
3 words to love

Maggie Yurim Song tied between liking someone ideal and the unexpected. Surely love don't grant us what we wanted, but it is more beautiful than the unexpected.

Maricaris · วัยรุ่น
9 Chs

Someone's got a crush

"Open your books to page 13, read it and be comprehensive. Class dismissed." The bell rang.

"What do you think happened that could have silenced her?" Carol asked. Staring at her food, the school canteen served pork cutlets.

Lost on her deep trance, Maggie is oddly speechless. I know I am not that pretty but why say out loud? Maggie thought.

Covering her face with her two delicate hands, Carol unknowingly what to do. Where is Jinky Jiao by the way? Carol searched for Jinky throughout the canteen.

But what is more odd? Why is Maggie so deeply affected? Is it the fact no one called her like that before or some godlike creature made a say about her looks?

"Maggie, hey." Carol tapped on her back to give comfort. She never had a friend before so how could she know how to make someone feel better?

"Dude, Gulf sit with us." A boy near their table called Willows who just came. Immediately the whole canteen changed atmosphere, fluttery whispers and goo goo eyes all around.

Maggie remained lugubrious, ignoring the obvious commotion of starstruck men.

I am starving, all this self lowering esteem starves the insides of me. Maggie thought.

"Hmm? Oh hey Clint, sorry I already reserved a table. Let's hang out soon." Gulf politely declined and went on with his entourage.

He may look like a bad boy, and what's a bad boy without an entourage right?

Approaching their designated table, the girl from earlier caught his eye again. Maggie? Is she crying, he thought.

"Gulf!" His friends calling him. He broke his glance at her, not taking the curious thought.

Why do I feel it is about the words I said earlier? Gulf shrugged.

"Sorry it took me awhile, I think I lost my way here towards the canteen. I even encountered Spanish guys along the way." Jinky massaging her head.

"What aches your head?" Maggie finally spoke. She isn't the kind to depress on something so small.

"Those spanish accents made me feel dizzy, Maggie you knew how I bummed at Spanish classes." Jinky sighed, talking her seat in front of Maggie and Carol.

"Are you alright Maggie?" Carol asked oblivious of Jinky's rant. Touching her forehead at the back of her palm silently praying she doesn't felt unwell.

"Why what happened to my dearie?" Jinky stood up approached to give her motherly hug. Maggie felt moved.

She lightly laughed. As she hit her in the nape, it was unnecessary to be so melodramatic. Typical Jinky Viana Jiao.

"I thought she felt nauseous or under the weather, I was worried." Carol explained calmly. As far as she remembers, Jinky can be so rushy and impulsively overreacting.

One time, she slapped someone who she thought disrespected her friend, Faith. The boy cried so innocent to even understand her.

"Your forehead isn't heating." Jinky checked. Maggie laughed, "Seriously I am fine." Maggie smack her forehead by her palm.

"Okay as you so, wait I think I should order myself a mouthful of meal. What's serving?" Looking at a random person's plate.

"Sweet, pork cutlets and buttered corn." She rejoiced. On her way to order her lunch. Carol was intrigued for she only knew pork cutlets.

"Wait up, Jinky! Maggie do you also want buttered corn?" Carol asked. She still so worried.

"No thanks, I think this meal is enough." Maggie smiled and ate. Carol tapped her shoulder before she left, calling Jinky again and again.

Maggie took a look at her friends when she noticed, Jinky is now talking to the same guy earlier, it's Hansol I think, She thought.

The boy is blushing meanwhile Jinky is all so talky and hungry. She gets twice as talkative when hungry.

"Hey!" A boy voiced near her. She probably thought it wasn't meant for her. "Hey?"

She lazily lifts her head up to see who's bothering her peaceful lunch. "Hi, can I seat here?"

Her eyes widened upon the recognition of the facial appearance of the boy.

"Oh sorry I had friends with me." She tried so hard to sound reasonable and not rude. She felt her heart uneasy with his very presence.

"My bad." The boy shyly scratches his scalp. What a failed move. "You're the girl earlier am I mistaken?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm Maggie Yurim Song." After millions of introduction later, you get tired of listening of your own name. She prayed this would be the last.

"You're lovely. We'll see each other somehow soon." The boy reaches his hand out. Maggie contemplated for a second and shook it.

Right before he proceeded on walking, Maggie called again. "You're Nathan Chan right?" She asked hopefully.

"I thought you would forget, remember me!" He said and ran. Maggie shakes her head sniffling a laugh. How adorable, she thought.

After an eternity later, Jinky and Carol finally arrived. Looking on Jinky's plate well it was half empty. Clearly eating her meal on the way here. She laughed.

Jinky put a container in front of Maggie, and her eyebrows furrowed. Am I gonna eat this, She thought.

"Eat that, I know how much you love buttered corn." Jinky says. Some small deets you won't forget. "Don't worry its my treat." She winked.

"I can see why you love this Maggie, its mouthwatering. Officially my favorite." raising the food in the air.

"You can't make anything your favorite in first taste." Jinky debated. "So you think I'm in love? with it?" Carol says.

"Leave her be Jinks, anything can be a favorite." Maggie says eating her buttercorn now.

"Hey don't act oblivious you said the same things to me, when I proclaimed I love color green back at elementary school." Jinky reminisced.

Maggie laughed well the situation was completely back then, she hated green back then. Carol laughed so too.

"You guys are bullies." She pouted eating her buttercorn savorly.

"Oh yeah who were you talking to earlier?" says Maggie with teasing eyes. Jinky never do crushes just flirting and all. She's a ghoster.

"Oh Hansol? goodness I was just asking about the menu." Jinky can't look straight.

Something fishy omg, Maggie smirked.

"But you knew the menu Jink." Carol says.

Jinky choked on her meal for a second, she is really denying it.

"Someone's got a crush." Maggie teased also Carol too. Jinky even grew more defensive and acted disgusted.

"So out of character, come on Maggie you know me." Jinky pleaded to stop the teases.

You know what they say the more you tease a person, the likelihood to catch feelings.

"People can change Jinky, that boy can change you." Maggie said. "You guys seem to be a good match Viana." Carol teased in addition.

"Viana?" Maggie was shocked, Jinky disliked being called by her second name. This could trigger her.

She even forbid her to call her on her second name or else that could be the end of her free bread supplies. Little did everyone know, Jinky's family owned the lavish bakery in the city.

I wonder what could she do for Carol by now, Maggie thought.

But surprisingly Jinky turned a little beet red, what's going on? Maggie thought once again.

"That's what Hansol call her." Carol flashed an evil smile, feeling the chemistry.

"Oh my god, stop." Then Viana or Jinky smiled.