in the midfield.

That was Alex's charm.

He was never in the attacking box of his opponents. But once a pass was thrown in his direction, he would suddenly go faster than was supposed for a high school student. And in the next moment, he would be creating a goal.


Eric smiled dutifully as he knocked the ball away from Eva, knocking him down in the proccess.

Neo was impressed, Eric had done his home work very well.

Eric glowered at the small No 9 as he fell to the floor, the look of surprise was still planted firmly on Eva's face.

Humph, so you were a threat after all? If Neo hadn't told me to keep my eyes on you, I would have never even lent you a second glance.

Full Counter!!!

Nico yelled from behind the throwing lines.

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